inductive elements
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2021 ◽  
pp. 135581962110556
Viola Burau ◽  
Ellen Kuhlmann ◽  
Loni Ledderer

Objective Good governance of integrated care is key to better health care, but we know little about how professions can help make this happen. Our aim is to introduce a conceptual framework to analyse how professions contribute to the governance of integrated care, and to apply the framework to a secondary analysis of selected case studies from Denmark. Methods We developed a framework, which identified the what, how and why of the contribution professions make to the governance of integrated care. We included five qualitative Danish studies, using coordination as an indicator of integrated care. We adopted a thematic approach in our analysis, combining deductive and inductive elements. Results Health professions engage in highly diverse activities, which fall into closely connected clusters of more formal or more informal coordination. Professions apply many different adaptive mechanisms at different levels to fit coordination into local contexts. Professions are driven by interlocking rationales, where a common focus on patients connects organizational and professional concerns. Conclusions Our analytical framework emerges as a useful tool for analysis. The contribution of professions to the governance of integrated care needs greater attention in health policy implementation as it can promote more effective governance of integrated care.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (13) ◽  
pp. 1583
Diana Belova-Plonienė ◽  
Audrius Krukonis ◽  
Andrius Katkevičius

Models of hybrid meander structures with additional shields are presented in this paper. The influence of additional shields and their grounding positions on the electromagnetic characteristics of the hybrid meander structures was investigated. Three-dimensional models were created and analyzed using the method of moments (MoM) in the Sonnet® and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method in CST Microwave Studio® commercial software packages. The computer-based modeling was verified by physical experiment. The analysis showed that it is possible to control the delay time characteristic using different values of lumped inductive elements without the need to change the overall size of the hybrid meander structure. The delay time varied by 1.2 ns in the range of 1.3 ns to 2.5 ns when the inductivity changed from 1 nH to 10 nH in our investigation. On the other hand, the passband decreased from 2.384 GHz to 0.508 GHz. The additional shields and their grounding positions allowed for increasing the passband by up to 1.6%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5 (111)) ◽  
pp. 19-25
Anatoly Panchenko ◽  
Oleh Smyrnov ◽  
Andrey Nechaus ◽  
Iryna Trunova ◽  
Anna Borysenko ◽  

Supercapacitors are commonly used for a guaranteed launch of diesel generators. However, the processes caused by the starting current until the starter shaft rotates are disregarded. The duration of this moment is short but its effect on the rechargeable battery, taking into consideration its service life, is significant. The shape of this pulse, its duration significantly depend on the ratio of system parameters: supercapacitor (rechargeable battery) – starter – diesel generator. A system of differential equations has been proposed to describe the compatible electromagnetic and electromechanical processes that occur when the starter of the diesel generator is powered from the supercapacitor. A charge is used as a variable quantity. The transitional processes occurring in the stationary starter rotor and the subsequent processes caused by the growth of the electromagnetic starter moment have been taken into consideration. This paper reports establishing those patterns that are related to the beginning of the starter movement, its entering the mode at the falling voltage of the supercapacitor, the exchange of electrical and magnetic energy accumulated in the inductive elements of the starter. Using the charge as a variable quantity has made it possible to combine the final values of the preceding process (stationary rotor) with the initial ones of the next one (output to starting speed). Thus, a mathematical notation has been derived that considers most of the parameters of the charge circle of the supercapacitor. The possibility of using an inflated voltage of the supercapacitor to increase the accumulated energy has been clarified. The processes have been theoretically substantiated, which makes it possible to use a small internal resistance of the starter circuit, the presence of inductive components, an abnormal capacity of the supercapacitor to form the desired shape of the electromagnetic moment. That would make it possible to take into consideration the specific requirements of various systems of guaranteed power supply.

D. A. Boreyko ◽  
A. R. Knyazeva

The research is aimed at reducing the area of integrated multi-layer induction coils. It considers various designs of inductive elements in the form of three-dimensional spirals, which are characterized by additional turns inside in order to increase the total inductance of the coils. The paper presents the results of three-dimensional modeling of the studied inductive elements and gives recommendations on the choice of structures with a reduced area.

Yu.V. Rudenko ◽  

The features of the state-space average method using Lagrange's theorems for calculation of processes in the boost converter with magnetically coupled elements (with autotransformer connection of inductors) in continuous currents mode are considered. A mathematical model of the converter based on relative variables has been developed, which makes it possible to calculate processes in a wide range of parameters taking into account the degree of magnetic coupling between inductive elements, including the definition of constant and pulsating components. It is shown that to obtain a complete system of the algebraic equations as a mathematical model of converters, which provides its single solution, it is advisable to additionally use the ratio according to energy balance in reactive elements in a steady state at the operation intervals of the converter during commutation period. The boundary dependences of boost converter parameters with magnetically coupled elements between the modes of discontinuous and continuous currents are calculated. The relative characteristics of the converter have been studied, which demonstrate the influence of imperfection of the magnetic coupling in the regulation zone of the relative duration value of switching interval. Ref. 21, fig. 6.

Yu.V. Rudenko ◽  

The fundamentals of the state-space averaging method using Lagrange's theorems for calculating dc semiconductor converters, which operate in modes of intermittent currents in inductive elements, are considered. To implement the assumption introduced in the study, it is proposed to replace the capacitor in the output circuits of the converter equivalent circuit with a source of constant emf. This makes it possible to obtain a simplified mathematical model of the converter for calculating the integral characteristics, which corresponds to a jointly defined system of algebraic equations with averaged variables. Using the developed models, the parameters of the buck, boost, and inverting converters are calculated, the analytical and graphic dependencies of the limiting values of these parameters are determined, which ensure the specified operating mode. The obtained dependencies make it possible to compare the properties of converters and select their effective parameters. References 10, figures 1, table 1.

In this paper, a proposed inductive voltage divider is described to be operated manually and automatically, which is not provided by the ordinary decade inductive voltage dividers. Design of that programmable inductive voltage divider (PIVD) is investigated and presented in detail. The introduced PIVD mainly consists of inductive elements, relays, microcontroller to get the required output voltage ratios through its three stages. This PIVD is designed to produce 999 steps in the range from 1×10-3 to 999×10-3 output ratios using minimum inductive elements and reed relays. Simulation of this PIVD has been performed and illustrated as well as practical design components are discussed in detail.

2020 ◽  
Vol 209 ◽  
pp. 07006
Lidiia I. Kovernikova

Resonance modes at harmonic frequencies in electrical networks are a serious problem. They arise due to the availability of electrical equipment with capacitive and inductive elements. The values of the harmonics of currents and voltages increase at resonances. The voltage quality indices in resonant modes exceed the limit values. Harmonics cause energy losses in electrical equipment, reduce its service life, create economic damage. Capacitor banks are often damaged by resonances. Network nodes with resonant circuits and resonant harmonics can be determined using the frequency characteristics of the nodal reactance (susceptance). The paper presents an algorithm and HARMONICS software for the analysis and forecasting of resonance modes, the results of studies of resonance modes in the high-voltage networks of Eastern Siberia.

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