motion analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 1339-1349
Weidong Zhou ◽  
Luopeng Li ◽  
Zizhen Wang ◽  
Xianbo Lei ◽  
Weidong Zhang ◽  

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 597
Ae-Ryeong Kim ◽  
Ju-Hyun Park ◽  
Si-Hyun Kim ◽  
Kwang Bok Kim ◽  
Kyue-Nam Park

The present study was performed to investigate the validity of a wireless earbud-type inertial measurement unit (Ear-IMU) sensor used to estimate head angle during four workouts. In addition, relationships between head angle obtained from the Ear-IMU sensor and the angles of other joints determined with a 3D motion analysis system were investigated. The study population consisted of 20 active volunteers. The Ear-IMU sensor measured the head angle, while a 3D motion analysis system simultaneously measured the angles of the head, trunk, pelvis, hips, and knees during workouts. Comparison with the head angle measured using the 3D motion analysis system indicated that the validity of the Ear-IMU sensor was very strong or moderate in the sagittal and frontal planes. In addition, the trunk angle in the frontal plane showed a fair correlation with the head angle determined with the Ear-IMU sensor during a single-leg squat, reverse lunge, and standing hip abduction; the correlation was poor in the sagittal plane. Our results indicated that the Ear-IMU sensor can be used to directly estimate head motion and indirectly estimate trunk motion.

Heat Transfer ◽  
2022 ◽  
Ram Prakash Sharma ◽  
Om Prakash ◽  
Davood Domiri Ganji ◽  
Pentyala Srinivasa Rao ◽  
Satyaranjan Mishra

Gunjan Patel ◽  
Rajani Mullerpatan ◽  
Bela Agarwal ◽  
Triveni Shetty ◽  
Rajdeep Ojha ◽  

Wearable inertial sensor-based motion analysis systems are promising alternatives to standard camera-based motion capture systems for the measurement of gait parameters and joint kinematics. These wearable sensors, unlike camera-based gold standard systems, find usefulness in outdoor natural environment along with confined indoor laboratory-based environment due to miniature size and wireless data transmission. This study reports validation of our developed (i-Sens) wearable motion analysis system against standard motion capture system. Gait analysis was performed at self-selected speed on non-disabled volunteers in indoor ( n = 15) and outdoor ( n = 8) environments. Two i-Sens units were placed at the level of knee and hip along with passive markers (for indoor study only) for simultaneous 3D motion capture using a motion capture system. Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) was computed for spatiotemporal parameters from the i-Sens system versus the motion capture system as a true reference. Mean and standard deviation of kinematic data for a gait cycle were plotted for both systems against normative data. Joint kinematics data were analyzed to compute the root mean squared error (RMSE) and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Kinematic plots indicate a high degree of accuracy of the i-Sens system with the reference system. Excellent positive correlation was observed between the two systems in terms of hip and knee joint angles (Indoor: hip 3.98° ± 1.03°, knee 6.48° ± 1.91°, Outdoor: hip 3.94° ± 0.78°, knee 5.82° ± 0.99°) with low RMSE. Reliability characteristics (defined using standard statistical thresholds of MAPE) of stride length, cadence, walking speed in both outdoor and indoor environment were well within the “Good” category. The i-Sens system has emerged as a potentially cost-effective, valid, accurate, and reliable alternative to expensive, standard motion capture systems for gait analysis. Further clinical trials using the i-Sens system are warranted on participants across different age groups.

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 345
Issei Shinohara ◽  
Atsuyuki Inui ◽  
Yutaka Mifune ◽  
Hanako Nishimoto ◽  
Kohei Yamaura ◽  

The triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) is a significant stabilizer of the distal radioulnar joint. Diagnosing TFCC injury is currently difficult, but ultrasonography (US) has emerged as a low-cost, minimally invasive diagnostic tool. We aimed to quantitatively analyze TFCC by performing motion analysis by using US. Twelve healthy volunteers, comprising 24 wrists (control group), and 15 patients with TFCC Palmer type 1B injuries (injury group) participated. The US transducer was positioned between the ulnar styloid process and triquetrum and was tilted ulnarly 30° from the vertical line. The wrist was then actively moved from 10° of radial deviation to 20° of ulnar deviation in a 60-rounds-per-minute rhythm that was paced by a metronome. The articular disc displacement velocity magnitude was analyzed by using particle image velocimetry fluid measurement software. The mean area of the articular discs was larger on ulnar deviation in the control group. The mean articular disc area on radial deviation was larger in the injury group. The average articular disc velocity magnitude for the injury group was significantly higher than that for the control group. The results suggest that patients with TFCC injury lose articular disc cushioning and static stability, and subsequent abnormal motion can be analyzed by using US.

2022 ◽  
Pei Zhang ◽  
Yizhao Gao ◽  
Hayden K.H. So ◽  
Edmund Lam

Davide Garbarino ◽  
Matteo Moro ◽  
Chiara Tacchino ◽  
Paolo Moretti ◽  
Maura Casadio ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 175857322110671
Alon Rabin ◽  
Eran Maman ◽  
Oleg Dolkart ◽  
Efi Kazum ◽  
Zvi Kozol ◽  

Background Little information exists to guide the choice of exercise for regaining shoulder range of motion (ROM). The purpose of this study was to compare the maximal ROM reached, pain and difficulty associated with 4 commonly prescribed exercises. Methods Forty (9 females) patients with various shoulder disorders and a limited flexion ROM performed 4 exercises for regaining shoulder flexion ROM in a randomized order. Exercises included the self-assisted flexion, forward bow, table slide and rope-and-pulley. Participants were videotaped while performing all exercises and the maximal flexion angle reached during each exercise was recorded using Kinovea motion analysis freeware (Kinovea 0.8.15). Pain intensity and the perceived level of difficulty associated with each exercise were also recorded. Results The forward bow and table slide generated significantly greater ROM compared with the self-assisted flexion and rope-and-pulley (P ≤ 0.005). The self-assisted flexion was associated with a greater pain intensity compared with the table slide and rope-and-pulley (P = 0.002) and a greater perceived level of difficulty compared with the table slide (P = 0.006). Conclusions Due to the greater ROM allowed, and similar or even lower level of pain or difficulty, clinicians may wish to initially recommend the forward bow and table slide for regaining shoulder flexion ROM.

Chao-Fu Chen ◽  
Hui-Ju Wu ◽  
Zheng-Sheng Yang ◽  
Hui Chen ◽  
Hsien-Te Peng

The purpose of this study was to explore the kinematical characteristics of jumping discus throwing. Eight male right-handed discus throwers who used to practice the jumping throwing technique were recruited as participants. Two high-speed digital cameras with 120 Hz sampling rate were synchronized to capture the movement. The captured images were processed using a motion analysis suite, and the markers attached to joints on images were digitized manually. Based on the results, throwers should keep smaller the shoulder–hip twisting and the right anterior superior iliac spine (abbreviated: ASIS) in front of the right acromion (for right-handed throwers) from the instant the right foot lands to the instant the left foot lands, before the instant of the right foot lands; keep the discus at a depressed position; and reduce the time before discus release, particularly the time of the non-support phase and the second single-support phase. Additionally, release velocity must be improved because throwing distance is directly proportional to squared release velocity. In conclusion, the current study demonstrated comprehensive kinematical analyses, which can be used to instruct the jumping discus throwing technique with duration and angle characteristics of throwing movement for athletes by coaches with videos.

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