external ear
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1299-1304
Cynthia M. Faux ◽  
Marcie L. Logsdon

In Vivo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 490-495

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (Suppl-3) ◽  
pp. S476-78
Syed Muhammad Asad Shabbir Bukhari ◽  
Sohail Aslam ◽  
Mahrukh Afzal ◽  
Naeem Riaz ◽  
Asim Abbas ◽  

Objective: To find out the association of multiple diseases of external ear with the use of various objects and cotton buds. Study Design: Case control study. Place and Duration of Study: Ear Nose Throat Department, Pakistan Naval Ship Shifa Karachi, from Jan to Oct 2020. Methodology: All the patients having multiple diseases of external ear were included as cases. Controls were selected from the healthy volunteers from general populations. Results: Total number of subjects in this study was 140 with the mean age 25.11 ± 11.21 years (2-55 years of age range). Out of them, 82 were male and 58 were female. Odds ratio was 16.07. Conclusion: There is a solid relationship of illnesses of external ear with the utilization of cotton buds. This detrimental practice should be incapacitated by featuring the notice by brands owners of cotton bud and safety instructions at different instructive levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1444
Raja Al Fath Widya Iswara

Hypothenar region is an area that is often contacts with surfaces during activities, and the ear is proven to be more consistent than face identification in passive biometrics. While, the teeth are hardest part in the human body which covered inside the oral cavity. These 3 parts of the body have a great role forensic identification especially in determining sex. The aim of this study is to know differences in correlation values in sex determination based on ridge density of hypothenar region of the palm, external ear anthropometric and canine index. This was a cross sectional study with observational analytic design, include 500 medical students in Kariadi Hospital Semarang Central Java Indonesia, age 21 - 26 years old, who are included in inclusion criteria, male (n = 250), female (n = 250). Ridge density is measured by calculating the average number of hypothenar palm ridge on the side of the top, middle and bottom; each area is 5×5 mm2 in measurement. External ear anthrophometric consists ear length, ear breadth, base auricular, lobe length and lobe width. Canine index is calculated by dividing mesiodistal width and intercanine distance in 4 regions. Spearman correlation test between ridge density of hypothenar region palm prints, external ear anthropometric, mandibular canine index and sex shows significant correlation with p-value = 0.000. There is no significant difference between maxillary canine index and sex (right maxillary p-value = 0.112 and left maxillary p-value = 0.082). There are differences in correlation values in sex determination based on ridge density of hypothenar region palm prints, external ear anthropometric and mandibular canine index. Ridge density of hypothenar region palm prints and ear length are show strong correlation in sex determination.

Bouthaina Hammami ◽  
Imen Achour ◽  
Omar Walha ◽  
Ghada Yousfi ◽  
Malek Mnejja ◽  

Mucormycosis is a serious and relatively rare invasive fungal infection. The rhino-orbito-cerebral localization is the most frequent. Mucormycosis of external ear with facial palsy is extremely rare. We describe a case of mucormycosis of the external ear complicated by parotid abscess and facial palsy in a diabetic patient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Herman A. Jenkins ◽  
Nathaniel Greene ◽  
Daniel J. Tollin

Mixed hearing loss associated with a sensorineural component and an impaired conductive mechanism for sound from the external ear canal to the cochlea represents a challenge for rehabilitation using either surgery or traditional hearing amplification. Direct stimulations of the ossicular chain and the round window (RW) membrane have allowed an improved hearing in this population. The authors review the developments in basic and clinical research that have allowed the exploration of new routes for inner ear stimulation. Similar changes occur in the electrophysiological measures in response to auditory stimulation through the traditional route and direct mechanical stimulation of the RW. The latter has proven to be very effective as a means of hearing rehabilitation in a group of patients with significant difficulties with hearing and communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
Samson Taiwo Fakorede ◽  
Khalid Olajide Adekoya ◽  
Taiwo Peter Fasakin ◽  
Joshua Odubambo Odufisan ◽  
Bola Oboh

Abstract Background The human external ear is unique in every individual in terms of shape, size and dimension making it suitable in forensic anthropology for sex estimation and personal identification purposes. The study aimed to evaluate sexual dimorphism and ethnic specificity of the external ear in major Nigerian ethnic populations. Results There was variation in the morphological features of the external ear of the sampled subjects. The external ear features vary in the right and left ears in both sexes of the ethnic groups. All variables were statistically significant (p < 0.05) except ear width. Univariate discriminant function gave sex prediction accuracies between 56.4 and 57.3% for left and right ears, respectively. Population-specific sex prediction accuracy using stepwise discriminant analysis of left ear variables ranged 58–69.7% and 57.5–74.2% for right ear. Conclusion The ear parameters showed potential for sex estimation, but cannot be solely relied upon for personal identification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (11) ◽  
pp. 851-854
Ji hyung Lim ◽  
Jae Sang Han ◽  
Yeonji Kim ◽  
Shi Nae Park

Auricular hematoma is one of the most common problems among people who have got repetitive blunt trauma to the external ear. Prompt managements are drainage of hematoma and following prevention of re-accumulation (e.g. compression dressing). If the treatment is not successful, many complications can occur, including perichondritis, infection and necrosis. Especially long-lasting loss of blood supply to the ear cartilage and formation of neocartilage from disrupted perichondrium can result in cauliflower ear deformity. There were some studies trying to classify and to treat the cauliflower ear by the degree of deformities. And excision of deformed cartilage with reshaping of the auricle has been reported several times. In this article, we would like to introduce a successful drilling technique of otoplasty as a useful treatment option.

2021 ◽  
pp. 014556132110565
Jean-Christophe Leclère ◽  
Laura Cerceau ◽  
Emmanuel Mornet ◽  
Rémi Marianowski

Background External ear canal exostoses are usually bilateral and broad-based, secondary to external ear canal chronic cold exposure, especially water. Objectives The objectives were to analyze the influence of the surgeon’s experience on the 3-year recurrence and on the complication. We also studied the influence of prolonged exposure to cold water on the incidence of recurrence. Material and Methods This monocentric retrospective study included 98 ears operated for canalplasty between 2009 and 2016 by nine different operators including one senior, a junior, and seven beginner surgeons. Senior, Junior, and Beginner groups were compared. Results 3-year recurrence rate was higher in the Beginner and Junior groups than in the Senior group (69% and 38% vs 18%, P = .001). Although there was a difference between the Beginner (69%) and Junior (38%) groups, it was not significant ( P = .407). Among the recurrences, 48% had continued exposure to cold water while only 7% of the ears without recidivism were still exposed ( P < .001, OR = 1.25 [4.4; 36.1]). The complication rates were similar between groups, concerning pain (8% vs 30% vs 12%), per procedure perforation (17% vs 10% vs 16%), scarring disorders (25% vs 20% vs 13%), and osteitis (8% vs 0% vs 1%). Hearing was unaffected. Conclusions This is the first study evaluating the risk of recurrence of external ear canal exostoses after canalplasty based on the surgeon’s experience. This risk of recurrence seems to decrease with the surgeon’s experience. There was no difference in complication rates.

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Ziwei Zhang ◽  
Xingzhou Li ◽  
Xiaojun Chen ◽  
Mengzhe Sun ◽  
Byeong Seop Kim ◽  

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