literary interpretation
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Ahmad Ismatullah ◽  
Zulkifli Zulkifli ◽  
Triansyah Fisa

This article discusses the concept of al-muwalah and the style of interpretation of al-Munir by Wahbah az-Zuhayli. The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach with an interdisciplinary interpretation study approach. The primary source for the discussion of this article is al-Munir's interpretation which was obtained from the library. The finding of this article is that az-Zuhayli's interpretation of the concept of al-muwalah shows a comprehensive style of interpretation with multi-disciplinary approaches. The interpretation of the verses on the concept of al-Muwalah by az-Zuhayli reflects that his interpretation is not only traditional, but also contains dynamic, tolerant, moderate, and humanist principles. The article also concludes that al-Munir's interpretation is included in the category of literary interpretation (al-adabi waal-ijtima'i), not the interpretation of socio-political movements (Adab-ijtima'i-siyasi-haraki).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Abdullah K. Shehabat ◽  
Baker Bany-Khair ◽  
Mohammad Qararah ◽  
Zaydun Al-Shara

This research aims at utilizing the knowledge of logical fallacies in analyzing Shakespeare’s masterpiece Julius Caesar. Spotting these fallacies in the characters’ actions and speeches is more likely to expand our horizon by grasping what is hidden between the lines and beyond the surface dialogue, thus revealing the true intentions of the characters and the subliminal messages beyond what they say. To achieve this goal, an explanation for each fallacy is provided. Also, various examples of fallacies committed by Donald Trump in the American presidential debate in addition to some of his fallacious tweets and other examples are thoroughly analyzed. It is found that by providing meticulous analysis for the fallacies under question readers would be protected from being victimized to any ambiguous and/or language literary interpretation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1.2) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Oluwabunmi Tope Bernard

Tis study undertakes a literary analysis of blood as a symbol as contained in the Ifá divination poetry among the Yorùbá of Southwestern Nigeria, which the researcher has collected through personal observations, consultations, and interviews with Ifá priests. Using Ricoeur’s hermeneutics theory of interpretation, the findings show that the selected Ifá divination poems present the symbolic interpretations of blood in Ifá corpus as it is entrenched in the Yorùbá psychology, sexuality, religiosity, worldview, identity and kinship. The paper presents that blood is multifaceted among the Yorùbá.

2021 ◽  
Milan Oralek

<p>This thesis explores the life and work of a South African journalist, editor, and activist Michael Alan Harmel (1915–1974), a political mentor and friend of Nelson Mandela. A resolute believer in racial equality and Marxism-Leninism, Harmel devoted his life to fighting, with “the pen” as well as “the sword”, segregation and apartheid, and promoting an alliance of communists with the African National Congress as a stepping stone to socialism in South Africa. Part 1, after tracing his Jewish-Lithuanian and Irish family roots, follows Harmel from his birth to 1940 when, having joined the Communist Party of South Africa, he got married and was elected secretary of the District Committee in Johannesburg. The focus is on factors germane to the formation of his political identity. The narrative section is accompanied by an analytical sketch. This, using tools of close literary interpretation, catalogues Harmel’s core beliefs as they inscribed themselves in his journalism, histories, a sci-fi novel, party memoranda, and private correspondence. The objective is to delineate his ideological outlook, put to the test the assessment of Harmel—undeniably a skilled publicist—as a “creative thinker” and “theorist”, and determine his actual contribution to the liberation discourse.</p>

2021 ◽  
Milan Oralek

<p>This thesis explores the life and work of a South African journalist, editor, and activist Michael Alan Harmel (1915–1974), a political mentor and friend of Nelson Mandela. A resolute believer in racial equality and Marxism-Leninism, Harmel devoted his life to fighting, with “the pen” as well as “the sword”, segregation and apartheid, and promoting an alliance of communists with the African National Congress as a stepping stone to socialism in South Africa. Part 1, after tracing his Jewish-Lithuanian and Irish family roots, follows Harmel from his birth to 1940 when, having joined the Communist Party of South Africa, he got married and was elected secretary of the District Committee in Johannesburg. The focus is on factors germane to the formation of his political identity. The narrative section is accompanied by an analytical sketch. This, using tools of close literary interpretation, catalogues Harmel’s core beliefs as they inscribed themselves in his journalism, histories, a sci-fi novel, party memoranda, and private correspondence. The objective is to delineate his ideological outlook, put to the test the assessment of Harmel—undeniably a skilled publicist—as a “creative thinker” and “theorist”, and determine his actual contribution to the liberation discourse.</p>

Yi Zheng

AbstractIt may seem trivial to stress that our background knowledge is essential for literary interpretation, but what about practical wisdom, the inarticulable background knowledge? Can we articulate all the things that we know and are able to do in literary interpretation? Are we fully aware of all the assumptions behind our literary arguments? Instead of generally reflecting the status of hermeneutics at a macro-level, this essay argues that one way for hermeneutics to remain meaningful today is not to be tried as a theoretical whole, but as a source of sporadic inspiring arguments. To show that, at a micro-level, we can evaluate the strength of these arguments case by case without generalizing, we analyze from a cognitive perspective Gadamer’s argument that practical wisdom is crucial for literary interpretation. Using cognitive science to provide insights for literary study does not make the latter subservient to the former. Rather, cognitive poetics is a two-way street where each field complements the other by providing hypotheses and functioning as a testing ground. By demonstrating that we know more than we can tell in literary interpretation and that the three features Aristotle and Gadamer attribute to practical wisdom (contingent, inarticulable, and only learnable through experience) are at least tentatively empirically justified, this essay argues that hermeneutics has offered a noteworthy example for the two-way street of cognitive poetics.

Александра Анатольевна Хадынская

Введение. Рассматривается тема морского путешествия у Антонина Ладинского на примере сборника «Черное и голубое», первого в творчестве поэта, в котором сформировались магистральные линии его поэзии, развившиеся в последующих сборниках. Цель – проследить семантику морского плавания у поэта с учетом акмеистических влияний на него Н. Гумилева, у которого эта тема, став одной из основных в творчестве, отразила основные принципы акмеистического мировидения поэта. Материал и методы. Методология исследования предполагает литературоведческую интерпретацию лирических текстов с пониманием теоретических основ поэтики акмеизма («чужое слово», полифонический текст, динамическое пространство и пр.). Использовался также метод интертекстуального анализа при сопоставлении текстов, принадлежащих к разным литературным эпохам. Результаты и обсуждение. Творчество Ладинского уже было предметом научных изысканий, отмечалась и ориентация поэта на символизм и акмеизм, указывалась сложность отнесения его лирики к какому-либо из этих модернистских течений. Но морское путешествие как центральная тема первого сборника «Черное и голубое» в контексте акмеистической поэтики еще не привлекало внимания исследователей. Рассмотрено влияние гумилевской темы морских странствий на лирику Антонина Ладинского в плане полемики поэта с мэтром акмеизма, выявлено своеобразие рассматриваемой темы в связи с его эмигрантским опытом. Заключение. В лирике Антонина Ладинского морское путешествие становится отражением его пути эмигранта, и в этом смысле он полемизирует с Н. Гумилевым, у которого тема плавания по морям имеет культурологический смысл и отражает акмеистический принцип познания Жизни через Искусство. Семантика морского путешествия в контексте акмеистической поэтики позволяет Ладинскому сказать свое слово миру, присоединив свой голос к могучему культурному хору певцов морской стихии. Акмеистическая позиция оказывается близка ему своей земной природой, а символистская – осознанием мощной силы инобытия. Через диалог с «чужим словом» поэт декларирует собственный опыт освоения мира, отличный как от акмеистов, так и от символистов. Трагический взгляд на мир, обусловленный ситуацией эмиграции, звучит в первом сборнике еще не в полную мощь, акмеистическое «принятие действительности» еще имеет свою «инерцию», но осознание случившегося как катастрофы и пути в мир смерти уже произошло. Introduction.The article examines the topic of sea travel by Antonin Ladinsky using the example of the collection “Black and Blue”, the first in the poet’s work, in which the main lines of his poetry were formed, further developed in subsequent collections. Aim and objectives: to trace the semantics of sea navigation, taking into account the acmeistic influences on the poet by N. Gumilyov, for whom this topic was one of the main in his work and reflected the basic principles of the acmeistic worldview of the poet. Material and methods. The research methodology assumes a literary interpretation of lyric texts with an understanding of the theoretical foundations of the poetics of acmeism (“alien word”, polyphonic text, dynamic space, etc.). The method of intertextual analysis was also used when comparing texts belonging to different literary eras. Results and discussion. Ladinsky’s work was already the subject of scientific research, the poet’s orientation towards symbolism and acmeism was also noted, the difficulty of attributing his lyrics to any of these modernist movements was indicated. But sea voyage as the central theme of the first collection “Black and Blue” in the context of acmeistic poetics has not yet attracted the attention of researchers. We examined the influence of the Gumilev theme of sea voyages on the lyrics of Ant. Ladinsky in terms of the poet’s polemic with the master of acmeism, the originality of the topic under consideration is revealed in connection with his emigre experience. Conclusion. In the lyrics of Antonin Ladinsky, the sea voyage becomes a reflection of his path as an emigrant, and in this sence he argues with N. Gumilev, whose theme of sailing on the seas has a culturological meaning and reflects the acmeistic principle of cognizing Life through Art. The semantics of sea travel, in the context of acmeistic poetics, allows Ladinsky to say his word to the world, adding his voice to the mighty cultural choir of the singers of the sea. The acmeistic position turns out to be close to him by its earthly nature, and the symbolist one – by the awareness of the powerful force of otherness. Through dialogue with the “alien word”, the poet declares his own experience of mastering the world, which is different from both the Acmeists and the Symbolists. The tragic view of the world, conditioned by the situation of emigration, sounds in the first collection not yet in full force, the acmeistic “acceptance of reality” still has its “inertia”, but the awareness of what happened as a catastrophe and the path to the world of death has already occurred.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1086296X2110522
Sarah Levine ◽  
Karoline Trepper ◽  
Rosalie Hiuyan Chung ◽  
Raquel Coelho

Research indicates that feeling is fundamental to the multilayered experience of literary interpretation. However, despite great strides in U.S. high school classrooms, discussions about literature are still often characterized by known-answer discourses that exclude feeling. This article builds on small-scale studies of affective evaluation, an interpretive approach in which readers attend to and reflect on their feeling-based responses to texts. Those studies, focused on individual students, showed that when responding to texts with feeling, students were more likely to build multilayered interpretations as opposed to summary or one-dimensional thematic interpretations. The current study explores affective evaluation in the more complex arena of class discussion, where known-answer discourses are particularly entrenched. We compared the same teachers and students using affective evaluation in one discussion, but not the other. Discussions using affective evaluation were correlated with increased multidimensional interpretation, adding to evidence that feeling enriches students’ literary sense-making and disrupts known-answer discourses.

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