exposure measurement
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IEEE Access ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-1
Sangin Qahtan Wali ◽  
A. Sali ◽  
Jaafar K. Allami ◽  
Anwar Faizd Osman

2021 ◽  
pp. 096228022110605
Xinyuan Chen ◽  
Joseph Chang ◽  
Donna Spiegelman ◽  
Fan Li

The partial potential impact fraction describes the proportion of disease cases that can be prevented if the distribution of modifiable continuous exposures is shifted in a population, while other risk factors are not modified. It is a useful quantity for evaluating the burden of disease in epidemiologic and public health studies. When exposures are measured with error, the partial potential impact fraction estimates may be biased, which necessitates methods to correct for the exposure measurement error. Motivated by the health professionals follow-up study, we develop a Bayesian approach to adjust for exposure measurement error when estimating the partial potential impact fraction under the main study/internal validation study design. We adopt the reclassification approach that leverages the strength of the main study/internal validation study design and clarifies transportability assumptions for valid inference. We assess the finite-sample performance of both the point and credible interval estimators via extensive simulations and apply the proposed approach in the health professionals follow-up study to estimate the partial potential impact fraction for colorectal cancer incidence under interventions exploring shifting the distributions of red meat, alcohol, and/or folate intake.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Maude Wagner ◽  
Francine Grodstein ◽  
Karen Leffondre ◽  
Cécilia Samieri ◽  
Cécile Proust-Lima

Abstract Background Long-term behavioral and health risk factors constitute a primary focus of research on the etiology of chronic diseases. Yet, identifying critical time-windows during which risk factors have the strongest impact on disease risk is challenging. To assess the trajectory of association of an exposure history with an outcome, the weighted cumulative exposure index (WCIE) has been proposed, with weights reflecting the relative importance of exposures at different times. However, WCIE is restricted to a complete observed error-free exposure whereas exposures are often measured with intermittent missingness and error. Moreover, it rarely explores exposure history that is very distant from the outcome as usually sought in life-course epidemiology. Methods We extend the WCIE methodology to (i) exposures that are intermittently measured with error, and (ii) contexts where the exposure time-window precedes the outcome time-window using a landmark approach. First, the individual exposure history up to the landmark time is estimated using a mixed model that handles missing data and error in exposure measurement, and the predicted complete error-free exposure history is derived. Then the WCIE methodology is applied to assess the trajectory of association between the predicted exposure history and the health outcome collected after the landmark time. In our context, the health outcome is a longitudinal marker analyzed using a mixed model. Results A simulation study first demonstrates the correct inference obtained with this approach. Then, applied to the Nurses’ Health Study (19,415 women) to investigate the association between body mass index history (collected from midlife) and subsequent cognitive decline (evaluated after age 70), the method identified two major critical windows of association: long before the first cognitive evaluation (roughly 24 to 12 years), higher levels of BMI were associated with poorer cognition. In contrast, adjusted for the whole history, higher levels of BMI became associated with better cognition in the last years prior to the first cognitive interview, thus reflecting reverse causation (changes in exposure due to underlying disease). Conclusions This approach, easy to implement, provides a flexible tool for studying complex dynamic relationships and identifying critical time windows while accounting for exposure measurement errors.

2021 ◽  
Vol Volume 14 ◽  
pp. 4775-4787
Simon Grima ◽  
Ramona Rupeika-Apoga ◽  
Murat Kizilkaya ◽  
Inna Romānova ◽  
Rebecca Dalli Gonzi ◽  

David B Richardson ◽  
Alexander P Keil ◽  
Stephen R Cole

Abstract Consider an observational study of the association between a continuous exposure and outcome, where the exposure variable of primary interest suffers classical measurement error (i.e., the measured exposures are distributed around the true exposure with independent error). In the absence of exposure measurement error, it is widely recognized that one should control for confounders of the association of interest to obtain an unbiased estimate of the effect of that exposure on the outcome of interest. However, we show that, in the presence of classical exposure measurement error, the net bias in an estimate of the association of interest may increase upon adjustment for confounders. We offer an analytical expression for the change in net bias in an estimate of the association of interest upon adjustment for a confounder in the presence of classical exposure measurement error, and illustrate this problem using simulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Dimitris Evangelopoulos ◽  
Klea Katsouyanni ◽  
Joel Schwartz ◽  
Heather Walton

Abstract Background Most epidemiological studies estimate associations without considering exposure measurement error. While some studies have estimated the impact of error in single-exposure models we aimed to quantify the effect of measurement error in multi-exposure models, specifically in time-series analysis of PM2.5, NO2, and mortality using simulations, under various plausible scenarios for exposure errors. Measurement error in multi-exposure models can lead to effect transfer where the effect estimate is overestimated for the pollutant estimated with more error to the one estimated with less error. This complicates interpretation of the independent effects of different pollutants and thus the relative importance of reducing their concentrations in air pollution policy. Methods Measurement error was defined as the difference between ambient concentrations and personal exposure from outdoor sources. Simulation inputs for error magnitude and variability were informed by the literature. Error-free exposures with their consequent health outcome and error-prone exposures of various error types (classical/Berkson) were generated. Bias was quantified as the relative difference in effect estimates of the error-free and error-prone exposures. Results Mortality effect estimates were generally underestimated with greater bias observed when low ratios of the true exposure variance over the error variance were assumed (27.4% underestimation for NO2). Higher ratios resulted in smaller, but still substantial bias (up to 19% for both pollutants). Effect transfer was observed indicating that less precise measurements for one pollutant (NO2) yield more bias, while the co-pollutant (PM2.5) associations were found closer to the true. Interestingly, the sum of single-pollutant model effect estimates was found closer to the summed true associations than those from multi-pollutant models, due to cancelling out of confounding and measurement error bias. Conclusions Our simulation study indicated an underestimation of true independent health effects of multiple exposures due to measurement error. Using error parameter information in future epidemiological studies should provide more accurate concentration-response functions.

Leny Mathew ◽  
Nathaniel W. Snyder ◽  
Kristen Lyall ◽  
Brian K. Lee ◽  
Leslie A. McClure ◽  

2021 ◽  
Maude Wagner ◽  
Francine Grodstein ◽  
Karen Leffondre ◽  
Cécilia Samieri ◽  
Cécile Proust-Lima

Abstract Background: Long-term behavioral and health risk factors constitute a primary focus of research on the etiology of chronic diseases. Yet, identifying critical time-windows during which risk factors have the strongest impact on disease risk is challenging. To assess the trajectory of association of an exposure history with an outcome, the weighted cumulative exposure index (WCIE) has been proposed, with weights reflecting the relative importance of exposures at different times. However, WCIE is restricted to a complete observed error-free exposure whereas exposures are often measured with intermittent missingness and error. Moreover, it rarely explores exposure history that is very distant from the outcome as usually sought in life-course epidemiology.Methods: We extend the WCIE methodology to (i) exposures that are intermittently measured with error, and (ii) contexts where the exposure time-window precedes the outcome time-window using a landmark approach. First, the individual exposure history up to the landmark time is estimated using a mixed model that handles missing data and error in exposure measurement, and the predicted complete error-free exposure history is derived. Then the WCIE methodology is applied to assess the trajectory of association between the predicted exposure history and the health outcome collected after the landmark time. In our context, the health outcome is a longitudinal marker analyzed using a mixed model.Results: A simulation study first demonstrates the correct inference obtained with this approach. Then, applied to the Nurses’ Health Study (19,415 women) to investigate the association between body mass index history (collected from midlife) and subsequent cognitive decline (evaluated after age 70), the method identified two major critical windows of association: long before the first cognitive evaluation (roughly 24 to 12 years), higher levels of BMI were associated with poorer cognition. In contrast, adjusted for the whole history, higher levels of BMI became associated with better cognition in the last years prior to the first cognitive interview, thus reflecting reverse causation (changes in exposure due to underlying disease).Conclusions: This approach, easy to implement, provides a flexible tool for studying complex dynamic relationships and identifying critical time windows while accounting for exposure measurement errors.

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