resonance mechanism
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2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (6) ◽  
pp. 210605
Iwan Prasetiyo ◽  
Gradi Desendra ◽  
Khoerul Anwar ◽  
Mohammad Kemal Agusta

Several studies have been devoted to increasing the attenuation performance of the Helmholtz resonator (HR). One way is by periodic coupling of HRs in a ducting system. In this study, we propose a different approach, where a membrane (or a thin flexible structure in general) is added to the air cavity of a periodic HR array in order to further enhance the attenuation by utilizing the resonance effect of the membrane. It is expected that three attenuation mechanisms will exist in the system that can enhance the overall attenuation, i.e. the resonance mechanism of the HR, the Bragg reflection of the periodic system, and the resonance mechanism of the membrane or thin flexible structure. This study found that the proposed system yields two adjacent attenuation peaks, related to the HR and the membrane respectively. Moreover, extension of the attenuation bandwidth was also observed as a result of the periodic arrangement of HRs. With the same HR parameters, the peak attenuation by the membrane is tunable by changing its material properties. However, such a system does not always produce a wider attenuation bandwidth; the resonance bandwidths of both mechanisms must overlap.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2144 (1) ◽  
pp. 012013
E V Egorov ◽  
V K Egorov

Abstract The article is concerned with peculiarities study of the quasimonochromatic optical fluxes propagation through thin planar transparent layer of multilayer coating. There is shown that these fluxes can be transported by the layer in process of its multiple consequtive total internal reflection or by the waveguide-resonance propagation manner depending on correlation between the layer width and the radiation coherence length half of transported fluxes. Efficiency comparison of these radiation transportation mechanisms showed that the waveguide-resonance propagation approach is more adequate for results description of the optical waveguides functioning. It allowed to conclude that optical waveguides (fibers) function in frame of the waveguide-resonance paradigm and the waveguide-resonance mechanism is responsible for the light fluxes transportation on great distances.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2136 (1) ◽  
pp. 012020
Shengqing Li ◽  
Zhijian Wang

Abstract Grid-connected group-series photovoltaic cluster inverter system will cause resonance, which will adversely affect the system. To suppress grid-connected resonance, the mathematical model, resonance mechanism and resonance characteristics of the cluster inverters are analyzed, and a global resonance suppression strategy based on hybrid damping is proposed. In the current loop of the inverter, capacitive current feedback and parallel voltage proportional feed-forward are introduced as active dampers to reduce the harmonics of the parallel current. On this basis, RLC type second-order resonance suppression circuit is added as passive damping to suppress system resonance, so that the output current of the inverters can meet the grid-connected conditions when the cluster is connected to the grid. The simulation and experimental results show that the total harmonic distortion of the grid-connected current decreases from 10.54% to 1.97% after three series photovoltaic cluster inverters adopt this strategy, which effectively suppresses the grid-connected resonance.

Acta Naturae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 24-37
Daniil A. Gvozdev ◽  
Evgeniy G. Maksimov ◽  
Marina G. Strakhovskaya ◽  
Vladimir Z. Paschenko ◽  
Andrey B. Rubin

Increasing the efficiency of the photodynamic action of the dyes used in photodynamic therapy is crucial in the field of modern biomedicine. There are two main approaches used to increase the efficiency of photosensitizers. The first one is targeted delivery to the object of photodynamic action, while the second one is increasing the absorption capacity of the molecule. Both approaches can be implemented by producing dyenanoparticle conjugates. In this review, we focus on the features of the latter approach, when nanoparticles act as a light-harvesting agent and nonradiatively transfer the electronic excitation energy to a photosensitizer molecule. We will consider the hybrid photosensitizerquantum dot complexes with energy transfer occurring according to the inductive-resonance mechanism as an example. The principle consisting in optimizing the design of hybrid complexes is proposed after an analysis of the published data; the parameters affecting the efficiency of energy transfer and the generation of reactive oxygen species in such systems are described.

2021 ◽  
Vol 140 (5) ◽  
pp. 455-462
Han Zhang ◽  
Pengxiang Hao ◽  
Yang Gao ◽  
Yong Cheng ◽  
Guangzeng Li ◽  

2021 ◽  
Guihang Yan ◽  
Jikang Wang ◽  
Hui Huang ◽  
Helong Chen ◽  
Yongzhong Li ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150482
Hongcai Ma ◽  
Yidan Gao ◽  
Aiping Deng

Traveling wave solution is one of the effective methods for solving nonlinear partial differential equations. D’Alembert solution is a special kind of traveling wave solution. There have been many studies about D’Alembert solution. In this paper, we will solve D’Alembert-type wave solutions for (2+1)-dimensional generalized Nizhnik–Novikov–Veselov equation. Based on the Hirota bilinear transformation and velocity resonance mechanism, the states of soliton molecules composed of two solitons, three solitons and four solitons are studied. It is concluded that D’Alembert-type wave is closely related to soliton molecules.

Yu Deng ◽  
Christian Zillinger

AbstractIn this article we show that the Euler equations, when linearized around a low frequency perturbation to Couette flow, exhibit norm inflation in Gevrey-type spaces as time tends to infinity. Thus, echo chains are shown to be a (secondary) linear instability mechanism. Furthermore, we develop a more precise analysis of cancellations in the resonance mechanism, which yields a modified exponent in the high frequency regime. This allows us, in addition, to remove a logarithmic constraint on the perturbations present in prior works by Bedrossian, Deng and Masmoudi, and to construct solutions which are initially in a Gevrey class for which the velocity asymptotically converges in Sobolev regularity but diverges in Gevrey regularity.

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