combat exposure
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2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 281-289
Namrata Mahara Rawal ◽  
Monalisha Pradhan ◽  
Pradeep Manandhar ◽  
Suman Prasad Adhikari ◽  
Richa Amatya ◽  

Globally, mental health problems constitute a serious public health problem, contributing 14 % to the global burden of disease. The aim of this epidemiological study was to identify prevalence rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), factors associated and its relationship with combat exposure in a post-insurgency period in Nepali army personnel and Veterans. This cross-sectional study was conducted among 300 adults in 2021. In the study both quantitative and qualitative mixed approach with descriptive design was followed. The outcome measures used in the study were locally validated with PCL-M and combat exposure scale. Of the sample, 9 % met threshold for PTSD. The association of variable in reference to age, rank, education and service years with PTSD showed that Age group and Education in current study did not show significant association. However, PTSD with years of service and rank showed significant association. The study also showed a significant relationship between combat exposure and PTSD. There is a significant association between different level of education and combat exposure as well. Overall, the prevalence rates of PTSD in the sample are comparable to other studies conducted with populations affected by conflict and with refugees. However, the findings underscore the need to address the current mental health care awareness and resources in combatants who were exposed to traumatic events during combat in insurgency period. Traumatic exposure predicted increase in PTSD.

2021 ◽  
pp. e001991
Nick Wilson ◽  
C Clement ◽  
J A Summers ◽  
G Thomson ◽  
G Harper

IntroductionThere is still uncertainty around the impact of combat exposure on the life span of war veterans. Therefore we made use of a natural experiment to study the impact on veteran life span of combat versus non-combat exposure in World War II (WW2).MethodsThe combat-exposed military personnel were derived from a random (10%) sample of the military roll of the 28th (Māori) Battalion from New Zealand. One non-combat cohort was the 15th Reinforcements of this same Battalion, since the war ended before they reached the front line. The other non-combat cohort were Māori personnel who were only involved in Jayforce, which occupied Japan at the end of the WW2. Data on life span were mainly derived from an official repository of birth and death records, but supplemented with other sources, including military files.ResultsWhen comparing life spans of service veterans, there was no statistically significant reduction for the average life span of the 234 combat-exposed veterans in our sample from the 28th (Māori) Battalion (66.7 years), relative to the Māori veterans from two non-combat cohorts: the 132 personnel in the 15th Reinforcements (67.2 years) and the 147 personnel in Jayforce (66.9 years).ConclusionsDespite a very high level of wounding in the combat-exposed group (48%), there were no statistically significant reductions in life span between this group and comparable non-combat exposed veterans. This finding contrasts to life span reductions found in a similar study of New Zealand veterans of WW1.

Synyshyna V.M.

Purpose. Define the influenceof combat experience on occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in servicemen for better understanding factors that cause the possibility of manifestation of stress disorders in servicemen.Methods. To implement the purpose, the theoretical method of analysis of literary sources on that issue has been applied, the empirical method was to conduct research on such diagnostic techniques as: “The Combat Exposure Scale” and “The Impact of Event Scale”. Based on the methods of The Combat Exposure Scale (CES) we have got an opportunity to define the level of intensity of the stressful action of the combat situation on combatants. The Impact of Event Scale (IES-R) is directed to identifying symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and assessment of the level of their severity.Due to Pirson’s correlation criterion the strength of the correlation connection between two indicators measured in quantitative scales was determined. Mathematical data processing was performed using a package of SPSS 17.0 statistical data for Windows. Results. The study found out that the same situation experienced by a person can be traumatic for one person and not for another, what depends on many factors. Scientists are currently investigating a wide range of factors of occurrence of stress disorders, although it is worth noting the approach of those scientists who consider the external factor as prevalent in the appearance of trauma, emphasizing the relationship between the intensity of combat experience and the emergence of psychogenies. It has been found that near 20% of the investigated servicemen have a high probability of development of PTSD. 79% are dominated by low and medium levels of traumatic event influence that indicates the expected, adequate level of adaptability to military events in combatants, there are no signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, they are well adapted to activities in extreme situations during service in the anti-terrorist operation zone. Quantitative and qualitative features of relation between the intensity of combat experience and PTSD manifestations have been revealed. It has been defined that some additional factors must be taken into account for the occurrence of PTSD, which determine PTSD, beside the intensity of combat experience. Conclusions. Based on the research, we can say that the presence of combat experience and stressful situations associated with it is not a major factor in the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder in combatants. That is those combatants, who had got light and medium intensity of combat experience, also showed some symptoms of PTSD. Conversely, those who had a high degree of intensity of combat experience did not always have manifestations of PTSD.Analysis of the research results showed that probably predominant meaning in the formation of PTSD in comparison with situational factors (intensity of combat experience) may have another factors. As theoretical analysis of scientific research confirmed, post-traumatic stress as a mental state is the result of a complex interaction of biological, psychological and social factors. That problem needs studies. Therefore, the prospect of further research may be to study the personal characteristics of combatants (character, temperament, intellect, etc.) and their influence on the development of PTSD.Key words: combatants, combat experience, post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD factors, psychotraumatic situation. Мета – виявити вплив інтенсивності бойового досвіду на виникнення симптомів ПТСР у військо-вослужбовців для кращого розуміння чинників, що спричинюють можливість маніфестації стресових розладів у військовослужбовців. Методи. Для реалізації мети був застосований теоретичний метод аналізу літературних джерел з даної проблематики. Емпіричний метод полягав у проведенні дослідження за такими діагностичними методиками, як: «Шкала оцінки інтенсивності бойового досвіду» та «Шкала оцінки впливу травматичної події». На основі проведеної методики «Шкала оцінки інтенсивності бойо-вого досвіду» (Combat Exposure Scale – CES) ми мали змогу визначити рівень інтенсивності стресової дії бойової обстановки на комбатантів. Шкала оцінки впливу травматичної події (англ. Impact of Event Scale, скор. IES-R) спрямована на виявлення симптомів посттравматичного стресового розладу і оцінку ступеня їх вираженості.За критерієм кореляції Пірсона визначалася сила кореляційного зв’язку між двома показниками, що виміряні у кількісних шкалах. Математична обробка даних проводилася з використанням пакету статистичних даних SPSS 17.0 для Windows. Результати. У результаті дослідження з’ясовано, що одна і та ж пережита людиною ситуація для однієї людини може стати травматичною, а для іншої – ні. Це залежить від багатьох факторів. Наразі науковці досліджують широкий спектр чинників та факторів виникнення стресових розладів, хоча заслуговує на увагу і підхід тих науковців, які розглядають зовнішній чинник як превалюючий у виникненні травми, наголошуючи на взаємозв’язку інтенсивності бойового досвіду та виникнення психогеній. Виявлено, що близько 20% досліджуваних військовослужбовців мають високу вірогідність розвитку ПТСР. У 79%військовослужбовців переважає низький та середній рівень впливу травматичної події, що свідчить про очікуваний, адекватний рівень адаптивності до військових подій у комбатантів, відсутність ознак посттравматичного стресового розладу. Вони добре адаптовані до діяльності в екстремальних ситуаціях під час проходження служби у зоні АТО. Виявлено кількісні та якісні характеристики зв’язку між інтенсивністю бойового досвіду та проявами ПТСР. Ймовірно, бойовий досвід може іноді спровокувати симптоми ПТСР. Визначено, що для виникнення ПТСР повинні враховуватись деякі додаткові фактори, що детермінують ПТСР, окрім інтенсивності бойо-вого досвіду. Висновки. На основі проведеного дослідження ми можемо стверджувати, що наявність бойового досвіду та стресогенних ситуацій, пов’язаних з ним, не є основним фактором виникнення посттравматичного стресового розладу у комбатантів. Тобто ті комбатанти, які мали легкий та середній ступінь інтенсивності бойового досвіду, також проявляли деяку симптоматику ПТСР. І навпаки, ті, які мали високий ступінь інтенсивності бойового досвіду, не завжди мали прояви ПТСР. Аналіз результатів дослідження показав, що, ймовірно, превалююче значення у формуванні ПТСР порівняно з ситуаційними чинниками (інтенсивність бойового досвіду) можуть мати й інші фактори. Як підтвердив теоретичний аналіз наукових досліджень, посттравматичний стрес як психічний стан є результатом складної взаємодії біологічних, психологічних і соціальних факторів. Це питання ще потребує досліджень. Саме тому перспективою подальших досліджень може стати вивчення особистісних особливостей комбатантів (характер, темперамент, інтелект тощо) та їх вплив на розвиток ПТСР. Ключові слова: комбатанти, бойовий досвід, посттравматичний стресовий розлад, чинники ПТСР, психотравмуюча ситуація.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 131-131
Jeanne Stellman ◽  
Steven Stellman ◽  
Anica Kaiser ◽  
Avron Spiro ◽  
Brian Smith

Abstract We investigated the impact of earlier military combat on ability to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic in 379 male Vietnam veterans who responded to surveys in 1984, 1998, and 2020. Combat exposure was scored with a validated scale, contrasting lowest tertile (8-15) vs. medium/high (16-40). About one-fourth of veterans (26%) reported that their military experience made it easier to cope with the pandemic, while over half (59%) said it had no effect. Medium/high-combat veterans were more likely to report that their military experience made coping easier (OR = 1.8, p = 0.03), but were less likely to report no effect of service on their coping than low-combat veterans (OR = 0.40, p<0.001). All 19 respondents (5%) who said military experience made coping more difficult were medium/high combat veterans. Military experience, and combat particularly, affected many of these veterans’ ability to cope with the pandemic decades after their service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (6) ◽  
Mia S. Vedtofte ◽  
Andreas F. Elrond ◽  
Annette Erlangsen ◽  
Anni B. S. Nielsen ◽  
Christian D. G. Stoltenberg ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1310
Saguin Emeric ◽  
Gomez-Merino Danielle ◽  
Sauvet Fabien ◽  
Leger Damien ◽  
Chennaoui Mounir

Sleep disturbances are well-recognised symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This review updates knowledge regarding the relationship between sleep during deployment, combat-related trauma, and PTSD in military personnel, from which the importance of restorative sleep results. The description of the characteristics of sleep in military forces with the considerable roles of the operational and training contexts highlights the important consequences of degraded sleep. Indeed, a lot of data suggest a dynamic link between sleep and the onset and chronicity of PTSD. We propose a reciprocal relationship model with strategies strongly recommended or already adopted by the military to promote restorative sleep before and after combat exposure. Among the alterations in a variety of sleep architecture and sleep patterns described in PTSD, the physiological hypothesis of REM sleep fragmentation in the development of PTSD symptoms may be important because REM sleep is generally associated with emotional memory. Finally, we address clinical and research perspectives that could be used to detect or restore sleep continuity before and during military deployment to possibly alleviate nightmares and insomnia related to combat exposure and PTSD occurrence and improve our understanding of sleep in PTSD.

2021 ◽  
Nikki E Barczak-Scarboro ◽  
Lisa M Hernández ◽  
Marcus K Taylor

ABSTRACT Objective The aim of this study was to determine the unique and combined associations of various military stress exposures with positive and negative mental health symptoms in active duty service members. Materials and Methods We investigated 87 male U.S. Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians (age M ± SE, range 33.7 ± 0.6, 22-47 years). Those who endorsed a positive traumatic brain injury diagnosis were excluded to eliminate the confounding effects on mental health symptoms. Using a survey platform on a computer tablet, EOD technicians self-reported combat exposure, deployment frequency (total number of deployments), blast exposure (vehicle crash/blast or 50-m blast involvement), depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress, perceived stress, and life satisfaction during an in-person laboratory session. Results When controlling for other military stressors, EOD technicians with previous involvement in a vehicle crash/blast endorsed worse mental health than their nonexposed counterparts. The interactions of vehicle crash/blast with deployment frequency and combat exposure had moderate effect sizes, and combat and deployment exposures demonstrated protective, rather than catalytic, effects on negative mental health scores. Conclusions Military stressors may adversely influence self-reported symptoms of negative mental health, but deployment experience and combat exposure may confer stress inoculation.

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