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Н.Н. Ефремов

В статье рассматривается модель пространственных предложений якутского языка, которыми описываются отношения адлокации и директив - финиша. Подобные предложения формируются конструкциями, предикат которых выражается глаголами направленного движения, ориентированного относительно конечного пункта, а актант - локализатор обозначается синтетическими и аналитическими формами. Их типовая модель представлена тремя структурными вариантами: падежным, с послелогом диэки, с наречиями и именами. Варианты в соответствии с лексико - грамматическим характером глаголов движения, выступающих предикатами, а также имен и наречий, функционирующих в роли локализаторов, наделяются теми или иными семантическими модификациями. Падежный вариант представляется относительно большим числом модификаций в связи с их сочетаемостным потенциалом, что позволяет расценивать их как ядерные средства выражения анализируемых отношений. The article discusses the model of spatial sentences of the Yakut language, which describe the relation between adlocation and direction - finish. Such sentences are formed by constructions, the predicate of which is expressed by verbs of directional movement, oriented relative to the final point, and the localizing actant is designated by certain synthetic and analytical forms. Their typical model is represented by three structural variants: case, with postposition dieki, with adverbs and names. Variants in accordance with the lexical and grammatical nature of verbs of motion, acting as predicates, as well as names and adverbs, functioning as localizers, are endowed with one or another semantic modification. The case variant is represented by a relatively large number of modifications due to their collocational potential, which allows us to regard them as core means of expressing the analyzed relations.

Юлия Вячеславовна Синицына

Статья посвящена моделям полисемии суффикса la в горномарийском языке. Основное значение данного суффикса — маркирование стандарта сравнения в симилятивных конструкциях. В статье рассматриваются такие значения суффикса, как маркер глоттонимов, маркер актанта при глаголе madaš ‘играть’, маркер обменного эквивалента, маркер приблизительной локализации. Помимо типологически ожидаемых моделей полисемии (как, например, маркер глоттонимов или маркер актанта при глаголах čučaš ‘казаться’, kajaš ‘быть видимым, казаться’), горномарийский симилятивный маркер la имеет менее изученные в типологическом плане функции — например, маркер актанта при глаголе madaš ‘играть’. Предыдущие исследования показали, что la может иметь разные морфосинтаксические ограничения в зависимости от контекста. В статье приводятся существующие ограничения для не рассматриваемых ранее контекстов употребления. Так, маркируя глоттоним или актант при глаголе madaš ‘играть’, la имеет более ограниченную морфосинтаксическую дистрибуцию по сравнению с симилятивными конструкциями и конструкциями с глаголами типа čučaš ‘казаться’. Еще одно употребление la — с локативными выражениями в качестве маркера приблизительной локализации. В этой функции la присоединяется к именной группе, оформленной одним из локативных падежей, а также к послеложной группе с пространственным послелогом или к наречию, сохраняющему в своем составе старые формы локативных падежей. Согласно нашим данным, полученным в ходе опроса носителей, la может присоединяться ко всем трем локативным падежам, а не только к иллативу, как это отмечается в грамматиках. Однако сочетание la с инессивом и лативом, в отличие от иллатива, грамматично только для имен с пространственной семантикой. Помимо этого, в статье анализируется описанная сеть полисемии: обсуждается возможность развития рассматриваемых функций маркера из симилятивного значения, распространившегося из симилятивных конструкций на остальные контексты. This article discusses the polysemy models of the Hill Mari suffix la, which main meaning is marking the standard of comparison in similative constructions: glottonym marker, marker of the actant in constructions with the verb madaš ‘play’, marker of the approximate localization. In addition to the typologically expected patterns of polysemy (for example, the marker of glottonyms or the complementizer marker in constructions with the verbs čučaš ‘seem’, kajaš ‘be seen, seem’), the Hill Mari similative marker la has some functions that are less studied from typological perspective. Previous research has shown that la can have different morphosyntactic restrictions depending on the context. The article presents the restrictions for contexts of la that were not studied previously in a proper way. Thus, when used as a glottonym marker or as a marker of an actant in constructions with the verb madaš ‘play’, la has a more limited morphosyntactic distribution compared to similative constructions and constructions with verbs like čučaš ‘seem’. Another context for la is locative expressions. The suffix is used to indicate the direction and not a final point. In this function, la is attached to a noun phrase marked by one of the locative cases, as well as to a postpositional group with a spatial postposition or to an adverb that retains the old forms of locative cases. It is important that la can be attached to all three locative cases, not just to the illative, as noted in the grammars. Moreover, the article analyzes the existing polysemy network: there is an attempt to present a possible invariant underlying all functions of the la. This is the similative meaning of the suffix, which is spread from the similative constructions to other contexts.

2021 ◽  
Liam Grandy

<p>This thesis is an exploration of large scale incidents of veneficium as they are depicted in Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita. Livy’s earlier books include references to four quaestiones de veneficiis, investigations into poisoning, which resulted in the executions of thousands of people. This study attempts to understand what happened while hypothesising why they occurred.  Veneficium and its associated words have often been declared ambiguous, referring to poisons, potions, and, eventually, magic. However, this interpretation developed significantly later than the events seen in Livy and is anachronistic. This thesis explores this language and so we can understand what veneficium meant during the quaestiones de veneficiis of the fourth and second centuries BC and in Livy’s own time, and how it evolved to become magical and thus colour modern scholarships. Using this knowledge, we can review and reconsider Livy’s reports to gain a fresh understanding of what actually happened during the quaestiones and how the motifs and themes of these investigations reveal that they were in fact social responses to a period of rapid change to Roman life in the second century BC. This final point is reaffirmed when we engage with interdisciplinary theories from anthropology and sociology. By considering theories and models from these schools we can confidently say that, while venefici were not witches, their persecution was a type of witch-hunt.</p>

2021 ◽  
Liam Grandy

<p>This thesis is an exploration of large scale incidents of veneficium as they are depicted in Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita. Livy’s earlier books include references to four quaestiones de veneficiis, investigations into poisoning, which resulted in the executions of thousands of people. This study attempts to understand what happened while hypothesising why they occurred.  Veneficium and its associated words have often been declared ambiguous, referring to poisons, potions, and, eventually, magic. However, this interpretation developed significantly later than the events seen in Livy and is anachronistic. This thesis explores this language and so we can understand what veneficium meant during the quaestiones de veneficiis of the fourth and second centuries BC and in Livy’s own time, and how it evolved to become magical and thus colour modern scholarships. Using this knowledge, we can review and reconsider Livy’s reports to gain a fresh understanding of what actually happened during the quaestiones and how the motifs and themes of these investigations reveal that they were in fact social responses to a period of rapid change to Roman life in the second century BC. This final point is reaffirmed when we engage with interdisciplinary theories from anthropology and sociology. By considering theories and models from these schools we can confidently say that, while venefici were not witches, their persecution was a type of witch-hunt.</p>

2021 ◽  
Mariam Fouad Kadhum ◽  
Nawal Fadhil Abbas

The present study attempts to examine verbal/nonverbal impoliteness in the classroom interaction and outside it in one of the movies, namely, The Marva Collins. Impoliteness, which is significantly studied within pragmatics, is a negative attitude towards particular behaviors. It always presumes to have emotional concerns for at least one participant who has caused it. This study is an attempt to examine verbal/nonverbal impoliteness in The Marva Collins movie. The study aims to investigate the different types of impoliteness strategies used in the four selected scenes and find out whether the speaker’s status has anything to do with the types of impoliteness. Besides, the functions performed are also examined by following a qualitative method of research. To achieve the aim of the study, the researchers adopt Culpeper’s model of impoliteness (1996, 2005). The study has concluded that positive impoliteness is the most dominant type of impoliteness, followed by withholding politeness. Moreover, the characters in The Marva Collins mostly employ affective impoliteness rather than the other functions of impoliteness. It is indicated to let the speaker imply the duty of the hearer to produce a negative emotional state. As a final point, Culpeper is the workable model used in analysing the data of this study.

The bio-mediated nanomaterials have expected growing responsiveness due to an increasing requirement to develop naturally nonthreatening technologies in nanomaterial synthesis. Biotic ways to prepare nanomaterials through extracts from the plant (includes stems, leaves, flowers, and roots) and microorganisms were recommended as likely replacements for physical and chemical routes due to their solvent medium and environment eco-friendliness and nontoxicity. This chapter focuses on electrocatalyst prepared by various bio-mediated synthetic ways and used as a green and eco-friendly electrocatalyst to recognize extensive chemical and biologically essential molecules with improved selectivity and sensitivity with low detection limit. The bio-mediated nanocomposite formation processes and their unique properties surface functionalization and electron transfer mechanism discussed in connection with the design and fabrication of sensors. As a final point, the encounters and prospects in developing bio-mediated nanomaterials-based electrochemical sensing technology was outlined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Ning Ratna Sinta Dewi

Metaphysical theology is the study of God. God as the object of metaphysical study has a specificity compared to the other two objects of metaphysics. If the outward manifestation of the universe and the soul can be perceived by the senses, then the same is not true for the reality of divinity. God is something that cannot be grasped by the senses. Metaphysics that studies about God is called the philosophy of divinity (naturalist theology). If the philosophy of divinity makes God the final point or conclusion of the entire study, then revelation theology views God as the starting point for its discussion. The philosophy of divinity deals with proving the truth of the existence of God based on human reasoning. Divinity philosophy (naturalist theology) does not question the existence of God, the discipline only wants to underline that if there is no uncaused first cause, the relative-contingent position of objects cannot be understood by reason. From the above, there are several kinds of philosophical evidence that try to open the way to God; namely the proof of ontology, cosmology, teleology, morals, and this is at the same time an advantage of the philosophical approach compared to the approach of religion and other sciences. Science is limited to making descriptions based on empirical experience while religion departs from belief in one doctrine.

Adam alemi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 89 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-15
Şahin Filiz ◽  
Zhanat Zhanbayeva ◽  

Being at the heart of all sciences, Philosophy is an understanding of thinking, knowing, enlightenment and practical life wisdom aimed at researching and enlightening the ways for human to be happy on earth, at the final point. In other words, it means to explore the ways and the methods to achieve eunoia, that is, "good thinking", "having a well-balanced mind" and finally "goodwill" and "kindness". For this reason, philosophy is the knowledge, wisdom and method of holistic thinking and action. Benefiting from the results of every science that studies all intellectual, emotional and behavioural accumulation of humanity individually within their borders, by their own methods, stems from the nature of this holistic approach of philosophy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 144-158
Mariam Fouad Kadhum ◽  
Nawal Fadhil Abbas

The present study attempts to examine verbal/nonverbal impoliteness in the classroom interaction and outside it in one of the movies, namely, The Marva Collins. Impoliteness, which is significantly studied within pragmatics, is a negative attitude towards particular behaviors. It always presumes to have emotional concerns for at least one participant who has caused it. This study is an attempt to examine verbal/nonverbal impoliteness in The Marva Collins movie. The study aims to investigate the different types of impoliteness strategies used in the four selected scenes and find out whether the speaker’s status has anything to do with the types of impoliteness. Besides, the functions performed are also examined by following a qualitative method of research. To achieve the aim of the study, the researchers adopt Culpeper’s model of impoliteness (1996, 2005). The study has concluded that positive impoliteness is the most dominant type of impoliteness, followed by withholding politeness. Moreover, the characters in The Marva Collins mostly employ affective impoliteness rather than the other functions of impoliteness. It is indicated to let the speaker imply the duty of the hearer to produce a negative emotional state. As a final point, Culpeper is the workable model used in analysing the data of this study.

Evelyn C Mollocana-Lara ◽  
Ming Ni ◽  
Spiros N Agathos ◽  
Fernando A Gonzales-Zubiate

Abstract Although the study of ribonucleic acid (RNA) therapeutics started decades ago, for many years, this field of research was overshadowed by the growing interest in DNA-based therapies. Nowadays, the role of several types of RNA in cell regulation processes and the development of various diseases have been elucidated, and research in RNA therapeutics is back with force. This short literature review aims to present general aspects of many of the molecules currently used in RNA therapeutics, including in vitro transcribed mRNA (IVT mRNA), antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), aptamers, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), and microRNAs (miRNAs). In addition, we describe the state of the art of technologies applied for synthetic RNA manufacture and delivery. Likewise, we detail the RNA-based therapies approved by the FDA so far, as well as the ongoing clinical investigations. As a final point, we highlight the current and potential advantages of working on RNA-based therapeutics and how these could lead to a new era of accessible and personalized healthcare.

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