principal parts
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-103
Sarra Amanda Sinaga ◽  
Siti Zainab ◽  
Hendrata Wibisana

The development of West Sidoarjo especially at Krian city has a major influence on the growth of suburban areas. By increasing the number and activity of the population, transportation is one of the principal parts that cannot be separated from the activity. This leads to quite complex traffic problems, especially traffic density problems. This research was conducted to analyze the Service Level Index (ITP) with linear regression method on Jalan Ponokawan until Jalan Mayjend Bambang Yuwono Krian. The survey was conducted in the morning (07.00-09.00), afternoon (12.00-14.00), and evening (16.00-18.00) to analyze the calculation of traffic volume, road capacity, and the speed of the free flow by using Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997. The Geographic Information System (GIS) can help to provide information on road service level index analysis in the form of thematic maps that are easy to understand. From the results of data analysis, a service level index (a) is calculated on each segment using linear regression method and the result of segment I is 0,093, segment II is 0.141, segment III is 0.074, segment IV is 0.210, segment V is 0.130, segment VI is 0.109, and segment VII is 0.113.

The most challenging problem in human resources specially in the IT digital services company, is to assign the best collaborator’s in the adequate project , then ensure the delivery’s this paper we aim to develop à recommandation System using based-content and collaborative filtering in order to recommend potential profiles for a new job offer. The Principal parts of this recommandation is the matching between job offer of new project and collaborators profiles and the scoring using AHP method. In the first step we propose a model of criteria to measure collective skills , we validate by a survey realized in the IT service company , we analyze the data collected using PCA method (Principal Component Analysis).the results indicate six factors to measure collective skills of each collaborator (Technical skill, Proactivity ,Integrity, Cooperation, Communication and Benevolence/Interpersonal Relationship), these factors are used in AHP function to give score for each collaborator then allow the recommendation for the adequate project.

Safia Baali

The most challenging problem in human resources specially in the IT digital services company, is to assign the best collaborator’s in the adequate project , then ensure the delivery’s this paper we aim to develop à recommandation System using based-content and collaborative filtering in order to recommend potential profiles for a new job offer. The Principal parts of this recommandation is the matching between job offer of new project and collaborators profiles and the scoring using AHP method. In the first step we propose a model of criteria to measure collective skills , we validate by a survey realized in the IT service company , we analyze the data collected using PCA method (Principal Component Analysis).the results indicate six factors to measure collective skills of each collaborator (Technical skill, Proactivity ,Integrity, Cooperation, Communication and Benevolence/Interpersonal Relationship), these factors are used in AHP function to give score for each collaborator then allow the recommendation for the adequate project.

Brian Gronewoller

Chapter 5 demonstrates that Augustine utilizes rhetorical economy to explain God’s providence over that which does not come from God—evil. The first section provides a reading of On Genesis against the Manichaeans 1.3.5 which indicates that part of Augustine’s solution—the separation between the acts of creating and arranging—is a logical separation based upon the first two principal parts of rhetoric, invention (inuentio) and arrangement (dispositio). The second section then argues, by means of a close reading of On Free Choice 3.9.27, that Augustine utilizes rhetorical economy as the logic by which he explains how God’s providence harmonizes with the source of sin, free will, by defining God’s providence according to the divine activity of arrangement rather than production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Conor Whately

Abstract In a book on Justinian’s wars of conquest, Peter Heather has argued that Rome’s ability to wage war in the sixth century CE was helped, to a large degree, by the military revolution that took place in Late Antiquity, which consisted of two principal parts: an increased deployment of Roman soldiers to the eastern frontier, and a shift towards Hunnic tactics. In this essay, however, I argue that these claims are misguided, and using five criteria set out by Lee Brice in an article on military revolution during the reigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great of Macedon, I show that the changes which Heather argues in favour of had begun long before Late Antiquity. Instead, what we see is the continued gradual evolution of Rome’s military, with the Roman state shifting troops to the east from the beginning of the imperial era, and the first documented implementation of steppe-inspired changes dating to the second century.

2021 ◽  
pp. 83-93
Mans Hulden ◽  
Miikka Silfverberg

We design an FST-driven computational method to calculate the minimal number of nominal forms—the principal parts—one must know to be able to fully inflect a lexeme in standard Finnish. To do this, we model the nominal inflection pattern as an FST according to the KOTUS inflectional classes. Our results show that knowing five forms always suffices to uniquely determine a nominal’s inflectional class, and to subsequently correctly inflect all the remaining forms. This contrasts with most sources in the literature that tend to assume seven forms are needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Matteo Pellegrini

AbstractThis paper provides a fully word-based, abstractive analysis of predictability in Latin verb paradigms. After reviewing previous traditional and theoretically grounded accounts of Latin verb inflection, a procedure is outlined where the uncertainty in guessing the content of paradigm cells given knowledge of one or more inflected wordforms is measured by means of the information-theoretic notions of unary and n-ary implicative entropy, respectively, in a quantitative approach that uses the type frequency of alternation patterns between wordforms as an estimate of their probability of application. Entropy computations are performed by using the Qumin toolkit on data taken from the inflected lexicon LatInfLexi. Unary entropy values are used to draw a mapping of the verbal paradigm in zones of full interpredictability, composed of cells that can be inferred from one another with no uncertainty. N-ary entropy values are used to extract categorical and near principal part sets, that allow to fill the rest of the paradigm with little or no uncertainty. Lastly, the issue of the impact of information on the derivational relatedness of lexemes on uncertainty in inflectional predictions is tackled, showing that adding a classification of verbs in derivational families allows for a relevant reduction of entropy, not only for derived verbs, but also for simple ones.

Lars Lindner ◽  
Oleg Sergiyenko ◽  
Moisés Rivas-Lopez ◽  
Wendy Flores-Fuentes ◽  
Julio C. Rodríguez-Quiñonez ◽  

One focus of present chapter is defined by the further development of the technical vision system (TVS). The TVS mainly contains two principal parts, the positioning laser (PL) and the scanning aperture (SA), which implement the optomechanical function of the dynamic triangulation. Previous versions of the TVS uses stepping motors to position the laser beam, which leads to a discrete field of view (FOV). Using stepping motors, inevitable dead zones arise, where 3D coordinates cannot be detected. One advance of this TVS is defined by the substitution of these discrete actuators by DC motors to eliminate dead zones and to perform a continuous laser scan in the TVS FOV. Previous versions of this TVS also uses a constant step response as closed-loop input. Thereby the chapter describes a new approach to position the TVS laser ray in the FOV, using a trapezoidal velocity profile as trajectory.

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