education leaders
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2022 ◽  
pp. 253-268
Jean Cushen ◽  
Lauren Durkin

This chapter evaluates the rising significance of transversal competencies and the implications for higher education assessment practices. Transversal competencies are expected to play a definitive role in future of work scenarios. This chapter evaluates the decisions and impacts surrounding the integration of transversal competencies into higher education assessments. In particular, the chapter explores the commitments and adjustments that higher education leaders must make to build the competence assessment infrastructure and supports required. The guiding role ‘student-centred learning' pedagogies can play is discussed. Relatedly, early-stage competence frameworks are offered as insight into how student-centred learning can deliver novel, active, reflective assessments that embrace competence diversity and target meaningful development. Finally, a roadmap is offered for higher education leaders to guide them in this challenging but pertinent transformation of university teaching and learning.

2022 ◽  
pp. 94-110
Matthew Williwam Hurtienne

There are many diverse demands and pressures on institutions of higher education. We are now at a time where innovation is required for many higher education institutions' survival and sustainability. However, university leaders should not look to old archaic change models to determine a way forward. Institutional leaders should look for methods to engage all generations of their workforce and decrease the level of resistance to the proposed change. This chapter looks at employee engagement and provides a model that higher education leaders can deploy to stimulate employee engagement and innovation. Framing Your Future is a model that can easily be deployed at a team, department, or even organizational level.

2022 ◽  
pp. 153-171
Katherine Sprott ◽  
Clementine Msengi

The over-identification of minorities in special education in the Unites States continues to exist. Such over-representation separates these students from their general education peers to the degree that they may not have access to challenging academic standards and effective instruction. Factors impacting these students include a systemic lack of understanding of cultural frames of reference and curriculum and leadership issues that influence the referral and placement processes in special education. This chapter will address the five culturally competent practices with regard to inclusion and special education. Implications for educational leaders will be discussed.

2022 ◽  
pp. 65-84
Kai E. Degner ◽  
Sarah K. MacDonald ◽  
Melissa M. Lubin

Four-year public institutions of higher education (IHEs) face increasing pressure to innovate with noncredit credentials. The chapter aims to develop leaders' mental models for navigating unique complexities associated with offering programs that do not award academic credit. First, a review of noncredit literature and organizational science principles explains that noncredit programming is often unaligned with IHE organizational culture and structure. Then, two metaphors for leaders' roles in overcoming barriers to innovation are introduced and critiqued: Buller's organic leadership concept and Christensen and Eyring's higher education DNA concept. Complexity leadership theory is next presented as a mental model to understand three complementary leader roles for fostering innovation with a complex organizational environment. Finally, the chapter's case features three vignettes from public IHE continuing education leaders that exemplify the complexities related to pursuing noncredit credential innovation. Strategies and discussion questions are included.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-166
Frits Ambarau ◽  
Hilda Vemy Oroh ◽  
Irfan Rifani

Coastal abrasion in Kofiau District, Raja Ampat Regency has an impact on physical damage to the coastal landscape and the impact on the social environment, namely the interaction of the physical-social environment and the changes in social life that accompany it. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of coastal abrasion and its effect on the social environment of the community in Kofiau District, Raja Ampat Regency. The research method used is qualitative. There were six sources of information consisting of village heads, community, religious leaders, education leaders, youth, and the community establishing coastal abrasion. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis technique is carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and concluding each research data. The results showed: 1) there was damage to the landscape as part of the physical condition of the abrasion beach, namely the erosion of land along the coast, people losing their homes and homestays, damaged village connecting roads, and the destruction of wave barriers. 2) some people lost their jobs in the tourism sector as a result of the destruction of homestays and cafes as a means of supporting tourism activities. 3) some people want to use relocation to a safer place, but choose to survive because life has merged with coastal life. 4) efforts to reduce the impact of abrasion are the construction of embankments, maintenance of coral reefs, and planting of mangrove trees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
Klaus Puschel ◽  
Tai Telesco ◽  
Marcela Grez ◽  
Trinidad Hoyl ◽  
Luis Ibañez ◽  

Introduction: The consequences of the Covid-19 epidemic have been catastrophic for Latin America in 2021. This study explores experiences, lessons learned, and practice changes during this critical time in post-graduate medical education in Latin America. Methods: A panel of 53 post-graduate medical education leaders from 8 Latin American countries and Canada was invited to participate in the 2021 Latin American Medical Education Leaders Forum to share their experiences, lessons learned, and main educational practice changes given the Covid-19 pandemic scenario. Participants were selected following a snowball technique with the goal of obtaining a diverse group of experts. Small group discussions were conducted by bilingual facilitators based on a semi-structured questionnaire. The plenary session with the main conclusions of each group was recorded and fully transcribed for a thematic analysis using a framework methods approach. Results: Participants´ profiles included 13 experienced clinician-educators, 19 program directors, and 23 deans or organizational representatives. Seven specific themes emerged. They followed a pattern that went from an initial emotional reaction of surprise to a complex collective response. The responses highlighted the value of adaptability, the application of new digital skills, a renovated residents’ protagonism, the strengthening of humanism in medicine, the openness of new perspectives in wellness, and finally, an unresolved challenge of assessment in medical education in a virtual post-pandemic scenario. Conclusion: A diverse panel of medical educators from Latin America and Canada identified changes triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic that could transform postgraduate medical education in the region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-316
Moh Isom ◽  
Evi Sopandi ◽  
Achmad Siswanto

Abstract Conceptual discourse and practice of religious education is considered effective as a means of internalizing character values as early as possible for the provision of children's lives in the future. This study describes the implementation of religious education in instilling character values in early childhood by using a survey method in 624 early childhood education in 33 provinces in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the majority of early childhood education leaders implement religious education policies in the institutions they lead with a calculated value of (93.37%). Then the implementation of religious education strengthens cognitive knowledge through material content about God by (99.84%), Prophets by (100%), holy books by (100%), houses of worship by (100%), and material content about morals by (100%) 100%). While the affective aspect of religious education includes material content about value planting (100%), planting the value of helping to help (99.84%). While the material that leads to the psychomotor aspect includes material about mutual respect (99.52%), and material about politeness (99.84%). The narrative of the survey results shows that religious education at the early childhood education level has been carried out in accordance with early childhood education standards, namely placing religious education as a means of internalizing character values through material content that strengthens the cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities of early childhood.   Abstrak Diskursus konseptual dan praktik pendidikan agama dinilai efektif sebagai sarana internalisasi nilai karakter sedini mungkin untuk bekal hidup anak ke depan. Penelitian ini menjelaskan implementasi pendidikan agama dalam menanamkan nilai karakter pada anak usia dini dengan menggunakan metode survei di 624 lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini yang ada di 33 Provinsi di Indonesia. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas pimpinan pendidikan anak usia dini menerapkan kebijakan pendidikan keagamaan di lembaga yang dipimpinnya dengan nilai perhitungan sebesar (93,37%). Kemudian implementasi pendidikan agama cenderung memperkuat aspek kognitif melalui konten materi tentang Tuhan sebesar (99,84%), Nabi sebesar (100%), kitab suci sebesar (100%), rumah ibadah sebesar (100%), dan konten materi tentang akhlak sebesar (100%). Sedangkan pendidikan agama yang menekankan aspek afektif meliputi konten materi tentang penanaman nilai kejujuran sebesar (100%), penanaman nilai tolong menolong sebesar (99.84%). Sementara untuk materi yang mengarah ke aspek psikomotor meliputi materi tentang saling menghormati sebesar (99,52%), dan materi tentang kesopanan sebesar (99,84%). Narasi hasil survey tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan agama pada jenjang pendidikan anak usia dini sudah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan standar isi pendidikannya, yaitu menempatkan pendidikan agama sebagai sarana internalisasi nilai karakter melalui konten materi yang memperkuat kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik anak usia dini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 410-418
Marjana Vaneva ◽  
Marjan I. Bojadjiev

As the not-so-new-now coronavirus pandemic has affected all walks of life, education has not been an exemption; what is more, it is one of the most severely hit sectors.  The unknown crisis created unprecedented circumstances for all participants in the education process, and school leaders have had a double job: to navigate their institutions and to look after their employees. The latter is a pretty delicate task - they have had to keep doing business and running their companies while minding the language since physical distancing necessitated the use of electronic communication, thus making room for vagueness and even misinterpretations. Ten education leaders of primary and secondary schools in North Macedonia have been video-interviewed on everyday COVID-19-related situations from their workplace context. Discourse completion tasks (DCTs) have been employed as a data elicitation method. Being given the open-ended, only topically specified scenarios, the respondents are asked to recreate their language reaction to situations that have happened in their newest pandemic work life. The interviews have been transcribed, and the leaders’ language choices have been analyzed. The findings show that, luckily, the leaders have been mindful about their words and have mostly chosen to use positive, calm, and encouraging language. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Vicki LaFay ◽  
Nicki Silberman ◽  
Stacey Zeigler

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-242
Tristanti Apriyani ◽  
Via Cahyani

This study discusses the structure and characteristics of the Director General of Higher Education’s circular letter on the appeal for online learning and socialization of the Job Creation Law. The purpose of this study is to reveal inequality or the existence of domination and marginalized parties through the structure and characteristics of Teun A. van Dijk's critical discourse analysis model. This is a qualitative descriptive research. The results of the study indicate that there are parties who dominate or have power, namely the Ministry of Education and Culture, higher education leaders, and students became those who are marginalized.AbstrakPenelitian ini berisi pembahasan tentang struktur dan karakteristik Surat Edaran Dirjen Dikti kepada pimpinan perguruan tinggi mengenai imbauan pembelajaran secara daring dan sosialiasi Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengungkap ketidaksetaraan atau adanya pihak yang mendominasi dan pihak yang terpinggirkan melalui struktur dan karakteristik analisis wacana kritis model Teun A. van Dijk. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pihak yang mendominasi atau berkuasa, yakni Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan pimpinan perguruan tinggi, dan pihak yang terpinggirkan, yaitu mahasiswa.

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