curved pipe
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Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (17) ◽  
pp. 5292
Yuri Appolonievich Sazonov ◽  
Mikhail Albertovich Mokhov ◽  
Inna Vladimirovna Gryaznova ◽  
Victoria Vasilievna Voronova ◽  
Vladimir Valentinovich Mulenko ◽  

This paper presents a scientific development aimed at improving the efficiency of turbomachines through the joint use of rotary-vane and vortex workflows. In the well-known Euler turbine, the rotor flow channels represent a set of curved pipes. The authors propose to consider in more detail the possibilities of using such rotating pipes in the implementation of an ejection (vortex) workflow. A hybrid pump was considered with the conclusion that its workflow can be described using two Euler equations. The results of computer simulation indicate that hybrid turbomachines are promising. The use of additive technology allowed the creation of micromodels of the Euler turbine with various rotor designs. Laboratory hydraulic tests showed that the liquid inlet to the rotor is possible in pulse mode. Laboratory tests of micromodels using compressed air showed that gas (or liquid) motion through curved pipes could be carried out from the rotor periphery to its center and then back, albeit through another curved pipe. The research results demonstrated that the scientific and technical potential of the Euler turbine is not yet fully unlocked, and research in this direction should continue. The study results are applicable in various industries including the energyeconomy, robotics, aviation, and water transport industries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (16) ◽  
pp. 7381
Santiago Henríquez Lira ◽  
María Josefina Torres ◽  
Rafael Guerra Silva ◽  
Jorge Zahr Viñuela

The accumulation of particles in a turbulent flow of incompressible air with mono-dispersed solid particles inside a 90° pipe bend was simulated using ANSYS® Fluent (CFD), taking into account the effect of gravity, drag force and a bidirectional fluid-particle coupling. An analysis of the geometrical parameters and the structures of the secondary flow generated in a curved pipe (Dean vortices) was developed, thus determining the characteristic time scales of the flow. Four Stokes numbers (Stk) were formulated, whose values are calculated and studied from the numerical simulations performed. Two different particle sizes (d1 = 50 μm y d2 = 150 μm), at two different flow conditions (Re1 = 61,500 y Re2 = 173,972), and for three curvature ratios Rc/R = 1, 4 and 8 were studied. The flow was solved using a Eulerian–Lagrangian approach with a RNG k-ε turbulence model. Once the multiphase flow was solved and validated, the distribution and maximum particle concentration inside the 90° bend were presented. Additionally, the Stk numbers were calculated to estimate the possible particle concentration level for the different system configurations (dp, Re and Rc/R). It is concluded that, if all Stk numbers are less than one, relative concentration levels reach a minimum, while for Stk numbers larger than one, an increase in the maximum concentration inside the pipe bend was noticed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 ◽  
Feroz Ahmed ◽  
Ian Eames ◽  
Emad Moeendarbary ◽  
Alireza Azarbadegan


Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 802
Puhua Tang ◽  
Liang Liang ◽  
Zhiming Guo ◽  
Yu Liu ◽  
Guanyu Hu

Magnetically controlled capsule robots are predominantly used in the diagnosis and treatment of the human gastrointestinal tract. In this study, based on the permanent magnet method, magnetic driving and fluid measurement systems for in-pipe capsule robots were established. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and particle image velocimetry (PIV), the fluid velocity and vorticity in the pipe of the capsule robot were calculated and measured. The running characteristics of the capsule robot were numerically analyzed in the curved pipe and the peristaltic flow. Furthermore, the range and variance method of orthogonal design was used to analyze the influence of four typical parameters (namely, pipe diameter, robotic translational speed, robotic rotational speed, and fluid viscosity) on the three operating performance indicators of the capsule robot (namely, the forward resistance of the robot, fluid turbulent intensity near the robot, and maximum fluid pressure to the pipe wall). In this paper, the relative magnitude and significance of the influence of each typical parameter on different performance indicators of the robot are presented. According to the different performance requirements of the robot, the different four parameter combinations are optimized. It is hoped that this work provides a reference for the selection of the appropriate mucus, translational speed, and rotational speed of the robot when it is working in pipes with different diameters.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (13) ◽  
pp. 3953
Guanming Guo ◽  
Masaya Kamigaki ◽  
Yuuya Inoue ◽  
Keiya Nishida ◽  
Hitoshi Hongou ◽  

The turbulent pulsating flow and heat transfer in straight and 90° curved square pipes are investigated in this study. Both experimental temperature field measurements at the cross-sections of the pipes and conjugate heat transfer (CHT) simulation were performed. The steady turbulent flow was investigated and compared to the pulsating flow under the same time-averaged Reynolds number. The time-averaged Reynolds number of the pulsating flow, as well as the steady flow, was approximately 60,000. The Womersley number of the pulsating flow was 43.1, corresponding to a 30 Hz pulsating frequency. Meanwhile, the Dean number in the curved pipe was approximately 31,000. The results showed that the local heat flux of the pulsating flow was greater than that of the steady flow when the location was closer to the upstream pulsation generator. However, the total heat flux of the pulsating flow was less than that of the steady flow. Moreover, the instantaneous velocity and temperature fields of the simulation were used to demonstrate the heat transfer mechanism of the pulsating flow. The behaviors, such as the obvious separation between the air and pipe wall, the low-temperature core impingement, and the reverse flow, suppress the heat transfer.

Wei Qu ◽  
Huailiang Zhang ◽  
Wei Li ◽  
Lin Peng

2021 ◽  
Vol 227 ◽  
pp. 108899
Si-Qin Ye ◽  
Hu Ding ◽  
Sha Wei ◽  
Jin-Chen Ji ◽  
Li-Qun Chen

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