equal rights
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Himoyatkhon A. Ismoilova ◽  

After gaining independence, the Republic of Uzbekistan has implemented a number of articles and laws to enhance the status of women. These laws are of course aimed at protecting the rights of women. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men” was adopted by the Legislative Chamber on August 17, 2017, and approved by the Senate on August 23, 2019.

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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Adam Tompkins

This article examines the rich historical subtext in the future-focused storylines of Quantic Dream’s 2018 release Detroit: Become Human (PS4) and illuminates many of the thematic continuities in racial issues between the past and the future. Much of the subtle historical symbolism appears to have went unnoticed by many reviewers who maligned the videogame and its creator David Cage for relying on lazy tropes that clunkily connect the African American civil rights movement to the narrative of woke androids engaging in a struggle for greater equality in society. Following scholarship that has examined the development of racialized thought in the past, this essay recognizes “race” as a powerful, yet malleable social construct, that sometimes changes over time. Racial concepts in the game do not perfectly align with historical or contemporary understandings of “race” in the United States. Androids, in short, all belong to the same “race.” This article then contends that the storylines of all three playable characters in the game resonate with well-crafted historical parallels and that the narrative geography in the gameworld often closely tethers to the historical geography of Detroit. The characters Markus, Connor, and Kara have intertwining stories that represent different elements of minority life in the United States with the clearest parallels to the historical experience of African Americans. Detroit: Become Human, nonetheless, is a science fiction game about androids. Framing the struggle for equal rights in the future with a group of beings that do not yet exist has the potential to disarm gameplayers of latent biases that may otherwise color their view of contemporary racial issues. The article asserts that the wedding together of past and future through experiential gameplay nurtures an empathic understanding of minority concerns that may carry over to the present to impact understandings of contemporary racial issues.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-86
Waseem Ahmed

Sustainable Development Goals are a set of seventeen interconnected objectives to achieve a sustainable future for all. They take a holistic and multidimensional approach to development to alter our planet by addressing humanity's many difficulties. It is an essential component of all aspects of inclusive and long-term growth. Women need to have equal rights and opportunities and live without fear of prejudice or violence. Goal five expressly mentions gender equality as one of the SDGs. Discriminatory laws must be changed and legislation enacted to advance equality proactively to achieve the goals. Gender-based violence is a top priority for governments all across the world. India is dedicated to promoting equality for all of its residents. The Indian Constitution's Preamble, Fundamental Rights, and State Policy Directive Principles express a strong commitment to gender equality. Also, India is the signatory of UN Conventions like CEDAW, where its pledge towards gender justice is evident. Furthermore, India has incorporated various domestic laws in pursuance of its responsibility towards Gender Justice. However, in India, Discrimination against women remains a profound issue despite reforms in various laws and different policies. Several concerns like female labor force participation, crimes against women, education among women, and discrimination are evident.  This paper mainly throws light on the status of Gender Justice in India. It will help the stakeholders working on SDGs and Gender justice in policy development. It will highlight the gains and gaps that India has so far accomplished and encountered. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-27
J. Sangeetha ◽  
S. Mohan ◽  
R. Kannan

Liberal feminism is the emerging mainstream feminism that spotlights gender inequality and women’s liberation within the context of liberal democracy. The aim of the study focuses on the perspectives of liberal feminism using prominent ideas of liberal thinkers in Meena Kandasamy’s award-winning novel When I Hit You: Or, A Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife (2017). The methodology of the study includes concepts of liberal feminism in the text, and it is substantiated and explored using the ideologies of notable liberal thinkers such as Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique and John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty and The Subjection of Women.  The protagonist’s transition from a submissive to a self-liberated persona strengthens the novel’s credibility as a liberal feminist text. The paper also attempts to show that the concepts of liberal feminism very well appear in the selected text.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-80
Seri Damarwanti ◽  
Sapto Sunariyanti ◽  
Suwarni Suwarni ◽  
Lusia Pujiningtyas ◽  
Anthoneta Ratu Pa

Prinsip Keselamatan Kristen mengangkat isu persamaan hak antara pria dan wanita dimana keselamatan tidak ditentukan oleh perbedaan gender. Namun dalam tatanan masyarakat Jawa yang secara tradisi dan kultur masih didominasi oleh kaum pria, filosofi “swarga nunut, neraka katut” masih berakar erat dan memengaruhi persepsi wanita Jawa, khususnya yang masih memegang teguh tradisi. Masyarakat 5.0 membawa paradigma baru bahwa di tengah arus global–digital, teknologi hadir untuk lebih memanusiakan manusia dan mengembalikan harkat dan martabat manusia secara utuh. Bagaimana perkembangan teknologi yang mengubah tatanan kehidupan ini dapat dimanfaatkan dalam mentransformasi Misi Kristen pada wanita Jawa mengambil keputusan mandiri dalam keselamatan menjadi isu utama pembahasan. Metode untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian memakai metode studi Biblika dan riset literatur berbasis kontekstualisasi budaya dan implementasinya secara praktis di era Masyarakat 5.0 menjadi pilihan utama. Kesimpulan yang diambil mengarah pada kebenaran perlunya mengubah paradigma berpikir bahwa keselamatan merupakan keputusan pribadi yang tidak tergantung pada perbedaan gender dan ikatan tradisi. Kebaharuan penelitian ini terletak pada eksplorasi Biblika yang secara khusus menjawab filosofi Jawa tentang “swarga nunut, neraka katut” dengan memanfaatkan karakteristik era Masyarakat 5.0.The Christian Salvation Principle raises the issue of equal rights between men and women where salvation is not determined by gender differences. However, in Javanese society, which is traditionally and culturally still dominated by men, the philosophy of “swarga nunut, neraka katut” is still deeply rooted and influences the perception of Javanese women, especially those who still adhere to tradition. The era of society 5.0 brings a new paradigm that in the midst of global – digital flows, technology is present to more humanize humans and restore human dignity as a whole. How the development of technology and in life can be utilized in transforming the Christian mission for Javanese women to make independent decisions in safety is the main issue of discussion. Methods to answer research questions using Biblical study methods and literature research based on cultural contextualization and its practical implementation in the era of society 5.0 are the main choices. The conclusions drawn lead to the truth of the need to change the paradigm of thinking that salvation is a personal decision that does not depend on gender differences and traditional ties. The novelty of this research lies in the exploration of the Bible which specifically answers the Javanese philosophy of “swarga nunut, neraka katut”, by utilizing the characteristics of the era of society 5.0.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Mega Widyawati ◽  
Eggy Fajar Andalas

This research aims to discuss social and cultural aspects that are closely related to Indonesian history regarding events of colonialism in the collection of short stories entitled Teh dan Pengkhianat by applying new historicism. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The theory used to analyze the relevance of literary works as social documents is from new historicism, Stephen Greenblatt (1980). Besides, the theory used to investigate colonialist perspectives on indigenous peoples is form orientalism, Edward Said (1935). The results of this research are as follows. First, historical representations are marked by fear, restraint, compulsion, and counterforce of indigenous people in the colonial period before and after 1945. Second, social representation is marked by humanity, preparation, and persistence in dealing with the variola virus that occurred in 1644. Third, cultural representations are marked by the hard work of indigenous people for equal rights in clothing style until transportation. Data that demonstrates hard work is the existence (space, process, and object), identity (matching), and unity/multiplicity (merging) of indigenous peoples and colonialists.

2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny (XXI) ◽  
pp. 413-426
Helena Szewczyk

The improvement in the quality of life of an employed person and his/her sustainable development are the basis of the concept of work-life balance. In this concept, the professional and private spheres are of equal importance and should complement and strengthen each other. The objective of ILO Convention 156 and ILO recommendation 165 related to it, is to ensure equal treatment and equal opportunities in the scope of employment and professional activity of working women and men who fulfill family responsibilities. Art. 33 section 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European pillar of social rights provides accordingly. The permanence of marriage and equal rights of spouses are among the basic principles of Polish family law. Equal rights of women and men in the context of equal rights of persons carrying out parental and care responsibilities are a fundamental constitutional principle in our country. Therefore, new legal regulations at the EU and national level concerning the balance between the professional and private life of parents and guardians are necessary. It should be de lege ferenda called for the inclusion of the concept of balance between professional and private life of working people who perform parental and guardian functions in labor law and family and guardianship law in a wider scope. It seems that nowadays the most important problem is the introduction of legal solutions in the field of work exemptions, employee holidays and more flexible working hours for employees who have care responsibilities towards the elderly or chronically ill (parents, parents-in-law, siblings) to the Labor Code

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