lead nickel
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2022 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
M. Shah ◽  
S. Kausar ◽  
J. A. Mian ◽  
H. Jabeen ◽  
N. Ullah ◽  

Abstract Snow trout (Schizothorax plagiostomus) is an economically important freshwater fish, mostly found in northern areas of water reservoirs of Pakistan. The current study was conducted in River Swat to analyze the bioaccumulation of heavy metals (Pb, Cr, Ni, and Zn) in tissues of Schizothorax plagiostomus. Tissues were extracted and dissolved in perchloric acid (HClO4) and nitric acid (HNO3) along with hotplate. The heavy metals, zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), and Nickel (Ni) were determined using Perkin Elmer 2380 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results shows great variation in the content of the metal related to tissue type and sampling sites. A high concentration of bioaccumulation was reported at Charbagh, whereas lowest at Odigram: Charbagh>Landakai>Odigram. In the same way, Cr was the most accumulated heavy metal followed by lead, nickel, and Zinc:

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-124
رأفت احمد أبو المعالي ◽  

This study was conducted to estimate some heavy metals cadmium, lead, nickel and iron in 15 samples of Iraqi honey with 3 replicates for each sample which were collected from apiaries near potential contamination areas in five Iraqi governorates, including Baghdad, Karbala, Babylon, Diyala and Salah al-Din. The atomic absorption technique was used to estimate the concentrations of heavy metals, the results showed that there were significant differences at (P≤0.05) between the concentrations of these elements in the honey samples, the highest concentrations of cadmium 0.123 mg/kg were recorded in Baghdad, near the petrochemical production complex, lead 4.657 mg/kg and nickel 0.023 mg/kg in Babylon near the power plant, iron was 1.863 mg/kg in Karbala near the waste collection and incineration plant, and all the concentrations of cadmium and lead in the studied honey samples were higher than the acceptable limits set by the European Commission Regulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-124
رأفت احمد أبو المعالي ◽  

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to estimate some heavy metals cadmium, lead, nickel and iron in 15 samples of Iraqi honey with 3 replicates for each sample which were collected from apiaries near potential contamination areas in five Iraqi governorates, including Baghdad, Karbala, Babylon, Diyala and Salah al-Din. The atomic absorption technique was used to estimate the concentrations of heavy metals, the results showed that there were significant differences at (P≤0.05) between the concentrations of these elements in the honey samples, the highest concentrations of cadmium 0.123 mg/kg were recorded in Baghdad, near the petrochemical production complex, lead 4.657 mg/kg and nickel 0.023 mg/kg in Babylon near the power plant, iron was 1.863 mg/kg in Karbala near the waste collection and incineration plant, and all the concentrations of cadmium and lead in the studied honey samples were higher than the acceptable limits set by the European Commission Regulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol Unlabeled volume ◽  
Ola Hammoud ◽  
Denise Blanc ◽  
Maria Lupsea-Toader ◽  
Christine De Brauer

Mineral trace elements (MTE) constitute an environmental restriction on the recycling of municipal solid waste incineration-bottom ash (MSWI-BA). The study of the speciation of MTE and the factors that control their release allows to predict their behavior under different environmental conditions and, consequently, suggest different actions to expand the management of MSWI-BA.A geochemical modeling led to a better understanding of the speciation of MTE. In this study, target elements were barium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc and the factors that control their release were identified.The results show that the leaching of metals as a function of pH mainly depends on the mineralogical phases. On the other hand, the organic matter has an influence in the leaching of MTE (for Ni, Cu and Pb notably); organic matter presents adsorbent or complexation properties. Les éléments traces métalliques (ETM) constituent une restriction environnementale pour le recyclage des mâchefers d'incinération des déchets non dangereux (MIDND). L'étude de la spéciation des ETM et des facteurs qui contrôlent leur mobilité permet de prédire le comportement des MIDND dans différentes conditions environnementales et de suggérer ensuite des actions pour élargir leur gestion. Une modélisation géochimique des MIDND a permis de mieux comprendre la spéciation des ETM. Dans cette étude, les éléments ciblés étaient le baryum, le cuivre, le plomb, le nickel et le zinc et les facteurs qui régissent leur mobilité ont été définis. Les résultats montrent que la lixiviation des métaux en fonction du pH dépend principalement des phases minéralogiques ; la matière organique joue également un rôle en tant qu'adsorbant ou complexant dans la lixiviation de certains éléments (Ni, Cu et Pb, notamment). Mots-clés Mâchefers d'incinération des déchets non dangereux (MIDND), éléments traces métalliques, capacité de neutralisation acide, modélisation géochimique, PhreeqCI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 665-667
O.O. Okobiebi ◽  
B.O. Okobiebi

The Udu River is a major source of commerce and provides water for agricultural and domestic use to the Udu people, hence we studied the physicochemical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, TSS, TDS, turbidity, Salinity, DO, COD, BOD, chlorides, sodium, potassium, total hardness, alkalinity, nitrates, ammonium, sulphates) as well as the evaluation of the degree of metal contamination (iron, zinc, cadmium, nickel, copper and lead) present in the samples. The analyses carried out revealed water samples were acidic, pH below 7, temperature ranged from 29.5 oC - 32.7 oC which was above WHO permissible limit 25oC, low levels of Dissolve oxygen DO (DO: max = 6.5 mg/L below WHO limit of 7.5 mg/L) and BOD ranges did not exceed the suggested 4.5mg/L (WHO max. limit). Concerning the heavy metals, the examined results showed lead, nickel, copper and zinc all below the WHO max limit. A significant increase in the concentration of Iron was noticed in Ovwian sampling site, also there was also build of cadmium above WHO limit 0.003mg/L at Igbogidi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
S. I. Akopunwanne ◽  
E. T. Oparaocha ◽  
C. D. Onwuka

Rainwater and groundwater quality in Izombe were assessed. Five water samples were collected from five (5) different locations, with at least one location from one of the four autonomous communities in Izombe, Oguta L.G.A of Imo State. The physicochemical and microbial parameters of rainwater and groundwater samples from Umuakpa, Ndeuloukwu, Ugbele, Ndioko, and Orsu were assessed using Varian Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The study was aimed to assess the physicochemical and microbial qualities of groundwater and rainwater in Izombe and how these affect their health as individual members of the community, and their environment when compared to WHO standards. The water samples were collected from five different locations, with at least one location from each of the four autonomous communities, and were assessed. The result indicated that rainwater and groundwater pollutants in the community were turbidities, ammonia, copper and temperatures 7.59±0.02 ph, 6.42±0.28 nitrate, 59.56±0.50 ammonia, 0.29±0.07 phosphate, 0.88±0.03 iron, copper, lead, nickel, aluminum, mercury, manganese, cadmium, bacteria count, coliform count, and E-coli. Also, all the pollutant parameters were identified, only iron, copper, aluminum, and bacteria count were not identified as being associated with petroleum products and exploratory activities. This research has broadened the understanding of the suitability of Izombe water sources for both consumption and other purposes. The findings show that the rain and groundwater sources of the community are not fit for human consumption, due to the contaminants inherent in them, attributed majorly to the oil production activities in the area which corroborates other research studies.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 2266
Chin-Yuan Huang ◽  
Pei-Cheng Cheng ◽  
Jih-Hsing Chang ◽  
Yu-Chih Wan ◽  
Xiang-Min Hong ◽  

Metal contamination in groundwater often occurs in various industrial processes. Studies have confirmed that polysulfide could reduce hexavalent chromium to trivalent chromium, achieving the effect of in situ stabilization. For other metal contamination in groundwater, whether polysulfide also had a stabilizing ability to achieve in situ remediation. This research focused on metals in addition to chromium that often contaminated groundwater, including lead, nickel, zinc, copper, and cadmium, to explore the feasibility of using calcium polysulfide (CaSx) as an in situ stabilization technology for these metals’ contamination of groundwater. Results showed that CaSx had a great removal efficiency for metals lead, nickel, zinc, copper, and cadmium. However, for nickel, zinc, copper, and cadmium, when CaSx was added excessively, complexes would be formed, causing the result of re-dissolution, in turn reducing the removal efficiency. As it is difficult to accurately control the dosage of agents for in situ groundwater remediation, the concentration of re-dissolved nickel, zinc, copper, and cadmium may not be able to meet the groundwater control standards. CaSx had high lead removal efficiency and for a concentration of 100 mg/L, the dose of calcium polysulfide was more than the amount of 1/1200 (volume ratio of CaSx to groundwater). In addition, the removal rate was almost 100% and it would not cause re-dissolution due to excessive CaSx dosing. CaSx can be used as an in situ stabilization technique for lead-contaminated groundwater.

Chin-Yuan Huang ◽  
Pei-Cheng Cheng ◽  
Jih-Hsing Chang ◽  
Yu-Chih Wan ◽  
Xiang-Min Hong ◽  

Heavy metals contamination in groundwater often occurs in various industrial processes. Stud-ies have confirmed that polysulfide could reduce hexavalent chromium to trivalent chromium, achieving the effect of in-situ stabilization. For other heavy metals contamination in groundwa-ter, whether polysulfide also had a stabilizing ability to achieve in-situ remediation. This re-search focused on heavy metals except for chromium that often contaminated in groundwater, including lead, nickel, zinc, copper, and cadmium to explore the feasibility of using calcium polysulfide (CaSx) as an in-situ stabilization technology for these heavy metals contamination groundwater. Results showed that CaSx had a great removal efficiency for heavy metals lead, nickel, zinc, copper, and cadmium. However, for nickel, zinc, copper and cadmium, when CaSx was added excessively, complexes would be formed, causing the result of re-dissolve and this would also reduce the removal efficiency. Since it is difficult to accurately control the dosage of agents for in-situ groundwater remediation, the concentration of re-dissolved nickel, zinc, cop-per, and cadmium may not be able to meet the groundwater control standards. CaSx had high lead removal efficiency, and it would not cause re-dissolution due to excessive CaSx dosing. CaSx can be used as an in-situ stabilization technique for lead contaminated groundwater.

Grzegorz Izydorczyk ◽  
Katarzyna Mikula ◽  
Dawid Skrzypczak ◽  
Krzystof Trzaska ◽  
Konstantinos Moustakas ◽  

AbstractThis literature review outlines the most important—agricultural and non-agricultural—types of sewage sludge management. The potential of waste sludge protein hydrolysates obtained by chemical sludge conditioning was reported. The discussed areas include acidic and alkaline hydrolysis, lime conditioning, polyelectrolyte dewatering and other supporting techniques such as ultrasounds, microwave or thermal methods. The legislative aspects related to the indication of the development method and admission to various applications based on specified criteria were discussed. Particular attention was devoted to the legally regulated content of toxic elements: cadmium, lead, nickel, mercury, chromium and microelements that may be toxic: copper and zinc. Various methods of extracting valuable proteins from sewage sludge have been proposed: chemical, physical and enzymatic. While developing the process concept, you need to consider extraction efficiency (time, temperature, humidity, pH), drainage efficiency of post-extraction residues and directions of their management. The final process optimization is crucial. Despite the development of assumptions for various technologies, excess sewage sludge remains a big problem for sewage treatment plants. The high costs of enzymatic hydrolysis, thermal hydrolysis and ultrasonic methods and the need for a neutralizing agent in acid solubilization limit the rapid implementation of these processes in industrial practice. Graphical abstract

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