tactile sensor
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Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 628
Yinlong Zhu ◽  
Xin Chen ◽  
Kaimei Chu ◽  
Xu Wang ◽  
Zhiqiang Hu ◽  

Flexible sensing tends to be widely exploited in the process of human–computer interactions of intelligent robots for its contact compliance and environmental adaptability. A novel flexible capacitive tactile sensor was proposed for multi-directional force sensing, which is based on carbon black/polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) composite dielectric layer and upper and lower electrodes of carbon nanotubes/polydimethylsiloxane (CNTs/PDMS) composite layer. By changing the ratio of carbon black, the dielectric constant of carbon black/PDMS composite layer increases at 4 wt%, and then decreases, which was explained according to the percolation theory of the conductive particles in the polymer matrix. Mathematical model of force and capacitance variance was established, which can be used to predict the value of the applied force. Then, the prototype with carbon black/PDMS composite dielectric layer was fabricated and characterized. SEM observation was conducted and a ratio was introduced in the composites material design. It was concluded that the dielectric constant of carbon sensor can reach 0.1 N within 50 N in normal direction and 0.2 N in 0–10 N in tangential direction with good stability. Finally, the multi-directional force results were obtained. Compared with the individual directional force results, the output capacitance value of multi-directional force was lower, which indicated the amplitude decrease in capacity change in the normal and tangential direction. This might be caused by the deformation distribution in the normal and tangential direction under multi-directional force.

Pingping Wang ◽  
Shengqi Zhang ◽  
Zhengyong Liu ◽  
Yuxin Huang ◽  
Jie Huang ◽  

ACS Nano ◽  
2022 ◽  
Yang Jiang ◽  
Fei Liang ◽  
Hua Yang Li ◽  
Xin Li ◽  
You Jun Fan ◽  

Snehal Dikhale ◽  
Karankumar Patel ◽  
Daksh Dhingra ◽  
Itoshi Naramura ◽  
Akinobu Hayashi ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 100027
Omar Faruk Emon ◽  
Faez Alkadi ◽  
Mazen Kiki ◽  
Jae-Won Choi

Nanoscale ◽  
2022 ◽  
Prabhat Kumar ◽  
Martin Šilhavík ◽  
Zahid Ali Zafar ◽  
Jiri Cervenka

A movable electrical contact between two materials is one of the most fundamental, simple, and common components in electronics that is used for binary control of a conducting path in...

П.С. Козырь ◽  
Р.Н. Яковлев

В рамках настоящего исследования был проведен анализ существующих работ, посвященных интерпретации показаний тактильных сенсорных устройств, по результатам которого была предложена модель машинного обучения, позволяющая осуществлять оценку величины приложенного давления к поверхности тактильного сенсора давления емкостного типа. В качестве опорных моделей обработки и интерпретации сигналов данного устройства в работе рассматривались несколько методов машинного обучения: линейная регрессия, полиномиальная регрессия, регрессия дерева решений, частичная регрессия наименьших квадратов и полносвязная нейронная сеть прямого распространения. Обучение опорных моделей и апробация конечного решения проводилась на авторском наборе данных, включающем в себя более 3000 экземпляров данных. Согласно полученным результатам, наилучшее качество определения величины приложенного давления продемонстрирован решением на основе полносвязной нейронной сети прямого распространения. Коэффициент детерминации и средний модуль отклонения для данного решения на тестовой выборке составили 0,93 и 13,14 кПа соответственно. Currently, in the field of developing sensing systems for robotic means, one of the urgent tasks is the problem of interpreting the data of tactile pressure and proximity sensors. As a rule, the solution to this problem is complicated both by the dependence of the indicators of tactile sensors on the type of object’s material and by the design features of each individual device. In this study, an analysis of existing works devoted to the interpretation of the readings of tactile sensor devices was carried out. According to the analysis results a machine learning model was proposed that allows estimating the amount of pressure applied to the surface of a tactile pressure sensor of a capacitive type. The architecture of the proposed model includes two key blocks of data analysis, the first one is aimed at recognizing the type of interaction object’s material and the second is devoted to the direct assessment of the magnitude of the pressure applied to the sensor. Several machine learning methods were considered as supporting models for processing and interpreting the signals of this device: linear regression, polynomial regression, decision tree regression, partial least squares regression and a fully connected feedforward neural network.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Trong-Danh Nguyen ◽  
Jun Seop Lee

With the rapid development of society in recent decades, the wearable sensor has attracted attention for motion-based health care and artificial applications. However, there are still many limitations to applying them in real life, particularly the inconvenience that comes from their large size and non-flexible systems. To solve these problems, flexible small-sized sensors that use body motion as a stimulus are studied to directly collect more accurate and diverse signals. In particular, tactile sensors are applied directly on the skin and provide input signals of motion change for the flexible reading device. This review provides information about different types of tactile sensors and their working mechanisms that are piezoresistive, piezocapacitive, piezoelectric, and triboelectric. Moreover, this review presents not only the applications of the tactile sensor in motion sensing and health care monitoring, but also their contributions in the field of artificial intelligence in recent years. Other applications, such as human behavior studies, are also suggested.

2021 ◽  
Xiaojie Wang ◽  
Haofeng Chen ◽  
Gang Ma ◽  
xuanxuan yang ◽  
jialu geng

In this paper, a large-area flexible tactile sensor for multi-touch and force detection based on EIT technology was developed. A novel design of a sensor material made of a porous elastic polymer and ionic liquid was proposed. The proposed conductive flexible materials combining elastic porous structures and conductive liquids provide continuous, linear changes in impedance with respect to touch forces. A deep learning scheme PSPNet based on MobileNet was adopted to postprocess the originally reconstructed images to improve the performance of tactile perception. By using this data-driven method, we can improve the spatial resolution of the tactile sensor to achieve a single-point position detection error of 7.5±4.5 mm without using internal electrodes.

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