larval behaviour
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Diversity ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Hilary Sommerlatte ◽  
Ben-Erik Van Wyk

Samburu resin harvesters in northern Kenya maintain that frankincense resin flow from Boswellia neglecta and Commiphora confusa is induced by insect larval activity. Observations on the insects’ larval behaviour support these claims. During the frankincense harvest, buprestid beetle larvae, identified as a Sphenoptera species, are found under B. neglecta resin, eating the monoterpene-rich inner bark, which apparently stimulates the trees to produce copious amounts of fresh resin. The same behaviour was observed with cerambycid beetle larvae, identified as Neoplocaederus benningseni Kolbe, on C. confusa trees. Remarkably, these insects have developed the capacity to digest the resin-saturated inner bark and overcome the toxic, repellent characteristics of oleo-monoterpenes. The frankincense resin also appears to act as a protective covering during the insects’ larval and pupal stages. Excessive tree damage was not noted from these insect invasions. Even though the tree species are from different genera, the resin produced by both is black, with a very similar aromatic chemical profile. The question thus arises as to whether the larval feeding behaviour of these beetle species has an influence, not only on the physical appearance but also on the chemical composition of the resins.

Apidologie ◽  
2021 ◽  
Diego E. Vázquez ◽  
Walter M. Farina

AbstractAlthough honey bee brood does not need to seek shelter or food and restricts its movements to small wax cells, larvae have some degree of motility. Previously, other studies described how honey bee larvae showed analogous behaviours to the wandering period in holometabolous insects. The current research aimed to measure locomotion of the honey bee brood at different conditions of food supply and larval stadia. Besides, we developed an actometry assay to describe the larval behaviour under laboratory conditions. Our results suggested that the satiety and developmental program of larvae modulated their locomotion. Before they pupated, larval speed increased sharply and then it dropped until quiescence. However, starvation also induced an increase in angular velocity of brood. Starved larvae were between three and five times faster than the satiated ones. Moreover, fifth instars left their wax cells after 2 h of starvation without nurse bees. In the actometry assay, larvae showed behaviours of dispersion and changes in their kinematic parameters after detecting a tactile stimulus like the edge of arenas.

2021 ◽  
Simon Benmaamar ◽  
Björn Brembs

Environmental variability during the development of an organism has known impacts on the expression of certain behavioural patterns. We used the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster to investigate how different environmental conditions interact with the allelic variants of rover (forR) and sitter (fors) at the foraging locus to affect food-related behaviour of larvae. We discovered that larval density and nutrient availability were key environmental factors affecting the larval behaviour during early development. High larval density decreased the tendency of rovers to leave a food patch and reduced their travelled path lengths, such that rovers and sitters showed no more significant differences regarding their behaviour. Similar results were obtained when starving the larvae. Furthermore, cutting the availability only of specific nutrients such as sugar, fat or protein during development all affected larval foraging behaviour and locomotion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 288 (1947) ◽  
Cris C. Ledón-Rettig

Novel behaviours can spur evolutionary change and sometimes even precede morphological innovation, but the evolutionary and developmental contexts for their origins can be elusive. One proposed mechanism to generate behavioural innovation is a shift in the developmental timing of gene-expression patterns underlying an ancestral behaviour, or molecular heterochrony. Alternatively, novel suites of gene expression, which could provide new contexts for signalling pathways with conserved behavioural functions, could promote novel behavioural variation. To determine the relative contributions of these alternatives to behavioural innovation, I used a species of spadefoot toad, Spea bombifrons . Based on environmental cues, Spea larvae develop as either of two morphs: ‘omnivores' that, like their ancestors, feed on detritus, or ‘carnivores' that are predaceous and cannibalistic. Because all anuran larvae undergo a natural transition to obligate carnivory during metamorphosis, it has been proposed that the novel, predaceous behaviour in Spea larvae represents the accelerated activation of gene networks influencing post-metamorphic behaviours. Based on comparisons of brain transcriptional profiles, my results reject widespread heterochrony as a mechanism promoting the expression of predaceous larval behaviour. They instead suggest that the evolution of this trait relied on novel patterns of gene expression that include components of pathways with conserved behavioural functions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 178-182
Eknath Shendge ◽  
Bapurao Khaire ◽  
Ramrao Chavan

Among different fruit piercing moths, the genus Othreis are the most harmful, causing widespread damage to pomegranate, citrus and mango fruits causing fruit fall in tropical and subtropical countries. The present communication deals with the study on the biology of  Othreis materna (L) from egg to adult’s death which was carried out  at room temperature of the laboratory  to investigate the delicate and vulnerable stages of its life cycle. The life cycle of the moth was completed within 45-61 days, with an average 55.03 days in case of male and within 47-63 days with an average 57.07±4.92 in case of female. Eggs hatching started at night or early in the morning and duration of hatching was 2.72 days. The eggs measured were about 0.95 to 0.03 mm in diameter. The freshly emerged first instar larvae were light yellowish coloured and translucent. The first instar larvae were very active after hatching and they moved 4 to 6 feet for searching the food. The larvae were fed with the leaves of Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy or Guduchi). The total larval duration in days from first, second, third, fourth and fifth instar varied from 2.12±0.01, 1.81±0.05, 2.87±0.02, 3.90±0.11, 4.74±0.38 in days respectively and total larval period was 15.44±0.57. Pupae were dark brown in colour and total pupation period was of 13.81±0.12 days and total adult duration for male and female was 23.08±0.70 and 25.20±0.66 days respectively. The adult of O. materna was bright orange in colour and of medium size. The male was small than the female. This is first study of this type from Marathwada, which will help to trace the vulnerable and delicate stage of the life cycle of this O. materna.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Arjun H. Banskota ◽  
Roumiana Stefanova ◽  
Joseph P. M. Hui ◽  
Fabrice Berrué ◽  
John C. Achenbach ◽  

Oceans ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Jeffrey M. Leis

Biophysical dispersal models for marine fish larvae are widely used by marine ecologists and managers of fisheries and marine protected areas to predict movement of larval fishes during their pelagic larval duration (PLD). Over the past 25 years, it has become obvious that behaviour—primarily vertical positioning, horizontal swimming and orientation—of larvae during their PLD can strongly influence dispersal outcomes. Yet, most published models do not include even one of these behaviours, and only a tiny fraction include all three. Furthermore, there is no clarity on how behaviours should be incorporated into models, nor on how to obtain the quantitative, empirical data needed to parameterize models. The PLD is a period of morphological, physiological and behavioural change, which presents challenges for modelling. The present paper aims to encourage the inclusion of larval behaviour in biophysical dispersal models for larvae of marine demersal fishes by providing practical suggestions, advice and insights about obtaining and incorporating behaviour of larval fishes into such models based on experience. Key issues are features of different behavioural metrics, incorporation of ontogenetic, temporal, spatial and among-individual variation, and model validation. Research on behaviour of larvae of study species should be part of any modelling effort.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Caroline Murawski ◽  
Stefan R. Pulver ◽  
Malte C. Gather

AbstractOptogenetics allows light-driven, non-contact control of neural systems, but light delivery remains challenging, in particular when fine spatial control of light is required to achieve local specificity. Here, we employ organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) that are micropatterned into linear arrays to obtain precise optogenetic control in Drosophila melanogaster larvae expressing the light-gated activator CsChrimson and the inhibitor GtACR2 within their peripheral sensory system. Our method allows confinement of light stimuli to within individual abdominal segments, which facilitates the study of larval behaviour in response to local sensory input. We show controlled triggering of specific crawling modes and find that targeted neurostimulation in abdominal segments switches the direction of crawling. More broadly, our work demonstrates how OLEDs can provide tailored patterns of light for photo-stimulation of neuronal networks, with future implications ranging from mapping neuronal connectivity in cultures to targeted photo-stimulation with pixelated OLED implants in vivo.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (11) ◽  
pp. 2116-2132
Ana Rodriguez‐Perez ◽  
William G. Sanderson ◽  
Lene Friis Møller ◽  
Theodore B. Henry ◽  
Mark James

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