course completion
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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 056-062
許文菁 許文菁 ◽  
許郁笙 Wen-Chin Hsu ◽  
尤琬筑 Yu-Sheng Hsu ◽  
施心筑 Wan-Chu Yu ◽  
王雅玲 Hsin-Chiu Shih

<p>目的:改善在職教育課程的辦理成效,期能強化部內藥事人員專業技能以提升病人的照護品質。</p> <p>方法:本專案結合Kern課程規劃循環(Kern curriculum cycle)與品管手法PDCA的概念,由課堂的課後資料與 問卷進行現況分析與學習者需求調查,找出「課程參與度與完成度低」之主要因,並擬定對策。課程參與度之目標設定為每堂課平均出席人數過半達64位,課程完成率達85%。(課程完成之定義為限期內完成課後評值且分數高於80分,以及滿意度填寫)</p> <p>結果:課程內容與品質改善後,平均出席人數由56位增加到65位,目標達成率112.5%;課程完成率由83.2%增加到87.3%,目標達成率227.8%。</p> <p>結論:藉由優化課程內容與品質,改善在職教育課程的辦理成效,進一步再將特定發展的課程主題以帶狀系列或社群模式進行,能提高同仁自主學習意願、促進自我成長,亦能強化同仁專業技能,進而提升病人照護品質,且有助於部門內人才師資培育兼顧員工職涯發展,並預做準備將全人照護概念向下扎根於藥學實習生。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Objective: To improve the effectiveness of on-the-job education programs for strengthening the professional skills of the pharmacists in our department and further enhance the quality of patient care.</p> <p>Methods: This project integrated the Kern curriculum cycle and the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) concept of quality control. We used post-class evaluations and questionnaires to do a situation analysis and survey learners’ needs to identify the main reasons for low course participation and completion and to develop countermeasures to these problems. The course participation targets were an average attendance of 64 pharmacists per class and a course completion rate of 85%. Course completion was defined as completing both the postcourse evaluation (80 points to pass) and the satisfaction questionnaires by the stipulated deadline.</p> <p>Results: After we improved the content and quality of the courses, the average attendance increased from 56 to 65, and the target achievement rate was 112.5%. In addition, the course completion rate increased from 83.2% to 87.3%, and the target achievement rate was 227.8%.</p> <p>Conclusion: By optimizing the content and quality of the courses, improving the effectiveness of the on-the-job education programs, and developing courses on specific topics within a series or community model, we cultivated independent learning and self-growth among our pharmacists, strengthened their professional skills, and improved the quality of patient care. Moreover, talents and teachers were fostered while taking into account the career development of our pharmacists, and preparations were made to root the concept of holistic care down in pharmacy interns.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) aim at unlimited participation and open access via the web. There are concerns about the actual value of such courses. This is predominantly due to higher dropout rates. According to studies, only 7-13% go on to complete these courses. The high dropout rate in MOOCs is a challenge for education providers. This paper aims to explore reasons for high dropout rates within MOOCs and how they can be minimized. With this in mind, two research questions have been set for this study: 1) Why do MOOC participants not complete their courses? 2) How can the course completion rate be increased? Implementation of the strategies investigated in this paper can increase completion rates in MOOCs. In conclusion, after analyzing the collected data, the final results have shown that gamification increased the completion rate of MOOCs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
Napat Jitpaisarnwattana ◽  
Hayo Reinders ◽  
Pornapit Darasawang

In the last decade, there has been a great deal of interest in language MOOCs (LMOOCs) and their potential to offer learning opportunities for large audiences, including those in disadvantaged communities. However, experiences and research have shown MOOCs to suffer from several challenges. Chief among these have been low participation and completion rates, which are often attributed to limitations in how opportunities for personalisation and social interaction are implemented. For the current study, a dedicated LMOOC was designed and implemented, called the “Social and Personal Online Language Course (SPOLC).” This language learning environment incorporates a recommendation system and emphasizes personalisation and social interaction. The study identified the types of learning behaviour that were related to course completion and observed how 270 learners in the LMOOC used the various course features. The data were collected using learning analytical methods and analysed using binary logistic regression and feature extraction prediction model. The results demonstrated that working in groups and creating a learning plan were important factors associated with course completion, while interacting with other learners online was not. We conclude with several suggestions and implications for future LMOOC design, implementation, and research.   

TEM Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1588-1596
Martin Vejačka

The education in this field of electronic banking has to adapt to rapid progress in technologies used for provision of banking services. The paper aims to shortly present the course of Electronic Services in Banking and to measure and compare the efficiency of education in the course before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The efficiency of the educational process in the course was measured as learning gain by comparing pre-course and post-course tests' results using absolute gain, relative gain, and class average normalized gain during a period of five years. The education in the course was evaluated as effective in all observed cases. The additional surveys were conducted before and after the course completion detecting positive shifts in students’ knowledge and their adoption of electronic services in banking.

2021 ◽  
pp. 095679762110289
Christina A. Bauer ◽  
Raphael Boemelburg ◽  
Gregory M. Walton

Refugees suffer from a stigmatized identity portraying them as weak, unskilled victims. We developed a brief (~10-min) intervention that reframed refugees’ identity as being, by its very nature, a source of strength and skills. Reading and writing exercises, provided by a university, highlighted how refugees’ experiences helped them acquire skills such as perseverance and the ability to cope with adversity, which could help them succeed in a new country. In Experiment 1 ( N = 93), the intervention boosted refugees’ (a) confidence in their ability to succeed at an imagined university and (b) challenge seeking: Participants were 70% more likely to take on an academic exercise labeled as difficult. In Experiment 2, the intervention, delivered to refugees entering an online university ( N = 533), increased engagement in the online-learning environment by 23% over the subsequent year. There was also evidence of greater course completion. It is possible to reframe stigmatized individuals’ identity as inherently strong and resourceful, helping them put their strengths to use.

Blood ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 138 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 4947-4947
Viral M Patel ◽  
Ibrahim F. Ibrahim

Abstract Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic condition leading to multi-organ dysfunction and chronic pain, with 1 out of 13 African Americans having the trait. Despite its prevalence and debilitating symptoms, SCD remains a disease with limited therapeutic interventions and decreased life expectancy. There is a clinical bias to undertreat the pain of patients with SCD with opioid medications, despite their effectiveness (Zempsky 2009). Early education about SCD may lead to improvements in provider perceptions and disease management. Methods: An anonymous survey was sent to first-year medical students at an academic institution prior to their hematology course. Data was collected about demographics, prior exposure to SCD, perceptions about opioid use disorder (OUD) in SCD, and baseline knowledge of management. Identical questions were asked for cancer-related pain. The survey was sent again after the completion of the hematology course to assess whether the curriculum was effective at characterizing misperceptions about patients with SCD. Results: Fifty-five medical students answered the survey prior to the course. Students were 38% male and 62% female. Seventy-five percent of students (N=41) had never encountered a patient with SCD. Forty percent (N=22) answered that OUD in patients with SCD is more likely, 60% as likely (N=33), and 0% less likely than the general population. Seventy-one percent (N=39) believed opiates should play a minor role, 5% (N=3) a major role, and 24% (N=13) said opioids should be avoided when managing SCD-related pain. After course completion, 35 students who had completed the survey prior to the course responded, 29% male and 71% female. Fifty-four percent (N=19) answered that OUD in patients with SCD is more likely, 43% (N=15) as likely, and 3% (N=1) less likely than the general population. Seventy-one percent (N=25) thought opiates should play a minor role, 9% (N=3) a major role, and 20% (N=7) said they should be avoided when managed SCD-related pain. Conclusion: After course completion, a higher percentage of medical students thought that OUD was more frequent in patients with SCD than the general population, with a similarly high percentage determining that opioid medications should play a minor role or be avoided in SCD. Opioid medications are an important part of treatment for SCD, especially for acute vaso-occlusive pain. Patients with SCD are no more likely to have OUD than the general population and have a lower rate of OUD than other patients with chronic pain conditions (Solomon 2008). This pilot study highlights that there is an opportunity to intervene in misperceptions of patients with SCD in early medical school education. Figure 1 Figure 1. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

2021 ◽  
Maria J. Sharrock ◽  
Alison Mahoney ◽  
Hila Haskelberg ◽  
Michael Millard ◽  
Jill Newby

Background: Internet cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) for health anxiety hasdemonstrated efficacy but has not been evaluated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thisstudy presents the first evaluation of the uptake and outcomes of iCBT for health anxietyduring the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: THIS WAY UP is an Australian digital mental health service which delivers iCBTinterventions to community members. We compared the uptake of THIS WAY UP’s iCBTcourse for health anxiety in an Australian adult sample who started the course before thepandemic (12th September 2019 to 11th March 2020) to during the pandemic (12th March to11th June 2020). The course was accessible to Australian adults over 18 years old, with noinclusion criteria. Outcomes included course registrations and commencements, lesson andcourse completion, and self-reported health anxiety (Short Health Anxiety Inventory),depression (Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item) and distress (Kessler-10).Results: From March to June 2020, we observed significant increases in course registrations(N=238 vs N=1057); and course commencements (N=126 vs. N= 778). Large, significantimprovements in health anxiety (g= 0.89), and distress (K10: g=0.91), and mediumimprovements in depression (g=0.55) were found. Course completion during COVID was30.5%.Conclusions: iCBT improved health anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic, and providesscalable intervention that can address increased demands for mental health services in thecommunity.

2021 ◽  
pp. e1-e5
Olivia Golston ◽  
Michael Prelip ◽  
Debbie Bain Brickley ◽  
Anne Cass ◽  
Lisa Chen ◽  

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Virtual Training Academy (VTA) was established to rapidly develop a contact-tracing workforce for California. Through June 2021, more than 10 000 trainees enrolled in a contact-tracing or case investigation course at the VTA. To evaluate program effectiveness, we analyzed trainee pre- and postassessment results using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. There was a statistically significant (P < .001) improvement in knowledge and self-perceived skills after course completion, indicating success in training a competent contact-tracing workforce. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print October 28, 2021: e1–e5. )

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