normalized gain
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 256-262
Isnaini Hasyim Harahap ◽  
Nirwana Anas ◽  
Melfa Aisyah Hutasuhut ◽  

Student worksheet contains various activities that are used to facilitate and practice students' skills in learning activities. This research aims to determine the development of student worksheet based on critical thinking skills that are valid, practical, and effective on the excretory system. This is a research and development of ADDIE model. The validity of student worksheet was measured using a validation sheet. The validity of student worksheet is 78% categorized as valid. Material validity of 82% is categorized as very valid, media validity of 81% is categorized as very valid, and language validity of 71% is categorized as valid. The practicality of the student worksheet was measured using a practitioner validation sheet and student response questionnaires. The practicality of worksheet is 87% categorized as very practical. Based on practitioner validation, the result of worksheet practicality of 89% is categorized as very practical and student response questionnaire of 85% is categorized as very practical. worksheet effectiveness was measured by normalized gain test. The control class N-Gain score of 0.2 is categorized as low and the experimental class N-Gain score of 0.5 is categorized as moderate. Keywords: Effectiveness, Practicality, Critical Thinking Skills, Student Worksheet, Validity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 136
Ella Maria Ulfa ◽  
Subiki Subiki ◽  
Lailatul Nuraini

Learning carried out during the pandemic is required to develop technology to support student learning effectively. Solutions for students and teachers to carry out learning effectively by using learning media that students can understand independently at home. Learning media that can support students in independent learning are modules. The module usage by educators related to 21st-century skills to balance the world of education in the modern era can collaborate with models, methods, and approaches in learning, one of which is the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) approach. The purpose of this research is to describe the effectiveness of the STEM integrated physics module. The research method is by giving tests to students in the form of pretest and posttest. The subjects of this study were students of MAN 1 Jember class X MIPA 2 as a limited test and X MIPA 3 broad test. Product testing was conducted by researchers using the One Group Pretest-Posttest design. Then analyzed normalized Gain (N-gain) to determine the effectiveness of the module. The results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the module in the limited test obtained an average N-gain of 0.55 in the medium category, while in the broad test it was 0.71 in the high category. Based on the results of the effectiveness analysis that the STEM integrated physics module is in the effective category.   Keyword: Module, STEM, efectivity

Octy Pramitha, Beta Rapita Silalahi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi desain pengembangan media kartu kata bergambar pahlawan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menyimak siswa kelas 4 Di SDN 101893 dan Untuk mengidentifikasi keefektifan media kartu kata bergambar pahlawan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menyimak siswa kelas 4 Di SDN 101893. Adapun hasil penelitian adalah Keefektifan media pembelajaran gambar berseri dalam proses pembelajaran terbukti efektif. Hal ini terbukti dengan perbandingan hasil pretest dan posttest dengan menggunakan normalized gain diperoleh hasil Dasar pengambilan keputusan dalam uji normalitas yaitu nilai signifikan nilai pre test yaitu 0.167 > 0,05 yang berarti data berdistribusi normal, dan pada nilai signifikan post test yaitu 0.074> 0,05 yang berarti data berdistribusi normal. nilai Sig, (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 <0,05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antara hasil belajar tanpa media dan hasil belajar dengan menggunakan media dari data pretest dan posttest atau hal ini membuktikan bahwa penggunaan media kartu kata bergambar pahlawan sangat berpengaruh dengan peningkatan keterampilan menyimak siswa terlihat nilai Sig, (2-tailed) sebesar.

TEM Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1588-1596
Martin Vejačka

The education in this field of electronic banking has to adapt to rapid progress in technologies used for provision of banking services. The paper aims to shortly present the course of Electronic Services in Banking and to measure and compare the efficiency of education in the course before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The efficiency of the educational process in the course was measured as learning gain by comparing pre-course and post-course tests' results using absolute gain, relative gain, and class average normalized gain during a period of five years. The education in the course was evaluated as effective in all observed cases. The additional surveys were conducted before and after the course completion detecting positive shifts in students’ knowledge and their adoption of electronic services in banking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-233

This study was conducted to determine the effect of Collaborative learning strategies in online learning during distance learning. The method used is an experiment with a pretest-posttest research design. The online media used is the zoom meeting application. There are two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group which were selected randomly and have been tested for normality and homogeneity tests. The experimental group is the group that is given a collaborative learning strategy, while the control group uses the conventional method. The data analysis technique used is a test technique. Based on the results of the study, the N-gain score of the experimental group (collaborative) was 63.6904 or 63.7% and was categorized as quite effective. The average normalized gain (N-gain) of the experimental group students' learning outcomes was 0.63 which was included in the medium category. This means that the application of collaborative learning strategies is sufficient to improve student learning outcomes on the subject of Ideas and Business Opportunities in class X SMAN 82 Jakarta. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi pembelajaran Kolaboratif dalam belajar online pada saat pembelajaran jarak jauh. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan desain penelitian pretest-posttest. Media Online yang digunakan adalah aplikasi zoom meeting. Terdapat dua kelompok yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol yang dipilih secara acak serta telah dilakukan uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas. Kelompok eksperimen adalah kelompok yang diberikan strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif, sedangkan kelompok kontrol menggunakan metode konvensional. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik tes. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh N-gain score kelompok eksperimen (kolaboratif) adalah 63,6904 atau 63,7% dan masuk dalam kategori cukup efektif. Rata-rata gain ternormalisasi (N-gain) hasil belajar peserta didik kelompok eksperimen adalah 0,63 yang termasuk kategori sedang. Artinya penerapan strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif cukup dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik pada pokok bahasan Ide dan Peluang Usaha di kelas X SMAN 82 Jakarta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 62-69
Tanzimah Tanzimah

Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran Team Assisted Individually (TAI) di SMP Negeri 7 Prabumulih. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pra-eksperimen, dengan subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP Negeri 7 Prabumulih kelas VIII.1. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes tertulis berbentuk essay dimana soal tes ini mengacu pada empat indikator kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu uji Gain Ternormalisasi dan uji-t (Paired Sample T-Test). Berdasarkan dari hasil perhitungan dengan uji gain ternormalisasi diperoleh indeks gain sebesar 0,21 dan hasil perhitungan dengan uji-t (hipotesis) diperoleh 21, 998. Berarti H0 ditolak, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran Team Assisted Individually (TAI) di SMP Negeri 7 Prabumulih.Kata kunci: TAI, Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Abstract The purpose of this research is to know whether or not the improvement of students' mathematical problem solving abilities after applied Team Assisted Individually (TAI) learning model in SMP Negeri 7 Prabumulih. The method used in this research is the pre-experiment method, with the subject in this study is the students of SMP Negeri 7 Prabumulih class VIII.1. Technique of data collecting using essay test where this test problem refers to four indicator ability problem solving mathematically. Data analysis technique used is normalized test and t-test (Paired Sample T-Test). Based on the results of the calculation with the normalized gain test obtained a gain index of 0.21 and the results of calculations with t-test (hypothesis) obtained 21, 998. Means Ho rejected, it can be concluded that there is a significant increase in mathematical problem solving abilities students after applied model Team Assisted Individually (TAI) learning at SMP Negeri 7 Prabumulih.Keywords: TAI, Mathematical Problem Solving Ability

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 428-438
M. Martini ◽  
W. Widodo ◽  
A. Qosyim ◽  
M. A. Mahdiannur ◽  
B. Jatmiko

This research aims to examine undergraduate students’ argumentation skills during and after the learning process in the classroom setting and their responses toward the implementation of socioscientific issues (SSI) through debate in the learning process. This research involved 32 undergraduate students and implemented design-based research with pretest and posttest in a natural classroom setting using three topics of SSI debate that widely discussed in Indonesia: Nuclear Powerplant (Topic 1), Food Preservation (Topic 2), and Genetically Modified Organism (Topic 3). Data was collected using observation sheets, tests, and questionnaires. Observation is to measure argumentation ability when applying the debate method in class settings, the test measures the improvement of argumentation skills, and questionnaires measure students’ responses to the application of the debate method. In this study, argumentation scores were obtained from six indicators and divided by a maximum score of 24 times 100. Normalized gain (N-gain) was calculated to determine the effectiveness of the intervention in the classroom. T-test was also conducted to test the significance of the differences in the pretest and posttest results on argumentation skills.  The results obtained in this study are: the argumentation skills score during the learning process for six groups were 95, 80.6, 90.3, 95, 83.3, and 77.5; the mean score of pretest and posttest were 52.22 ± 6.62 and 85.78 ± 4.72. The consistency of opinions shows the change from “agree” to “disagree” for Topics 1 and 3. The undergraduate students agree and consistently agree toward Topic 2. The paired t-test result also shows that the intervention statistically has a significant difference between the two means, indicating that the undergraduate students’ argumentation skills are better than before the intervention. Otherwise, most of the undergraduate students respond positively toward the implementation of the debate related to SSI. Despite some limitations, the debate on SSI can improve argumentation skills in classroom settings, especially in science education majors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Sri Lestari

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan perkembangan ketrampilan abad 21 dengan pembelajaran PjBL berbasis STEAM berbantuan spectra-plus pada Materi Pokok gelombang bunyi prototype alat musik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D) dengan sampel siswa kelas XI MIPA 2 berjumlah 32 di SMA Negeri 1 Yogyakarta Semester 2 Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020. Untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis ilmiah setelah pembelajaran PjBL berbasis STEAM berbantuan spectra-plus menggunakan normalized gain,sedangkan  kemampuan keterampilan kreatif, komunikasi dan kolaborasi menggunakan angket dan lembar observasi. Metode yang digunakan one group pre-test post-test design. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis ilmiah skor gain ternormalisasi 0,54 dan berpikir kreatif skor gain ternormalisasi 0,65 setelah diterapkan pembelajaran PjBL berbasis STEAM berbantuan spectra-plus pada kategori sedang.  Dari lembar observasi untuk kemampuan kolaborasi pencapaian 73% dengan kategori tinggi  dan kemampuan komunikasi 77% dengan kategori tinggi. Tanggapan siswa terhadap penerapan pembelajaran sebesar 78,21%. Respon siswa cukup positif terhadap penerapan PjBL berbasis STEAM dalam pembelajaran. Berdasarkan analisis data dan pembahasan disimpulkan pembelajaran metode STEAM dengan mengaitkan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, teknik, seni, dan matematika dapat mengembangkan kemampuan soft skills karena siswa diberikan pemahaman secara menyeluruh tentang keterkaitan bidang ilmu melalui pengalaman belajar keterampilan abad 21.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-106
Acep Musliman ◽  
Mamik Suendarti

When the globe was engulfed by the COVID-19 pandemic, substantial adjustments were undertaken in the educational system. Face-to-face learning is prohibited by the government in order to prevent the spread of this illness. Since the epidemic, distance learning has emerged as a new learning technique for students. At SMPIT in Bekasi Regency, this project attempts to assess the efficacy of adopting Open source-based E-Learning in distant learning. Pre-test-post-test control group design is a quasi-experimental design used in this study to create the genuine experimental technique by treating the research subject in question with a particular treatment. As a result, the experimental group's post-test average value and normalized gain were higher than the control group. The experimental group's average value was 85.97 while the control group's average value was 80.19. The experimental group's normalized gain value was 0.52 while the control group was only 0.30.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 821-828
Idam Ragil Widianto Atmojo ◽  
Roy Ardiansyah ◽  
Dwi Yuniasih Saputri ◽  
Fadhil Purnama Adi

This study describes the effectiveness of STEAM-based augmented reality (AR) learning media in natural science learning in elementary schools. This research used an experimental method. Six schools were involved as the subjects of this research, which was consisted of 3 elementary schools for experimental classes (60 students) and three elementary schools for control classes (60 students). The teachers involved were the 6th grader teachers. The data collection technique used 30 multiple choices questions for the students.The study results concluded that STEAM-based augmented reality effectively improved the quality of natural science learning in elementary schools. The t-test calculation results utilizing SPSS obtained t-count of 2.874 t-table of 1.980 (df-2= 122-2= 120). The normalized gain results showed a significant increase before and after using STEAM-based augmented reality media in natural science learning in elementary schools, which was 0.72 included in the high category.This research implies that research helps teachers optimize the use of media and teaching approaches. One of them is the use of STEAM with augmented reality media.

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