native tissue
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2022 ◽  
Krishnendu Roy ◽  
Thomas Pucadyil

Dynamin-related protein1 (Drp1) functions to divide mitochondria and peroxisomes by binding specific adaptor proteins and lipids, both of which are integral to the limiting organellar membrane. In efforts to understand how such multivalent interactions regulate Drp1 functions, in vitro reconstitution schemes rely on recruiting soluble portions of the adaptors appended with genetically encoded polyhistidine tags onto membranes containing Ni2+-bound chelator lipids. These strategies are facile and circumvent the challenge in working with membrane proteins but assume that binding is specific to proteins carrying the polyhistidine tag. Here, we find using chelator lipids and chelator beads that both native and recombinant Drp1 directly bind Ni2+ ions. Unlike that seen with the native mitochondrial lipid cardiolipin, metal-bound chelator lipids recruit Drp1 to the membrane but is rendered functionally inactive in membrane fission. Metal-bound chelator beads also recruit Drp1 and represents a potential strategy to deplete or purify the protein from native tissue lysates.

2022 ◽  
Isabel Marinho Bjørge ◽  
Clara R Correia ◽  
Joao Mano

Structure and organisation are key aspects of the native tissue environment, which ultimately condition cell fate via a myriad of processes, including the activation of mechanotransduction pathways. By modulating the...

Natalia Vapniarsky ◽  
Lilia Moncada ◽  
Carissa Garrity ◽  
Alice Wong ◽  
Barbro Filliquist ◽  

AbstractThis study in dogs explored the feasibility of using cartilage fragments removed and discarded during routine palliative surgery for osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) as a source of primary chondrocytes for scaffold-free cartilage tissue-engineering. Primary chondrocytes were obtained from three OCD donors and one age-matched healthy articular cartilage (HAC) donor. After monolayer expansion of primary cells, a three-dimensional spherical suspension culture was implemented. Following this stage, cells were seeded at a high density into custom-made agarose molds that allowed for size and shape-specific constructs to be generated via a method of cellular self-assembling in a scaffold-free environment. Fifty-eight neocartilage constructs were tissue-engineered using this methodology. Neocartilage constructs and native cartilage from shoulder joint were subjected to histological, mechanical, and biochemical testing. OCD and HAC chondrocytes-sourced constructs had uniformly flat morphology and histology consistent with cartilage tissue. Constructs sourced from OCD chondrocytes were 1.5-times (32%) stiffer in compression and 1.3 times (23%) stronger in tension than constructs sourced from HAC chondrocytes and only 8.7-times (81%) less stiff in tension than native tissue. Constructs from both cell sources consistently had lower collagen content than native tissue (22.9%/dry weight [DW] for OCD and 4.1%/DW for HAC vs. 51.1%/DW native tissue). To improve the collagen content and mechanical properties of neocartilage, biological and mechanical stimuli, and thyroid hormone (tri-iodothyronine) were applied to the chondrocytes during the self-assembling stage in two separate studies. A 2.6-fold (62%) increase in compressive stiffness was detected with supplementation of biological stimuli alone and 5-fold (81%) increase with combined biological and mechanical stimuli at 20% strain. Application of thyroid hormone improved collagen content (1.7-times, 33%), tensile strength (1.8-times, 43%), and stiffness (1.3-times, 21%) of constructs, relative to untreated controls. Collectively, these data suggest that OCD chondrocytes can serve as a reliable cell source for cartilage tissue-engineering and that canine chondrocytes respond favorably to biological and mechanical stimuli that have been shown effective in chondrocytes from other animal species, including humans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
A. R. Mothes ◽  
H. K. Mothes ◽  
A. Kather ◽  
A. Altendorf-Hofmann ◽  
M. P. Radosa ◽  

AbstractUrethral length was evaluated retrospectively in patients with prolapse undergoing anterior native-tissue repair. Effects of age, prolapse stage, defect pattern, urodynamic and clinical stress test findings, and tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) surgery indication were analyzed using Mann–Whitney and Wilcoxon tests and linear and logistic regression. Of 394 patients, 61% had stage II/III and 39% had stage IV prolapse; 90% of defects were central (10% were lateral). Median pre- and postoperative urethral lengths were 14 and 22 mm (p < 0.01). Preoperative urethral length was greater with lateral defects [p < 0.01, B 6.38, 95% confidence interval (CI) 4.67–8.08] and increased stress incontinence risk (p < 0.01, odds ratio 1.07, 95% CI 1.03–1.12). Postoperative urethral length depended on prolapse stage (p < 0.01, B 1.61, 95% CI 0.85–2.38) and defect type (p = 0.02, B – 1.42, 95% CI – 2.65 to – 0.2). Postoperatively, TVT surgery was indicated in 5.1% of patients (median 9 months), who had longer urethras than those without this indication (p = 0.043). Native-tissue prolapse repair including Kelly plication increased urethral length, reflecting re-urethralization, particularly with central defects. The functional impact of urethral length in the context of connective tissue aging should be examined further.

Andreas Svanström ◽  
Jennifer Rosendahl ◽  
Simona Salerno ◽  
Emma Jonasson ◽  
Joakim Håkansson ◽  

The field of 3D cell cultures is currently emerging, and material development is essential in striving toward mimicking the microenvironment of a native tissue. By using the response of reporter cells to a 3D environment, a comparison between materials can be assessed, allowing optimization of material composition and microenvironment. Of particular interest, the response can be different in a normoxic and hypoxic culturing conditions, which in turn may alter the conclusion regarding a successful recreation of the microenvironment. This study aimed at determining the role of such environments to the conclusion of a better resembling cell culture model to native tissue. Here, the breast cancer cell line MCF7 was cultured in normoxic and hypoxic conditions on patient-derived scaffolds and compared at mRNA and protein levels to cells cultured on 3D printed scaffolds, Matrigel, and conventional 2D plastics. Specifically, a wide range of mRNA targets (40), identified as being regulated upon hypoxia and traditional markers for cell traits (cancer stem cells, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, pluripotency, proliferation, and differentiation), were used together with a selection of corresponding protein targets. 3D cultured cells were vastly different to 2D cultured cells in gene expression and protein levels on the majority of the selected targets in both normoxic and hypoxic culturing conditions. By comparing Matrigel and 3DPS-cultured cells to cells cultured on patient-derived scffolds, differences were also noted along all categories of mRNA targets while specifically for the GLUT3 protein. Overall, cells cultured on patient-derived scaffolds closely resembled cells cultured on 3D printed scaffolds, contrasting 2D and Matrigel-cultured cells, regardless of a normoxic or hypoxic culturing condition. Thus, these data support the use of either a normoxic or hypoxic culturing condition in assays using native tissues as a blueprint to optimize material composition.

2021 ◽  
Alexandre DUFOUR ◽  
Xavier Barceló Gallostra ◽  
Conor OKeeffe ◽  
Kian F Eichholz ◽  
Stanislas Von Euw ◽  

Successful cartilage engineering requires the generation of biological grafts mimicking the structure, composition and mechanical behaviour of the native tissue. Here melt-electrowriting (MEW) was used to produce arrays of polymeric structures whose function was to orient the growth of cellular aggregates spontaneously generated within these structures, and to provide tensile reinforcement to the resulting tissues. Inkjeting was used to deposit defined numbers of cells into MEW structures, which self-assembled into an organized array of spheroids within hours, ultimately generating a hybrid tissue that was hyaline-like in composition. Structurally, the engineered cartilage mimicked the histotypical organization observed in skeletally immature synovial joints. This biofabrication framework was then used to generate scaled-up (50mm x 50mm) cartilage implants containing over 3,500 cellular aggregates in under 15 minutes. After 8 weeks in culture, a 50-fold increase in the compressive properties of these MEW reinforced tissues were observed, while the tensile properties were still dominated by the polymer network, resulting in a composite construct demonstrating tension-compression nonlinearity mimetic of the native tissue. Helium ion microscopy further demonstrated the development of an arcading collagen network within the engineered tissue. This hybrid bioprinting strategy provides a versatile and scalable approach to engineer cartilage biomimetic grafts for biological joint resurfacing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (s1) ◽  
Maria Stefania Massaro ◽  
Richard Pálek ◽  
Jáchym Rosendorf ◽  
Anna Malečková ◽  
Lenka Červenková ◽  

Decellularized material has been reported to be more suitable for cells to grow when compared to synthetic materials because repopulating cells are provided with the structural environment of native tissue. The aim of this study is to prepare and to test porcine caval veins through their decellularization followed by repopulation with human endothelial cells.

Polina Schwarzman ◽  
Benzion Samueli ◽  
Ruth Shaco‐Levy ◽  
Yael Baumfeld ◽  
Elad Leron ◽  

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