evolution equations
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2022 ◽  
Vol 309 ◽  
pp. 650-675
Aleksander Ćwiszewski ◽  
Władysław Klinikowski

Entropy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 131
Natalia Ruiz-Pino ◽  
Antonio Prados

We present a detailed analytical investigation of the optimal control of uniformly heated granular gases in the linear regime. The intensity of the stochastic driving is therefore assumed to be bounded between two values that are close, which limits the possible values of the granular temperature to a correspondingly small interval. Specifically, we are interested in minimising the connection time between the non-equilibrium steady states (NESSs) for two different values of the granular temperature by controlling the time dependence of the driving intensity. The closeness of the initial and target NESSs make it possible to linearise the evolution equations and rigorously—from a mathematical point of view—prove that the optimal controls are of bang-bang type, with only one switching in the first Sonine approximation. We also look into the dependence of the optimal connection time on the bounds of the driving intensity. Moreover, the limits of validity of the linear regime are investigated.

Huizhu Pan ◽  
Jintao Song ◽  
Wanquan Liu ◽  
Ling Li ◽  
Guanglu Zhou ◽  

AbstractPreserving contour topology during image segmentation is useful in many practical scenarios. By keeping the contours isomorphic, it is possible to prevent over-segmentation and under-segmentation, as well as to adhere to given topologies. The Self-repelling Snakes model (SR) is a variational model that preserves contour topology by combining a non-local repulsion term with the geodesic active contour model. The SR is traditionally solved using the additive operator splitting (AOS) scheme. In our paper, we propose an alternative solution to the SR using the Split Bregman method. Our algorithm breaks the problem down into simpler sub-problems to use lower-order evolution equations and a simple projection scheme rather than re-initialization. The sub-problems can be solved via fast Fourier transform or an approximate soft thresholding formula which maintains stability, shortening the convergence time, and reduces the memory requirement. The Split Bregman and AOS algorithms are compared theoretically and experimentally.

Axioms ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Yasuhiro Takei ◽  
Yoritaka Iwata

A numerical scheme for nonlinear hyperbolic evolution equations is made based on the implicit Runge-Kutta method and the Fourier spectral method. The detailed discretization processes are discussed in the case of one-dimensional Klein-Gordon equations. In conclusion, a numerical scheme with third-order accuracy is presented. The order of total calculation cost is O(Nlog2N). As a benchmark, the relations between numerical accuracy and discretization unit size and that between the stability of calculation and discretization unit size are demonstrated for both linear and nonlinear cases.

2022 ◽  
Sachin Kumar ◽  
Nikita Mann ◽  
Harsha Kharbanda

Abstract Nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs) are extensively used to establish the elementary propositions of natural circumstances. In this work, we study the Konopelchenko-Dubrovsky (KD) equation which depicts non-linear waves in mathematical physics with weak dispersion. The considered model is investigated using the combination of generalized exponential rational function (GERF) method and dynamical system method. The GERF method is utilized to generate closedform invariant solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional KD model in terms of trigonometric, hyperbolic, and exponential forms with the assistance of symbolic computations. Moreover, three-dimensional graphics are displayed to depict the behavior of obtained solitary wave solutions. The model is observed to have single and multiple soliton profiles, kink-wave profiles, and periodic oscillating nonlinear waves. These generated solutions have never been published in the literature. All the newly generated soliton solutions are checked by putting them back into the associated system with the soft computation via Wolfram Mathematica. Moreover, the system is converted into a planer dynamical system using a certain transformation and the analysis of bifurcation is examined. Furthermore, the quasi-periodic solution is investigated numerically for the perturbed system by inserting definite periodic forces into the considered model. With regard to the parameter of the perturbed model, two-dimensional and three-dimensional phase portraits are plotted.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Aniqa Zulfiqar ◽  
Jamshad Ahmad ◽  
Attia Rani ◽  
Qazi Mahmood Ul Hassan

The present article discovers the new soliton wave solutions and their propagation in nonlinear low-pass electrical transmission lines (NLETLs). Based on an innovative Exp-function method, multitype soliton solutions of nonlinear fractional evolution equations of NLETLs are established. The equation is reformulated to a fractional-order derivative by using the Jumarie operator. Some new results are also presented graphically to understand the real physical importance of the studied model equation. The physical interpretation of waves is represented in the form of three-dimensional and contour graphs to visualize the underlying dynamic behavior of these solutions for particular values of the parameters. Moreover, the attained outcomes are generally new for the considered model equation, and the results show that the used method is efficient, direct, and concise which can be used in more complex phenomena.

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