strategic information system
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2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (30 (1)) ◽  
pp. 227-234
Hakeem Hammood Flayyih ◽  
Aws Saeed Mirdan ◽  
Abderrazek Hassan Elkhaldi

This paper attempts to explain the critical success factors of strategic information system (SIS) and it’s relation with strategic decisions effectiveness. An analysis demonstrated that SIS advancement began from a mechanical concentration toward a procedure concentrating on complementary association with firms’ system and notwithstanding setting business technique and driving hierarchical change and structure. Primarily, the best SIS is coordinated such that better fits the affiliation properties for the culture, structure, style and limits. Finally, strategist’s effort to improve the fragmented data they have dependent on their past experience and claim intellectual styles. In this way any choices made would be made reliant on the strategist’s qualities, convictions and experience, which at last could confine the decisions that they make. Basically, then qualities fill in as outlines or establishments for deciding, tackling issues and settling clashes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-104
Pajar Septianto ◽  
Atipa Muji ◽  
Lucky Sholihin ◽  
Reni Utami

As an old educational institution, SMK Ma'arif NU 1 Ajibarang is growing rapidly, however it has not implemented Information Systems and Information Technology optimally in its business processes and does not yet have an Information Systems strategic planning portfolio. This is deemed necessary in making a strategic information system, in order to provide superiority in business competition. Information system strategic planning is one of the keys in implementing information systems and information technology in business activities. Strategic planning in this study uses themethod Ward and Peppard to compile an information system strategic plan at SMK Ma'aif NU 1 Ajibarang and AHP to determine the application roadmap. The results of this analysis define the information system strategic planning company in the form of an information system business strategy, information system management strategy and information technology, information system strategy, information system recommendations, future applications and implementation plans.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-143
Anjarwanti S. R. Suseno ◽  
Agustinus Fritz Wijaya

Special education school is a school established by the government with a special concept for Children with Special Needs. In carrying out activities, there is an Administration section which is an important part of the process of activities at school, but there are obstacles, namely not being well systemed so that it creates difficulties in operating. In building a good system, it is necessary to have a Strategic Information System planning in advance, therefore this research was conducted. This research was conducted using the Ward and Peppard method and using the SWOT, Value Chain, and MCFarland Strategy analysis methods, with qualitative research methods, then providing output in the form of proposed applications to be considered in future application development in order to facilitate all activities in the administrative section of SLBN Nunumeu.

Logistics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 7 ◽  
Ilkka Ritola ◽  
Harold Krikke ◽  
Marjolein C.J. Caniëls

Product returns are a source of valuable information that can be used by firms and supply chains to improve products, services, and decision making. However, firms are struggling to maximize the value of this information, and the extant scholarly literature is scattered among various research streams. Using a systematic literature review, the state-of-the-art of product returns informational value research and limitations in the current body of work were examined and future directions for research suggested. Three types of informational value were identified, namely operational information, product related information, and customer-related information, along with four value-creating factors, namely strategic information system (IS) decisions, organizational learning, information sharing, and technological solutions. Implications for practitioners are discussed. Lastly, the limitations are discussed, along with recommendations and directions for future research work.

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