southern africa development community
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Complexity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Anokye M. Adam ◽  
Emmanuel N. Gyamfi ◽  
Kwabena A. Kyei ◽  
Simiso Moyo ◽  
Ryan S. Gill

The desire to form monetary unions among regional blocs in Africa has necessitated the need to assess the degree of financial systems interdependencies in Africa economic blocs for their suitability to have harmonised economic policies of eventual monetary unions. In this regard, SADC has pursued policies to harmonise and integrate its financial system as a precursor to its intended monetary union. However, the ensuing risk among exchange rates of economies in SADC is presumed to rise during severe uncertainties. This study examines the degree of asymmetry and nonlinear directional causality between exchange rates in SADC in the frequency domain. We employ both the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and the Rényi effective transfer entropy techniques to investigate the multiscale information that might be disregarded and further quantify the directional flow of information. Analysis of the study is presented for four frequency-domains: high-, medium-, and low frequencies, representing short-, medium-, and long-terms, respectively, in addition to the residue (fundamental feature). We find a mixture of asymmetric and nonlinear bidirectional and unidirectional causality between exchange rates in SADC for the sampled period. The study reveals a significant positive information flow in the high frequency, but negative flow in the medium and low frequencies. In addition, we gauge a bidirectional significant negative information flow within all the 15 economies for the residue. This suggests a higher risk of uncertainties in exchange rates of SADC. Our findings for low probability events at multiscales have implications for the direction of the future of the SADC monetary union. This calls for further sustained policy harmonisation in the region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Emmanuel Owusu-Sekyere ◽  
Wilfred Lunga ◽  
Selma T. Karuaihe

This research study explores the impact of disasters on economic growth in selected Southern Africa Development Community countries. Annual data from 2005 to 2019 and panel data econometric estimation techniques are used in this study. The estimation approaches used control for both pooled and individual effects, heteroscedasticity, serial correlation, moderate levels of endogeneity and cross-sectional dependence (CSD). We found that although the impact of disasters on economic growth may be negative contemporaneously, reconstruction and recovery activities if well-resourced could facilitate building back better, which could ultimately lead to positive outcomes on economic growth a year after the disaster. We further tested the hypothesis in existing literature and confirm that quality institutions, favourable financial conditions and adequate access to international markets enhance a country’s coping and adaptive capabilities to disasters, thereby reducing the country’s level of risk to disasters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Bhavani Moodley ◽  
Anderson Chinorumba ◽  
Cheryl Hamman ◽  
Avhatakali Matamba ◽  
Chadwick H. Sikaala ◽  

Abstract Background A malaria slide bank (MSB) is a useful asset for any malaria microscopy testing laboratory to have access to. However, it is not feasible for every country to have its own MSB. If countries are able to pool their resources, a regional MSB is a viable solution. This paper describes the methodology, costing and lessons learnt of establishing and maintaining an MSB over a 3-year period, for a Southern Africa Development Community region. Methods A national reference laboratory in South Africa was granted funding for setting up the MSB; it possessed experienced staff and suitable resources. Two additional full-time personnel were employed to carry out the activities of this project. Strict protocols for donor/patient blood sample screening, smear preparation, mass staining, quality control and slide validation were followed. Slides from the MSB were used for training and proficiency testing purposes. The initial and recurrent yearly costs to set up and maintain the MSB were calculated. Results Over 35 months, 154 batches (26,623 slides) were prepared; the majority were Plasmodium falciparum. Ninety-two percent (141/154) of batches passed internal quality control, and 89% (93/104) passed external validation. From these slides, two training slide sets and six proficiency testing slide sets were sent out. The initial year’s cost to establish an MSB was calculated at approximately $165,000, and the recurrent year-on-year cost was $130,000. Conclusions The key components for maintaining a high-quality MSB are consistent funding, competent staff and adherence to standardized protocols. Travel to malaria-endemic areas for access to non-falciparum malaria species, and dilution of P. falciparum blood to desired parasite densities, are extremely useful to ensure variety. The MSB created here supported multiple laboratories in eight countries, and has the potential to expand.

Olufunmilayo Olayemi Jemiluyi ◽  
Rebecca Folake Bank-Ola

Purpose: The study aimed at presenting a comparative appraisal of the trends of the two most prevalent infectious diseases bedeviling the region: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB). Subject & Methods: Data on fourteen ECOWAS member countries and also fourteen member countries of the SADC bloc. This represents about 93.3% and 87.5% membership of the ECOWAS and SADC blocs respectively. Although the choice of sample size is determined largely by the availability of data, the choices were carefully made to maximize available observation. The data were sourced from World Development Indicators online database published by the World Bank. We use two measures of infectious diseases: the prevalence rate of human immunodeficiency virus and the incidence of tuberculosis. Results: The HIV prevalence rates and incidence of TB were uneven in the two selected trade blocs. The magnitude and the severity of the diseases varied. The burden of both diseases was higher for SADC and lesser for ECOWAS. The average prevalence rate of HIV in the SADC bloc over the study period was 600% of the prevalence rate in ECOWAS (SADC = 12.5%, ECOWAS = 2.1%). Likewise, in the same period, the average TB incidence per 100,000 people was 578.8 and 181.7 respectively in the SADC and ECOWAS blocs. Conclusions: The study finds that the magnitude and severity of the diseases vary widely between the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) trade blocs. And, while concerted efforts at curbing the diseases have yielded results, there is still much to be done in both blocs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Tehmina Fiaz Qazi ◽  
Muhammad Zeeshan Shaukat ◽  
Abdul Aziz Khan Niazi ◽  
Abdul Basit

The purpose of the study is to evaluate county-wide health systems using the data set of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The overall design of study comprises a literature review, secondary data, and a mathematical analysis. It is a cross-sectional quantitative study following a deductive approach. It uses the data of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic taken from the website of Worldometer as of April 8, 2020. The study uses a gray incidence analysis model (commonly known as Gray Relational Analysis, i.e., GRA) as its research methodology. On the basis of the results of GRA, a classification has been made under a predetermined scheme of ensigns: much better, better, somewhat better, fair, poor, somewhat worse, and worse health systems. There are a total 211 countries that have been divided into the seven aforementioned categories. Findings of the study show that Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) countries fall predominantly under the much better ensign, whereas Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Schengen Area (SA), and/or European Union (EU) countries fall under the worse ensign. Pakistan falls under the ensign of poor. It is an original attempt to evaluate the response of health systems based on real data using a scientific methodology. The study provides valuable information about the health systems of the countries for forming an informed opinion about the health systems herein. The study provides useful new information for stakeholders and a new framework for future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-154
Konstantinos D Magliveras ◽  
Gino J Naldi

Abstract The article questions whether the Tribunal of the Southern Africa Development Community (sadc) ought to have entertained human rights cases given that the sadc Treaty does not endow it with such jurisdiction. It then analyses its demise in 2010, which was prompted by several rulings against Zimbabwe, whose policy of expropriating land without compensation was held to violate human rights. The pertinent aspects of these cases are reviewed, and the significance of Zimbabwe’s land reform programme is explained. The article elucidates why sadc leaders were prepared to suspend the Tribunal’s operation. This was a combination of alarm that it could evolve into a quasi-regional human rights court but also solidarity with the then President Mugabe, a hero of Africa’s liberation struggle. Finally, the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court of South Africa and the High Court of Tanzania on the lawfulness of the sadc Tribunal’s suspension are considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-19
Paul E Farmer

Over the last decade, the field of Global Surgery, which some of us had termed the “neglected stepchild of Global Public Health,” has expanded to bridge the gap in surgical care. Evidence of a burgeoning field of research, practice, and cooperation abounds: the 16 countries of the Southern Africa Development Community, for example, are working together to strengthen surgical care in the region. During the most recent meeting of the World Health Organization’s Western Pacific Regional Committee, the 37 member states unanimously agreed to a regional action framework for safe and affordable surgery. A global coalition is forming to meet the need for 143 million surgical procedures in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by the end of the decade.    Academic institutions have an essential role and responsibility in the quest for global access to safe and affordable surgical services. In response to pressing material disparities faced by district hospitals, academic institutions can partner with the public sector and bolster access to services by helping provide the staff, space, systems, and social supports required for quality care. By conducting relevant and timely research, investigators inform the planning, financing, and implementation of surgical care delivery programs. Furthermore, specialists are well placed to bring their expertise to bear on disparities in access and outcome, and neurosurgeons are advancing research to link their area of clinical practice to broader efforts for global health equity; this includes, of course, an emphasis on forging fruitful and equitable research collaborations across the globe. To that end, I congratulate all involved in launching the inaugural issue of the Journal of Global Neurosurgery (JGNS).   

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 233-240
Muhammad Zeeshan Shaukat ◽  
Muhammad Aamir ◽  
Imad-ud-Din Akbar ◽  
Majid Ali

Cross border and inter country financial recourse is like a civilization hold. It is fundamentally important phenomenon to study. Purpose of this study is to investigate inter country global private financial flows in context of current financial regimes. Design of the study is quantitative based on a secondary data taken from website of World Development Indicators (WDI) 2020. A literature review of relevant studies extracted from renowned research databases is also integral part of the overall design of the study. For the purpose of analysis and investigation the study uses Grey Relational Analysis (GRA). GRA is a mathematical technique capable of handling a multitude of alternatives with plenty of criteria simultaneously. It is a ranking technique that generates the reference series, normalizes the data and compares the weighted average grey coefficients with reference series. GRA is a popular methodology espoused in grey systems theory. It is the study of eighty-three countries on the basis of five different criteria. The countries have been ranked according to Grey relational grades by using rank function of excel and are divided into seven different categories on the basis of intensity of financial flows. The categories have been made on the basis of ordinal scale e.g. exceptionally high level of private global financial flows, excellent, very good, good, fair, poor and very poor. Results show that China, Niger, Brazil, Mozambique, Mongolia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Cambodia, Grenada, Thailand, Indonesia, Argentina and Maldives have exceptionally high private financial flows, whereas, countries namely Lesotho, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Botswana, Guatemala, Solomon Islands, Afghanistan, Bolivia, Bhutan, Angola and Russian Federation have poor financial flows. Majorly, Arabian Countries (AC), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) countries fall under exceptionally high ensign, whereas, member countries of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) countries fall under very poor ensign. This study is useful for political governments, international agencies, researchers and academia (students and teachers of international finance). It also provides new information and deeper insights by way of assigning grey relational grades to countries and classifies them into seven groups. It also extends discussion to enlighten upon bloc level position.  

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