term evolution
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 233-243
Liza Abdul Latiff ◽  
Huda Adibah Mohd Ramli ◽  
Ani Liza Asnawi ◽  
Nur Haliza Abdul Wahab

This paper investigates the performance of a number of channel and delay-based scheduling algorithms for an efficient QoS (Quality of Service) provision with more live video streaming users over the Fifth Generation Long-Term Evolution-Advanced (5G LTE-A) network. These algorithms were developed for use in legacy wireless networks and minor changes were made to enable these algorithms to perform packet scheduling in the downlink 5G LTE-A. The efficacies of the EXP and M-LWDF algorithms in maximizing the number of live video streaming users at the desired transmission reliability, minimizing the average network delay and maximizing network throughput, are shown via simulations. As the M-LWDF has a simpler mathematical equation as compared to the EXP, it is more favoured for implementation in the complex downlink 5G LTE-A. ABSTRAK: Kertas ini menyiasat prestasi sebilangan saluran dan algoritma penjadualan berdasarkan kelewatan untuk penyediaan QoS (Kualiti Perkhidmatan) yang cekap dengan banyak pengguna video secara langsung melalui rangkaian Generasi Kelima Long-Term Evolution Advanced (5G LTE-A). Algoritma-algoritma yang disiasat di dalam kertas ini dicadangkan untuk digunakan dalam generasi rangkaian tanpa wayar yang lama dan sedikit perubahan dibuat untuk membolehkan algoritma ini menyokong penjadualan paket dalam downlink 5G LTE-A. Keberkesanan EXP dan M-LWDF algoritma dalam memaksimumkan jumlah pengguna pada kebolehpercayaan transmisi yang diinginkan dari streaming video secara langsung, meminimumkan kelewatan rangkaian, dan memaksimumkan truput rangkaian ditunjukkan melalui simulasi. Namun, dengan M-LWDF mempunyai formula matematik yang mudah dibandingkan dengan EXP, ia lebih sesuai untuk digunakan dalam downlink 5G LTE-A yang lebih kompleks.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 312
Johan Muhamad ◽  
Muhamad Zamzam Nurzaman ◽  
Tiar Dani ◽  
Arun Relung Pamutri

Abstract During the lifetime of AR 12673, its magnetic field evolved drastically and produced numerous large flares. In this study, using full maps of the Sun observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, we identified that AR 12673 emerged in decayed AR 12665, which had survived for two solar rotations. Although both ARs emerged at the same location, they possessed different characteristics and different flare productivities. Therefore, it is important to study the long-term magnetic evolution of both ARs to identify the distinguishing characteristics of an AR that can produce large solar flares. We used the Space-weather Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Active Region Patch data to investigate the evolution of the photospheric magnetic field and other physical properties of the recurring ARs during five Carrington rotations. All these investigated parameters dynamically evolved through a series of solar rotations. We compared the long-term evolution of AR 12665 and AR 12673 to understand the differences in their flare-producing properties. We also studied the relation of the long-term evolution of these ARs with the presence of active longitude. We found that the magnetic flux and complexity of AR 12673 developed much faster than those of AR 12665. Our results confirmed that a strong emerging flux that emerged in the pre-existing AR near the active longitude created a very strong and complex AR that produced large flares.

Ariel Castillo ◽  
Francisco Martínez ◽  
Pedro Donoso ◽  
Leonel Gutiérrez ◽  
Ricardo de la Paz Guala

2022 ◽  
Vol 100 (S267) ◽  
Ana Boned‐Murillo ◽  
Maria Dolores Diaz ◽  
Ismael Bakkali El Bakkali ◽  
Guillermo Pérez Rivasés ◽  
Pablo Cisneros ◽  

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Haitao Wang ◽  
Xiaoyong Lyu ◽  
Kefei Liao

Passive radars based on long-term evolution (LTE) signals suffer from sever interferences. The interferences are not only from the base station used as the illuminator of opportunity (BS-IoO), but also from the other co-channel base stations (CCBS) working at the same frequency with the BS-IoO. Because the reference signals of the co-channel interferences are difficult to obtain, cancellation performance degrades seriously when traditional interference suppression methods are applied in LTE-based passive radar. This paper proposes a cascaded cancellation method based on the spatial spectrum cognition of interference. It consists of several cancellation loops. In each loop, the spatial spectrum of strong interferences is first recognized by using the cyclostationary characteristic of LTE signal and the compressed sensing technique. A clean reference signal of each interference is then reconstructed according to the spatial spectrum previously obtained. With the reference signal, the interferences are cancelled. At the end of each loop, the energy of the interference residual is estimated. If the interference residual is still strong, then the cancellation loop continues; otherwise it terminates. The proposed method can get good cancellation performance with a small-sized antenna array. Theoretical and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 119 (1) ◽  
pp. e2106031118
James McNerney ◽  
Charles Savoie ◽  
Francesco Caravelli ◽  
Vasco M. Carvalho ◽  
J. Doyne Farmer

Technological improvement is the most important cause of long-term economic growth. In standard growth models, technology is treated in the aggregate, but an economy can also be viewed as a network in which producers buy goods, convert them to new goods, and sell the production to households or other producers. We develop predictions for how this network amplifies the effects of technological improvements as they propagate along chains of production, showing that longer production chains for an industry bias it toward faster price reduction and that longer production chains for a country bias it toward faster growth. These predictions are in good agreement with data from the World Input Output Database and improve with the passage of time. The results show that production chains play a major role in shaping the long-term evolution of prices, output growth, and structural change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-100
Yesid Alexander Ahumada Torres ◽  
Andrés Saúl Moreno Martínez ◽  

Las comunicaciones de misión crítica utilizadas a nivel mundial para la seguridad pública han estado basadas en soluciones de banda angosta, enmarcadas en los diferentes protocolos incluidos en Land Mobile Radio (LMR), como APCO 25, utilizado por la Policía Nacional. Si bien estas tecnologías han sido de gran importancia y cuentan con una madurez de implementación bastante consolidada para la transmisión confiable de voz, tienen limitantes para la transmisión de datos como imágenes y videos, por lo que se hace necesario el aprovechamiento de una tecnología como Long Term Evolution (LTE). Teniendo en cuenta esta necesidad, se llevó a cabo una revisión de la literatura científica-técnica, realizando un análisis del estado del arte de artículos seleccionados de varias bases de datos; asimismo, se determinaron criterios de inclusión y exclusión para el estudio, gracias a lo cual se logró identificar que hoy en día no se tiene la capacidad tecnológica para realizar un desarrollo de una red LTE para seguridad pública; con base en lo anterior, se identificó la necesidad de una implementación tecnológica que garantice la coexistencia de las dos redes LMR y LTE, aprovechando las bondades de cada una de ellas en una suma que incrementa las capacidades tecnológicas en el servicio de policía.

Viruses ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2493
Alfredo Parra-Lucares ◽  
Luis Toro ◽  
Sebastián Weitz-Muñoz ◽  
Cristóbal Ramos

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has mobilized many efforts worldwide to curb its impact on morbidity and mortality. Vaccination of the general population has resulted in the administration of more than 6,700,000,000 doses by the end of October 2021, which is the most effective method to prevent hospitalization and death. Among the adverse effects described, myocarditis and pericarditis are low-frequency events (less than 10 per 100,000 people), mainly observed with messenger RNA vaccines. The mechanisms responsible for these effects have not been specified, considering an exacerbated and uncontrolled immune response and an autoimmune response against specific cardiomyocyte proteins. This greater immunogenicity and reactogenicity is clinically manifested in a differential manner in pediatric patients, adults, and the elderly, determining specific characteristics of its presentation for each age group. It generally develops as a condition of mild to moderate severity, whose symptoms and imaging findings are self-limited, resolving favorably in days to weeks and, exceptionally, reporting deaths associated with this complication. The short- and medium-term prognosis is favorable, highlighting the lack of data on long-term evolution, which should be determined in longer follow-ups.

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