high strain rate deformation
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JOM ◽  
2022 ◽  
Christopher B. Finfrock ◽  
Diptak Bhattacharya ◽  
Brady N. L. McBride ◽  
Trevor J. Ballard ◽  
Amy J. Clarke ◽  

AbstractThe individual effects of strain rate and temperature on the strain hardening rate of a quenched and partitioned steel have been examined. During quasistatic tests, resistive heating was used to simulate the deformation-induced heating that occurs during high-strain-rate deformation, while the deformation-induced martensitic transformation was tracked by a combination of x-ray and electron backscatter diffraction. Unique work hardening rates under various thermal–mechanical conditions are discussed, based on the balance between the concurrent dislocation slip and transformation-induced plasticity deformation mechanisms. The diffraction and strain hardening data suggest that the imposed strain rate and temperature exhibited dissonant influences on the martensitic phase transformation. Increasing the strain rate appeared to enhance the martensitic transformation, while increasing the temperature suppressed the martensitic transformation.

Вадим Викторович Малашенко ◽  
Татьяна Ивановна Малашенко

Теоретически проанализирована высокоскоростная деформация сплавов, содержащих зоны Гинье-Престона, в условиях высокоэнергетических внешних воздействий. Анализ выполнен в рамках теории динамического взаимодействия структурных дефектов. Исследуемый механизм диссипации заключается в необратимом переходе энергии внешних воздействий в энергию дислокационных колебаний. Получено аналитическое выражение динамического предела текучести с учетом всех структурных дефектов, содержащихся в сплаве. Показано, что в условиях высокоэнергетических внешних воздействий наноразмерные дефекты влияют на характер зависимости механических свойств от концентрации атомов второго компонента. Зависимость динамического предела текучести от концентрации атомов второго компонента становится немонотонной и имеет минимум. Выполнены численные оценки концентрации, при которой предел текучести становится минимальным. При таком значении концентрации происходит переход от доминирования торможения дислокации зонами Гинье-Престона к доминированию торможения атомами второго компонента. The high strain rate deformation of alloys containing Guinier-Preston zones under high-energy external influences has been theoretically analyzed. The analysis was carried out within the framework of the theory of dynamic interaction of structural defects. The investigated dissipation mechanism consists in the irreversible transfer of energy of an external impact into the energy of dislocation vibrations. An analytical expression for the dynamic yield stress taking into account all structural defects of the alloy has been obtained. It is shown that, under high-energy external influences, nanoscale defects affect the nature of the dependence of mechanical properties on the concentration of atoms of the second component. The dependence of the dynamic yield stress on the atomic concentration of the second component becomes nonmonotonic and has a minimum. Numerical estimates of the concentration corresponding to the minimum yield stress has been made. At this concentration value, a transition occurs from the dominance of the dislocation drag by the Guinier-Preston zones to the dominance of the drag by the atoms of the second component.

Michael Becker ◽  
Desiderio Kovar

Abstract A criterion to predict the onset of disordering under biaxial loading based on a critical potential energy per atom was studied. In contrast to previous theories for disordering, this criterion incorporates the effects of strain rate and strain state. The strain state (or stress state) is defined by the combination of strain (or stress) magnitudes and directions that are applied to each sample during the simulation. Τhe validity of this criterion was studied using molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of Ag conducted over a wide range of biaxial strain rates, strain configurations, and crystal orientations with respect to the applied stress state. Biaxial strains were applied in two different planes, (112 ̅) and (001) in eight directions in each plane. Results showed that, when larger strain rates were applied, there was a transition from plastic deformation driven by the nucleation and propagation of dislocations to disordering and viscous flow. Although the critical strain rate to initiate disorder was found to vary in the range of ε ̇ = 1×1011 s-1 to ε ̇ = 4×1011 s-1, a consistent minimum PE/atom of -2.7 eV was observed over a broad range of strain states and for both crystallographic orientations that were studied. This indicates that the critical PE/atom is a material property that can be used to predict the onset of disordering under biaxial loading. Further, the results showed that this criterion can be applied successfully even when non-uninform strain states arise in the crystal.  

Naveen Manhar Chavan ◽  
P. Sudharshan Phani ◽  
M. Ramakrishna ◽  
L. Venkatesh ◽  
Prita Pant ◽  

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