saccharomyces bayanus
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2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (6) ◽  
pp. 92-99
Tomislav Plavša ◽  
Marijan Bubola ◽  
Ana Marija Jagatić Korenika ◽  
Ana Jeromel

Prirodno pjenušavo ružičasto vino od autohtonog kultivara vinove loze Teran (Vitis vinifera L.) proizvedeno je metodom vrenja u boci uz primjenu inkapsuliranog kvasca ProElif® (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) i komercijalnog suhog kvasca Fermol Blanc (Saccharomyces bayanus). Tijekom istraživanja uspoređivana je aktivnost korištenih kvasaca s obzirom na brzinu razgradnje šećera tijekom fermentacije u boci te njihov utjecaj na osnovna fizikalno kemijska svojstva i fenolni profil gotovog pjenušavog vina te parametre pjene i iskrenja. Brža razgradnja šećera, kao i veći udio pojedinačnih i ukupnih fenolnih spojeva utvrđen je u pjenušavim vinima proizvedenim primjenom inkapsuliranog kvasca ProElif®. S druge strane, vina proizvedena kvascem Fermol Blanc odlikovala su se višim suhim ekstraktom te većom kvalitetom pjene i iskrenja. Uočene senzorske razlike u vinima nisu imale negativnih implikacija pri definiranju njihove sveobuhvatne kakvoće.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (6) ◽  
pp. 72-78
Anotnija Tomić ◽  
Krunoslav Stublić ◽  
Petra Štambuk ◽  
Goran Fruk ◽  
Marin Mihaljević Žulj

Šljiva (Prunus domestica L.) je koštičava voćna vrsta vrlo cijenjena zbog poželjnih senzornih i nutritivnih svojstava plodova. Plodovi se konzumiraju svježi ili se prerađuju. Zbog relativno visokog sadržaja šećera i niže ukupne kiselosti plodovi sorte 'Stanley' predstavljaju dobar izbor za proizvodnju voćnih vina. Voćna vina proizvode se aktivnošću kvasaca u procesu alkoholne fermentacije. Obzirom da metabolizmom kvasaca nastaje čitav niz metabolita, izborom odgovarajuće vrste ili soja utječe se na tip vina koje se proizvodi. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj različitih vrsta kvasaca na osnovni kemijski sastav, koncentraciju ukupnih fenola i ukupnih antocijana voćnih vina od šljive. Korištene su dvije različite vrste kvasaca Lalvin ICV D21 – Saccharomyces cerevisiae i Lalvin EC 1118 – Saccharomyces bayanus. Vina proizvedena aktivnošću kvasca ICV D21 imala su viši sadržaj alkohola, ekstrakta te ukupnih fenola i ukupnih antocijana. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na značajan utjecaj vrste kvasca na kemijski sastav i kakvoću voćnih vina od šljive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
Geiza Suzart Araújo ◽  
Gislane Oliveira Ribeiro ◽  
Sílvia Maria Almeida de Souza ◽  
Gervásio Paulo da Silva ◽  
Giovani Brandão Mafra de Carvalho ◽  

Research background. Due to the lack of nitrogen in honey, the fermentation may be limited or delayed, in addition to stimulating the production of unpleasant sensory compounds, such as sulfur derivatives. The use of natural supplements has been investigated as low-cost alternatives for mainly correcting the nutritional deficiency of nitrogen in honey must in mead production. Experimental approach. Initially, the physicochemical characterization of the extracts was carried out. The fermentative performance of three yeasts [Saccharomyces bayanus Premier Blanc (SbPB), Saccharomyces cerevisiae Montrachet (ScM) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Safbrew T-58 (ScST58)] in honey musts supplemented with rice bran (RBE) and soybean meal (SME) extracts was evaluated. The trials were compared with the fermentations of musts with commercial supplement (CS) and the control trials. Fermentations were carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks containing honey must supplemented with RBE, SME and CS (30 g/L), inoculated with 106 cells/mL and incubated at 30 °C for 264 h. Results and conclusions. There was significant difference in the evaluated properties of the extracts, with the exception of reducing sugars. The fermentations with SME reached the highest cell concentrations, as well as the largest sugar consumption of glucose and fructose and ethanol. The glycerol concentrations slightly increased when SME and CS were used. The largest concentrations of succinic and acetic acids were registered in the control trials produced by SbPB, ScM and ScST58. There was no production of formic and lactic acids. Results showed that the extracts can be used as low-cost alternatives for correcting the nutritional deficiency of nitrogen in honey must since they presented results similar to the synthetic supplement. Novelty and scientific contribution. The use of low-cost, unconventional supplements such as those used in this work, in addition to reducing the cost of the process by reducing fermentation time by providing nutrients needed to improve yeast metabolism, prevents the formation of compounds undesirable in the beverage due to prolonged fermentation time. It also makes it possible to add value to industrial by-products. Unconventional supplements have still been little tested in mead production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (14) ◽  
pp. e54101421685
Luiz Felipe Feitosa de Souza Lima ◽  
Thalita Caroline Lima Alves ◽  
Antonia Queiroz Lima de Souza ◽  
Wenderson Gomes dos Santos

Mead is historically one of the oldest drinks in the world. Its alcohol content can range from 4 to 14% and its formulation is basically honey, water, yeast and mineral salts, though other ingredients, such as fruits, can be added, thus giving rise to another version of mead known as melomel. Research has shown that fruity drinks have good consumer acceptability due to their alcohol content and their characteristic sweetness. Thus, the study aimed to produce mead with the addition of cupuaçu pulp and two different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus (T-58 and Red Star respectively), in order to perform a kinetic analysis of the fermentative process. For the elaboration of the mead, honey from the western honey bee (Apis melífera), cupuaçu pulp and yeasts were used, and the fermentation process lasted 15 days. The product was characterized through physicochemical and microbiological analyses. These analyses showed that the product is within the standards required by current Brazilian legislation. The monitoring of the kinetics of the mead fermentation allowed us to determine that the optimal time for this process is around 12 days, which is the point where there is a stabilization of the two strains in relation to the consumption of soluble solids and an increase in alcohol content. The two strains seem to be suitable for the production of mead; however, the results produced differ in alcohol content, resulting in drinks with distinct organoleptic characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. e178101119553
Isabela Leticia Pessenti ◽  
Pedro Henrique Brasileiro Santos ◽  
Graziela Nunes ◽  
Paulo Ricardo de Los

O morangueiro é uma cultura exigente em relação a temperatura e condições climáticas, seu cultivo em ambiente protegido, produz frutos ricos em açúcares como sacarose, frutose e vitaminas, também possui poucos carboidratos, tornando-o muito saboroso aceito pelos consumidores. Sua comercialização também pode ser como geleia e polpa, sucos e fermentados. A preparação do fermentado de morango, não é uma bebida que apresenta grande comercialização no Brasil, apesar do conhecimento acerca de sua produção. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a cinética e a caracterização físico-química do fermentado de morango em cultivo protegido com três cultivares de morango na Região dos Campos Gerais. O delineamento foi em inteiramente casualizado com 4 repetições cada. Sendo 3 tratamentos: testemunha, um tratamento com a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisae e Saccharomyces bayanus. Para as análises químicas, foi efetuado o teor de sólidos solúveis com refratômetro digital. A acidez titulável (% de ácido cítrico) e o pH foram analisados também, assim como as variáveis fenólicas e o perfil cinético. Sólidos solúveis não foi significativo, para as variáveis fenólicas, a Saccharomyces bayanus apresentou os maiores teores quando comparado com os demais tratamentos, assim como demorou mais tempo para formar a produção no perfil cinético. Alguns autores relatam que os ácidos orgânicos presentes nas frutas interferem na atividade da cepa.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 1356
Ángel Urbina ◽  
Fernando Calderón ◽  
Santiago Benito

Most commercialized red wines are produced through alcoholic fermentation performed by yeasts of the Saccharomyces genus, and a second fermentation performed by lactic bacteria of the Oenococus oeni species once the first is completely finished. However, the classical process can suffer complications, of which the risks can increase in grape juices with high contents of sugar and pH. Due to climate change, these situations are becoming more common in the winemaking industry. The main risks in those scenarios are alcoholic-fermentation stops or sluggish and undesirable bacteria development while alcoholic fermentation is not finished yet and wine still contains residual sugars. The study propose a novel alternative that offers a solution or reduces the risk of those scenarios while increasing acidity, which is another serious problem of warm viticulture regions. The alternative consists of the combined use of Lachancea thermotolerans to reduce the pH of musts that suffer from a lack of acidity, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (formerly Lactobacillus plantarum) to achieve malic acid stability during the first stages of alcoholic fermentation, and Saccharomyces bayanus to complete the alcoholic fermentation in difficult wines of high potential alcohol degree of over 15% (v/v). The new proposed biotechnology produced wines with higher final concentrations in lactic acid, glycerol, color intensity, ethyl lactate and 2-phenyl ethyl acetate in 2.39 g/L, 0.52 g/L, 21%, 48% and 37% respectively than the classical methodology where Saccharomyces genus performs alcoholic fermentation and later Oenococus oeni performs malolactic fermentation. Additionally, the new alternative produced wines with lower concentration in ethanol, pH, acetic acid, ethyl acetate, diacetyl and 1-propanol in 0.37% (v/v), 0.26, 0.08 g/L, 22%, 69% and 28% respectively than the classic method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 732-737
Patrícia De Sá Pinto ◽  
Cláudia Hernandes Ogeda

A elaboração de bebidas fermentadas de frutas, como a de laranja (Citrus sinensis), vem a ser uma ótima alternativa para evitar o desperdício, além de poder gerar novos empregos e tecnologias. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma tecnologia para produção de bebida fermentada utilizando suco de laranja. Para a metodologia foi utilizado um fermentador caseiro de plástico com capacidade para 18 L, equipado de airlock. O mosto foi obtido da extração de 15,5 L de suco a partir de 30 kg de laranjas maduras e sadias, utilizando-se um espremedor de frutas elétrico e, posteriormente, foi duplamente filtrado por meio de processo manual. Ao mosto foi adicionado bissulfito de sódio (0,15 g/L), bem como corrigido os sólidos solúveis totais (° Brix) e aferida a densidade inicial do mesmo. A levedura utilizada foi a Saccharomyces bayanus na proporção de 5 g em 14 L de mosto. Além do teor de açúcar, analisou-se, também, a acidez total titulável e a determinação do teor alcoólico do produto final. Para os testes de clarificação do fermentado, realizou-se a colagem utilizando ovoalbumina, bentonita, Whirfloc e gelatina sem sabor, seguida de trasfega. A última etapa do processo foi a inativação das leveduras através da pasteurização a 65 ºC. O fermentado de laranja elaborado neste trabalho, apresentou 9,3% de teor alcoólico e características, tanto físico-químicas quanto sensoriais, aceitáveis o suficiente para ser uma fonte de investimento, podendo ser comercializado e dando ênfase à ideia de agregar valor a uma matéria-prima por meio da elaboração de um produto inovador.  Palavras-chave: Reaproveitamento. Clarificação. Fruta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 514
Martina Catallo ◽  
Fabrizio Iattici ◽  
Cinzia L. Randazzo ◽  
Cinzia Caggia ◽  
Kristoffer Krogerus ◽  

The search for novel brewing strains from non-brewing environments represents an emerging trend to increase genetic and phenotypic diversities in brewing yeast culture collections. Another valuable tool is hybridization, where beneficial traits of individual strains are combined in a single organism. This has been used successfully to create de novo hybrids from parental brewing strains by mimicking natural Saccharomycescerevisiae ale × Saccharomyceseubayanus lager yeast hybrids. Here, we integrated both these approaches to create synthetic hybrids for lager fermentation using parental strains from niches other than beer. Using a phenotype-centered strategy, S. cerevisiae sourdough strains and the S. eubayanus × Saccharomyces uvarum strain NBRC1948 (also referred to as Saccharomyces bayanus) were chosen for their brewing aptitudes. We demonstrated that, in contrast to S. cerevisiae × S. uvarum crosses, hybridization yield was positively affected by time of exposure to starvation, but not by staggered mating. In laboratory-scale fermentation trials at 20 °C, one triple S. cerevisiae × S. eubayanus × S. uvarum hybrid showed a heterotic phenotype compared with the parents. In 2 L wort fermentation trials at 12 °C, this hybrid inherited the ability to consume efficiently maltotriose from NBRC1948 and, like the sourdough S. cerevisiae parent, produced appreciable levels of the positive aroma compounds 3-methylbutyl acetate (banana/pear), ethyl acetate (general fruit aroma) and ethyl hexanoate (green apple, aniseed, and cherry aroma). Based on these evidences, the phenotype-centered approach appears promising for designing de novo lager beer hybrids and may help to diversify aroma profiles in lager beer.

TecnoLógicas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (50) ◽  
pp. e1724
Alfredo Enrique Villadiego-del Villar ◽  
Nicolás Sarmiento-Zea ◽  
Jeffrey León-Pulido ◽  
Lilia Carolina Rojas-Pérez

Yam is a starchy tuber mainly used in food preparation but with high potential applications in other fields such as pharmaceutical and bioplastic production. Colombia is among the top twelve yam producing countries worldwide and ranked first in terms of yield of tons per hectare planted. Yam production has specifically been concentrated in the Caribbean region, which is why this tuber is very little known in the inland regions. In this study, we evaluated Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF) for bioethanol production from yam (Dioscorea rotundata) using Saccharomyces bayanus. Ethanol production technologies involve the fermentation and hydrolysis of consumable raw materials (i.e., sugar cane and corn) which are quite mature around the world. For this reason, the process under analysis combined three phases: 60 min of gelatinization, enzymatic hydrolysis (divided into 40 min of liquefaction with α-amylase and 20 min of saccharification with glucoamylase), and 27 h of fermentation with no enzyme recovery. We used different yam concentrations (10, 12.5, 15, and 18 % w/w) in a wet basis. SSF was monitored along time, and total reducing sugars and ethanol concentration were quantified. The hydrolysis yield, was calculated based on the theoretical starch available in the tuber, was 90 % of starch mass for samples with a yam concentration of 10 and 15 % w/w. Regarding ethanol, the best result (a productivity of 0.19 g/Lh-1) was obtained with the sample with a yam concentration of 10 % w/w. Therefore, yam is a starchy material suitable to produce bioethanol via SSF.

Martina Catallo ◽  
Fabrizio Iattici ◽  
Cinzia Randazzo ◽  
Cinzia Caggia ◽  
Kristoffer Krogerus ◽  

The search for novel brewing strains from non-brewing environments represents an emerging trend to increase genetic and phenotypic diversities in brewing yeast culture collections. Another valuable tool is hybridization, where beneficial traits of individual strains are combined in a single organism. This has been used successfully to create de novo hybrids from parental brewing strains by mimicking natural Saccharomyces cerevisiae ale x Saccharomyces eubayanus lager yeast hybrids. Here, we integrated both these approaches to create synthetic hybrids for lager fermentation using parental strains from niches other than beer. Using a phenotype-centered strategy, S. cerevisiae sourdough strains and the S. eubayanus x Saccharomyces uvarum strain NBRC1948 (also referred to as Saccharomyces bayanus) were chosen for their brewing aptitudes. We demonstrated that, in contrast to S. cerevisiae x S. uvarum crosses, hybridization yield was positively affected by time of exposure to starvation, but not by staggered mating. In laboratory-scale fermentation trials at 20°C, one triple S. cerevisiae x S. eubayanus x S. uvarum hybrid showed a heterotic phenotype compared with the parents. In 2L wort fermentation trials at 12°C, this hybrid inherited the ability to consume efficiently maltotriose from NBRC1948 and, like the sourdough S. cerevisiae parent, produced appreciable levels of the positive aroma compounds 3-methylbutyl acetate (banana/pear), ethyl acetate (general fruit aroma) and ethyl hexanoate (green apple, aniseed, and cherry aroma). Based on these evidences, the phenotype-centered approach appears promising for design of de novo lager beer hybrids and may help to diversify aroma profiles in lager beers.

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