integrable model
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John S. Van Dyke ◽  
Edwin Barnes ◽  
Sophia Economou ◽  
Rafael I Nepomechie

Abstract The open spin-1/2 XXZ spin chain with diagonal boundary magnetic fields is the paradigmatic example of a quantum integrable model with open boundary conditions. We formulate a quantum algorithm for preparing Bethe states of this model, corresponding to real solutions of the Bethe equations. The algorithm is probabilistic, with a success probability that decreases with the number of down spins. For a Bethe state of L spins with M down spins, which contains a total of (L M) 2M M! terms, the algorithm requires L + M2+ 2M qubits.

G. N. Shaikhova ◽  
B. K. Rakhimzhanov ◽  

In this paper, we study an extended modified Korteweg-de Vries equation, which contains the relevant higher-order nonlinear terms and fifth-order dispersion. This equation is the extension of the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation and described by the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur hierarchy. The standard Korteweg-de Vries equation is the pioneer integrable model in solitary waves theory, which gives rise to multiple soliton solutions. The Korteweg-de Vries equation arises naturally from shallow water, plasma physics, and other fields of science. To obtain exact solutions the sine-cosine method is applied. It is shown that the sine-cosine method provides a powerful mathematical tool for solving a great many nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical physics. Traveling wave solutions are determined for extended modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. The study shows that the sine–cosine method is quite efficient and practically well suited for use in calculating traveling wave solutions for extended modified Korteweg-de Vries equation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
Yuan Miao ◽  
Jules Lamers ◽  
Vincent Pasquier

The spin-\frac{1}{2}12 Heisenberg XXZ chain is a paradigmatic quantum integrable model. Although it can be solved exactly via Bethe ansatz techniques, there are still open issues regarding the spectrum at root of unity values of the anisotropy. We construct Baxter’s Q operator at arbitrary anisotropy from a two-parameter transfer matrix associated to a complex-spin auxiliary space. A decomposition of this transfer matrix provides a simple proof of the transfer matrix fusion and Wronskian relations. At root of unity a truncation allows us to construct the Q operator explicitly in terms of finite-dimensional matrices. From its decomposition we derive truncated fusion and Wronskian relations as well as an interpolation-type formula that has been conjectured previously. We elucidate the Fabricius–McCoy (FM) strings and exponential degeneracies in the spectrum of the six-vertex transfer matrix at root of unity. Using a semicyclic auxiliary representation we give a conjecture for creation and annihilation operators of FM strings for all roots of unity. We connect our findings with the `string-charge duality’ in the thermodynamic limit, leading to a conjecture for the imaginary part of the FM string centres with potential applications to out-of-equilibrium physics.

Bin Tong ◽  
Olof Salberger ◽  
Kun Hao ◽  
Vladimir Korepin

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (6) ◽  
Will J. Holdhusen ◽  
Sergio Lerma-Hernández ◽  
Jorge Dukelsky ◽  
Gerardo Ortiz

2021 ◽  
Vol 133 (8) ◽  
Antoine C. Petit

AbstractRecent works on three-planet mean motion resonances (MMRs) have highlighted their importance for understanding the details of the dynamics of planet formation and evolution. While the dynamics of two-planet MMRs are well understood and approximately described by a one-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian, little is known of the exact dynamics of three-body resonances besides the cases of zeroth-order MMRs or when one of the bodies is a test particle. In this work, I propose the first general integrable model for first-order three-planet mean motion resonances. I show that one can generalize the strategy proposed in the two-planet case to obtain a one-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian. The dynamics of these resonances are governed by the second fundamental model of resonance. The model is valid for any mass ratio between the planets and for every first-order resonance. I show the agreement of the analytical model with numerical simulations. As examples of application, I show how this model could improve our understanding of the capture into MMRs as well as their role in the stability of planetary systems.

Marcos Caso-Huerta ◽  
Antonio Degasperis ◽  
Sara  Lombardo ◽  
Matteo Sommacal

We consider the propagation of short waves which generate waves of much longer (infinite) wavelength. Model equations of such long wave–short wave (LS) resonant interaction, including integrable ones, are well known and have received much attention because of their appearance in various physical contexts, particularly fluid dynamics and plasma physics. Here we introduce a new LS integrable model which generalizes those first proposed by Yajima and Oikawa and by Newell. By means of its associated Lax pair, we carry out the linear stability analysis of its continuous wave solutions by introducing the stability spectrum as an algebraic curve in the complex plane. This is done starting from the construction of the eigenfunctions of the linearized LS model equations. The geometrical features of this spectrum are related to the stability/instability properties of the solution under scrutiny. Stability spectra for the plane wave solutions are fully classified in the parameter space together with types of modulational instabilities.

Haifeng Wang ◽  
Yufeng Zhang

In this paper, we first introduce a nonisospectral problem associate with a loop algebra. Based on the nonisospectral problem, we deduce a nonisospectral integrable hierarchy by solving a nonisospectral zero curvature equation. It follows that the standard AKNS hierarchy and KN hierarchy are obtained by reducing the resulting nonisospectral hierarchy. Then, the Hamiltonian system of the resulting nonisospectral hierarchy is investigated based on the trace identity. Additionally, an extended integrable system of the resulting nonisospectral hierarchy is worked out based on an expanded higher-dimensional Loop algebra.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
Gabriele Perfetto ◽  
Benjamin Doyon

We derive an exact formula for the scaled cumulant generating function of the time-integrated current associated to an arbitrary ballistically transported conserved charge. Our results rely on the Euler-scale description of interacting, many-body, integrable models out of equilibrium given by the generalized hydrodynamics, and on the large deviation theory. Crucially, our findings extend previous studies by accounting for inhomogeneous and dynamical initial states in interacting systems. We present exact expressions for the first three cumulants of the time-integrated current. Considering the non-interacting limit of our general expression for the scaled cumulant generating function, we further show that for the partitioning protocol initial state our result coincides with previous results of the literature. Given the universality of the generalized hydrodynamics, the expression obtained for the scaled cumulant generating function is applicable to any interacting integrable model obeying the hydrodynamic equations, both classical and quantum.

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