general government
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2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Xiaohui Wu

In this paper, Artificial Intelligence assisted rule-based confidence metric (AI-CRBM) framework has been introduced for analyzing environmental governance expense prediction reform. A metric method is to assess a level of collective environmental governance representing general, government, and corporate aspects. The equilibrium approach is used to calculate improvements in the source of environmental management based on cost, and it is tailored to test the public sector-corporation for environmental shared governance. The overall concept of cost prediction or estimation of environmental governance is achieved by the rule-based confidence method. The framework compares the expected cost to the environment of governance to determine the efficiency of the cost prediction process.

Grażyna Ancyparowicz

Prywatyzacja funduszy emerytalnych w Polsce rozpoczęła się w 1999 r., kiedy system zdefiniowanego świadczenia zastąpiono systemem zdefiniowanej składki, w następnych latach sukcesywnie likwidując niemal wszystkie uprawnienia pracownicze. Podział składki między OFE a ZUS wygenerował ogromny (sięgający 300 mld zł) dług publiczny, którego obsługa była rujnująca dla budżetu państwa. Pod presją procedury nadmiernego deficytu, nałożonej na Polskę przez Unię Europejską, zainicjowano proces likwidacji tych funduszy, aby poprawić wynik polskiego sektora general government, co zakończyło się powodzeniem, ale prowadziłoby w kilkunastoletniej perspektywie do całkowitej likwidacji OFE. Może temu zapobiec „Plan Budowy Kapitału”, który polega na wzmocnieniu rynku kapitałowego, ale niesie za sobą poważne ryzyko zagrożenia ubóstwem i wywłaszczenia osób, które weszły na rynek pracy po 1990 r. lub później. Prywatyzacja aktywów OFE przekreśla bowiem szanse na wzmocnienie publicznego systemu zabezpieczenia społecznego, a nowe obciążenia związane z przymusowym tworzeniem kapitałowego filara emerytalnego mogą negatywnie wpłynąć na kondycję i rozwój małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych i usługowych, a tym samym znacznie osłabić potencjał realnej sfery polskiej gospodarki.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261577
Syeda Mubashira Batool ◽  
Zhimin Liu

Higher education is considered as the engine of the economic development of a country due to its role in cultivating human capital. The provision of higher education is regarded as a productive investment in human capital for improving nation’s productive capacity. However, there is a large gap in enrollment between students of different socioeconomic statuses. The ever-widening socio-economic inequalities between individuals from disadvantaged and advantaged backgrounds make the government’s efforts to enroll a higher number of students to pursue higher education challenging in developing countries, as the students’ socioeconomic status plays a decisive role in their priority to attain higher education. This study anticipated quantifying the impact of socio-economic indicators and underlying situations on students’ enrollment in higher education in Pakistan. A descriptive study, involving correlation, principal component analysis (PCA), clustering, and stepwise regression using 15-years data of enrollment and socio-economic indicators was conducted. The correlation between different socio-economic indicators and students’ enrollment was positive and highly significant (0.73 to 0.99), except for the unemployment rate (- 0.39 to -0.57). PCA showed that the first two components were the most influential with 93.85% of the total variation. Enrollment (total and male) showed significant relationships with general government expenditure and unemployment rate, while female enrollment showed a significant relationship with general government expenditure. Findings revealed that socio-economic factors can serve as a significant predictor of students’ enrollment in higher education. The minimum values of correlation coefficient (R) and adjusted R2 for enrollment were ranged from 0.875 to 0.748 (female enrollment), while maximum values (0.987 to 0.993 and 0.973 to 0.983), respectively were observed for total enrollment. The findings will assist educationists, social scientists, and policymakers to better understand the association between socio-economic indicators and student enrollment in higher education for formulating future education policies for enhancing enrollment in higher education.

2021 ◽  
Raymond Detrez

Book Review: Nadège Ragaru, “Et les Juifs bulgares furent sauvés”: Une histoire des saviors sur la Shoah en BulgarieThis presentation reviews a recent book by the French historian and political scientist Nadège Ragaru, analyzing how Bulgarian society has been dealing with the fate of the Bulgarian Jews during World War II. Pressurized by its Nazi German ally to send 20,000 Bulgarian Jews to extermination camps then located in the General Government, a part of the former Republic of Poland, the Bulgarian wartime government participated in the deportation of 11,343 Jews from the territories under Bulgarian administration in Greek Thrace and Yugoslav Macedonia, while withholding, after protests by some politicians and intellectuals, the Church and a part of the Bulgarian population, from completing the number of 20,000 by sending another 8,000 Jews from Bulgaria proper. In three consecutive chapters, Ragaru discusses how the People’s Courts dealt with the persecutors of the Jews, analyzes the ideological sensibilities raised by a film (a Bulgarian-DDR coproduction) about the deportation, and examines the use of three original short documentary shootings of the events. In the two final chapters, Ragaru deals with the relative pluralism of opinions that has been the case since the fall of the communist regime and the internationalization of the topic, especially as the tense relations with North Macedonia are concerned. Ragaru’s general conclusion is that in spite of the increased preparedness to admit Bulgaria’s involvement, the salvation continues to be overstated, while the complicity is smuggled away.Boek recensie: Nadège Ragaru, “Et les Juifs bulgares furent sauvés”: Une histoire des saviors sur la Shoah en BulgarieDit recente boek van de Franse historica en politieke wetenschapster Nadège Ragaru analiseert de manier waarop de Bulgaarse samenleving is omgegaan met het lot van de Bulgaarse Joden gedurende de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Onder druk van haar Nazi-Duitse bondgenoot om 20.000 Bulgaarse Joden naar uitroeiingskampen toen gesitueerd in het Generaal-Gouvernement, een deel van de voormalige Republiek Polen te sturen nam de Bulgaarse regering deel aan de deportatie van 11.343 Joden uit de territoria in Grieks Thracië en Joegoslavisch Macedonië onder Bulgaars bestuur, maar zag, na protesten van enkele politici en intellectuelen, de kerk en een deel van de Bulgaarse bevolking, af van de uitlevering van het resterende aantal van 8.000 Joden uit Bulgarije zelf. In drie opeenvolgende hoofdstukken, Ragaru beschrijft hoe de Volksrechtbanken omgingen met de vervolgers van de Joden, welke ideologische gevoeligheden werden opgeroepen door een film (een Bulgaars-Oost-Duitse coproductie) over de deportatie, en het gebruik dat gemaakt werd van drie originele korte documentaire filmfragmenten over de gebeurtenissen. In de laatste twee hoofdstukken behandelt Ragaru de relatieve verscheidenheid aan opinie na de val van het communistische regime en de internationalizering van het onderwerp, in het bijzonder in verband met de relaties met de Republiek van Noord-Macedonië. Haar algemene conclusie luidt dat, ondanks te toenemende bereidheid om de betrokkenheid van Bulgarije te erkennen, de redding toch overbelicht blijft, terwijl de medeplichtigheid wordt weggemoffeld.Recenzja książki: Nadège Ragaru, “Et les Juifs bulgares furent sauvés”: Une histoire des saviors sur la Shoah en BulgarieNadège Ragaru, francuska historyczka i politolożka, w swej najnowszej książce analizuje, w jaki sposób społeczeństwo bułgarskie traktowało bułgarskich Żydów w czasie II wojny światowej. Rząd Bułgarii, ulegając naciskom swego sojusznika, nazistowskich Niemiec, w sprawie wysłania dwudziestu tysięcy bułgarskich Żydów do obozów Zagłady w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie, wcześniej Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, deportował 11 343 Żydów z terytoriów greckiej Tracji i jugosłowiańskiej Macedonii, znajdujących się wówczas pod rządami władz Bułgarii. Jednak po protestach nielicznych polityków, intelektualistów i Cerkwi oraz części bułgarskiej ludności władze Bułgarii ostatecznie odstąpiły od procederu wydalenia z kraju pozostałych 8 000 Żydów. W trzech kolejnych rozdziałach Ragaru opisuje, jak Trybunały Ludowe traktowały prześladowców Żydów, jaką podatność na ideologię wśród społeczeństwa bułgarskiego ukazała filmowa koprodukcja bułgarsko- -enerdowska o deportacjach, a także wyjaśnia, do czego posłużyły trzy krótkie oryginalne fragmenty filmów dokumentalnych ukazujące tamte wydarzenia. W ostatnich dwóch rozdziałach Ragaru przedstawia różnorodność opinii po upadku reżimu komunistycznego oraz internacjonalizację tematu, w szczególności kwestię stosunków z Republiką Północnej Macedonii. Autorka wysnuwa ogólny wniosek, że mimo przejawiającej się skłonności Bułgarii do uznania swego zaangażowania [w Zagładę], kwestia ocalenia Żydów [przez społeczeństwo bułgarskie] jest nadal bardziej eksponowana, a współsprawstwo jest wciąż zamiatane pod dywan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 527-549
Stanisław Salmonowicz

Studies on the legal situation of Poles under German occupation during the Second World War have been conducted in Poland for a long time. For many years, however, they have not sufficiently addressed the problem of the fundamental difference between the legal positions of Poles and Western Europeans during the German occupation. The book published in 2017 by Maciej Mitera, entitled Ordinary Fascism. The Legal Position of the Citizens of the Second Polish Republic in the General Government 1939–1944 is an opportunity to sort out the concepts of the law applied to Poles under German occupation. In addition to general regulations, laws, and decrees issued by Governor Hans Frank, the German authorities issued several general orders or prohibitions which defined the legal status of General Government residents. These regulations differentiated the legal position of various population groups in the territory of the General Government, segregating people and excluding certain groups from normal social life. At the same time, German regulations were the basis for the exploitation of society and served the purpose of confiscating its property, and finally — extermination. Further research is needed to gain a complete picture of the German occupation of Polish lands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 551-562
Andrzej Wrzyszcz

The monograph discussed in this review article is not a comprehensive synthesis which fully covers the complex issues of the organization and functioning of the Polish judiciary in the General Government during the Second World War. The opinions formulated in the paper are polemical and often critical. However, many of the facts presented by Andrzej Szulczyński are completely new and significantly expand the state of our knowledge. The findings made by the author and the conclusions he formulated in the monograph will constitute an impulse for further research on the judiciary in Poland under German occupation during the Second World War, which I believe is necessary.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (4) ◽  
pp. 117-122

Today, the human migration is one of the most important factors in the socio-economic territorial development. This process requires considerable attention on the part of federal, regional and municipal general government. The main trends that characterize migration in Russia at the present time is a population tightening and a high level of its concentration in the European part of the country, a significant outflow of population from towns, small cities, as well as rural settlements, migration inflow to large and highly developed territories, an increase in the socio-economic development polarization in territories, etc. These problems are also considered in the Concept of the State Migration Policy in the Russian Federation for 2019-2025. At the same time, despite the adoption of the Concept several issues remain unresolved, such as the lack of state attention to internal Russian migration, the definition of specific needs of the region and municipalities, as well as the lack of a quantitative assessment of targets, etc. It is necessary to clarify the main directions and mechanisms for implementing Russia's migration policy. It is promising to consider population migration from the point of view of meeting the various interests and needs of the main participants in this process - a person, business, territory (locality, region, country), in our opinion. An essential point in the development of such a mechanism is an adequate and scientifically based description of the characteristics of each agent., It is necessary to develop a set of proposals for improving the migration policy and measures for its implementation to achieve a balance of interests of these agents.

2021 ◽  
Jamie Hawkins Elder

<p>Anxiety and fear were central to the condition of settler colonialism in 1860s New Zealand. The Land Wars of the 1860s in New Zealand provoked potent anxiety about the enemy, about loved ones’ lives and about survival. The anxiety could transform into full-blown fear and panic with the onset of violence, or even the prospect or threat of violence. This thesis examines and compares evacuations of ‘refugee’ settler women and children from the sites of Land Wars conflicts in Taranaki (1860-61), and at Waerenga-a-hika (1865) and Matawhero (1868) in Poverty Bay. It explores the character and response to danger of what might be described as ‘settler anxiety’. Settlers of the 1860s used the specific term ‘refugee’ to describe the displaced settler women and children. Māori also faced displacement during the wars, though their situation is not within the scope of this thesis. The story of the Land Wars thus far has focused mainly on the narrative of the military conflict and examines events primarily as a male-centric, racial conflict. However, the time has come to examine experiences off the battlefield – of non-combatants. Women and children in particular are far more central to the history of the wars than is currently acknowledged. The first part of the thesis explores how the Land Wars ‘refugees’ coped with separation from homes and family. The second part examines how settler society, both on a formal governmental basis and on a more informal community level, reacted to the presence of ‘refugees’ emotively and with practical assistance. The research examines the language settlers used and the points they emphasised in their writing or speeches to reveal the frameworks of settler colonialism. Personal diaries, letters and memoirs are used to understand the settlers’ situations. To understand the broader reaction of settler society the thesis draws on newspapers, provincial council correspondence and records, and general government debate and legislation. This thesis argues that the existence of women and children settler ‘refugees’ during the Land Wars represented the settler colonial system in turmoil, providing evidence that the wars involved a conflict off the battlefield as well as on it. Colonists dreamed of creating a safe and secure colony where settlers could acquire land and make a livelihood to support a family. Consequently, attacks on family went to the heart of settler colonialism. The ‘refugees’ symbolised the ‘unsettling’ of settler colonialism, both literally by their locational displacement and figuratively by igniting fear about the stability of the settler colony. In response to the ‘refugee’ crisis settlers vehemently asserted their attachment to ‘home’, to prove their right to live in the colony, and promoted their solidarity with the ‘refugees’ and against enemy Māori, who they saw as threatening the settler dream. The evacuation of Land Wars ‘refugees’ is also considered for its similarities and differences to other ‘refugee’ situations internationally during the colonial era.</p>

2021 ◽  
Jamie Hawkins Elder

<p>Anxiety and fear were central to the condition of settler colonialism in 1860s New Zealand. The Land Wars of the 1860s in New Zealand provoked potent anxiety about the enemy, about loved ones’ lives and about survival. The anxiety could transform into full-blown fear and panic with the onset of violence, or even the prospect or threat of violence. This thesis examines and compares evacuations of ‘refugee’ settler women and children from the sites of Land Wars conflicts in Taranaki (1860-61), and at Waerenga-a-hika (1865) and Matawhero (1868) in Poverty Bay. It explores the character and response to danger of what might be described as ‘settler anxiety’. Settlers of the 1860s used the specific term ‘refugee’ to describe the displaced settler women and children. Māori also faced displacement during the wars, though their situation is not within the scope of this thesis. The story of the Land Wars thus far has focused mainly on the narrative of the military conflict and examines events primarily as a male-centric, racial conflict. However, the time has come to examine experiences off the battlefield – of non-combatants. Women and children in particular are far more central to the history of the wars than is currently acknowledged. The first part of the thesis explores how the Land Wars ‘refugees’ coped with separation from homes and family. The second part examines how settler society, both on a formal governmental basis and on a more informal community level, reacted to the presence of ‘refugees’ emotively and with practical assistance. The research examines the language settlers used and the points they emphasised in their writing or speeches to reveal the frameworks of settler colonialism. Personal diaries, letters and memoirs are used to understand the settlers’ situations. To understand the broader reaction of settler society the thesis draws on newspapers, provincial council correspondence and records, and general government debate and legislation. This thesis argues that the existence of women and children settler ‘refugees’ during the Land Wars represented the settler colonial system in turmoil, providing evidence that the wars involved a conflict off the battlefield as well as on it. Colonists dreamed of creating a safe and secure colony where settlers could acquire land and make a livelihood to support a family. Consequently, attacks on family went to the heart of settler colonialism. The ‘refugees’ symbolised the ‘unsettling’ of settler colonialism, both literally by their locational displacement and figuratively by igniting fear about the stability of the settler colony. In response to the ‘refugee’ crisis settlers vehemently asserted their attachment to ‘home’, to prove their right to live in the colony, and promoted their solidarity with the ‘refugees’ and against enemy Māori, who they saw as threatening the settler dream. The evacuation of Land Wars ‘refugees’ is also considered for its similarities and differences to other ‘refugee’ situations internationally during the colonial era.</p>

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