higher aquatic vegetation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
O Klyachenko ◽  
I Shliakhtun ◽  

National Nature Park “Pyryatynsky” is a valuable reserve of flora and vegetation of the Left-Bank Dnipro. The extensive hydrological network of the Udai River and the wide representation within this nature reserve of floodplain reservoirs are the reason for the high diversity of plant communities of higher aquatic vegetation. In this article we classified the communities of order Callitricho-Batrachietalia in National nature park "Pyryatynskyi" and identify the features of their syntaxonomic and ecological differentiation. Fragmentary and non-comlete information about this type of vegetation are existed in literature, however, without geobotanical releves and detailed characteristics of the structure of phytoceonoses, synecology and synchorology. All obtained results based on original field data. In total, 22 geobotanical releves were performed during the period 2010–2017. The description of communities was carried out within their natural boundaries. Treatment of fitosociological data was performed with the JUICE software package. The nomenclature of syntaxons was consistent with the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICFN).The order of Callitricho-Batrachietalia on the territory of NPP "Pyriatynsky" is represented by alliance Batrachion aquatilis Gehu 1961 and 4 associations (Batrachietum aquatilis Gehu 1961, Potameto perfoliati–Batrachietum circinati Sauer 1937, Hottonietum palustris Sauer 1947, Veronico beccabungae–Callitrichetum stagnalis (Oberdorfer 1957) Th. Müller 1962). This is first prodrome of order Callitricho-Batrachietalia for territory of National Nature Park “Pyryatynskyi”. The communities of this syntaxon occupy small areas and have a limited distribution in the region. Most of them are rare and vulnerable to changes in environmental conditions. Monitoring of their structure, chorology and dynamics is an important task to maintain and preserve the species and coenotic diversity of NPP "Pyryatynsky".

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
O Kovalenko ◽  

National Nature Park “Pyryatynsky” is a valuable reserve of flora and vegetation of the Left-Bank Dnipro. The extensive hydrological network of the Udai River and the wide representation within this nature reserve of floodplain reservoirs are the reason for the high diversity of plant communities of higher aquatic vegetation. In this article we classified the communities of order Callitricho-Batrachietalia in National nature park "Pyryatynskyi" and identify the features of their syntaxonomic and ecological differentiation. Fragmentary and non-comlete information about this type of vegetation are existed in literature, however, without geobotanical releves and detailed characteristics of the structure of phytoceonoses, synecology and synchorology. All obtained results based on original field data. In total, 22 geobotanical releves were performed during the period 2010–2017. The description of communities was carried out within their natural boundaries. Treatment of fitosociological data was performed with the JUICE software package. The nomenclature of syntaxons was consistent with the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICFN).The order of Callitricho-Batrachietalia on the territory of NPP "Pyriatynsky" is represented by alliance Batrachion aquatilis Gehu 1961 and 4 associations (Batrachietum aquatilis Gehu 1961, Potameto perfoliati–Batrachietum circinati Sauer 1937, Hottonietum palustris Sauer 1947, Veronico beccabungae–Callitrichetum stagnalis (Oberdorfer 1957) Th. Müller 1962). This is first prodrome of order Callitricho-Batrachietalia for territory of National Nature Park “Pyryatynskyi”. The communities of this syntaxon occupy small areas and have a limited distribution in the region. Most of them are rare and vulnerable to changes in environmental conditions. Monitoring of their structure, chorology and dynamics is an important task to maintain and preserve the species and coenotic diversity of NPP "Pyryatynsky".

Stadnychenko A.P. ◽  
Uvayeva O.I. ◽  
Ihnatenko О.О.

For the first time, the influence ofCr (III) ionsin maximum concentration limits (MCL) from 0.5 –3 on the way of life, nutrition and digestion of Lymnaea vulnerata (Küster, 1862) and L. monnardi (Hartmann, 1844), –the different life forms of pondsnailsof the hydrographicnetwork of Ukraine,–was explored. Due to the long-term natural selectionamongthese specieswhich took place in extremely different ecological environmental conditions, the adaptive radiation of the shell of the ancient original form of pondsnailwas carried out by rheophilicL. monnardi and stagnophilicL. vulnerata,in opposite directions -divergently.The ampla-shaped shell of L. monnardi (flattened, low, compact, streamlined, with a large mouth) and a large flat sole prevent its driftingby thewater current, while the stagnicola-liketurret-shapeshell of L. vulnerata (elongated, high, narrow, with curls and flat turns, andsmall mouth)reliably protects it from excessive water consumption in the process of pulmonary respiration, thatis important for this ordinary inhabitant of mostly drying out ponds, experiencing conditions of desiccation, which hidesin the cracks of drying out bottom.The autochthonous fodder diet of these pondsnailsis represented by algae and higher aquatic vegetation (different in species composition for each of the species of mollusks studied).Under the maximum concentration limits of 0.5, MCL, 2MCL, 3MCLof Cr(III) ions in the environment, a 5-phase process of poisoningis being developed among the pond snails(0.5MCL-indifference; MCLand 2MCL-stimulation; 3MCL-depressive, sublethal, lethal phases). Its symptoms are clearly illustrated by the values ofthe main trophological parameters in poisoned individuals, depending on the course of the relevant phases of the pathological process.Key words : Lymnaea, life forms, Cr (III)ions, way of life, nutrition, digestion. Серед полютантів, які потрапляють із скидами чи стоками як у природні, так і у штучні водойми, одними з найнебезпечніших для гідробіонтів є іони важких металів. Актуальність дослідження впливу іонів важких металів на різні прояви життєдіяльності гідробіонтів пов’язана як із широкою розповсюдженістю їх наразі у поверхневих водах, так і з явно недостатнім на сьогодні ступенем дослідженості впливу значної частини із них на водних черевоногих молюсків. Саме до числа таких важких металів і належить Cr (III), рівень вмісту якого у гідромережі України. Уперше з’ясовановплив 0,5ГДКр –3ГДКр іонівCr (III) на спосіб життя, живлення і травлення Lymnaea vulnerata(Küster, 1862) i L. monnardi (Hartmann, 1844) –різних життєвих форм ставковиків гідромережі України. Внаслідок тривалого природного добору, котрий відбувався у цих тварин у вкрай відмінних екологічних умовах довкілля, адаптивна радіація черепашки прадавньої вихідної форми ставковиків здійснювалася реофілом L. monnardi і стагнофілом L. vulnerataу протилежно скерованих напрямках –дивергентно. Амплаподібна черепашка L. monnardi (сплющена, низька, компактна, обтічної форми, з великим устям) і велика плоска підошва ноги запобігають знесенням її течією, тоді як стагніколаподібна баштоподібна черепашка L. vulnerata(витягнутої форми, висока, вузька, з плоскими обертамизавитка і невеличким устям) надійно оберігає його від зайвих витрат води у процесі легеневого дихання, що важливо для цього звичайного мешканця здебільшого пересихаючих водойм, переживаючих умови десикації, забившись у щілини розтрісканого від пересиханнядна.Автохтонний кормовий раціон цих ставковиків представлений водоростями і вищою водяною рослинністю (різними за видовим складом щодо кожного з видів досліджених молюсків).За 0,5ГДКр, ГДКр, 2ГДКр, 3ГДКр іонів Cr (III) у середовищі у ставковиків розвивається 5-тифазний процес отруєння (0,5 ГДКр –байдужість; ГДКр і 2ГДКр –стимуляція; 3ГДКр –депресивна, сублетальна, летальна фази). Симптоматика його чітко ілюструється значеннями основних трофологічних показників у отруєних особин, залежних від перебігу у них відповідних фаз патологічного процесу.Ключові слова: Lymnaea, життєві форми, Cr (III), спосіб життя, живлення, травлення

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-105
Boris Yu. Chaus

Abstract. The article provides an analysis of the dynamics of the constancy indicators of representatives of higher aquatic vegetation (VBR) in the upper reaches of the Belaya River (Republic of Bashkortostan) from 2005 to 2019. Constancy indicators of 11 species of BBP (Butomus umbellatus L., 1753; Elodea canadensis Michx., 1803; Najas marina L., 1753; Potamogeton natans L., 1753; Potamogeton perfoliatus L., 1753; Potamogeton crispus L., 1753; Stuckenia pectinata L., 1753; Myriophyllum spicatum L., 1753; Lemna minor L., 1753; Spirodela polyrhiza Schleid., 1839 and Ceratophyllum demersum L., 1753) were registered in the areas of 2 state water posts the Shushpa railway station and the Arsky Kamen recreation house. In the course of research, for the first time, lists of permanent, additional and random species of BBP were compiled, correlation-regression models of the relationships between the constancy indicators of representatives of higher aquatic vegetation with the content of chemicals were calculated, the pollutants most strongly affecting the constancy indicators of representatives of BBP were identified, determined in the water of the upper course of the Belaya River.

Ludmila Ivanovna Zakonnova ◽  
Igor Vasilievich Nikishkin

One of the frequently encountered problems of small cooling ponds at SDPPsis rapid eutrophication and the associatedintensified development of phytoplankton — “hyperblossom” and overgrowth of water bodies with higher aquatic vegetation. As a result of hyperflowering, a huge amount of detritus is deposited on the condenser tubes, reducing the efficiency of the station. The authors analyzed the situation in the cooling pond of Berezovskaya-1 power plant, which was designed with a number of deviations from the “Sanitary rules for the preparation of the reservoir bed and canals for flooding and their sanitary protection”. In this regard, active eutrophication of the reservoir began, which by 2001 reached the stage of “hyper-flowering”. Higher aquatic vegetation has spread in shallow waters and formed “islands” around the peat floating up from the bottom. Among the known measures to combat plant forms, the most environmentally friendly and economically acceptable method of cleaning water bodies with the help of amelioration fish — the silver carp microphytophage and grass carp macrophytophage — is recognized as the most environmentally friendly and economically acceptable. With the undoubted advantage of this method, it has weaknesses, for example, long-term consequences for aboriginal ichthyocenoses in connection with the introduction of competing fish. Due to the fact that, with a sufficient amount of plant feed, grass carp is not a food competitor for the fish and introduced species of the Bereshskoye reservoir and cannot reproduce in the natural environment, it will not reduce the production of local ichthyofauna. Itis recommended to take into account that with a decrease inichthyomass, the infested objectis able to significantly expand the range of food due to benthic and planktonic animals. At the same time, systematic control over the size of the grass carp population should become a mandatory measure, providing for an increase in the commercial catch at the first signs of suppression of aquatic phytocenoses. The authors have calculated the norms of planting material for stocking the cooling pond at Berezovskaya-1 power plant and the fish-breeding indicators that can be obtained 4 years after stocking the cooling pond with grass carp.

Shevchenko I.V.

The work is the first part of a series of articles intended to comprehensively describe the current state of Chironomidae fauna of the Lower Dnipro on the basis of the long-term studies of larval forms of this group of Diptera insects, widely represented in water bodies of this estuary. Based on the current research, the species composition of larvae of Diptera insects of the Tanypodinae (Diptera, Chironomidae) subfamily, represented in the benthic fauna of various water bodies of the Lower Dnipro, is described. The research was conducted on 18 water bodies, located in the delta and pre-delta areas of the Dnipro River. For the delta area, the following water bodies were researched: mainstream of the Dnipro River, the Viryovchina River, KhersonBilozerskyi floodplain area (the Koshova River, Lake Rohozuvate, Lake Bezmen, Lake Chychkuvate, Lake Stebliivskyi Liman), Kardashynskyi floodplain area (the Chaika River, the strait into Lake Kruhle, the Hadiuchka Strait, Lake Kruhle, Lake Kardashynskyi Liman), Velykyi Potyomkinskyi floodplain area (Lake Zakitne and Lake Nazarove-Pohorile) and Holoprystanskyi floodplain area (Lake Liahushache). For the pre-delta area, the mainstream of the Dnipro River, the Kozak River and Lake Sabetskyi Liman were researched. Based on the obtained data, a characteristic for each of the species of Tanypodinae is given, which includes: the distribution; the seasonality; indicators of quantitative development; the abiotic factors and the species of higher aquatic vegetation inherent in the places of detection of the larvae; the area. The mass and the less developed species of Tanypodinae subfamily and their distributional pattern in the water bodies have been determined. The indexes of occurrence in the benthic samples for the larvae of these species were determined. The comparisons of the indexes for individual water bodies, groups of water bodies (streaming system of the Dnipro River, the tributaries and the straits, the Viryovchina River, the pre-delta area, the delta floodplain areas) and for the water bodies as a whole, were made. The species composition of Tanypodinae larvae of anthropogenically polluted areas of the Lower Dnipro, in particular, its differences for the watercourses and lakes, were noted. Key words: Diptera, larvae, fauna, macrozoobenthos, Lower Dnipro, Chironomidae, Tanypodinae.

2021 ◽  
Vol 274 ◽  
pp. 08005
Nazia Urmitova ◽  
Aida Nizamova

The article presents the features of cascade phyto-treatment facilities, bio plateau with an open water mirror. Such structures are similar to natural wetland objects. The plant species on the cascades and their effect in the post-treatment of wastewater are considered. Natural biological treatment of wastewater with algae roots is one of the most effective methods of treatment. This method allows you to clean polluted wastewater without harming the environment. Aquatic plants intensify the purification process, remove biogenic elements, actively using them in their nutrition, remove heavy metals and organic substances from the water and accumulate in the root system, which are difficult to decompose and thus improve the process of self-purification of reservoirs. The article pays great attention to the project «The Resilient Ribbon: A Timeless Legend of Kazan». The essence of the project is the natural self-purification of the city lake Nizhny Kaban in Kazan, where the root system of plants is used to purify water from mixtures, phenols and phosphates, heavy metals and a number of other harmful substances. The results of laboratory studies of water quality after treatment at cascade phyto-treatment facilities are presented.

A. V. Shevchenko ◽  
G. N. Puras ◽  

Purpose: development of a layout-structural solution and technology for fish-breeding and reclamation complex operation for ecological improvement of phyto-contaminated reservoirs and fish farming in them. One of the urgent environmental problems typical for river and lake reservoirs is the overgrowth of their shallow waters with higher aquatic vegetation. Phyto-contamination of water bodies leads to a depletion of their ecological biodiversity, displacement of valuable species of aquatic flora and fauna, the decrease in their biological productivity and deterioration of conditions for various environmental management (water supply, fish farming, recreation, etc.). Rational and efficient use of natural resources cannot be ensured without ecological improvement of such objects. One of the directions of phyto-contaminated water bodies treatment is to carry out their biological reclamation by the introduction of herbivorous fish species into them. To increase the efficiency of such reclamation, it is proposed to create and use reservoir fish-breeding and reclamation complexes. Materials and Methods. The experimental and theoretical basis for the development of layout-structural solutions and technologies for the operation of such complexes was provided by known information and author's observations of the stocking of reservoirs. Results. The established shortcomings of the applied technologies led to the need to create the complexes that ensure the cultivation of fish stocking material adapted to the conditions of the stocking reservoir and the implementation of acclimatization measures for introducing herbivorous fish into the water body. Conclusions. The layout-constructive scheme and technology of fish-breeding and reclamation complex operation are proposed, which makes it possible to carry out the ecological improvement of phyto-contaminated reservoirs and, in general, to improve conditions, to increase the complexity, efficiency of using their resource potential and fulfillment of nature management.

V.A. Zhezherya ◽  
T.P. Zhezherya ◽  
P.M. Linnik

There were considered the results of studies of the content of inorganic nitrogen and its compounds, inorganic phosphorus, dissolved silicon and labile iron in the areas of the Verbne and Telbin Lakes, covered with higher aquatic vegetation and free vegetation, as well as with depth. It was found that the content of inorganic nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate ions and in some cases inorganic phosphorus was decreased in the thickets of higher aquatic vegetation during the growing season several times compared to areas of the lake without thickets. It was found that higher aquatic vegetation during its growing season reduced the content of inorganic nitrogen in the surface layer of water by 1.1–2.0 times, and inorganic phosphorus in some cases by 1.2–1.5 times, compared with their content in sections free vegetation. The concentration of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate ions in the thickets of higher aquatic vegetation was also 1.1–3.1 and 1.3–2.5 times lower, respectively. From the beginning of the growing season, the concentration of inorganic nitrogen, phosphorus and dissolved silicon in the area of the lake without vegetation was decreased on average from 1.122 to 0.096 mg N/dm3, from 0.250 to 0.075 mg P/dm3 and from 4.1 to 0.31 mg/dm3 and in the coastal area from 1.168 to 0.073 mg N/dm3, from 0.298 to 0.063 mg P/dm3 and from 4.0 to 0.32 mg/dm3 respectively. It was found that the share of nitrate ions in the surface layer of the water of Verbne Lake increased from 9.9% to 68.3% from March to June, and in Telbin Lake nitrate ions dominated, even in March. This was due to the increase in the intensity of the nitrification process. In the first case, this was due to the supply of oxygen during photosynthesis, and in the second case, due to artificial aeration. The effect of higher aquatic vegetation on the content of dissolved silicon and labile iron were not observed. The maximum values content of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus and dissolved silicon were observed during spring homothermia. Their content in the surface layer of water gradually decreased due to the assimilation of plant organisms with the beginning of the growing season. Direct temperature stratification led to an increase in the content of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus, dissolved silicon and labile iron in the bottom layer of water due to their inflow from bottom sediments, especially in the absence of dissolved oxygen.

Oleksandr Fedorovsky ◽  
Anna Khizhnyak ◽  
Olha Tomchenko ◽  
Anatolii Porushkevych ◽  
Ludmyla Pidgorodetska

В статье обосновывается предложений способ оценки экологического состояния пресноводных водоемов на основе космического геомониторинга и статистического критерия одновременно по нескольким эталонам, каждый из которых представляет соответствующий уровень техногенного или антропогенной нагрузки. Для этого по каждому изучаемому объекту (водоему) вычисляют вероятности соответствия их информативных признаков информативным признакам каждого эталона. В результате получают количественную оценку влияния нагрузки в относительных единицах или баллах. Приведены примеры апробации предложенного метода для исследования изменения экологического состояния водоемов на примере Киевского водохранилища и озера Свитязь.Для обоснования предложенного способа было определено соответствие полученных результатов на основе статистического критерия оценкам реальной рекреационной нагрузки и оценкам влияния нагрузок полученных методами МКО и МАИ. Для этого были подсчитаны коэффициенты корреляции между этими результатами за соответствующие годы, который в среднем был ровен 0,8, что вполне приемлемо для практических оценок результатов нагрузки на экосистему водоемов. Установлено, что водные объекты представляют собой сложные системы, анализ которых происходит на разных уровнях абстрактного описания с учетом взаимосвязи их составляющих: ландшафтных комплексов (ПТК или биотопов), гидрологических, гидробиологических и гидрохимических характеристик. В ходе исследования выяснено что рекреационная нагрузка на озеро Свитязь постоянно растет и соответственно негативно влияет на его экологическое состояние. Также выявлено, что зарастание акватории верховья Киевского водохранилища высшей водной растительностью также увеличивается, что в свою очередь ослабляет эффективность водохранилища для нужд водопотребления. The article substantiates the method of assessing the ecological status of freshwater reservoirs using space geomonitoring and statistical criteria with several standards simultaneously, each of which represents the level of technogenic or anthropogenic load. To achieve this, the probabilities of the affiliation of their informative features to the informative features of each standard are calculated for each studied object (reservoir). The result is a quantitative estimation of the load, which is given in relative units or points. The approbation of the offered method for research of the changes in ecological conditions of reservoirs is done over the Kyiv Reservoir and lake Svityaz.During the study of the method, the correspondence of the obtained results using the statistical criterion to the real estimates of recreational load made by the method of multi-criteria optimization (MCO) and method of analysis of hierarchies (MAH) was determined. For this purpose, the correlation coefficient between the obtained result and recreational load, as well as the results of assessments based on MKO and MAH for the respective years was calculated, which averaged 0.8, which is quite acceptable for practical assessments of water ecosystem load. It was determined that water bodies are complex systems and their analysis takes place at different levels of abstractions, taking into account the relationship of their components: landscape complexes (LC), hydrological, hydrobiological and hydrochemical characteristics. The study found that the recreational load on Lake Svityaz is constantly increasing and has negative impact on its ecological condition. It was also found that the overgrowing of the upper springhead of the Kyiv Reservoir with higher aquatic vegetation is also currently increasing, which weakens the efficiency of the reservoir for purposes of water consumption.

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