Ecology and water management
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Published By Federal State Budget Scientific Establishment The Russian Scientific Research Institute Of Land Improvement Problems


A. S. Shtanko ◽  
V. N. Shkura ◽  

Purpose: development of layout and design schemes for low-flow water intakes, arranged on shallow river and stream watercourses for supplying water to drip irrigation systems. Agricultural development of terraces and floodplains of small foothill and mountain streams actualizes the development of facilities for water intake from them for the purpose of irrigating land. Morphological and hydrographic features, including shallow low-water depths, high flow rates, flow rates variability, saturation with sediments, the presence of underflow and overflow runoff, etc., make water intake from such watercourses difficult and specific. These circumstances predetermine the relevance of water intake structures development corresponding to the specified conditions. Materials and Methods. When developing the layout and design schemes of low-flow water intakes from shallow watercourses, the technologies of exploratory design of engineering systems and structures were used. Results. With regard to the morphometric, hydrological and other conditions of shallow foothill and mountain streams, a water intake with a bottom water intake was adopted for development. The water intake part of headworks is designed in the form of a toe drain, which has under-flow and overflow intake parts that allow water intake from the channel and off-channel water streams. The toe is made of two or three layers of sand and gravel material. Drainage pipes or pipe filters are used as a drainage element. Depending on the conditions of the watercourse, water intakes with transverse, longitudinal and pocket-coastal placement of water intakes are proposed. Conclusion. The layout and design schemes of filtering water intakes from shallow watercourses based on the use of overflow, underflow and combined structures of multilayer drainage water intakes with stream (transverse and longitudinal) and off-channel (pocket-coastal) placement have been proposed and developed.

T. I. Drovovozova ◽  
A. A. Kirilenko ◽  

Purpose: analysis of problematic issues associated with the hydrochemistry of natural waters and the processes occurring in the irrigation systems of Rostov region. Discussion. The specificity of growing crops associated with irrigated agriculture has led to the formation of significant volumes of drainage and waste water (58676.5 thousand cub. m at the level of 2019). The quality of drainage wastewaters is determined by the hydrochemistry of groundwater and water intakes and has a seasonal character. In drainage systems operation of the Central irrigated zone, an unregulated inflow of salt-forming ions into water inlets was noted, and their concentration in the places where drainage wastes are discharged into small water bodies of the Lower Don (for example, Kostylevsky pr., Kolodezki ur., Solenaya river, erik Besheny) differs little from the background geochemical concentrations and corresponds to the natural saline background of the studied objects. Since irrigation and drainage systems are the objects of negative impact on the environment, uncontrolled natural processes of salt-forming ions migration in adjacent environments in combination with desalinization processes during the irrigation period led to violations of ecological legislation by the land reclamation and agricultural water supply departments in terms of exceeding the standards of maximum permissible concentrations for water bodies for fishery purposes, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of 13.12.2016 no. 552. Conclusions. Regularities in formation of salt-forming ions migration processes in adjacent media have been revealed. It has been determined that one of the sources and agents of “saline contamination” of drainage and natural waters is groundwater. Hydrochemical materials and analysis of regulatory legal acts in terms of water bodies protection and use indicate the need to establish standards admitted to chemical substances concentrations disposal, taking into account the regional natural (nominally natural) hydrochemical background and natural and climatic characteristics differentiated for each small water body.

S. M. Vasilyev ◽  
A. N. Babichev ◽  

Purpose: to establish the basic principles of the organization of reclamed agricultural landscapes and to substantiate the use of the agricultural landscape approach in the organization of the territory. Materials and Methods. When preparing this article, the materials of Russian scientists dealing with the issues of soil fertility conservation and ecological sustainability of reclaimed agricultural landscapes were considered. The methods used were analysis, generalization, synthesis and other methods of working with literary sources on this issue. Results. In performing the work, the main principles and indicators were determined, such as productivity, sustainability, the rule of transforming measures for the natural environment, optimization of the agricultural landscape, authenticity, principles of the formation of reclaimed agricultural landscapes, the complexity of the reclamation impact, the required diversity, the uniqueness of the reclamation impact. The basic requirements for the preservation of soil fertility of reclaimed irrigated agricultural landscape have been established. It was found that to maintain ecological balance within the irrigated agricultural landscape, it is necessary to adhere to the indicators of the reclamation load of the natural environment. The limits of agricultural lands saturation in reclaimed agricultural landscapes for various agro-climatic zones have been substantiated and recommended. Conclusions. It has been determined that the coefficient of reclamation loading of irrigated lands, showing the maximum share of irrigated lands that can be irrigated in a particular climatic zone, varies from 0.3 in the forest-steppe zone to 0.60–0.85 in the semi-desert and desert zone. This suggests that with an increase in moisture supply, this indicator decreases, the recommended amount of agricultural land in various agroclimatic zones varies from 30 to 87 %, while the area of arable land should not exceed 20–25 % in a very dry zone, and with an increase in moisture supply, it can increase up to 80 % in the semi-arid zone. The amount of irrigated land in the reclaimed agricultural landscape should not exceed 18–20 %. Irrigated meadows and pastures should account for 1–2 to 5–6 % of the area.

G. S. Drovovozova ◽  

Purpose: test development to determine the level of environmental literacy of students in the basic educational program of secondary general education, taking into account the level of knowledge of students in grades 10–11 and approbation of this testing at MBOU Secondary School no. 32 in Novocherkassk. Materials and Methods. While developing the tests, the literature analysis in the field of environmental safety was carried out, the training of the test groups at school was taken into account, which was the reason for an additional analysis of textbooks in general education subjects related to ecology and (or) environmental safety, with regard to the fact that the textbooks selected for analysis should be included in the federal list of textbooks. The structure of the test is described, and an example of test questions is given. Results and Discussions. The test result processing was carried out using MS Excel. The diagrams were built for each test group based on the results obtained, reflecting the level of environmental literacy of each studied class, then, on the obtained test result processing, a general summary diagram determining the level of students’ environmental literacy in four classes was built. The trend line as a growth indicator in an unsatisfactory test result was used in chart. Conclusions: students of secondary general education have a rather low level of environmental literacy. During the tests checking, the regularity that students answered correctly mainly the questions related to school subjects was revealed. The studies confirm that environmental education in schools which has only a small niche in educational work is not paid enough attention.

E. V. Komarova ◽  
A. V. Slabunova ◽  
S. E. Haritonov ◽  

Purpose: to analyze the advantages of cavitation disinfection of wastewater of various origins, including animal husbandry wastewater. Discussion. The problem of purification and utilization of livestock wastewater in Russia is quite acute, as well as the search for an alternative source of water for irrigating crops, one of the ways of solving these problems is the use of wastewater in irrigation. However, such a solution, in its turn, has its own difficulties associated with sanitary and hygienic requirements, large capital investments are needed to prepare wastewater for irrigation, the conventional treatment systems are large and complex. This arouses particular interest to the study of water disinfection by cavitation treatment. The analysis showed that the cavitation method has established itself as a reagent-free, economically and energetically beneficial water disinfection, which is used in many areas of activity. Conclusions: the cavitation method of purification and disinfection of various types of wastewater has clear advantages over existing methods. However, it requires further deeper and more detailed study of the disinfection process of wastewater from animal husbandry with the possibility of obtaining a purified and disinfected liquid, rich in organic substances, having a fertilizing value during irrigating crops.

L. A. Voyevodina ◽  

Purpose: to substantiate the list of necessary water quality indicators for irrigation systems, to develop a form for data collection on water quality indicators and their use in the development of interactive maps based on geographic information technologies (GIS). Materials and Methods: regulatory documents, data from reports of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems”, open sources on the Internet, scientific and technical literature were used for the research. The research methods were data collection, processing, analysis and synthesis. Results: analysis of open information sources made it possible to substantiate the list of water quality indicators; for data collection from federal state budgetary institutions (land reclamation and agricultural water supply departments), a form and recommendations for filling it out were developed, indicating the documents used to fill it out; the estimated volume of financial costs for conducting water analyzes was calculated according to the recommended list of indicators, which is 55125600 rubles for 669 federal-owned irrigation systems; it is proposed to use the collected data for the development of interactive GIS maps. Conclusions. The developed interactive maps displaying various indicators of water quality in irrigation systems can be effectively applied in the management process, as well as they can improve the efficiency and performance of justified decision-making. In the course of further prospective development of GIS, the integration of interactive maps of reclamation systems with other automated systems, such as SCADA, may be envisaged.

L. A. Voevodina ◽  
O. V. Voevodin ◽  

Purpose: to analyze the main documents affecting water relations in land reclamation industry when using the concept “canal”, to identify the existing contradictions in connection with the ambiguous interpretation of this concept, to make proposals on amendments to the Water Code of the Russian Federation. Materials and Methods. The material for the research was legislative documents, data from reports of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “RosNIIPM”, open sources on the Internet, scientific and technical literature, reference dictionaries. Research methods were data collection, processing, analysis and synthesis of data. Results: the conducted research has shown the consequences of the formulation of insufficiently defined positions in the legislative documents of the highest level. The evolution of the term “canal” definition is considered. The reasons which consist of the substitution of concepts and the inaccuracy of definitions, and often their absence, due to which reclamation canals cannot be water bodies are considered. Significant essential signs of the difference between natural water transporting objects (river, stream) and artificial (canals) are given. A proposal to make amendments to the Water Code of the Russian Federation has been developed. Conclusions: during the study, the need to make amendments to the Water Code of the Russian Federation in Article 5, p. 2, sub. 2: “…2. Surface water bodies include... 2) watercourses (rivers, streams, canals)...”. According to the authors, these formulations should be changed to: “…2. Surface water bodies include... 2) watercourses (rivers, streams, canals included in the List of canals classified as water bodies...”. The list of canals classified as water bodies must be established by order of the Russian government.

A. V. Slabunova ◽  
A. P. Surovikina ◽  

Purpose: improving the method for protecting slopes from water erosion to increase the efficiency of the anti-erosion structure, taking into account modern requirements for ensuring ecological regulatory compliance in the field of preventing pollution of water bodies. Materials and Methods. The basis for improving the method of protecting slopes from water erosion with the help of hydraulic structures was the well-known and author's developments of individual elements and structures of anti-erosion facilities. When generalizing and comparing technical characteristics and principles of the structure operation, the methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis were used. Results. Analysis of various materials (scientific papers, publications, patents relating to the development of methods for protecting slopes from water erosion using hydraulic structures) showed their uniformity in terms of design and the need for revision and improvement in order to increase the operation efficiency and preventing the ingress of nutrients into the water body. Some disadvantages were identified: low efficiency on difficult slopes with different steepness and relief exposure due to the “imperfection” of the trench design, the temporality of the trench backfill action due to destruction, low efficiency due to the low water-holding capacity and rapid water delivery, lack of preliminary treatment of surface waters before their discharge into a water body. The direction of improving the method of erosion control is the development of a filter tile for plastic balls. Conclusions. An improved method for protecting slopes from water erosion involves creating a trench filled with inorganic filler, with a water-retaining earthwork and a water-retaining screen. The filler has the form of a ball with eight through holes diameter of <5 mm, located in pairs and coaxially (the balls are filled with a filter tile of agroperlite by 2/3 of the volume).

S. Ya. Semenenko ◽  
N. V. Morozova ◽  
S. S. Marchenko ◽  
N. A. Kolobanova ◽  

Purpose: to assess the quality of water in water bodies of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain from an ecological viewpoint, taking into account the modern regulatory framework in the field of environmental protection. Materials and Methods. To assess the quality of natural waters from an ecological viewpoint, a complex indicator calculated by basic analyte markers that characterize typical negative impacts was used. The following hydrochemical indicators were taken as analyte markers: pH, mineralization (dry residue), suspended solids of natural origin, total iron, total manganese, ammonium (N), nitrites (N), nitrates (N), phosphates (PO4), chemical oxygen demand (COD). Results. The ecological state of water bodies was determined by hydro-chemical indicators of surface waters and bottom sediments using the example of such representative objects as water bodies on the territory of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain: lakes Peschanoe, Varyuzhka, Zhestkovo, erik Chayka, lakes Beshenoe, Chubatoe, Yamy, erik Shumrovatyy, lake Shirokogorloe. In accordance with the provisions of GOST R 58556-2019 “Assessment of water quality in water bodies from an ecological point of view”, the quality of water from an ecological viewpoint, the degree of quality disturbance and changes in the state of aquatic ecosystems under anthropogenic load have been determined. Conclusions. Petroleum products have been recorded in the water bodies of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain (lake Varyuzhka, erik Shumrovatyy). The analysis of hydrochemical indicators of water quality and bottom sediments shows that currently the overall level of pollution of the considered water bodies does not reach critical levels of permissible values.

M. A. Lyashkov ◽  
Yu. Yu. Ariskina ◽  
A. V. Slabunova ◽  

Purpose: increasing the efficiency of monitoring the land resources state and managing fertility using a geoinformation database in precision farming. Materials and Methods: the basis for filling the agricultural geoinformation database of Rostov region (SHGBD RO) was the archival data of various scientific and design institutes from 1976 to 2020. The soil reclamation surveys data (particle size distribution, agrochemical, physicochemical and water-physical indicators) were used, as well as materials of large-scale soil reclamation surveys carried out on the reconstructed irrigation systems and irrigation areas. Results: the developed system is intended to provide the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and subordinate organizations with operational, relevant and reliable information on agricultural land and provide agricultural producers with reliable information on the content of humus, phosphorus and potassium in various points of the agricultural field. The developed database provides collection, storage, replenishment, documents formation, processing and presentation analytical information used in decision-making in the field of state monitoring to users and directly by agricultural producers. Conclusions: SHGBD RO proposed by the authors for the implementation. will not only solve the problems of state lands monitoring, but also satisfy the needs of agricultural producers in the implementation of differentiated fertilization, which will make it possible to reduce the cost of fertilizers and subsequently increase the production profitability.

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