algal symbiosis
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PeerJ ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. e12770
Jason S. Presnell ◽  
Elizabeth Wirsching ◽  
Virginia M. Weis

Exaiptasia diaphana, a tropical sea anemone known as Aiptasia, is a tractable model system for studying the cellular, physiological, and ecological characteristics of cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Aiptasia is widely used as a proxy for coral-algal symbiosis, since both Aiptasia and corals form a symbiosis with members of the family Symbiodiniaceae. Laboratory strains of Aiptasia can be maintained in both the symbiotic (Sym) and aposymbiotic (Apo, without algae) states. Apo Aiptasia allow for the study of the influence of symbiosis on different biological processes and how different environmental conditions impact symbiosis. A key feature of Aiptasia is the ease of propagating both Sym and Apo individuals in the laboratory through a process called pedal laceration. In this form of asexual reproduction, small pieces of tissue rip away from the pedal disc of a polyp, then these lacerates eventually develop tentacles and grow into new polyps. While pedal laceration has been described in the past, details of how tentacles are formed or how symbiotic and nutritional state influence this process are lacking. Here we describe the stages of development in both Sym and Apo pedal lacerates. Our results show that Apo lacerates develop tentacles earlier than Sym lacerates, while over the course of 20 days, Sym lacerates end up with a greater number of tentacles. We describe both tentacle and mesentery patterning during lacerate development and show that they form through a single pattern in early stages regardless of symbiotic state. In later stages of development, Apo lacerate tentacles and mesenteries progress through a single pattern, while variable patterns were observed in Sym lacerates. We discuss how Aiptasia lacerate mesentery and tentacle patterning differs from oral disc regeneration and how these patterning events compare to postembryonic development in Nematostella vectensis, another widely-used sea anemone model. In addition, we demonstrate that Apo lacerates supplemented with a putative nutrient source developed an intermediate number of tentacles between un-fed Apo and Sym lacerates. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that pedal lacerates progress through two different, putatively nutrient-dependent phases of development. In the early phase, the lacerate, regardless of symbiotic state, preferentially uses or relies on nutrients carried over from the adult polyp. These resources are sufficient for lacerates to develop into a functional polyp. In the late phase of development, continued growth and tentacle formation is supported by nutrients obtained from either symbionts and/or the environment through heterotrophic feeding. Finally, we advocate for the implementation of pedal lacerates as an additional resource in the Aiptasia model system toolkit for studies of cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis.

2021 ◽  
Nils Rädecker ◽  
Claudia Pogoreutz ◽  
Hagen M. Gegner ◽  
Anny Cárdenas ◽  
Gabriela Perna ◽  

AbstractEfficient nutrient cycling in the coral-algal symbiosis requires constant but limited nitrogen availability. Coral-associated diazotrophs, i.e., prokaryotes capable of fixing dinitrogen, may thus support productivity in a stable coral-algal symbiosis but could contribute to its breakdown when overstimulated. However, the effects of environmental conditions on diazotroph communities and their interaction with other members of the coral holobiont remain poorly understood. Here we assessed the effects of heat stress on diazotroph diversity and their contribution to holobiont nutrient cycling in the reef-building coral Stylophora pistillata from the central Red Sea. In a stable symbiotic state, we found that nitrogen fixation by coral-associated diazotrophs constitutes a source of nitrogen to the algal symbionts. Heat stress caused an increase in nitrogen fixation concomitant with a change in diazotroph communities. Yet, this additional fixed nitrogen was not assimilated by the coral tissue or the algal symbionts. We conclude that although diazotrophs may support coral holobiont functioning under low nitrogen availability, altered nutrient cycling during heat stress abates the dependence of the coral host and its algal symbionts on diazotroph-derived nitrogen. Consequently, the role of nitrogen fixation in the coral holobiont is strongly dependent on its nutritional status and varies dynamically with environmental conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Martina Prazeres ◽  
T. Edward Roberts ◽  
Shadrina Fildzah Ramadhani ◽  
Steve S. Doo ◽  
Christiane Schmidt ◽  

Abstract Background Understanding the specificity and flexibility of the algal symbiosis-host association is fundamental for predicting how species occupy a diverse range of habitats. Here we assessed the algal symbiosis diversity of three species of larger benthic foraminifera from the genus Amphistegina and investigated the role of habitat and species identity in shaping the associated algal community. Results We used next-generation sequencing to identify the associated algal community, and DNA barcoding to identify the diatom endosymbionts associated with species of A. lobifera, A. lessonii, and A. radiata, collected from shallow habitats (< 15 m) in 16 sites, ranging from the Mediterranean Sea to French Polynesia. Next-generation sequencing results showed the consistent presence of Ochrophyta as the main algal phylum associated with all species and sites analysed. A significant proportion of phylotypes were classified as Chlorophyta and Myzozoa. We uncovered unprecedented diversity of algal phylotypes found in low abundance, especially of the class Bacillariophyta (i.e., diatoms). We found a significant influence of sites rather than host identity in shaping algal communities in all species. DNA barcoding revealed the consistent presence of phylotypes classified within the order Fragilariales as the diatoms associated with A. lobifera and A. lessonii, while A. radiata specimens host predominately diatoms of the order Triceratiales. Conclusions We show that local habitat is the main factor influencing the overall composition of the algal symbiont community. However, host identity and the phylogenetic relationship among hosts is relevant in shaping the specific endosymbiont diatom community, suggesting that the relationship between diatom endosymbiont and hosts plays a crucial role in the evolutionary history of the genus Amphistegina. The capacity of Amphistegina species to associate with a diverse array of diatoms, and possibly other algal groups, likely underpins the ecological success of these crucial calcifying organisms across their extensive geographic range.

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 305
Jaime L. Frahm ◽  
William Randy Brooks

A mutualistic symbiosis exists between the alga Sargassum spp. and two shrimp species, Latreutes fucorum and Leander tenuicornis. However, little is known about how these shrimp locate and establish their host alga. Both visual and chemical cues are potentially available. A previous study has looked at both cue variables with results that are mixed. Specifically, these same shrimp species used chemical cues only when visible cues were available simultaneously. Visual cues would be presumably restricted at night, but chemical cues are potentially available continuously. This current research elaborates on the previous study to fully understand Sargassum shrimp chemoreception. Increases in sample sizes and both a 4-chambered and Y-maze apparatus were used to test whether the shrimp could detect Sargassum cues, dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) (a chemical excreted by some marine algae), and conspecific cues. Neither shrimp species showed a strong directional response to any of the chemical cues, but the Sargassum and DMSP cues did cause more shrimp to exhibit searching behavior. Additionally, several differences in responses between male and female shrimp were found for each cue. A lowered dilution of DMSP was also tested to determine sensitivity of L. fucorum shrimp to the chemical cue; although searching behavior was triggered, conclusions about quantifying the sensitivity could not be made. Overall, these results show the shrimp can detect chemical cues—in the absence of visual cues—that could affect initiating and maintaining this shrimp/algal symbiosis.

James L Dimond ◽  
Nhung Nguyen ◽  
Steven B Roberts

Abstract Symbiosis with protists is common among cnidarians such as corals and sea anemones, and is associated with homeostatic and phenotypic changes in the host that could have epigenetic underpinnings, such as methylation of CpG dinucleotides. We leveraged the sensitivity to base modifications of nanopore sequencing to probe the effect of symbiosis with the chlorophyte Elliptochloris marina on methylation in the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. We first validated the approach by comparison of nanopore-derived methylation levels with CpG depletion analysis of a published transcriptome, finding that high methylation levels are associated with CpG depletion as expected. Next, using reads generated exclusively from aposymbiotic anemones, a largely complete draft genome comprising 243 Mb was assembled. Reads from aposymbiotic and symbiotic sea anemones were then mapped to this genome and assessed for methylation using the program Nanopolishwhich detects signal disruptions from base modifications as they pass through the nanopore. Based on assessment of 452,841 CpGs for which there was adequate read coverage (approximately 8% of the CpGs in the genome), symbiosis with E. marina was, surprisingly, associated with only subtle changes in the host methylome. However, we did identify one extended genomic region with consistently higher methylation among symbiotic individuals. The region was associated with a DNA polymerase zeta that is noted for its role in translesion synthesis, which opens interesting questions about the biology of this symbiosis. Our study highlights the power and relative simplicity of nanopore sequencing for studies of nucleic acid base modifications in non-model species.

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e11062
Katarzyna Frankowiak ◽  
Ewa Roniewicz ◽  
Jarosław Stolarski

During the Carnian, oligotrophic shallow-water regions of the western Tethys were occupied by small, coral-rich patch reefs. Scleractinian corals, which already contributed to the formation of the reef structure, owed their position most probably to the symbiosis with dinoflagellate algae (zooxanthellae). Using microstructural (regularity of growth increments) and geochemical (oxygen and carbon stable isotopes) criteria of zooxanthellae symbiosis, we investigated whether this partnership was widespread among Carnian scleractinians from the Italian Dolomites (locality Alpe di Specie). Although corals from this locality are renowned from excellent mineralogical preservation (aragonite), their skeletons were rigorously tested against traces of diagenesis Irrespective of their growth forms, well preserved skeletons of corals from the Dolomites, most frequently revealed regular growth bands (low values of coefficient of variation) typical of modern zooxanthellate corals. Paradoxically, some Carnian taxa (Thamnasteriomorpha frechi and Thamnasteriomorphasp.)with highly integrated thamnasterioid colonies which today are formed exclusively by zooxanthellate corals, showed irregular fine-scale growth bands (coefficient of variation of 40% and 41% respectively) that could suggest their asymbiotic status. However, similar irregular skeletal banding is known also in some modern agariciids (Leptoseris fragilis) which are symbiotic with zooxanthellae. This may point to a similar ecological adaptation of Triassic taxa with thamnasterioid colonies. Contrary to occasionally ambiguous interpretation of growth banding, all examined Carnian corals exhibited lack of distinct correlation between carbon (δ13C range between 0.81‰ and 5.81‰) and oxygen (δ18O values range between −4.21‰ and −1.06‰) isotope composition of the skeleton which is consistent with similar pattern in modern zooxanthellates. It is therefore highly likely, that Carnian scleractinian corals exhibited analogous ecological adaptations as modern symbiotic corals and that coral-algal symbiosis that spread across various clades of Scleractinia preceded the reef bloom at the end of the Triassic.

2021 ◽  
James L. Dimond ◽  
Nhung Nguyen ◽  
Steven B. Roberts

ABSTRACTSymbiosis with protists is common among cnidarians such as corals and sea anemones, and is associated with homeostatic and phenotypic changes in the host that could have epigenetic underpinnings, such as methylation of CpG dinucleotides. We leveraged the sensitivity to base modifications of nanopore sequencing to probe the effect of symbiosis with the chlorophyte Elliptochloris marina on methylation in the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. We first validated the approach by comparison of nanopore-derived methylation levels with CpG depletion analysis of a published transcriptome, finding that high methylation levels are associated with CpG depletion as expected. Next, using reads generated exclusively from aposymbiotic anemones, a largely complete draft genome comprising 243 Mb was assembled. Reads from aposymbiotic and symbiotic sea anemones were then mapped to this genome and assessed for methylation using the program Nanopolish, which detects signal disruptions from base modifications as they pass through the nanopore. Based on assessment of 452,841 CpGs for which there was adequate read coverage (approximately 8% of the CpGs in the genome), symbiosis with E. marina was, surprisingly, associated with only subtle changes in the host methylome. However, we did identify one extended genomic region with consistently higher methylation among symbiotic individuals. The region was associated with a DNA polymerase zeta that is noted for its role in translesion synthesis, which opens interesting questions about the biology of this symbiosis. Our study highlights the power and relative simplicity of nanopore sequencing for studies of nucleic acid base modifications in non-model species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (5) ◽  
pp. e2022653118 ◽  
Nils Rädecker ◽  
Claudia Pogoreutz ◽  
Hagen M. Gegner ◽  
Anny Cárdenas ◽  
Florian Roth ◽  

Recurrent mass bleaching events are pushing coral reefs worldwide to the brink of ecological collapse. While the symptoms and consequences of this breakdown of the coral–algal symbiosis have been extensively characterized, our understanding of the underlying causes remains incomplete. Here, we investigated the nutrient fluxes and the physiological as well as molecular responses of the widespread coral Stylophora pistillata to heat stress prior to the onset of bleaching to identify processes involved in the breakdown of the coral–algal symbiosis. We show that altered nutrient cycling during heat stress is a primary driver of the functional breakdown of the symbiosis. Heat stress increased the metabolic energy demand of the coral host, which was compensated by the catabolic degradation of amino acids. The resulting shift from net uptake to release of ammonium by the coral holobiont subsequently promoted the growth of algal symbionts and retention of photosynthates. Together, these processes form a feedback loop that will gradually lead to the decoupling of carbon translocation from the symbiont to the host. Energy limitation and altered symbiotic nutrient cycling are thus key factors in the early heat stress response, directly contributing to the breakdown of the coral–algal symbiosis. Interpreting the stability of the coral holobiont in light of its metabolic interactions provides a missing link in our understanding of the environmental drivers of bleaching and may ultimately help uncover fundamental processes underpinning the functioning of endosymbioses in general.

2021 ◽  
Vol 293 ◽  
pp. 01006
Ruimin Mu ◽  
Qingyang Guo ◽  
Feng Qi ◽  
Yantian Jia ◽  
Qianya Meng ◽  

With the development of life and industry, the nutrients in sewage increased gradually. The emerging symbiotic system of algal and bacteria has remarkable effect in removing nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. In this paper, the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on bacteria-algal consortia and the absorption mechanism of nitrogen and phosphorus by the interaction of bacteria-algal consortia were analyzed, and a variety of methods for studying bacteria-algal consortia were summarized, mainly using isotope tracer technology to study the research results of bacteria and algae absorbing nitrogen and phosphorus in water. This method is of great significance for analyzing the mechanism of the treatment of nitrogen and phosphorus by the bacterial-algal symbiosis system from the microscopic point of view.

2020 ◽  
Amanda Williams ◽  
Eric N. Chiles ◽  
Dennis Conetta ◽  
Jananan S. Pathmanathan ◽  
Phillip A. Cleves ◽  

SummaryCoral reef systems are under global threat due to warming and acidifying oceans1. Understanding the response of the coral holobiont to environmental change is crucial to aid conservation efforts. The most pressing problem is “coral bleaching”, usually precipitated by prolonged thermal stress that disrupts the algal symbiosis sustaining the holobiont2,3. We used metabolomics to understand how the coral holobiont metabolome responds to heat stress with the goal of identifying diagnostic markers prior to bleaching onset. We studied the heat tolerant Montipora capitata and heat sensitive Pocillopora acuta coral species from the Hawaiian reef system in Kāne’ohe Bay, O’ahu. Untargeted LC-MS analysis uncovered both known and novel metabolites that accumulate during heat stress. Among those showing the highest differential accumulation were a variety of co-regulated dipeptides present in both species. The structures of four of these compounds were determined (Arginine-Glutamine, Lysine-Glutamine, Arginine-Valine, and Arginine-Alanine). These dipeptides also showed differential accumulation in symbiotic and aposymbiotic (alga free) individuals of the sea anemone model Aiptasia4, suggesting their animal provenance and algal symbiont related function. Our results identify a suite of metabolites associated with thermal stress that can be used to diagnose coral health in wild samples.

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