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Felipe Isaule ◽  
Ivan Morera

We provide a detailed presentation of the functional renormalisation group (FRG) approach to weakly-interacting Bose-Bose mixtures, including a complete discussion on the RG equations. To test this approach, we examine thermodynamic properties of balanced three-dimensional Bose-Bose gases at zero and finite temperatures and find a good agreement with related works. We also study ground-state energies of repulsive Bose polarons by examining mixtures in the limit of infinite population imbalance. Finally, we discuss future applications of the FRG to novel problems in Bose-Bose mixtures and related systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (7) ◽  
pp. 613-638
Michael Ray ◽  
Hazel C Carney ◽  
Beth Boynton ◽  
Jessica Quimby ◽  
Sheilah Robertson ◽  

The ‘2021 AAFP Feline Senior Care Guidelines’ are authored by a Task Force of experts in feline clinical medicine and serve as an update and extension of those published in 2009. They emphasize the individual patient evaluation and the process of aging, with references to other feline practice guidelines for a more complete discussion of specific diseases. Focusing on each cat encourages and empowers the owner to become a part of the cat’s care every step of the way. A comprehensive discussion during the physical examination and history taking allows for tailoring the approach to both the cat and the family involved in the care. Videos and analysis of serial historical measurements are brought into the assessment of each patient. These Guidelines introduce the emerging concept of frailty, with a description and methods of its incorporation into the senior cat assessment. Minimum database diagnostics are discussed, along with recommendations for additional investigative considerations. For example, blood pressure assessment is included as a minimum diagnostic procedure in both apparently healthy and ill cats. Cats age at a much faster rate than humans, so practical timelines for testing frequency are included and suggest an increased frequency of diagnostics with advancing age. The importance of nutrition, as well as senior cat nutritional needs and deficiencies, is considered. Pain is highlighted as its own syndrome, with an emphasis on consideration in every senior cat. The Task Force discusses anesthesia, along with strategies to allow aging cats to be safely anesthetized well into their senior years. The medical concept of quality of life is addressed with the latest information available in veterinary medicine. This includes end of life considerations like palliative and hospice care, as well as recommendations on the establishment of ‘budgets of care’, which greatly influence what can be done for the individual cat. Acknowledgement is given that each cat owner will be different in this regard; and establishing what is reasonable and practical for the individual owner is important. A discussion on euthanasia offers some recommendations to help the owner make a decision that reflects the best interests of the individual cat.

2021 ◽  
pp. 014920632110152
Jay B. Barney

I have recently been encouraged to share my personal reflections on the emergence of resource-based theory. In many ways, I have been reluctant to do so, at least in print, since any such effort would necessarily reflect my idiosyncratic view of this history. A complete discussion of both the people involved in the development of resource-based theory and the context within which this theory developed in the field of management would, I suspect, require the objective eye of a third party. In this way, I certainly do not qualify to write such a history. However, when the 30th anniversary of the publication of the Special Theory Forum on Resource-Based Theory in the Journal of Management came around, I thought it might be time to put down on paper—a quaintly old-fashioned phrase—my own recollections of this history. In doing so, I decided to make no pretense that this is an objective or rigorous historical effort. Rather, these are the reflections of a strategic management scholar, coming toward the end of his career, about a time, now over 30 years ago, when resource-based theory did not yet exist. I have not tried to verify my reflections by appeal to historical documents, except for any papers I and others have published. I did pass this essay by many of the people mentioned in it—to see if my memories were consistent with their memories—but that is as far as I have gone in verifying the “facts” I share in this essay.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 188-194
Prafull Gavhane ◽  
Madhuri Deshmukh ◽  
Abhijit N. Khopade ◽  
Vaibhavi V. Kunjir ◽  
Rajkumar V. Shete

The microsphere is having free-flowing powder properties that are incorporate proteins and synthetic or natural polymer. This polymer is biodegradable in nature and particle size having less than 200 µm. Advanced drug delivery system has various advantages over the mainstream multi dose therapy. The microsphere's drug delivery systems are acceptable for attained delay or sustained release formulation with minimum risk of dose repeatability and small gastric habitation time. The present review provides a complete discussion of therapeutic aspects of the microsphere drug delivery system into deliberation of the required area for microparticulate, types of polymers used, method of preparation, type of microspheres in detail, parameters & targeting of microspheres & practical aspects of microspheres. Keywords: Microspheres, bioavailability, types, classification, ideal properties, evaluation, etc.

Mohamed R Eid ◽  
Fazle Mabood ◽  
Kasseb L Mahny

In this paper, the boundary layer analysis of three-dimensional Prandtl nanofluid flow over a convectively heated sheet in a porous material is addressed. Nonlinear radiation and high-order chemical reaction analysis are featured in this work. Nonlinear differential equations representing flow expressions are numerically solved by shooting technique. Features of Brownian motion and thermophoresis accounting for nanoparticle diffusion are taken into account. Then, a complete discussion of the influences of the flow regime on several thermofluidic parameters is presented. The outcome of the present study is that velocity field lines are grown due to the strengthening of Prandtl fluid numbers [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] while a reverse trend takes place for temperature profile. Furthermore, it is shown that when the magnetic strength is improved, the skin friction coefficient and heat transfer rate triggers considerable evolution. The obtained results of this model closely match with those available in the literature as a limiting situation.

2020 ◽  
Sascha Krüger ◽  
Morten Fischer Mortensen ◽  
Walter Dörfler

The exploration of Lateglacial vegetation history in Schleswig-Holstein is elaborate and comprehensive. Despite being one of the most studied areas, regarding to the Lateglacial, no biostratigraphy covering the complete Lateglacial and Early Holocene periods without hiatus have so far been recovered. In this paper we present a biostratigraphy of the Nahe palaeolake, therewith intending to deal with this desideratum.The special strength of the presented sequence is expressed in the fact that these are the only palynologically investigated sequentially annual laminated limnic sediments of the Lateglacial in Schleswig-Holstein. These laminated sediments, as well as radiocarbon dating of botanical macrofossils and three geochemically confirmed cryptotephra layers (Laacher See Tephra, Vedde Ash and Saksunarvatn Ash), provide excellent chronological control and allow for a Europe-wide correlation. Particularly important is a complete discussion of the vegetation history and the spatial proximity to Late Palaeolithic sites, which renders it possible to evaluate potential human-environment-interaction long before classical palynological human indicators occur.

2019 ◽  
pp. 641-648
Sheri Slezak

Breast augmentation is the most frequently performed aesthetic surgical procedure in the United States. Recent advances have provided more choices for both the surgeon and the patient. This chapter reviews the physical findings that are important in augmentation, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various implants, incisions, and pocket location. These decisions, as well as the size of the implant, must be prudently chosen with full patient participation. A complete discussion of implant longevity as well as other possible complications will lead to a well-informed and highly satisfied postoperative patient.

2019 ◽  
pp. 103-105
Steve Selvin

A complete discussion of a faulty analysis that produced the conclusion that major risk factors in the frequency of coronary disease range from 87% to 90%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27 ◽  
Ahmad Al-Maharma ◽  
Naser Al-Huniti

Natural composites can be fabricated through reinforcing either synthetic or bio-based polymers with hydrophilic natural fibers. Ultimate moisture absorption resistance at the fiber–matrix interface can be achieved when hydrophilic natural fibers are used to reinforce biopolymers due to the high degree of compatibility between them. However, the cost of biopolymers is several times higher than that of their synthetic counterparts, which hinders their dissemination in various industries. In order to produce economically feasible natural composites, synthetic resins are frequently reinforced with hydrophilic fibers, which increases the incompatibility issues such as the creation of voids and delamination at fiber–matrix interfaces. Therefore, applying chemical and/or physical treatments to eliminate the aforementioned drawbacks is of primary importance. However, it is demonstrated through this review study that these treatments do not guarantee a sufficient improvement of the moisture absorption properties of natural composites, and the moisture treatments should be applied under the consideration of the following parameters: (i) type of hosting matrix; (ii) type of natural fiber; (iii) loading of natural fiber; (iv) the hybridization of natural fibers with mineral/synthetic counterparts; (v) implantation of nanofillers. Complete discussion about each of these parameters is developed through this study.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 47-58
Mirosław Kocur

Mask as an actorThis paper proposes a performative analysis of a mask in order to research its agency, an active role in initiating world events. I will study four, in my opinion, basic “doings” of the mask: transformation, inspiration, transmission, and relocation. I am going to look at ancient masks as well as at Japanese, African and Asiatic ones. Of course, in a short paper the complete discussion of so complex subject matter is impossible. So, I will refer to selected case studies that most clearly expose the mask’s agency. I will use my own field research, my experience of directing plays and relevant scholarship — following a renown British social anthropologist Alfred Gell and archaeologist Ian Hodder.

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