deep sea sediments
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2022 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
Andreas Wittke ◽  
Nikolaus Gussone ◽  
Dominik Derigs ◽  
Barbara M. A. Teichert

AbstractFluid flow and carbonate recrystallization rates of deep-sea sediments from eight locations in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific were determined by using δ44/40Ca values of pore water and corresponding sediments. The studied drill sites of IODP Exp. 320/321 are located along a transect of decreasing crustal age and reveal different characteristic pore water depth profiles. The younger sites show an overall isotopic equilibration with the sediment in the upper part of the sedimentary column. In the lower part, the δ44/40Ca of the pore water increases back to seawater-like values at the sediment/basalt interface, forming a bulge-shaped pore water profile. The magnitude of the δ44/40Ca pore water bulge decreases with increasing age of the oceanic crust and sediment cover, resulting in seawater-like δ44/40Ca values throughout the sedimentary column in the oldest Sites U1331 and U1332. These findings indicate a seawater-like fluid input from the underlying crust into the sediment. Thus, after sedimentation, carbonate recrystallization processes start to enrich the pore water in 40Ca, and after a time of carbonate recrystallization and cooling of oceanic crust, a flow of seawater-like fluid starts to move upwards through the sedimentary column, enriching the pore water with 44Ca. We established a carbonate recrystallization and fluid flow model to quantify these processes. Our determined carbonate recrystallization rates between 0.000013e(−t/15.5) and 0.00038e(−t/100.5) and fluid flow rates in the range of 0.42–19 m*Myr−1 indicate that the fluid flow within the investigated sites of IODP Exp. 320/321 depends on the sedimentary composition and location of the specific site, especially the proximity to a recharge or discharge site of a hydrothermal convection cell.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1379
Fenlian Wang ◽  
Gaowen He ◽  
Xiguang Deng ◽  
Yong Yang ◽  
Jiangbo Ren

Rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) are widely recognized as strategic materials for advanced technological applications. Deep-sea sediments from the eastern South Pacific and central North Pacific were first reported as potential resources containing significant amounts of REY that are comparable to, or greater than, those of land-based deposits. Despite nearly a decade of research, quantitative abundances and spatial distributions of these deposits remain insufficient. Age controls are generally absent due to the lack of biostratigraphic constraints. Thus, the factors controlling the formation of REY-rich sediments are still controversial. In this study, the REY contents of surface sediments (<2 m depth) in 14 piston cores from the Middle and Western Pacific were investigated. The results show that deep-sea sediments with high REY contents (>1000 μg/g) were mainly concentrated around seamounts (e.g., the Marshall Islands). The REY contents of surface sediments generally decreased with distance from the seamounts. Biostratigraphic and fish teeth debris (apatite) Sr isotopic stratigraphy of one piston cores (P10) from the Middle Pacific indicate that deep-sea sediments with high REY contents were aged from early Oligocene to early Miocene. Since the opening of the Drake Passage during the early Oligocene, the northward-flowing Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) would have led to an upwelling of nutrients around seamounts with topographic barriers, and at the same time, AABW would delay the rate of sediment burial to try for enough time for REY entering and enriching in the apatite (fish teeth debris). Understanding the spatial distribution of fertile regions for REY-rich sediments provides guidance for searching for other REY resources in the Pacific and in other oceans.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (23) ◽  
pp. 7328
Rodrigo Villanueva-Silva ◽  
Patricia Velez ◽  
Meritxell Riquelme ◽  
Carlos A. Fajardo-Hernández ◽  
Anahí Martínez-Cárdenas ◽  

A collection of 29 cultivable fungal strains isolated from deep-sea sediments of the Gulf of Mexico were cultivated under the “one strain, many compounds” approach to explore their chemical diversity and antimicrobial potential. From the 87 extracts tested, over 50% showed antimicrobial activity, and the most active ones were those from cultures grown at 4 °C in darkness for 60 days (resembling deep-sea temperature). PCA analysis of the LC-MS data of all the extracts confirmed that culture temperature is the primary factor in the variation of the 4462 metabolite features, accounting for 21.3% of the variation. The bioactivity-guided and conventional chemical studies of selected fungal strains allowed the identification of several active and specialized metabolites. Finally, metabolomics analysis by GNPS molecular networking and manual dereplication revealed the biosynthetic potential of these species to produce interesting chemistry. This work uncovers the chemical and biological study of marine-derived fungal strains from deep-sea sediments of the Gulf of Mexico.

Daniel E. Ibarra ◽  
Anastasia G. Yanchilina ◽  
Max K. Lloyd ◽  
Katharina A. Methner ◽  
C. Page Chamberlain ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 1254
Haifeng Wang ◽  
Liang Yi ◽  
Xiguang Deng ◽  
Gaowen He

Global climate and oceanic water masses have undergone profound changes during the middle Pleistocene transition; however, due to a lack of foraminiferal fossils, the nonfossiliferous pelagic deposits were less detected in previous reports. In this work, a gravity core from the Kamehameha Basin in the Central Pacific was studied in terms of magnetostratigraphy, clay mineral and geochemical elements. The main results are: (1) nine magnetozones are recognized in the core, which can be correlated to the geomagnetic polarity timescale from chrons C2n to C1n; (2) smectite is the dominant clay mineral, and the others are illite, chlorite and kaolinite; and (3) the sediments are mainly composed of Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, Na2O and TiO2. Based on these results, a geochronological framework for the study area was established, and the depositional rates are estimated as 3–7 m/Myr in the Quaternary, showing an increase during the middle Pleistocene transition. By comparing the findings to various paleoenvironmental processes, it is inferred that the increased sedimentation in the Kamehameha Basin may have resulted from the induced weathering processes and the strengthened aeolian inputs from inner Asia. Moreover, regional circulation related to bottom water evolution has experienced a rapid reorganization across the middle Pleistocene transition. All these findings illustrate the potential of deep-sea sediments in the central tropical Pacific in revealing some key features in paleoclimatology and paleoceanography, which are worthy of further investigation in the future.

2021 ◽  
Jose A. Corcho Alvarado ◽  
Misael Diaz-Asenciuo ◽  
Stefan Röllin ◽  
Juan Carlos Herguera

Abstract Here we report on new data on plutonium (Pu) isotopes to elucidate activity concentrations, inventories, sources and their transport from the ocean surface to the sea floor from a collection of deep-sea sediment cores (depths ranging from 257 to 3739 m) in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). Sediment cores collected from the continental shelf and upper slope region of the GoM consistently showed 240Pu/239Pu ratios of 0.15 to 0.26 and Pu-inventories ranging from 15 to 35 Bq m− 2. Inventories and ratios are consistent with global fallout Pu for this tropical region. In the continental shelf and upper slope regions, higher particle concentrations close to the margins favor significant scavenging and removal of Pu from the water column; in contrast with the deep-sea cores that show low 240Pu/239Pu ratios (0.07–0.13) and a much lower Pu inventory (< 7 Bq m-2) implying a small fraction of the expected global fallout inventory has reached into the lower slopes and abyssal plain of the GoM. Low values and a progressive decrease of 240Pu/239Pu ratios and Pu inventories with increasing water depth have been previously reported for the GoM. The low Pu ratios indicate that Nevada tests fallout was an important source of Pu to deep-sea sediments, and that this source was likely more efficiently removed from the water column than global fallout Pu. Analysis of Pu isotopes in two sediment traps from the upper slope regions show 240Pu/239Pu ratios comparable to the ones observed in the global fallout. These results indicate that global fallout Pu is currently the main source of Pu in water column particles. Therefore, a significant fraction of global fallout Pu must still be present; either in a dissolved phase, or as biologically recycled material in the water column, or scavenged on the shelf and shelf break. Our results bring to light important questions on the application of Pu isotopes to establish sediment chronologies, since these radionuclides are shown to be tracers of bioturbation rather than accumulation processes in deep-sea sediments of the GoM, similar to previously reported results from excess 210Pb.

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