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Ігор Опацький

Ключові слова: Уманщина, голод 1921-1923 рр., Петро Курінний, білошовицький режим, воєнний комунізм. Анотація У статті проаналізовано ego-документи родини Курінних (передусім щоденник Петра Федоровича Курінного та особисте листування йог осина Петра Петровича Курінного). Наголошено на основних причинах голоду 1921-1923 рр., його масштаби на території історичної Уманщини. Результатом наукової розвідки є систематизація відомостей з архіву родини Курінних про голод, основні заходи більшовицької влади зі збору податків, вилучення продовольства у населення, здійснення репресивних заходів у боротьбі з селянським повстанським рухом. Посилання Gurevich, 1923 – Gurevich M. B. Golod i Selskoe Khoziaistvo Ukrainy. Ocherk [Famine and agriculture of Ukraine. Essay] / Matvei Borisovich Gurevich. Kharkov: Pervaia Gosudarstvennaia Tipografiia im. tov. Petrovskogo G. I., 1923. 47 s. [in Russian] Didenko, 1962 – Didenko G. D. Rabochii klass Ukrainy v gody vosstanovleniia narodnogo khoziaistva (1921–1925) [Working class of Ukraine in the years of restoration of the national economy (1921-1925)] / Grigorii Demianovich Didenko. K.: Izd-vo AN USSR, 1962. 375 s. [in Russian] Kyrylenko, 2015 – Kyrylenko V. P. Holod 1921–1923 rokiv u Pivdennii Ukraini [The famine of 1921–1923 in Southern Ukraine]. Dys. … kand. ist. nauk. Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy; Mykolaivskyi natsionalnyi universytet im. V. O. Sukhomlynskoho. Mykolaiv, 2015. 230 s. [in Ukrainian]. Kulchytskyi, 1993 – Kulchytskyi S. V. Nevidomi storinky holodu 1921–1923 rr. v Ukraini [Unknown pages of the famine of 1921–1923 in Ukraine] / S. V. Kulchytskyi, O. M. Movchan. K.: In-t istorii Ukrainy, 1993. 70 s. [in Ukrainian]. Movchan, 2002 – Movchan O. M. Teror holodom v Ukraini v 1921–1923 rokakh [The famine terror in Ukraine in 1921-1923] / O. M. Movchan // Problemy istorii Ukrainy: fakty, sudzhennia, poshuky. Kyiv: Instytut istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 2002. №7. C. 66-78. [in Ukrainian]. Movchan, 1988 – Movchan O. N. Trudiashchiesia USSR v borbe s prodovolstvennym krizisom pri perekhode k nepu [Workers of the USSR in the fight against the food crisis in the transition to the nep] / Olga Nikolaevna Movchan. K.: Naukova dumka, 1988. 124 s. [in Russian] NA IA NANU – Naukovyi arkhiv Instytutu arkheolohii  NAN Ukrainy [Scientific archive of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine] [in Ukrainian]. Poliakov, 1975 – Poliakov Iu. A. 1921-i: pobeda nad golodom [1921: victory over hunger] / Iurii Aleksandrovich Poliakov. M.: Politizdat, 1975. 112 s. [in Russian] Torhalo, 2014 – Uman i umanchany ochyma P. F. Kurinnoho [Uman and Uman residents through the eyes of P. F. Kurinnyi] / Uklad. Yu. V. Torhalo / Uman: Vydavets «Sochinskyi», 2014. 428 s. [in Ukrainian]. Khenkin, 1988 – Khenkin E. M. Ocherki istorii borby Sovetskogo gosudarstva s golodom (1921–1922) [Essays on the history of the struggle of the Soviet state against hunger (1921–1922)] / Evel Moiseevich Khenkin. Krasnoiarsk: Izd-vo Krasnoiarskogo un-ta, 1988. 171 s. [in Russian] Khomenko, 1927 – Khomenko A. P. Naselennia Ukrainy (1897–1927 rr.) [Population of Ukraine 1897‒1927] / Arsenii Petrovych Khomenko. Kharkiv: Derzhavne vydavnytstvo Ukrainy, 1927. 79 s. [in Ukrainian]

Constantin Manolache ◽  
Ion Xenofontov

Based on unpublished materials from three archives (Central Scientific Archive of the Academy of Sciences, Archive of socio-political organizations from Moldova, the Moldovan National Archives) and the literature in domain, the historical, sociopolitical, as well as other aspects are analyzed, concerning Moldavian SSR academic science institutionalization in the 1946–1961 years.

А. А. Кудрявцев ◽  
С. А. Володин ◽  
С. В. Селезнева

В статье представлен обзор личного фонда М. Ф. Косарева, поступившего в Научно-отраслевой архив Института археологии РАН в 2019 г. (Ф. 68). Материалы фонда содержат отчетные данные о работах Западно-Сибирской археологической экспедиции ИА АН СССР в 1960-1980-е гг., рукописи статей и монографий, сведения о научной и служебной деятельности ученого. Архивные дела фонда являются источником по изучению культур бронзового века Западной Сибири и Урала и различных аспектов истории и этнографии этих регионов, сибирского язычества. The paper provides an overview M. F. Kosarev’s personal papers acquired by the Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archaeology, RAS, in 2019 (fond 68). The materials from these personal papers contain reports on the work carried out by the Western Siberia Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology, USSR Academy of Sciences, in 1960-1980s, manuscript copies of papers and monographs, information on research and official activities of the scholar. Archival file-cases of the fond are used as a source for studies of the Bronze Age cultures in Western Siberia and the Urals as well as various aspects of history and ethnography of these regions, and Siberian paganism.

Keemya V. Orlova ◽  

Introduction. The present review article is devoted to written Mongolian collections from repositories in different regions of Russia, which were formed thanks to the selfless work of brilliant Orientalists. At present, there is an urgent need in systematization, analysis, search for information, and distant access to archival records and written sources, which will give researchers more opportunities for distant work with sources. Accordingly, perspectives of using information technologies will fascilitate the coordination and wider cooperation, as well as greater openness in the academic environment, the urgency of which is quite obvious. It is the right moment, too, because, first of all, the data on written sources is still scattered in a variety of publications; secondly, 2018 saw the launch of a grandiose project ”World Heritage of Mongolians”, which is primarily designed to create a uniform inventory of historical-documentary heritage of Mongolian peoples. The project plans include the publication of twenty volumes to present collections of written monuments dispersed in various countries of the world: Russia, Japan, China, the USA, France, Denmark, Hungary, etc. Three volumes will be devoted to Mongolian sources from Russian repositories. The purpose of the present article is to give an overview of the repositories of the documentary heritage of the Mongolian peoples in different regions of Russia. Results. The largest collections of Mongolian written sources are stored in St Petersburg (Scientific Library of St Petersburg University, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State Museum for the History of Religion, National Library of Russia), in Buryatia (Center for Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs, Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS; V. A. Obruchev Kyakhta Museum for Local Studies), in Tyva (Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of the Republic of Tyva, Scientific Archive of the Tyva Institute for Studies in the Humanities and Applied Socio-Economics), in the Republic of Tatarstan (National Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan), and in Kalmykia (Scientific Archive of the Kalmyk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, National Archive of the Republic of Kalmykia, N.N. Pal´mov Kalmyk Museum of Local Studies); these comprise representative collections, including rare and unique monuments of Mongolian written literature. Some of these collections have been studied to a degree, but there are still many to be introduced into scientific circulation. That is why it is of urgent importance to represent written Mongolian sources, their significant part kept in Russian repositories. Further work on identifying and describing the documentary heritage of the Mongolian peoples will contribute to our knowledge of the field that still needs to be investigated.

Антон Кириллович Салмин

Актуальность и необходимость статьи обусловлена отсутствием сравнительно-сопоставительного анализа фондов Научного архива Чувашского государственного института гуманитарных наук (НА ЧГИГН) и 17-ти томного капитального словаря «Чӑваш сӑмахĕсен кĕнеки. Словарь чувашского языка. The saurus linguae Tschuvaschorum» («Словаря») члена-корреспондента АН СССР Н. И. Ашмарина. Написанный и изданный в первой половине XX в., «Словарь» опирается на тексты, хранящиеся в названном архиве, и отражает повседневную жизнь и лексику традиционного чувашского общества из области истории, археологии, религии, этнографии, языка, искусства и фольклора. Несомненно, «Словарь» является сокровищем чувашского народа, он полнее и ценнее всех имеющихся словарей чувашского языка, оценен лингвистами России и мира очень высоко. Следует согласиться с высказанным мнением о том, что чувашский народ может гордиться тем, что имеет такой превосходный словарь. Все примеры автором статьи приводятся из первоисточников DE VISU. Проведенный сравнительный анализ позволяет прийти к выводу о несомненном преимуществе архивных текстов, так как они значительно точнее и полнее «Словаря». Хотя мысль, возможно, и не нова, но она всегда была априорной. Статья нацелена на продолжение обсуждаемой темы, поскольку она разрабатывается впервые в данной публикации. The relevance of the article is due to the absence of the comparative analysis of the holdings of the Scientific Archive of the Chuvash State Institute of Humanities (SA ChSIH) and the 17-volume capital dictionary “The Dictionary of the Chuvash Language” by the correspondent member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.I. Ashmarin. The “Dictionary” written and published in the first half of the 20th century is based upon the texts stored in the aforesaid archives and reflect the day-to-day life and vocabulary of the traditional Chuvash society in terms of history, archaeology, religion, ethnography, language, arts, and folklore. Undoubtedly the “Dictionary” is a jewel of the Chuvash people, it is more complete and valuable than all the dictionaries of the Chuvash language and is valued highly by linguists in Russia and worldwide. It is wise to subscribe to the opinion that the Chuvash people can be proud of such an excellent dictionary. All the examples provided by the author of the article are taken from original sources de visu. The comparative analysis performed makes it possible to make a conclusion on unquestionable advantage of archival texts because they are substantially more exact and complete compared with the “Dictionary”. The idea may not be new, but it has always been an a priori one. The article is meant to continue the discussed subject, since it is being developed for the first time in this work.

Alla S. Mayorova ◽  

The issue of the Saratov Volga region settlement by the peasantry was covered in the first works on local history. The beginning of its special study was associated with the need to clarify the reasons for the tense social situation that had developed in the region by the middle of the 19th century. A. N. Minh’s monograph was the first attempt at a purposeful search and consolidation of evidence on peasant colonization. It opens a series of papers devoted to this problem and published by members of the Saratov Scientific Archive Commission.

2021 ◽  
Maciej Rak

JAN KARŁOWICZ IN THE LIGHT OF ARCHIWAL MATERIALS: DIALECTOLOGY, ETHNOLINGUISTICS AND THE STUDY OF LITHUANIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE The book refers to the scientific activity of Jan Karłowicz, and, in particular, to the three areas to which he contributed much of his work: dialectology, ethnolinguistics, and the study of Lithuanian Language and Culture. The material basis includes the researcher’s archival works (files of the Lexicon of Polish Dialects [Słownik gwar polskich], Lexicon of Polish Mythology [Słownik mitologii polskiej] and the Little Lexicon of Lithuanian Mythology [Słowniczek mitologii litewskiej]), found in 2017 in the Scientific Archive of PAN and PAU in Kraków. The objective of this book is to publish these documents and re-analyse the Lexicon of Polish Dialects. For more than a hundred years, i. e. since the time in which the lexicon was finished in 1911, nobody has probably read those manuscripts. One of the reasons for this is the fact that they were catalogued in a wrong manner.

Клио ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 17-26

Sergey S. Volkov ◽  
Natalia V. Kareva ◽  
Evgeniy M. Matveev ◽  
Anna S. Smirnova ◽  

The report provides а problem of compiling the author's historical dictionary, the object of which will be the documents of the personal scientific archive of M.V. Lomonosov. The main purpose of this new lexicographical project will be the study of terminological, dialect and vernacular vocabulary in the idiolect of M.V. Lomonosov.

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