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Published By Kalmyk Institute For Humanities Of The Ras

2500-1523, 2500-1523

Shirap Ts. Tsydene ◽  

The article aims to analyze the issue of Buryat religious views as discussed in the works of Ts. Zhamtsarano in the 1900s. The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics of Zhamtsarano’s approach in the formulation of the research issue. In particular, the article analyzes the impact of his scientific and social activities on the course of his creative thought, as well as compares his interpretation of Buryat religious movement with that of M. N. Bogdanov, one of outstanding researchers of Buryat history. To analyze the impact of his cultural-historical environment on Zhamtsarano’s views, it was necessary to examine the scholar’s diaries he kept at the time of his ethnographic expeditions in Buryatia in 1903–1906 in comparison with his published works of the same period. As a result, it was possible to identify his key positions on the issue of the Buryat religious movement in the early twentieth century. Conclusions. The analysis of Zhamtsarano’s works shows that the Buryat religious movement had a long history, with its ethnoterritorial features gradually being formed. The reason for its acceleration in the 1900s was that many Buryats at the time were largely dissatisfied with their dominant religion, hence their search for new forms of spirituality. According to Zhamtsarano, the general direction of this movement was towards cultural pan-mongolism; this conclusion was based on his own active involvement in the activities for the Buryat cultural renaissance. Also, the scholar saw the religious movement of the Buryats in the 1900s as part of the global trend for secularization of the enlightenment.

Delyash N. Muzraeva ◽  

Introduction. The written heritage of Kalmyk Buddhist lamas has not been sufficiently discussed in scientific literature. Most of written documents from their personal libraries have not been published, hence they remain unavailable to researchers. Importantly, the scholarly publication of such texts contributes to the source database of Buddhist studies. The present article aims to describe, transliterate and translate “The Sutra of Atonement for All Sins” (Oir. Xamuq kilince namančilaxu sudur), which was part of the astrological collection that belonged to a Kalmyk zurkhachi, i. e. to introduce the document for the attention of scholars in the field. Materials. To clarify the translation of some difficult passages in the text of the Oirat Sutra written in “todo bichig” (“Clear Script”), Tibetan texts of similar content were used. One of them, created in the framework of the “terma” tradition, was published in French by E. Schlagintweit. The other text was taken from the collection “Sundui”. Results. The translation of the Oirat Sutra clearly indicates the character of Buddhist astrological collections in terms of their composition: in addition to specific tables, diagrams, and figures, they included the texts of prayers. Also, the textual analysis of the source shows the importance of such issues as the selection of equivalents of Buddhist terms and of the names of the deities of the Buddhist pantheon in translating Buddhist texts, which is directly related to the approaches and principles of translation of Oirat and Kalmyk translators of Tibetan texts.

Darima S. Zhamsueva ◽  

История фольклора неразрывна с историей народа. Изучением фольклора занимались и занимаются исследователи разных наук, а фольклорное наследие как исторический источник является одним из объектов национального культурного достояния [Агапкина, Виноградова 1994; Гацак 1989; Неклюдов 2008; Новик 2004; Рифтин 1970; и др.]. Полевые записи фольклористов, сделанные на территории России и в местах компактного проживания бурят за ее пределами, на сегодняшний день практически не доступны широкой аудитории. Вместе с тем накопленный материал по результатам работы фольклорных экспедиций требует активного освоения в научно-исследовательской и образовательной деятельности специалистов разных гуманитарных направлений. С этих позиций работа в двух книгах «Фольклор бурят Внутренней Монголии КНР» [Цыбикова 2020а; Цыбикова 2020б], составленная из аутентичного фольклорно-этнографического материала, представляется весьма ценной, так как она иллюстрирует живое бытование традиционного фольклора бурят в современных условиях, помогает проследить историческую жизнь народа и несёт в себе информацию в первую очередь об эмоционально-психологическом восприятии действительности в обществе в тот или иной исторический период.

Alexander V. Tsyuryumov ◽  

The article aims to introduce a new source on the Kalmyk Khanate’s history, namely, “Vypiska o derbetevykh vladel’tsakh i o ikh ulusakh sochinennaia” (An extract about Derbet owners and their ulus, composed). The document was discovered in the National Archive of the Republic of Kalmykia, repository 36, “Sostoiashchii pri kalmytskikh delakh pri Astrakhanskom gubernatore (To Kalmyk affairs under the Astrakhan governor). Results. The record made on 70 sheets of paper, originated from the Collegium of Foreign Affairs; it was sent along with the imperial decree for the governor to familiarize himself with the policy pursued in relation to the ulus. The source contains significant data that sheds additional light not only on the history of the Derbet ulus but also on the Kalmyk Khanate overall. It describes the history of the ulus since the early eighteenth century, with a focus on the events between the 1740s and mid-1750s. The document has to do with the events that took place on the Don, where the Derbet ulus used to roam; special attention is given to the Derbet owners’ attitudes to the strife that took place in the first half of the century. Conclusions. “Vypiska o derbetevykh vladel’tsakh i o ikh ulusakh sochinennaia” is one of the detailed records describing the history of the Derbet ulus in the eighteenth century based on the government’s documents of the first half of the century. That is why there is a detailed description of the events related to the ulus’s move to the Don, indicating the ulus owners’ attitudes to the strife that took place at the time in the Khanate. There is every reason to believe that the document was written by Vasily Bakunin, the Collegium member who was most knowledgeable about the affairs of the Kalmyk Khanate.

Demberel Kolyagiyn ◽  

Introduction. The article discusses Mongolian-Russian relations in the 20th century, paying particular attention to the definition of the concept “Mongolian World”, an important instrument of the bilateral relations, which has had a variety of interpretations so far. Analysis, as well as understanding of the five factors that this article indicates are of relevance to serve as tools for further expansion of the bilateral cooperation, including the field of cultural relations, which is naturally in the center of attention of both Russia and Mongolia. The subjects of the “Mongolian World” in the Russian Federation are seen as the research object of the present study, which aims to analyze the concept and to identify its role in the Mongolian-Russian relations. Methods used are general scientific, both empirical and theoretical. The application of comparative-functional and systemic approaches, as well as of modelling and logical parameters, was useful in identifying the essential and content-rich components within the framework of cooperation in the Mongolian world. Conclusions. As a result, the author concludes that the factors of the Mongolian world were instrumental in different periods of history in the interaction of Russia and Mongolia. Also, the article highlights the idea that the factor of the “Mongolian World” is constantly expanding in the bilateral relations.

Bair L. Tushinov ◽  

In the Mongolian-speaking world, it is widely accepted that Lama Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelug school of Buddhism, known for his great contribution to the maintenance and promotion of Buddhist teachings, was an ethnic Mongolian. However, the question of whether there is any factual evidence to support the claim is still open. The present article aims to examine the issue of his Mongolian background and identify the grounds for this widespread opinion. This is of relevance because the issue has not been discussed in detail so far. Both textological and historical methods were used for analysis. The major source for the study was an obscure text written by a prominent Mongolian researcher Chahar-Geshe [Tibetan: cha har dge bshes blo bzang tshul khrims, 1740–1810] «The Life of Tsongkhapa: The Source of All Boons and Fortunes» [Tibetan: tsong kha pa chen po’i rnam thar go sla bar brjod pa bde legs kun gyi ‘byung gnas]; other Tibetan sources were also examined. The article focuses on the data found in the sources that associates with Lama Tsongkhapa’s father and family, place of his birth, etc. Results. The examination of Lama Tsongkhapa’s biography shed useful light on the historical and cultural processes in Inner Asia. The author’s main conclusion is that he may have been an ethnic Mongolian on his father’s side, and the fact may have been of relevance or the promotion of Gelug in Mongolia.

Danara V. Ubushieva ◽  

Introduction. There are a great number of “familiar” motifs and plotlines in Kalmyk folklore that originate from mythology. One such archaic story of a universal character in the Turkic-Mongolian world is a cosmogonic myth of the heavenly hunter and the three red deer. The article aims to attempt at reconstructing this cosmogonic myth in the Kalmyk epic heritage. Importantly, such reconstruction requires typological comparisons because the story is easily “identified” in a variety of traditions. The research materials used are the texts of early Baga Tsokhur cycle sagas of Kalmyk heroic epic “Djanggar”. The analysis was based on structural-semantic, structural-typological, and comparative methods. As a result, the author comes to the following conclusions. The structural-semantic analysis of the motif manifests its archaic roots originating from the ideas of cosmogonic beginnings of the universe. The epic story relating of Savar Warrior following the moon path while hunting deer and red deer originates from a cosmogonic myth of the heavenly marksman [Sirius] and the three red deer [the stars from the belt of the constellation Orion]. Moreover, the character of Savar Warrior shows some elements that may be associated with the archaic myth of a bear-hunter chasing the deer that stole the sun. The results of the present study agree with other researchers’ views, according to which, the principal symbols that the archaic calendar of the Kalmyk ancestors included were the images of a hoofed animal and a bear and that the image of the heavenly hunter of the ancient myth relating of the world beginning characteristic of a number of folklore traditions was a substitute of the mythological bear, the liberator of the sun.

Nadezhda B. Darzhaeva ◽  

Introduction. Explanatory constructions in the Buryat language, namely, those with verbs of speech as their main predicate, have not been studied in detail so far. Their systematic study involves a detailed analysis of both the semantics of the predicate of the main clause and the structure of the entire construction. The purpose of the article was to identify the correlation between the semantics of verbs of speech and the structural type of constructions. For the purpose, it was necessary i) to identify the group of verbs of speech, ii) to make an inventory of the structures in question, iii) to identify their structural types and specific characteristics, iv) to distribute verbs of speech according to structural types, and v) to study the interdependence between the semantics of verbs and the types of constructions. Original literary texts of the Buryat electronic corps served as material for the study. Linguistic observation, description, component analysis, and structural modeling were used as methods of the analysis. Research results. Buryat explanatory clauses are of the three structural types: participial, participial with postpositions, and bifinite constructions. Each of them specializes in expressing information of a particular level of abstraction: bifinite constructions introduce direct speech; participial constructions with the accusative case of the dependent predicate convey indirect speech; participial constructions with postpositions name the theme. As the analysis of the distribution of verbs of speech by structural types shows, verbs with semantics suggesting a long speech act like ‘to tell’ are more often used in bifinite and postpositional constructions. Those with the meaning of a short speech act, or of the type ‘to add’, implement the valence of the speech in constructions with direct speech and conjunction gezhe. Verbs of speech that differ in their role in communication, for example, asuu-, hura- (ask), implement the valence of the speech in bifinite constructions with gezhe and participles in the accusative case. The author concluded that the structure of the constructions under study is largely dependent on the semantics of the verbs of speech.

Marina M. Sodnompilova ◽  

The article aims to study the information context of the body signs and the perception of this information by Inner Asian nomads in terms of man and nature interaction. Methods. The research is based on general scientific methods and particular methods of historical science, such as the historical-comparative research method and the method of cultural-historical reconstruction. Materials. In terms of studies of humans as social and biological beings, it is relevant to examine the human body in the system of traditional somatic representations of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples of Inner Asia. In their worldview, the human body represents a specialized “map” of messages of a physiological nature, where organs and body parts were seen as symmetrical and their messages were perceived as negative or positive, depending on location on the left or on the right. Of relevance was also whether the sign came from the upper or lower part of a particular organ. Special attention was paid to the “movements” of the liver and the heart. Conclusions. The study shows that the world that surrounds a person appeared as a complex multidimensional information space, with sensory information playing an important part in its perception. This information was not limited to images created by the senses. In fact, the entire body, including internal organs, was perceived as such a conductor, with various manifestations of a physiological nature, such as trembling, noises, itching, and pains serving as “messages”. Individuals that had special body sensitivity were described as those of “open flesh” or of “light bones”; these were usually the only child in the family or one of the twins.

Elena A. Dadueva ◽  
Darima Sh. Kharanutova

Introduction. The article discusses the semantics of paired causative verbs in the Buryat language, which has not been the subject of a special study yet. The aim was to study the semantic features of Buryat paired causative verbs by way of identifying: 1) the types of paired causative verbs, 2) the contribution of each semantic component of a verbt of its general semantics and their correlation, and 3) paired causative verbs as a special case in expressing causative semantics. Materials and methods. The data was collected from works of fiction in the Electronic Corpus of the Buryat language; contextual and distributive analysis were used as the primary methods of research. Results. Semantic analysis of paired causative verbs, illustrative of causative relationships in the linguistic picture of the Buryat world, indicated that in pairs of non-causative + causative verb the latter is a leading component, which demonstrates the power of causative semantics; the verbs of this type most often express various emotions associated with impact and subjective assessment. The other type are represented by pairs of synonymous causative verb + causative verb that are effective in expressing the intensity of the impact; with the semes of the synonymous verbs combined, the meaning of causation in such pairs is enhanced, and their expressiveness and emotionale valuation aspects come to the fore.

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