design science research methodology
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 265
Wishnu Agung Baroto

Email is an imperative method of communication that is changing the way people share their data and information. It provides effective and efficient communication, especially in business, convenience, and easy access and replication. Those electronic data should be considered by a fraud investigator to comprehend the investigation. Email can be divided into two parts: the head of the email and the email body. The head of the email is metadata that consists of unstructured data, and the body and its attachment consist of semi-structured data. The email data usually comes in large volumes and ranges of types. Therefore, a manual investigation of an email should be avoided. This paper uses the Design Science Research Methodology to discover the most profound framework in an email fraud investigation. Using email metadata and email body, this research performs a digital forensic framework: preparation, gathering, processing, and presentation, combines with social network analysis to be applicable in the investigation. The result shows that digital forensics process, network analysis, data visualization provides a more valuable and comprehensive insight into email analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-131
Wendel Souto Reinheimer ◽  
Roseclea Duarte Medina

Na educação, a gamificação tem se mostrado uma estratégia promissora para promover o aprendizado, a motivação e o engajamento dos alunos. Entretanto, alguns estudos têm mostrado que seu uso nem sempre traz resultados positivos, sendo imprescindível considerar o processo de avaliação um aspecto importante, uma vez que a partir dela é possível verificar a eficácia da gamificação e se os objetivos da gamificação estão sendo alcançados. Nesse contexto, verificou-se a escassez de métodos ou abordagens avaliativas específicas para a gamificação, resultando na falta de instruções e orientações para a realização desse procedimento. Assim, este trabalho trata-se de parte de uma dissertação em fase desenvolvimento, e apresenta um framework para apoiar o processo de avaliação da gamificação em contextos educacionais. O framework GAMIEFECTS foi desenvolvido com base no Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) e é composto por cinco dimensões, onde cada uma delas corresponde a um determinado aspecto de avaliação e deve ser capaz de auxiliar professores, pesquisadores e/ou designers com processos avaliativos que envolvem o uso da gamificação para contextos de aprendizagem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 239
Gabriela Viale Pereira ◽  
Luiza Schuch de Azambuja

Building smart sustainable cities initiatives requires governance capacity, which is constantly challenged by a diversity of actors and the transformation towards a digital society; however, the process of identifying the conditions for building a smart sustainable city (SSC) is not straightforward. As an attempt to map the key governance conditions, the goal of this study is to suggest guidelines for the development of SSC initiatives in the format of a generic roadmap. This research applies design science research methodology and builds the roadmap based on identified antecedents that may hinder or facilitate the development of SSC initiatives from a systematic literature review and the analysis of key governance aspects from 12 smart city initiatives in Europe and Latin America. This paper builds its results through a four-step approach including: (1) defining the main concepts and dimensions within the smart sustainable city context; (2) identifying sustainability challenges for the development of smart sustainable city initiatives; (3) analysing key governance aspects from smart sustainable city initiatives; and (4) designing an actionable research-based roadmap and practical recommendations. The resulting roadmap contains 11 key governance conditions for developing strategies for smart sustainable city initiatives that were classified into three main phases: (1) planning; (2) implementing; and (3) adopting, monitoring, and evaluating. In terms of contribution, this research provides a tool to support the development of initiatives, addressing sustainability challenges and strengthening governance capacity to ensure the long-term impacts of smart sustainable cities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 1041-1060
Peter N. Gade ◽  
Kjeld Svidt

The use of BIM-based Model Checking (BMC) has the potential to improve building design processes by enabling the automation of building assessments. However, only a few BMC systems are being used in the building design practices. The limited use has been identified to be related to socio-technical challenges that have so far not received much attention in research regarding BMC systems. To explore these challenges, a Design Science Research methodology was used to design a BMC prototype to improve the socio-technical challenges of BMC systems, specifically challenges of transparency and flexibility. The prototype was tested with practitioners to investigate aspects of BMC systems that potentially hinder its use. The results were used to discuss the potential for more practical application of BMC systems in design practices to obtain the benefits of providing a faster, more consistent, and more precise assessment of buildings.

2021 ◽  
Laécio A. Costa ◽  
Marlo Souza ◽  
Laís N. Salvador ◽  
Aleph C. Silveira ◽  
Celso A. Saibel

Keeping track of student learning progress in the Distance Education it is a challenge for education specialists because it is always not possible to adopt the same evaluation mechanisms as traditional education due to transactional distance between educators and students. To help educators in the process of evaluating the acquisition of skills and monitoring students' learning experiences, we present the SapeS architecture, which uses Learning Analytics and Ontologies to produce information about student performance. This architecture enables both educators and students to intervene in the teaching process and promotes autonomy to students successfully achieve their planned objectives. This proposal was based on the Design Science Research methodology, which enables the production and evaluation of the proposed solution to better understand its viability in the participant's real context.

Florence Jacob ◽  
Virginie Pez ◽  
Pierre Volle

The purpose of this article is to present the principles, application methods, contributions, and limitations of the design science research methodology (DSRM), a research strategy based on design science research (DSR). After presenting the principles of DSRM, we show how to use this method by applying it to the problem of customer journey management. We make practical recommendations for applying the method, and discuss its contributions and limitations. By presenting a method that meets the requirements of both rigor and relevance, this article contributes to the renewal of research methods used in our discipline.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 75-98
Noraziah Che Pa ◽  
Norida Muhd Darus

Focusing on having accurate assessment during Information Technology Practicum, this article focuses on improving the assessment instrument, particularly from the university’s perspective. The works are motivated by the bad feedbacks from the industry regarding Practicum performance and assessment. Based on its suitability, a combination of Design Science Research methodology and Action Research are adapted to conduct this study. The improved design focuses on student learning needs and policy by integrating Practicum elements, university’s expectations, and transferable skills expected to be delivered. Emphasis is given on integrating important elements in achieving Practicum learning outcomes. To ensure its readiness for real implementation, the improved instrument has been evaluated involving Practicum stakeholders for three academic semesters. The improved design is believed to measure Practicum performance accurately in preparing IT graduates to face the industry, as stated in IR 4.0.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Herman Saputra ◽  
Achmad Muchlis Abdi Putra

Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan kondisi pandemi Covid-19 mendorong pemerintah untuk segera melakukan penyesuaian pada budaya kerja. Salah satu budaya kerja yang perlu disesuaikan adalah sistem pembelajaran untuk para Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN). Sistem pembelajaran konvensional perlu disesuaikan menjadi pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan pemanfaatan internet. Pengembangan sistem pembelajaran membutuhkan panduan agar sistem yang dibangun sesuai dengan target peserta didik, yaitu ASN. Diharapkan, sistem pembelajaran dapat membangun budaya kerja sama serta dikelola dengan standar manajemen layanan TI untuk menjamin keberlangsungan sistem tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah framework pembelajaran untuk institusi pemerintah. Framework dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode Design Science Research Methodology. Penelitian ini berhasil menunjukkan bahwa sebuah Framework pembelajaran dapat dikembangkan dengan menggabung beberapa konsep seperti: multimedia, pembelajaran kolaboratif dengan independen konten, andragogi, dan ADDIE Model sebagai kerangka utama pembelajaran yang selanjutnya dipetakan ke dalam sebuah standar dalam manajemen layanan TI yaitu ISO 20000.Development of collaborative learning frameworks for government institutions using ADDIE and ISO 20000Abstract4.0 Industrial Revolution and conditions of Covid-19 pandemic pushed the government to adjust their work culture immediately. One work culture that needs to be adjusted is the learning system for Civil Servants. The conventional learning system needs to be adapted into distance learning using the internet. The development of a learning system requires guidance so that the system is built according to the learners. Hopefully, the learning system can build a culture of cooperation and adopt IT service management standards to ensure the system's sustainability. This study aims to develop a learning framework for government institutions. The framework was developed using Design Science Research Methodology. This study has successfully shown that a learning framework can be developed by combining several concepts such as multimedia, collaborative learning with independent content, andragogy, and the ADDIE Model as the main learning framework, which is then mapped into ISO 20000 as a standard in IT service management.

Marzita Mansor ◽  
Wan Adilah Wan Adnan ◽  
Rohaizah Abdul Wahid ◽  
Jamilah Hamid

This paper aims to discuss step-by-step activities of the implementation of Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) in the development of Personalization teaching and learning materials for children. DSRM is adapted in the development of personalized teaching and learning materials due to its potential to provide specific guidelines based on specific outcomes. This paper revealed the potential of DSRM as a reliable and comprehensive methodology that leads the developer on step by step processes to perform the development. Apart from that this study provides details description on the development of personalized teaching and learning materials that is successfully developed using the DSRM methodology as guidelines.

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