phytosociological relevés
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2022 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
Milica Stanišić-Vujačić ◽  
Danijela Stešević ◽  
Sead Hadžiablahović ◽  
Danka Caković ◽  
Urban Šilc

Our phytosociological study in Montenegro (Ćemovsko polje) deals with the syntaxonomy of arid grasslands in the Adriatic region and, in particular, different interpretations of plant communities dominated by Asphodelus ramosus. The main aims of this study were to contribute to knowledge of the composition of dry grasslands dominated by Asphodelus ramosus in Montenegro and to compare instances of Asphodelus ramosus dominated vegetation along the Adriatic. Our vegetation dataset included 82 phytosociological relevés: 17 from our recent field work and 72 relevés of South European Asphodelus ramosus communities. Ordination analysis (NMDS) was used for comparison of Asphodelus ramosus dominated communities in the Adriatic region. The Asphodelus ramosus community from Montenegro was classified into Bromo erecti-Chrysopogonetum grylli. The analysis revealed two distinct vegetation groups: grassland communities of the vegetation class Festuco-Brometea from Montenegro, Croatia and Albania, and edge vegetation of the new class Charybdido pancratii-Asphodeletea ramosi from Italy. Comparison with similar vegetation types shows high similarity with associations on the eastern Adriatic coast, where they are treated as grassland communities belonging to the alliance Chrysopogono grylli-Koelerion splendentis, order Scorzoneretalia villosae, class Festuco-Brometea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 32-52
Dmytro V. Dubyna ◽  
Tetiana P. Dziuba ◽  
Svitlana M. Iemelianova ◽  
Lyubov M. Felbaba-Klushyna

Abstract The studies of the pioneer vegetation of freshwater shorelines of water bodies are of particular interest owing to the specific ecology of these habitats and the short cycle for their development in which periods of flooding and subsequent drainage alternate. Using the methods of phytosociological classification and cluster analysis based on the interpretation of 414 phytosociological relevés, the syntaxonomic structure of the pioneer vegetation of freshwater shorelines of the water bodies of Ukraine has been established that are represented by the phytosociological classes Isoëto-Nanojuncetea and Bidentetea. The class Isoëto-Nanojuncetea includes 8 associations that belong to 2 alliances and 1 order and the class Bidentetea includes 10 associations belonging to 2 alliances and 1 order. Phytocoenoses of both classes are more typical for the Polissia region and the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, where there are favourable habitats with a flat relief, low degree of dissection and a high level of soil humidity. Using a DCA ordination analysis of associations their position in ecological space was determined. It was established that the main factors of ecological differentiation for Isoëto-Nanojuncetea habitats are soil humidity, soil aeration, nitrogen content, as well as temperature regime. Differentiation in the hyperspace of abiotic factors of the class Bidentetea occurs mainly along the gradients of soil humidity, salt regime and acidity. The ecological distribution of syntaxa of this class is also significantly influenced by the concentration of mineral nitrogen compounds in the soil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-259
Piotr T. Zaniewski ◽  
Ciurzycki Wojciech ◽  
Zaniewska Ewa

Abstract The range of acidophilous oak forest from Quercetea robori-petraeae Br-Bl. et Tx. ex Oberd. 1957 in Central Europe depends largely on the syntaxonomical concept used and is still provisional. The most continental association from this class occurring in Poland is Calamagrostio arundinaceae-Quercetum petraeae Hartm. 1934 Scam. et Pass. 1959. It is present in western and central Poland, but its eastern boundary is not well known. The aims of the study were to survey and document new patches of Calamagrostio-Quercetum in central Poland, to check the internal variation of the association and to summary the known distribution of it in lowlands of central-western and central Poland. 23 phytosociological relevés were made within new stands together with soil sampling. New relevé data was subjected to the numerical Wards classification together with acidophilous oak forests datasets from western Poland and oak-pine forests ones from eastern part of the Country. The new dataset was similar to Calamagrostio-Quercetum. Three subassociations were distinguished. Soil parameters and oak site index did not differ from acidophilous oak forest stands from other parts of Poland. The provisional range of Calamagrostio-Quercetum in central Poland was proposed to be moved by circa 60–90 km to the north-east (approximately as far as the Vistula river line) in order to include south-western part of Mazowsze.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 1-27
Naim Berisha ◽  
Kimete Lluga Rizani ◽  
Bujar Kadriaj ◽  
Fadil Millaku

Four species of Gymnadenia are native to Kosovo: G. conopsea, G. frivaldii, G. nigra, and G. odoratissima. In this study, field expedition data, phytosociological relevés, herbarium specimens along with extensive literature sources were used to analyse vegetation and ecological characteristics, habitat types, distributional patterns as well as provide notes on conservation. Gymnadenia conopsea is distributed throughout the country, from lowlands to the alpine belt. It was recorded in various plant communities. Gymnadenia frivaldii grows in the alpine zone of mountains, close to streams and in wet meadows. Its relevés belong to the class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae. This species is classified as “Near Threatened” (NT) in Kosovo. Gymnadenia nigra grows in subalpine and alpine grassland on preferably calcareous substrate. It has been found in almost all mountains reaching >2000 m a.s.l., and occurs in different plant communities belonging to the class: Elyno-Seslerietea. Gymnadenia odoratissima was recorded from one locality only in Kosovo, on the massif of Maja e Zezë, Sharri Mts. It was growing in degraded beech forest and meadows on silicate bedrock. Its floristically diverse relevés associate with the class: Mulgedio-Aconitetea. Of the four studied species, G. frivaldii deserves more conservation attention because of its fragile populations.

Hacquetia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 373-564
Igor Dakskobler ◽  
Andrej Rozman

Abstract Using hierarchical clustering with unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) we arranged 603 phytosociological relevés of beech forests on the present upper forest line, mainly from the Julian Alps and the Trnovo Forest Plateau (we also included the relevés from the Karawanks and the Kamnik Alps), into 32 clusters. Based on their analysis and comparison with previously described similar (alti)montane-subalpine beech communities we classified most of the relevés into the association Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum and its new subassociations ericetosum carneae, cardaminetosum trifoliae, luzuletosum niveae, luzuletosum luzuloidis, calamagrostietosum variae, allietosum victorialis, adoxetosum moschatellinae, stellarietosum nemorum and several new variants. The altitude of the studied stands is predominantly 1400 to 1550 m (the upper line is at 1660 m); they occur at all aspects, frequently on steep and very steep slopes, mainly on limestone and dolomite limestone, the predominant soil type is rendzina. These stands are species rich (on average 61 species per relevé, altogether more than 500 vascular plants) and have many species in common with the stands of associations Rhododendro hirsuti-Fagetum and Rhodothamno-Laricetum.

2021 ◽  
Arkadiusz Nowak ◽  
Sebastian Świerszcz ◽  
Sylwia Nowak ◽  
Marcin Nobis

AbstractThis paper presents the results of phytosociological research on scree vegetation of the Pamir and south-western Tian Shan. We collected 222 phytosociological relevés during field studies conducted in 2015–2019, applying the Braun-Blanquet approach. We identified 21 plant communities on mobile and stabilized screes of colluvial cones, aprons and fans, inhabiting mainly the montane and alpine belts in several ranges (e.g. Peter the First, Alichur, Shugnan, Shachdarian, Darvaz, Rushan, Vanch, Fergana, Kyrgyz and Terskey ranges). As a result we provide the first comprehensive hierarchical syntaxonomic synopsis of scree communities at montane and alpine elevations in the eastern Middle Asia. The collected vegetation relevés represent the majority of the variation among the phytocoenoses of gravel, pebble, cobble and rock block slides and screes in the montane and alpine belts. As a result of field studies and Twinspan analyses, nine associations were identified on screes of the Pamir and western Tian Shan. All these communities were assigned to the Sileno brahuicae-Lactucetalia orientalis Nowak et al. 2021. Additionally, within the nitrophilous compact gravel screes one subassociation of Corydalidetum kashgaricae trigonelletosum gontscharovii was distinguished. In the most arid zone two additional plant associations and one subassociation were identified in gravelly semi-deserts zone. The main factors determining the species composition of the studied associations are scree mobility, rock particle size, elevation above sea level and slope inclination. Our research revealed considerable diversity of scree habitats of montane and alpine belts what might be astonishing regarding harsh environment of this mountainous territory. However, a great number of lineages that evolved here and particularly rich species pool of this habitat in Middle Asia facilitate remarkable diversity among vegetation of taluses and screes. The distinctiveness of species composition is additionally enhanced by high degree of endemism of chasmophytic habitats in the eastern part of Middle Asia. Despite recent developments, the prominent chasmophytic vegetation of Middle Asia still needs thorough studies focused on its relationship to semi-desert, tall-forb and petrophytic communities of high mountains of the Pamir, Hindu-Kush, Kunlun and Central Tian Shan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-106
Miris Castello ◽  
Livio Poldini ◽  
Alfredo Altobelli

Lake Doberdò (Classical Karst) is a well-known example of karst lakes, temporary lakes that seasonally fill and empty through springs and swallow holes connected to the underground waters. It is an area of exceptional interest for geological-geomorphological and biodiversity conservation, and is part of the Natura 2000 network. Its peculiar hydro-ecological nature allows an impressive variety of species and habitats. A phytosociological survey was carried out to provide a comprehensive analysis of the vegetation. On the basis of 177 phytosociological relevés and multivariate analysis 43 communities were found, belonging to Platyhypnidio-Fontinalietea antipyreticae, Lemnetea minoris, Potametea pectinati, Bidentetea tripartitae, Isoëto-Nanojuncetea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Agrostietea stoloniferae, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Filipendulo ulmariae-Convolvuletea sepium, Alnetea glutinosae, Rhamno catharticae-Prunetea spinosae, Alno glutinosae-Populetea albae. The Leucojo aestivi-Poetum pratensis association including waterside periodically flooded meadows is validated. Compared to the past, various communities show a change in their distribution while some valuable coenoses were not found. 21 communities are attributed to 8 Annex I Habitats of the 92/43/EEC Directive. The study confirms the high value of Lake Doberdò for biodiversity conservation but highlights an ongoing process of environmental change due to both natural and human-related causes including modifications of the hydrological regime and abandonment of traditional agricultural practices. An overview of the features of Lake Doberdò is provided to compare this disappearing lake with the karst groundwater-dependent wetlands found in Ireland called “turloughs”, corresponding to Annex I Habitat 3180*. Also on the basis of the current interpretation and distribution of this habitat type at the EU level, a proposal is presented to recognize and protect this outstanding area of the Natura 2000 network in Italy as the habitat 3180*, modelled on Irish turloughs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-74
Alfonso La Rosa ◽  
Lorenzo Gianguzzi ◽  
Giuseppe Salluzzo ◽  
Leonardo Scuderi ◽  
Salvatore Pasta

This paper illustrates the botanic heritage of Parche di Bilello, a site located in the municipality of Castelvetrano. The study area hosts several woodland fragments dominated by Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Quercus suber and Quercus ilex, respectively. According to historical data, these nuclei represent the last remnants of an open forestland which covered a much wider coastal area between Mazara del Vallo and Sciacca until the end of Middle Age. Phytosociological relevés were focused on these forest nuclei, probably the most representative of south-western Sicily, which correspond to three habitats included in the 92/43 EEC Directive (9320, 9330 and 9340, respectively) and represent the final stage of three different edaphic series. Wild olive forests probably dominated on sandy calcareous soils, holm oaks prevailed on steep calcareous and N-exposed slopes. In contrast, cork oaks mostly occurred on sandy subacid soils issuing from pedogenetic processes on palaeodunes. Moreover, field surveys allowed to list 331 vascular plant taxa. Among them, Linaria multicaulis subsp. humilis, Orobanche balsensis and Serapias orientalis subsp. siciliensis are new to Trapani Province. Detailed information on the current distribution and the synecology of several plant taxa of high biogeographic and conservation interest is also provided. The study site also hosts one habitat of priority interest (6220, i.e. xerophilous Mediterranean perennial grasslands and annual swards) and two species protected by international laws, i.e. the orchid Ophrys lunulata and the lichen Teloschistes chrysophthalmus. Considering the high value of its natural heritage, this territory deserves the adoption of more effective protection measures. For this reason the authors recommend its inclusion as a new Site of Community Interest within the Sicilian Natura 2000 network.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 680
Saverio Sciandrello ◽  
Salvatore Cambria ◽  
Gianpietro Giusso del Giusso del Galdo ◽  
Riccardo Guarino ◽  
Pietro Minissale ◽  

A synthetic and updated overview about the vascular flora and vegetation of the Island of Capo Passero (SE-Sicily) is provided. These data issue from two series of field surveys—the first carried out between 1997 and 2000, and the second between 2005 and 2019 and mostly focused on refining and implementing vegetation data. The current islet’s flora consists of 269 taxa, of which 149 (58%) are annual plants. The Mediterranean species are largely prevailing, 108 (40%) of which have a strictly Mediterranean biogeographical status. The comparison with a species list published in 1919 and updated in 1957 suggest that, despite the overall prevalence of anemochorous taxa, the vertebrate fauna represents an important vector for the plant colonization of the island, while the immigration of myrmechocorous taxa does not compensate the extinction rate. As many as 202 phytosociological relevés, 191 of which issue from original recent field surveys, enabled identifying 12 different plant communities. The comparison with a vegetation map published in 1965 suggests a strong reduction in dune habitats (2120 and 2210 according to EU ‘Habitats’ Directive 92/43), as well as a deep disruption in the succession typical of the local psammophilous vegetation series. In order to preserve rare, endangered and protected plant species (such as Aeluropus lagopoides, Cichorium spinosum, Limonium hyblaeum, L. syracusanum, Poterium spinosum, Senecio pygmaeus and Spergularia heldreichii) and to stop the ongoing habitat degradation, urgent and effective conservation measures should be adopted for this tiny, yet precious islet.

Hacquetia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-196
Zoltán Kenyeres ◽  
Norbert Bauer ◽  
Judit Cservenka ◽  
Szilárd Szabó ◽  
Sándor Tóth

Abstract Following the rediscovery after 200 years of Ablepharus kitaibelii fitzingeri in 2017, we carried out data collection its habitats regarding vegetation, microclimate, and soil on two prominent dolomite hills of the Eastern Bakony. Data collections were carried out in habitat mosaics (xerothermic forest edges on the plateaus, karst shrub forests in south-facing exposure, dry grasslands among forest patches on the plateaus, rocky grasslands in south-facing exposure) of three sampling blocks. Vegetation was examined by phytosociological relevés, microclimate from April to November continuously by TMS-2 dataloggers, and soil by laboratory analyses focused mainly on percentage of different fractions. According to our results a) shrub forests with a south-facing exposure provide a cooler microclimate with temperated fluctuation in the spring–early summer and late summer–early autumn periods; b) plateau grasslands and shrubs are characterised by looser soil structure. Based on our results, heterogeneous habitat character of forest–grassland mosaics of the Pannonicum can mitigate the expected negative effects of climate change on reptiles.

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