innovation project
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Andrea Patrucco ◽  
Christine Mary Harland ◽  
Davide Luzzini ◽  
Federico Frattini

Purpose Suppliers are essential partners in innovation projects, as they own resources, knowledge assets and capabilities that complement those of buying firms. In today’s competitive environment, firms may choose to collaborate with suppliers beyond dyads, forming triadic or three-party relationships. Using the theoretical lens of the relational view (RV), this study aims to explore what type of triad configurations firms use to govern supplier relationships in collaborative innovation projects, how they choose to share resources and implications for project performance. Design/methodology/approach The authors use interview data from buyers and suppliers in six case studies of firms involved in ten collaborative innovation projects. The four constructs of the RV are used to observe how firms govern triadic relationships, combine complementary resources, invest in relationship-specific assets and manage information and knowledge exchange with and between suppliers in innovation projects. Findings Four archetypes of triadic relationships in innovation projects – labeled Triangle, A-frame, D-Frame and Line – are presented and characterized in terms of their structural and relational features. The authors discuss how each triad archetype is applicable to different innovation projects according to specific project characteristics. Originality/value This study is pioneering in its empirical examination of triadic relationships in collaborative innovation projects. It provides a novel typology of four archetypes of triad from the perspective of collaborative relationships with suppliers. Through applying the RV, it advances understanding of how triadic relationships are governed, how they invest in relationship-specific assets, how they combine complementary resources and how they exchange knowledge and information in each type of triad appropriate to different innovation project settings. To date, much of the extant literature has focused on dyads.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 27
Mª Paz Sáez-Pérez ◽  
Kerstin Kelert ◽  
Carlos Rodríguez-Navarro ◽  
Encarnación Ruiz-Agudo ◽  
Aurelia Ibáñez-Velasco ◽  

In this research, through the development of a teaching innovation project, the aim is to highlight the importance of educational and pedagogical changes that require both the adaptation of teaching to new situations and the possibility of taking advantage of the available resources to be applied in different degrees (master and degree) simultaneously.For this, the innovation experience carried out by a group of professors from the University of Granada who teach subjects in the CiTPA Master, MARA Master and Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets is presented. It addresses the development of unpublished teaching material (videos, manuals for the application of analytical techniques and the use of specialized software, all in a bilingual version), for its integration into different subjects in which it is necessary to make different research techniques known, use of specific software and precise operational activities that are used for the characterization of materials.Competency-based learning through innovation offers students a real and applied experience that has an immediate practical and professional implication, taking advantage of the skills of the new generations. The results, expected in future evaluations, must be analyzed both individually and for the group of subjects, being recognized in advance the good result and the facilities that teamwork, the recognition of skills and the facilities entail in the field of the teacher, the selection of common competences between different subjects and training levels.

E-Zbornik ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (22) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Peter Gyuris ◽  
Bese Pal ◽  
Csaba Benedek ◽  
Zsolt Janko

V. V. Degtyareva

Today in conditions of severe competition of commercial enterprises it is necessary to upgrade their work by using different methods, one of them is the development and introduction of innovation projects. However, when an innovation project is worked out each developer faces certain risks requiring high-quality and effective management. Risk management in innovation projects is a complicated process, which is connected with the high level of uncertainty typical of innovation projects. Therefore, to manager risks of innovation projects highlyqualified personnel with sufficient knowledge and information is essential. The author studied the notion ‘innovation project’, investigated the causes of innovation risk rising and provided their classification. Apart from that, innovation projects of the retail chain ‘Magnit’ were analyzed, key problems of managing risks of innovation projects were identified and recommendations on resolving such problems were put forward.

Mechanika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 498-504
Wenhua JIA ◽  
Chenbo YIN ◽  
Guo LI ◽  
Dasheng ZHU ◽  
Yanyan LIU ◽  

This work was supported in part by The National Natural Science Fund of China, Scientific research fund of Nanjing Institute of Technology, Open fund project of Anhui University of Technology, Practical innovation project of graduate students in Jiangsu Province. Support Fund Nos. 51505211, 11302097, CKJB201901, HVC202004, SJCX20_0700.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 7595-7625
Jānis Puķīte ◽  
Christian Borger ◽  
Steffen Dörner ◽  
Myojeong Gu ◽  
Udo Frieß ◽  

Abstract. Here we present a new retrieval algorithm of the slant column densities (SCDs) of chlorine dioxide (OClO) by differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) from measurements performed by TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board of Sentinel-5P satellite. To achieve a substantially improved accuracy, which is especially important for OClO observations, accounting for absorber and pseudo absorber structures in optical depth even of the order of 10−4 is important. Therefore, in comparison to existing retrievals, we include several additional fit parameters by accounting for spectral effects like the temperature dependency of the Ring effect and Ring absorption effects, a higher-order term for the OClO SCD dependency on wavelength and accounting for the BrO absorption. We investigate the performance of different retrieval settings by an error analysis with respect to random variations, large-scale systematic variations as a function of solar zenith angle and also more localized systematic variations by a novel application of an autocorrelation analysis. The retrieved TROPOMI OClO SCDs show a very good agreement with ground-based zenith sky measurements and are correlated well with preliminary data of the operational TROPOMI OClO retrieval algorithm currently being developed as part of ESA's Sentinel-5P+ Innovation project.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 774
Dominique Persano Adorno ◽  
Tahereh Mallahnia ◽  
Volker Koch ◽  
Ligita Zailskaitė-Jakštė ◽  
Armantas Ostreika ◽  

In this contribution, we present the BioS4You project and analyse the results obtained in the first 18 months of its activity. The “Bio-Inspired STEM topics for engaging young generations” (BioS4You) Erasmus+ KA2 Innovation project aims to bridge the gap between STEM national curricula (which include Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and the needs of Z-generation students, uninterested to basic themes, but enthusiastic in issues related to environmental, social, and health concerns. The BioS4You project engages young learners in STEM subjects, starting with current issues of interest for them, as the social and environmental impact of new technologies, connecting STEM concepts to real-world technologies that are supporting on facing environmental, social, and health current challenges. Novel fields such as Bioengineering, Bioscience, Biotechnology can be implemented into classroom teaching, integrating academic disciplines, and stimulating the academic and social growth of young people. The knowledge of new STEM contents makes the students feel an active part of the technological innovation (and not just passive users) and help them to build a better future, bringing them closer to the STEM world and enabling them to make more informed choices for their future careers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Teodoro Palomares ◽  
Ana M. García de la Fuente ◽  
Sonia Ruiz de Azúa ◽  
Borja Herrero de la Parte ◽  
Iciar Arteagoitia

En la atención asistencial, las habilidades de comunicación resultan fundamentales en el quehacer de los profesionales de la salud. La adquisición adecuada de dichas habilidades por parte del alumnado ha de ser uno de los objetivos de los equipos docentes. Conscientes de esta necesidad, en el grado en odontología de la UPV/EHU, se está llevando a cabo un proyecto de innovación educativa impulsando la labor y coordinación horizontal y vertical de los equipos docentes, dando lugar a las siguientes acciones: i, definición de una guía de habilidades comunicacionales; ii, diseño de actividades complejas basadas en escenarios realistas, implementadas mediante metodologías activas; iii, evaluación continua con la pertinente retroalimentación; y iv, seguimiento de todo el proceso con registro de evidencias. Tras un periodo de dos años, dicha evaluación está permitiendo tomar conciencia de los avances y dificultades presentes, tanto en el proceso como en la adquisición de algunos de los resultados de aprendizaje. La discusión, reflexión y consenso de los equipos docentes, intra e interasignatura, ha dado lugar a la mejora de las guías docentes, al rediseño de algunas de las actividades académicas, a un mayor grado de colaboración para la mejora de documentos de comunicación (ej.: consentimiento informado, elaboración de informes médicos) y para unificar criterios de evaluación, e, incluso, al diseño de talleres formativos sobre comunicación dirigidos al profesorado. Todo ello traerá consigo un impacto educativo, fruto del esfuerzo de los componentes de dichos equipos docentes que, sin duda, redundará en beneficio de la atención de los pacientes. In healthcare, communication skills are essential in the work of health professionals. The suitable acquisition of these skills by the students must therefore be one of the objectives of the teaching teams. Aware of this need, in the degree in dentistry at the UPV/EHU, an educational innovation project is being carried out by promoting the horizontal and vertical coordination and work of teaching teams, which has led to the following actions: i, definition of a communication skills guide; ii, design of complex activities based on realistic scenarios, implemented using active methodologies; iii, continuous assessment with pertinent feedback; and iv, monitoring of the entire process with evidence record. After a period of two years, we are becoming aware of the advances and difficulties present, both in the process and in the acquisition of some of the learning outcomes. The discussion, reflection and consensus of the teaching teams, intra and intersubject, has led to the improvement of the teaching guides, the redesign of some of the academic activities, a greater degree of collaboration for the improvement of communication documents (eg., informed consent, preparation of medical reports) and to unify evaluation criteria, and even the design of training workshops on communication aimed at teachers. All of this will have an educational impact, as a result of the efforts of the members of the teaching teams, that will undoubtedly benefit patient care.

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