epithermal mineralization
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Geosciences ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Pavel Kepezhinskas ◽  
Nikolai Berdnikov ◽  
Nikita Kepezhinskas ◽  
Natalia Konovalova

Adakites are Y- and Yb-depleted, SiO2- and Sr-enriched rocks with elevated Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios originally thought to represent partial melts of subducted metabasalt, based on their association with the subduction of young (<25 Ma) and hot oceanic crust. Later, adakites were found in arc segments associated with oblique, slow and flat subduction, arc–transform intersections, collision zones and post-collisional extensional environments. New models of adakite petrogenesis include the melting of thickened and delaminated mafic lower crust, basalt underplating of the continental crust and high-pressure fractionation (amphibole ± garnet) of mantle-derived, hydrous mafic melts. In some cases, adakites are associated with Nb-enriched (10 ppm < Nb < 20 ppm) and high-Nb (Nb > 20 ppm) arc basalts in ancient and modern subduction zones (HNBs). Two types of HNBs are recognized on the basis of their geochemistry. Type I HNBs (Kamchatka, Honduras) share N-MORB-like isotopic and OIB-like trace element characteristics and most probably originate from adakite-contaminated mantle sources. Type II HNBs (Sulu arc, Jamaica) display high-field strength element enrichments in respect to island-arc basalts coupled with enriched, OIB-like isotopic signatures, suggesting derivation from asthenospheric mantle sources in arcs. Adakites and, to a lesser extent, HNBs are associated with Cu–Au porphyry and epithermal deposits in Cenozoic magmatic arcs (Kamchatka, Phlippines, Indonesia, Andean margin) and Paleozoic-Mesozoic (Central Asian and Tethyan) collisional orogens. This association is believed to be not just temporal and structural but also genetic due to the hydrous (common presence of amphibole and biotite), highly oxidized (>ΔFMQ > +2) and S-rich (anhydrite in modern Pinatubo and El Chichon adakite eruptions) nature of adakite magmas. Cretaceous adakites from the Stanovoy Suture Zone in Far East Russia contain Cu–Ag–Au and Cu–Zn–Mo–Ag alloys, native Au and Pt, cupriferous Ag in association witn barite and Ag-chloride. Stanovoy adakites also have systematically higher Au contents in comparison with volcanic arc magmas, suggesting that ore-forming hydrothermal fluids responsible for Cu–Au(Mo–Ag) porphyry and epithermal mineralization in upper crustal environments could have been exsolved from metal-saturated, H2O–S–Cl-rich adakite magmas. The interaction between depleted mantle peridotites and metal-rich adakites appears to be capable of producing (under a certain set of conditions) fertile sources for HNB melts connected with some epithermal Au (Porgera) and porphyry Cu–Au–Mo (Tibet, Iran) mineralized systems in modern and ancient subduction zones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-48
Aleksandar Gadzhalov ◽  
Irina Marinova

This short communication presents preliminary data on а wall rock alteration in part of the Sarnak epithermal gold deposit based on host rock samples from drill hole cores. Methods used are powder X-ray diffraction as well as optical and scanning electron microscopy. The most pronounced alterations related to the epithermal mineralization are vein silicification, adularization and pyritization.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1088
Chul-Ho Heo ◽  
Seong-Yong Kim ◽  
Il-Hwan Oh

Eunjeok Au–Ag deposits are situated in the Yeongam district, Cheollanamdo-province, South Korea. They are genetically related to the Bulgugsa magmatic event (ca. 110–60 Ma), caused by the transition in the subduction direction and style of the Izanagi Plate. Three gold- and silver-bearing hydrothermal veins filled the fractures of the Cretaceous rhyolitic tuff. The major ore minerals were arsenopyrite (31.47–32.20 at.% As), pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite (8.58–10.71 FeS mole%) and galena with minor amounts of electrum (62.77–78.15 at.% Au), native silver, and argentite. Sericitization was dominant in the alteration zone. The various textures of quartz veins (i.e., breccia, crustiform, comb, and vuggy) may indicate the formation of an epithermal environment. The auriferous fluids with the H2O–NaCl system have homogenization temperatures and salinities of 204 °C to 314 °C, less than 10 wt.% equiv. NaCl, and experienced mixing (dilution and cooling) events during mineralization. Considering the characteristics of the geologic setting, major fault system, and host rock, the Eunjeok Au–Ag deposit within the Yeongam district tends to share the general geologic characteristics of Haenam–Jindo epithermal mineralization episodes. However, the age of gold–silver mineralization (86.0 Ma) is older than that of Haenam–Jindo epithermal mineralization episodes (<70.3 Ma), implying some differences exist in the genetic sequence of extensional characteristics caused by transcurrent Gwangju–Yeongdong faults.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 634
Călin Gabriel Tămaș ◽  
Mădălina Paula Andrii ◽  
Réka Kovács ◽  
Sergiu Drăgușanu ◽  
Béatrice Cauuet

We evaluated the significance of the iron and manganese content in sphalerite as a tool for distinguishing between low-sulfidation and intermediate-sulfidation epithermal deposits on the basis of new and previously published electron probe microanalyses data on the Roșia Montană epithermal ore deposit and available microchemical data from the Neogene epithermal ore deposits located in the Apuseni Mountains and Baia Mare region, Romania. Two compositional trends of the Fe vs. Mn content in sphalerite were delineated, a Fe-dominant and a Mn-dominant, which are poor in Mn and Fe, respectively. The overlapping compositional range of Fe and Mn in sphalerite in low-sulfidation and intermediate-sulfidation ores suggests that these microchemical parameters are not a reliable tool for distinguishing these epithermal mineralization styles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. A101220
José Perelló ◽  
Robert A. Creaser ◽  
Alfredo García

Dear Editor, we thank Corral (2020) for his anticipated interest in our paper on the timing of the porphyry-related high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization at Cerro Quema in the Azuero peninsula of southwestern Panama. Our study, based on three Re-Os ages for molybdenite intimately associated with Cu-bearing sulfide minerals from the hypogene roots of the La Pava center (Figure 1), shows that the main event of high-sulfidation Cu mineralization took place during the earliest Maastrichtian at ~71 Ma. The reported ages, together with the geologic relationships described in our paper (Perelló et al., 2020), plus a series of regional geologic, structural, petrochemical, and geotectonic considerations, not only precisely date the porphyry-related nature of the Cerro Quema high-sulfidation mineralization, but are also significant in that they confirm the rapid evolution of the earliest stages of the Central American Arc – from subduction initiation at 75-73 Ma to arc stability and maturation at 71 Ma (e.g., Buchs et al., 2011a and references therein) – and place the mineralization in a regional geodynamic setting. Irrespective of the regional geologic arguments reiterated by Corral (2020) in support of his previous genetic interpretation (e.g., Corral et al., 2016) and to invalidate our conclusions, Corral´s real concern is the reliability of our molybdenite ages, which are much older than his preferred age of mineralization for Cerro Quema. We believe that many of the points raised by Corral (2020), including the regional and local geologic backgrounds of the deposit and the dated samples, were properly addressed in Perelló et al. (2020), and that it would be redundant to repeat them here. Additional petrochemical evidence in support can be found in Whattam and Stern (2015, 2020) and Whatam (2018).

A. N. Glukhov ◽  
M. I. Fomina ◽  
E. E. Kolova ◽  

The authors briefly characterize the geology and structure of the Shtokovoye ore field attached to the area where the Khurchan-Orotukan zone of tectonic-magmatic activation overlays the structures of the Yana-Kolyma ore-bearing belt. Studied are mineral associations and physicochemical conditions of gold ore bodies, located both in granites and in hornfelsed sedimentary masses. By the main features of its geological structure, ore composition, and physicochemical formation conditions, the Shtokovoye ore field mineralization corresponds to the "depth" group of the gold-rare-metal formation, analogous to the Butarnoye, Basugunyinskiye, Dubach, and Nadezhda occurrences. Its ores are peculiar in the late epithermal mineralization, which is associated with the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt and overlays the sinaccretional gold-rare-metal mineralization.

2020 ◽  
S. Grignola ◽  
S. Hagemann ◽  
A.S. Fogliata ◽  
J. Miller ◽  
F. Jourdan ◽  

Abstract New geochronological data provide evidence for Permo-Triassic low-sulfidation epithermal gold-silver mineralization in the Cordillera Frontal, Argentina. The U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) analyses on zircons and titanite gave the following results: (1) andesite and rhyolite volcanic host rocks of the Casposo Au-Ag deposit yielded a range of ages between 267.1 ± 0.7 and 241.7 ± 2.2 Ma; (2) two composite plutons located near Casposo yielded ages of 268.2 ± 1.5 and 265.1 ± 1.5 Ma for the Colorado syenogranite-granite pluton and 266.6 ± 1.4 and 254.0 ± 2.4 Ma for the Casposo granodiorite-tonalite pluton; (3) a trachyan-desite dike emplaced at 265.7 ± 1.2 Ma that is crosscut by mineralized quartz-adularia-calcite-gold veins in the Kamila East area; (4) felsite intrusions, interpreted to be temporally related to the emplacement of mineralized veins at 261.1 ± 3.5 Ma; and (5) composite rhyolite/andesite dikes that crosscut all other lithostratigraphic units and mineralized veins at 238.4 ± 1.6 Ma. The 40Ar/39Ar dates on hydrothermal adularia within quartz-adularia-calcite-gold veins of the Casposo deposit revealed at least three, likely discreet, hydrothermal fluid pulses and associated periods of vein formation during extensional events between 280–274, 262–258, and 250–246 Ma. Relative and absolute timing of volcanic host rocks, plutons, postmineralization felsic dikes, and gold-bearing veins of the Casposo epithermal vein system suggest the presence of significant Permian (Cisuralian)-Lower Triassic low-sulfidation epithermal-style gold-silver mineralization at the eastern flank of the Cordillera Principal in Argentina. The existence of this epithermal Au-Ag system opens the potential for a significant magmatic-hydrothermal system in a part of the Andes that previously was considered to be of low prospectivity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 100041
Jillian Aira Gabo-Ratio ◽  
Alfred Elmer Buena ◽  
Barbie Ross B. Villaplaza ◽  
Betchaida D. Payot ◽  
Carla B. Dimalanta ◽  

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