stellarietea mediae
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Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1266
Jolanta Bąk-Badowska ◽  
Anna Wojciechowska ◽  
Joanna Czerwik-Marcinkowska

Bumblebees are an important insect group occurring in different land ecosystems, but the number of these species has declined dramatically across Poland as well as in Europe in recent years. The fragmentation of bumblebee habitats influences the abundance and richness in community composition and trophic and competitive interactions. During the years 2003–2006 and 2017–2020, we studied the diversity and distribution of bumblebee species in two natural (boron-mixed Vaccinio-Piceetea and riparian forest Querco-Fagetea) and two semi-natural (segetal-ruderal Stellarietea mediae ruderal Artemisietea vulgaris) habitats in southern Poland. For that, we evaluated how habitats as well as local flowering communities influenced bumblebees’ abundance, richness, and community composition in 16 sites (which are located in four parks). Bumblebee communities responded to environmental factors in different ways according to the type of habitat. Vegetation factors were the most important drivers of bumblebee community structures. Forests showed the lowest bumblebee abundance, richness, and diversity, and the highest dominance levels of these parameters were found in the open ruderal-segetal habitats. The meadows from the Molinio arrhenatheretea class were characterized by bumblebee communities with a more complex structure. Species diversity was positively correlated with open ruderal-segetal habitats, and negatively with mixed forest cover, while abundance was positively correlated with forest cover. Studies like this are necessary to anticipate the impact of habitat fragmentation on bumblebee decline.

2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 176-200
D.V. Dubyna ◽  
S.M. Iemelianova ◽  
T.P. Dziuba ◽  
N.S. Yeremenko ◽  

This article, which is the first contribution in a series on the ruderal vegetation of the city of Kyiv, presents results of our studies of Stellarietea mediae plant communities occurring in the city. Their current state and phytocoenotic diversity has been determined. Based on modern methods of statistical data analyses, a classification scheme of Stellarietea mediae vegetation in the study area was developed and the leading factors of territorial and ecological differentiation of phytocoenoses were identified. It has been established that within Kyiv City, this class is represented by 24 associations and 3 basal communities belonging to 8 alliances and 4 orders. Their territorial distribution determines the types and intensity of anthropogenic disturbances, as well as the types of soil and its mechanical structure. Selected syntaxa are characterized and compared with their equivalents from other areas of Ukraine. It has been found that the main differences are at the level of co-occurring species, the composition of which mostly correlates with the types of anthropogenic disturbances and availability of water and mineral nutrients. According to the results of the ordination, it has been found that the distribution patterns of plant communities of Stellarietea mediae occur along the salt regime gradient of the edaphotope, as well as of ombro-, cryo-, and thermal regimes of the climate. Based on the phytoindication analysis, the ecological optimums of the plant communities in relation to the leading ecological factors were determined. The performed research supplements the available information about the presence and distribution of such associations as: Digitarietum ischaemii, Setario viridis-Erigeronetum canadensis, and Ambrosietum artemisiifoliae, in the territory of Ukraine. The proposed syntaxonomic scheme should become a basis of typological developments for strategic planning and practical implementation of activities for optimizing the urban environment and for sustainable development of the Kyiv urban agglomeration.

2021 ◽  
pp. 31-60
Chiara Catalano ◽  
Salvatore Pasta ◽  
Riccardo Guarino

AbstractUrban green infrastructure could represent an important mean for environmental mitigation, if designed according to the principles of restoration ecology. Moreover, if suitably executed, managed and sized, they may be assimilated to meta-populations of natural habitats, deserving to be included in the biodiversity monitoring networks. In this chapter, we combined automatised and expert opinion-based procedures in order to select the vascular plant assemblages to populate different microhabitats (differing in terms of light and moisture) co-occurring on an existing green roof in Zurich (Switzerland). Our results lead to identify three main plant species groups, which prove to be the most suitable for the target roof. These guilds belong to mesoxeric perennial grasslands (Festuco-Brometea), nitrophilous ephemeral communities (Stellarietea mediae) and drought-tolerant pioneer species linked to nutrient-poor soils (Koelerio-Corynephoretea). Some ruderal and stress-tolerant species referred to the class Artemisietea vulgaris appear to fit well with local roof characteristics, too. Inspired by plant sociology, this method also considers conservation issues, analysing whether the plants selected through our procedure were characteristic of habitats of conservation interest according to Swiss and European laws and directives. Selecting plant species with different life cycles and life traits may lead to higher plant species richness, which in turn may improve the functional complexity and the ecosystem services provided by green roofs and green infrastructure in general.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 20-24
O. Ye. Halevych ◽  
M. I. Soroka

У Львові досліджено 18 об'єктів з озелененими плоскими дахами екстенсивного типу, влаштованими на різних висотах та різних типах будівель. Проаналізовано сучасні методи та технології створення озеленених дахів та висвітлено основні напрями досліджень у цій галузі. Розглянуто основні принципи класифікації і типіфікації зелених дахів. Здійснено інвентаризацію видового складу культивованих і спонтанних видів рослин. Виокремлено групи зелених дахів за домінуючою біоморфою використаних видів: з перевагою сукулентів; газонні дахи; з участю ефіроносних рослин середземноморської флори; з використанням деревних рослин. Вперше у працях такого типу досліджено спонтанну ценофлору, яка супроводжує культурфітоценози зелених дахів. Встановлено, що вид озеленення істотно впливає на формування фітоценозу та визначає основні напрями агротехніки утримання насаджень екстенсивного даху. Виявлено тісну залежність між типом озеленення даху та видовим різноманіттям спонтанних рослин. Встановлено шляхи поширення діаспор занесених видів. Флористичний аналіз спонтанної ценофлори плоских зелених дахів показав, що вона сформована 59 видами, більшість з яких є рудеральними бур'янами із синтаксономічного класу Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Другу за чисельністю групу складають сегетальні бур'яни із класу Stellarietea Mediae, що свідчить про високу агротехніку утримання рослинних композицій на дахах, де переважають спонтанні види першого етапу заростання оброблених земель. Серед виявлених видів бур'янів переважають стрижнекореневі полікарпічні анемохоричні гемікриптофіти, що характеризує спосіб їх занесення у рослинні композиції. Більшість із досліджених видів не були занесені із субстратом, а поселилися пізніше за допомогою поширення діаспор вітром. Чисельні групи складають види-барохори та антропохори, які заносяться у процесі виконання агротехнічних робіт. Оскільки занесені види рослин здійснюють негативний вплив на художньо-естетичну, декоративну та екологічну функції озеленених дахів, вперше доведено ефективність та доцільність запропонованих досліджень у цьому напрямі. Запропоновано скоригувати агротехнічні прийоми з метою утримання видового складу рослинних композицій, та впровадити ефективні екологічно безпечні заходи для запобігання забур'яненню рослинних композицій зелених дахів.

2020 ◽  
Vol 169 ◽  
pp. 03004
Valeriy A. Burlutskiy ◽  
Vladimir N. Mazurov ◽  
Alexander F. Peliy ◽  
Polina S. Semeshkina ◽  
Ekaterina S. Borodina ◽  

In the conditions placor soil Meshchovskiy Opole the Central economic region of the Nonchernozem zone of the Russian Federation on agro-gray forest middle loamy soils defined by the main species composition of segetal complex field agrophytocenoses in the structure of five fields grain and grain-grass crop rotation in the limit of syntaxon Stellarietea mediae R. Tx. et al. ex von Rochow 1951. The combinations of weed and field species specific to field crops are established and the influence of minimization of basic tillage is shown, including No-till, and applying calculated norms of mineral fertilizers (NPK) on the dynamics of the species composition and number of the main components of the segetal complex is shown. The original synanthropic plant communities on the fallow lands of Meshchovsky Opole develop from the segetal complex of previous agrophytocenoses. The core of the cenoflora is represented by 104 species of higher herbage plants from 29 families. Synanthropic communities have a low species saturation – 8 species per 100 m2 and a projection coverage of 57.6%. In acesite territories the advantage is given to the types of anemochory edificatory. Phytomass of secondary phytocenoses without comprehensive measures to improve their floristic composition cannot be used for bulk feed production

N. A. Bagrikova

Aims. To make adjustments to the higher classification units of segetal vegetation of the Crimean peninsula based on the application of cluster analysis and modern conceps of syntaxonomy. Materials and methods. The analysis is based on 2876 own descriptions made in 1993-2011, 748 descriptions from the phyto-coenotic base of Flora and Vegetation Department of the Nikita Botanical Gardens, compiled in the 1960-1970s, and the descriptions from other literature sources. Results.The results of segetal vegetation studies of annual (cereal and tilled crops) and perennial (vineyards, orchards, plantations of essential-oil rose and lavender) of arable lands of the Crimean peninsula are presented. On the basis of the analysis the differentiation of communities on agrocoenotific gradient has been performed. Changes have been made to the classification scheme at the level of classes and orders. Crimean weedy communities are united in 51 associations, 15 alliances, 7 orders and 4 classes (Stellarietea mediae, Artemisietea vulgaris, Sisymbrietea, Oryzetea sativae).

2017 ◽  
Vol 76 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-14 ◽  
Artur Pliszko ◽  
Małgorzata Jaźwa

Abstract The paper provides data on the floristic composition of vegetation in anthropogenic habitats suitable for Erigeron × huelsenii, a spontaneous hybrid between the alien E. canadensis and native E. acris s. str. The study is based on 21 phytosociological relevés (vegetation plots) of 5×5 m size made in 2013-2014 in the Polish part of the Lithuanian Lakeland (north-eastern Poland) using the Braun-Blanquet method. The plots were taken on a roadside verge, a roadside slope, in abandoned sand and gravel pits, and on arable fields with grass-legume mixtures. There are 91 species of vascular plants, four species of bryophytes, three species of lichens, and one species of cyanobacteria. Vegetation is represented by populations of species typical of plant communities from the classes Stellarietea mediae, Artemisietea vulgaris, Koelerio-Corynephoretea, Festuco- Brometea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Two floristic groups recognized from hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis correspond with ruderal and segetal habitats. The study reveals that arable fields with grass-legume mixtures on sandy soils can be very suitable for E. × huelsenii.

Silvia Ribeiro ◽  
M. Dalila Espírito-Santo

Neste estudo apresenta-se uma classificação fitossociológica com base em inventários próprios realizados, de acordo com a metodologia fitossociológica, em comunidades herbáceas vivazes e anuais, nas subprovíncias Luso-Estremadurense, Carpetana-Leonesa e Orolusitana Atlântica, abrangendo o SE & CE de Portugal continental. O objetivo principal é a descrição das comunidades herbáceas do ponto de vista da composição e variabilidade florística, da ecologia, da distribuição e abundância na área de estudo, da sintaxonomia, dos contactos catenais, da sindinâmica e do estatuto de conservação, tendo como base os dados recolhidos no campo e obtidos através de pesquisa bibliográfica. Foram identificadas 9 classes de vegetação herbácea, 3 classes de vegetação arbustiva, 3 classes de vegetação arbórea e 65 associações no total. Assim, as comunidades inventariadas distribuem-se pelas classes: Isoeto-Nanojuncetea; Magnocarici elatae-Phragmitetea australis; Stellarietea mediae; Tuberarietea guttatae; Poetea bulbosae; Festuco-Brometea; Lygeo-Stipetea; Stipo giganteae-Agrostietea castellanae e Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Foram identificadas 14 ordens, 20 alianças, 43 associações e 7 subassociações, no conjunto das comunidades terofíticas e vivazes estudadas, desde biótopos oligotróficos, nitrófilos e higrófilos a mesofíticos. Obtiveram-se 12 sintaxa que correspondem a habitats da Diretiva Habitats, alguns dos quais prioritários para conservação. É apresentada uma aproximação a um modelo dinâmico-catenal no qual se identificam os padrões de resposta das comunidades herbáceas a vários fatores de perturbação. Conclui-se que o conhecimento obtido a partir da Geobotânica, nomeadamente da Sinfitossociologia, constitui uma ferramenta essencial para uma gestão sustentável do território.

2015 ◽  
pp. 3-25
E. O. Golovina

The museum-preserve «The Kulikovo Field» is situated in the northern part of the Central Russian Upland within the forest-steppe zone near its northern border. There are a lot of abandoned fields, most of them left fallow since 1990–2000 years; the exact age of the old fields is unknown. Using the Braun-Blanquet approach as well as the method of K. Kopecký and S. Hejný (Kopecký, Hejný, 1974; Kopecký, 1992), the classification of the old-field vegetation of the central part of the museum-preserve was carried out. One derivate community, 2 basal communities (one of them with two variants), 3 communities and one association with three variants have been identified. The derivate community Conyza canadensis­ [Artemisietea vulgaris/Stellarietea mediae] is dominated by annual and biennial ruderal species: Conyza canadensis, Lactuca serriola and Carduus acanthoides. The association Convolvulo arvensis–Elytrigietum repentis is heterogeneous both in its floristic and subdominant composition and it can be divided into 3 variants. The variant typica represents monodominant communities where Elytrigia repens prevails. The variant Lactuca serriola is characterized by high constancy of Conyza canadensis, Lactuca serriola and some other ruderal plants and it represents coenoses dominated by Elytrigia repens with subdominants such as Lactuca serriola, Senecio jacobaea and Pilosella spp., mainly P. bauhini. The variant Cichorium intybus is dominated by Elytrigia repens with a subdominant Cichorium intybus; some mesophilous meadow species are often present. Variants Melilotus officinalis and Sonchus arvensis of the basal communityElytrigia repens–Cichorium intybus [Artemisietea vulgaris] are dominated by Cichorium intybus, Poa angustifolia and Elytrigia repens, the first of them also by Melilotus officinalis, Artemisia absinthium, and the second by Carduus acanthoides and Calamagrostis epigeios. Unlike the foregoing syntaxa the basal community Elytrigia repens–Cichorium intybus [Artemisietea vulgaris] is characterized by relative high constancy of some species pertaining to the order Galietalia veri, namely Fragaria viridis, Galium verum, Potentilla argentea. These species and also Poa angustifolia are the first steppificated meadow plants that appear in the old field communities under investigation. The community Pilosella bauhini [Onopordion acanthii] is dominated by Pilosella spp., mainly by P. bauhini that sometimes replaced by some ruderal plants, e. g. Achillea nobilis or Cichorium intybus. The peculiarity of this community is the low constancy and abundance of Elytrigia repens. The species of the orders Galietalia veri and Arrhenatheretalia play much noticeable role in the other syntaxa mentioned below, so these syntaxa are between the natural and synanthropic vegetation. The community Leucanthemum vulgare–Galium mollugo [Onopordion acanthii/Molinio-Arrhenatheretea] is distinguished by high abundance and constancy of some mesophilous and xeromesophilous meadow plants (Leucanthemum vulgare, Galium mollugo, Phleum pratense etc.). The community Artemisia marschalliana [Onopordion acanthii/Galietalia veri] is dominated mostly by Leontodon hispidus and Pilosella spp.; its peculiarity is a relatively high constancy of species common in the local steppificated meadows. The basal community Poa angustifolia [Galietalia veri/Artemisietea vulgaris] represents monodominant communities where Poa angustifolia prevails. Annual, biennial and some perennial ruderal species are rare in this variant, unlike most of the syntaxa mentioned above. The common feature of the last three syntaxa is subdominance of Fragaria viridis. It is known that the floristic composition of communities is changed during an old-field succession: the percentage of annual and biennial species declines and that of species pertaining to the classes of natural vegetation increases (Bonet, Pausas, 2007; Yamalov et al., 2008; Pankratova, Gannibal, 2009). Using the life-form and phytosociological spectrum of the syntaxa analysis an attempt to evaluate succession status of the described communities was made (tab. 9, 10). Based upon the results of this analysis, it is possible to suggest that the derivate community Conyza canadensis [Artemisietea vulgaris/Stellarietea mediae] is the earliest stage one can find in the investigated old fields. The variants Lactuca serriola and typica of the association Convolvulo arvensis–Elytrigietum repentis and the community Pilosella bauhini [Onopordion acanthii] are the next in the series. It seems that Pilosella spp. (P. bauhini and probably some other species of this genus) outcompete the pioneer species of initial stages, like Elytrigia repens, in some cases. The basal community Poa angustifolia [Galietalia veri / Artemisietea vulgaris] seems to be the most advanced stage: the percentage of annuals and biennials is minimal, and that of species pertaining to the syntaxa of natural vegetation of the high ranks, especially to the order Galietalia veri, increases greatly. Species richness of the communities is minimal at the most early stage, which is the peculiarity of the old-field vegetation (Pankratova, Gannibal, 2009; Ovcharova, Yamalov, 2013). Similar phenomenon was also noticed at the succession stages where strong dominant (Elytrigia repens or Poa angustifolia) pre­vails, regardless of how much advanced these stages are, the fact mentioned earlier (Prach, 1985). Species richness attains maximum at those stages of succession where the communities are polydominant and contain both early- and late-successional species, that was also previously described (Meiners et al., 2007).

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