boundary equilibrium
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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 2835-2852
Cunjuan Dong ◽  
Changcheng Xiang ◽  
Wenjin Qin ◽  
Yi Yang ◽  

<abstract><p>In the process of spreading infectious diseases, the media accelerates the dissemination of information, and people have a deeper understanding of the disease, which will significantly change their behavior and reduce the disease transmission; it is very beneficial for people to prevent and control diseases effectively. We propose a Filippov epidemic model with nonlinear incidence to describe media's influence in the epidemic transmission process. Our proposed model extends existing models by introducing a threshold strategy to describe the effects of media coverage once the number of infected individuals exceeds a threshold. Meanwhile, we perform the stability of the equilibriua, boundary equilibrium bifurcation, and global dynamics. The system shows complex dynamical behaviors and eventually stabilizes at the equilibrium points of the subsystem or pseudo equilibrium. In addition, numerical simulation results show that choosing appropriate thresholds and control intensity can stop infectious disease outbreaks, and media coverage can reduce the burden of disease outbreaks and shorten the duration of disease eruptions.</p></abstract>

Nonlinearity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (11) ◽  
pp. 7371-7414
S Jelbart ◽  
K U Kristiansen ◽  
M Wechselberger

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 2169
Haiyin Li ◽  
Xuhua Cheng

In this paper, we investigate the stability of equilibrium in the stage-structured and density-dependent predator–prey system with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response. First, by checking the sign of the real part for eigenvalue, local stability of origin equilibrium and boundary equilibrium are studied. Second, we explore the local stability of the positive equilibrium for τ=0 and τ≠0 (time delay τ is the time taken from immaturity to maturity predator), which shows that local stability of the positive equilibrium is dependent on parameter τ. Third, we qualitatively analyze global asymptotical stability of the positive equilibrium. Based on stability theory of periodic solutions, global asymptotical stability of the positive equilibrium is obtained when τ=0; by constructing Lyapunov functions, we conclude that the positive equilibrium is also globally asymptotically stable when τ≠0. Finally, examples with numerical simulations are given to illustrate the obtained results.

2021 ◽  
Yong Yao ◽  
Teng Song ◽  
Zuxiong Li

Abstract In this paper, we consider the dynamics of a predator-prey system of Gause type with cooperative hunting among predators and Holling III functional response. The known work numerically shows that the system exhibits saddle-node and Hopf bifurcations except homoclinic bifurcation for some special parameter values. Our results show that there are a weak focus of multiplicity three and a cusp of codimension two for general parameter conditions and the system can exhibit various bifurcations as perturbing the bifurcation parameters appropriately, such as the transcritical and the pitchfork bifurcations at the degenerate boundary equilibrium, the saddle-node and the Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations at the degenerate positive equilibrium and the Hopf bifurcation around the weak focus. The comparative study demonstrates that the dynamics are far richer and more complex than that of the system without cooperative hunting among predators. The analysis results reveal that appropriate intensity of cooperative hunting among predators is beneficial for the persistence of predators and the diversity of ecosystem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (08) ◽  
pp. 2150119
Wenjie Qin ◽  
Xuewen Tan ◽  
Xiaotao Shi ◽  
Marco Tosato ◽  
Xinzhi Liu

We propose a nonsmooth Filippov refuge ecosystem with a piecewise saturating response function and analyze its dynamics. We first investigate some key elements to our model which include the sliding segment, the sliding mode dynamics and the existence of equilibria which are classified into regular/virtual equilibrium, pseudo-equilibrium, boundary equilibrium and tangent point. In particular, we consider how the existence of the regular equilibrium and the pseudo-equilibrium are related. Then we study the stability of the standard periodic solution (limit cycle), the sliding periodic solutions (grazing or touching cycle) and the dynamics of the pseudo equilibrium, using quantitative analysis techniques related to nonsmooth Filippov systems. Furthermore, as the threshold value is varied, the model exhibits several complex bifurcations which are classified into equilibria, sliding mode, local sliding (boundary node and focus) and global bifurcations (grazing or touching). In conclusion, we discuss the importance of the refuge strategy in a biological setting.

Senada Kalabušić ◽  
Esmir Pilav

Using the Kolmogorov–Arnold–Mozer (KAM) theory, we investigate the stability of May’s host–parasitoid model’s solutions with proportional stocking upon the parasitoid population. We show the existence of the extinction, boundary, and interior equilibrium points. When the host population’s intrinsic growth rate and the releasement coefficient are less than one, both populations are extinct. There are an infinite number of boundary equilibrium points, which are nonhyperbolic and stable. Under certain conditions, there appear 1:1 nonisolated resonance fixed points for which we thoroughly described dynamics. Regarding the interior equilibrium point, we use the KAM theory to prove its stability. We give a biological meaning of obtained results. Using the software package Mathematica, we produce numerical simulations to support our findings.

2021 ◽  
Joydeb Bhattacharyya ◽  
Joydev Chattopadhyay

Abstract In ecology, the refuge protection of the prey plays a significant role in the dynamics of the interactions between prey and predator. In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of a non-smooth prey-predator mathematical model characterized by density-dependent intermittent refuge protection of the prey. The model assumes the population density of the predator as an index for the prey to decide on when to avail or discontinue refuge protection, representing the level of apprehension of the prey by the predators. We apply Filippov's regularization approach to study the model and obtain the sliding segment of the system. We obtain the criterion for the existence of the regular or virtual equilibria, boundary equilibrium, tangent points, and pseudo-equilibria of the Filippov system. The conditions for the visibility (or invisibility) of the tangent points are derived. We investigate the regular or virtual equilibrium bifurcation, boundary-node bifurcation and pseudo-saddle-node bifurcation. Further, we examine the effects of dispersal delay on the Filippov system associated with prey vigilance in identifying the predator population density. We observe that the hysteresis in the Filippov system produces stable limit cycles around the predator population density threshold in some bounded region in the phase plane. Moreover, we find that the level of apprehension and vigilance of the prey play a significant role in their refuge-dispersion dynamics.

Xiong Li ◽  
Qihua Huang

Cannibalism is a life trait occurring in a wide variety of species. To describe the population dynamics of cannibalistic species, we develop a stage-structured population model in which adults prey on juveniles with a Holling type I functional response. We make a rigorous analysis of the global dynamics in the model. The results of theoretical analysis show that the model has no boundary equilibrium other than the extinction one since juveniles and adults are cooperative (adults reproduce juveniles and juveniles grow into adults). Under certain conditions, the model has multiple interior equilibria and exhibits several types of bistable dynamics, in which different initial densities of juveniles and adults produce different long-term outcomes.

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