Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) suppression by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations (RMPs) was studied with the non-linear MHD code JOREK for the ITER H-mode scenarios at 15MA,12.5MA,10MA/5.3T. The main aim of this work was to demonstrate that ELMs can be suppressed by RMPs while the divertor 3D footprints of heat and particle fluxes remain within divertor material limits. The unstable peeling-ballooning modes responsible for ELMs without RMPs were modelled first for each scenario using numerically accessible parameters for ITER. Then the stabilization of ELMs by RMPs was modelled with the same parameters. RMP spectra, optimized by the linear MHD MARS-F code, with main toroidal harmonics N=2, N=3, N=4 have been used as boundary conditions of the computational domain of JOREK, including realistic RMP coils, main plasma, Scrape Off Layer (SOL) divertor and realistic first wall. The model includes all relevant plasma flows: toroidal rotation, two fluid diamagnetic effects and neoclassical poloidal friction. With RMPs, the main toroidal harmonic and the non-linearly coupled harmonics remain dominant at the plasma edge, producing saturated modes and a continuous MHD turbulent transport thereby avoiding ELM crashes in all scenarios considered here. The threshold for ELM suppression was found at a maximum RMP coils current of 45kAt-60kAt compared to the coils maximum capability of 90kAt. In the high beta poloidal steady-state 10MA/5.3T scenario, a rotating QH-mode without ELMs was observed even without RMPs. In this scenario with RMPs N=3, N=4 at 20kAt maximum current in RMP coils, similar QH-mode behavior was observed however with dominant edge harmonic corresponding to the main toroidal number of RMPs. The 3D footprints with RMPs show the characteristic splitting with the main RMP toroidal symmetry. The maximum radial extension of the footprints typically was ~20 cm in inner divertor and ~40 cm in outer divertor with stationary heat fluxes decreasing further out from the initial strike point from ~5MW/m2 to ~1MW/m2 assuming a total power in the divertor and walls is 50MW.