photovoltaic panels
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2022 ◽  
Vol 48 ◽  
pp. 103937
Hussein M. Maghrabie ◽  
Khaled Elsaid ◽  
Enas Taha Sayed ◽  
Ali Radwan ◽  
Ahmed G. Abo-Khalil ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 155 ◽  
pp. 111867
Diego Peñaloza ◽  
Érika Mata ◽  
Nathalie Fransson ◽  
Håkan Fridén ◽  
Álvaro Samperio ◽  

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 483
Tomasz Czarnecki ◽  
Kacper Bloch

The subject of this work is the analysis of methods of detecting soiling of photovoltaic panels. Environmental and weather conditions affect the efficiency of renewable energy sources. Accumulation of soil, dust, and dirt on the surface of the solar panels reduces the power generated by the panels. This paper presents several variants of the algorithm that uses various statistical classifiers to classify photovoltaic panels in terms of soiling. The base material was high-resolution photos and videos of solar panels and sets dedicated to solar farms. The classifiers were tested and analyzed in their effectiveness in detecting soiling. Based on the study results, a group of optimal classifiers was defined, and the classifier selected that gives the best results for a given problem. The results obtained in this study proved experimentally that the proposed solution provides a high rate of correct detections. The proposed innovative method is cheap and straightforward to implement, and allows use in most photovoltaic installations.

Irriga ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 653-660
Alarisse Costa Avelar ◽  
Vanessa de Fátima Grah Ponciano ◽  
Ezequiel Saretta ◽  
Isaac de Matos Ponciano ◽  
Everton Farias Coutrim ◽  

DESEMPENHO DE DOIS SISTEMAS DE BOMBEAMENTO POR ENERGIA FOTOVOLTAICA NO MEIO RURAL     ALARISSE COSTA AVELAR1; VANESSA DE FÁTIMA GRAH PONCIANO2; EZEQUIEL SARETTA3; ISAAC DE MATOS PONCIANO4; EVERTON FARIAS COUTRIM5 E MURILLO RIBEIRO DE GONÇALVES NUNES6   1 Discente do curso de Agronomia, Instituto Federal Goiano, IF Goiano Campus Iporá, Av. Oeste, 350, Parque União, Iporá, Goiás, Brasil. [email protected] 2 Professora Doutora, IF Goiano Campus Iporá, Av. Oeste, 350, Parque União, Iporá, Goiás, Brasil. [email protected] 3 Professor Adjunto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Rua Ernesto Barros, 1345, Santo Antônio, 96506-322, Cachoeira do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [email protected] 4 Professor Doutor, Faculdade de Iporá, R. Serra Cana Brava, 512, Boa Vista, Iporá, Goiás, Brasil. [email protected] 5 Discente do curso de Agronomia, Instituto Federal Goiano, IF Goiano Campus Iporá, Av. Oeste, 350, Parque União, Iporá, Goiás, Brasil. [email protected] 6 Discente do curso de Agronomia, Instituto Federal Goiano, IF Goiano Campus Iporá, Av. Oeste, 350, Parque União, Iporá, Goiás, Brasil. [email protected]     1 RESUMO   Apesar da oferta interna de energia do Brasil ser composta em sua maioria por fontes não renováveis, o uso das fontes de energias renováveis no Brasil é três vezes maior que a média mundial. O uso de energia fotovoltaica para o bombeamento de água é uma das utilizações mais promissoras dessa fonte energética. Sendo que a energia solar é variável para os diferentes locais, seja pelo padrão climático, latitude e componentes atmosféricos, a avaliação do desempenho de bombeamento em diferentes localidades é de extrema importância para a obtenção de informações mais precisas. Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho visa avaliar o desempenho de duas motobombas fotovoltaicas, uma submersa e outra de superfície, para o bombeamento de água para uso rural, no município de Iporá-GO. Utilizou-se uma motobomba submersa Anauger R-100 e uma de superfície Shurflo 2088 instaladas a painéis fotovoltaicos. Através das análises dos dados coletados por sensores observou-se que para as mesmas condições a motobomba Anauger R-100 apresentou um melhor desempenho em bombeamento, obtendo maior vazão, maior tempo de funcionando e eficiência global do sistema.   Palavras-chave: eficiência, irradiância, viabilidade.     AVELAR, A.C.; GRAH PONCIANO, V.F.; SARETTA, E.; PONCIANO, I.M.; COUTRIM, E.F.; NUNES, M.R.G. PERFORMANCE OF TWO PHOTOVOLTAIC PUMPING SYSTEMS IN THE RURAL AREA           2 ABSTRACT   Although Brazil's energy matrix is composed mostly of nonrenewable sources, the use of renewable energy sources in Brazil is three times greater than in the world. The use of photovoltaic energy for pumping water is one of the most promising uses of this energy source. Since solar energy is variable for different locations, whether due to weather pattern, latitude and atmospheric components, evaluation of pumping performance in different locations are extremely important to obtain relevant information. Given the above, this study aims to evaluate the performance of two photovoltaic motor pumps, one submerged and one surface, for pumping water for rural use, in the municipality of Iporá-GO. An Anauger R-100 submerged motor pump and a Shurflo 2088 surface motor pump installed in photovoltaic panels were used. An Anauger R-100 submerged motor pump and a Shurflo 2088 surface motor pump installed on photovoltaic panels were used. Through the analysis of the data collected by sensors, it was observed that for the same conditions the Anauger R-100 motor pump presented a better pumping performance, obtaining greater flow, longer running time and overall system efficiency.   Keywords: efficiency, irradiance, viability.

Measurement ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 188 ◽  
pp. 110536
Isaac Segovia Ramírez ◽  
Jesús Rafael Parra Chaparro ◽  
Fausto Pedro García Márquez

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 227
Mariusz Trela ◽  
Anna Dubel

The paper explores the impacts of changes in renewable energy sources (RES) financing in Poland on the profitability of coupled photovoltaic panels and heat pump systems. The profitability analysis is conducted with the use of Net Present Value calculation and the return on investment period. The degree of change in profitability of using photovoltaic panels in Poland is dependent on the method of their financing. The analysis is carried out for two different photovoltaic support schemes: (1) the net-metering scheme currently in force in Poland; (2) the net-billing system scheduled for implementation in the year 2022. It is assumed for the analysis that two alternative heating and electricity supply systems for a single-family building will be operated: (a) a standard solution used in Poland consisting of a natural gas-fired boiler for heating and the purchase of electricity from the power grid, (b) an air/water heat pump used to heat the building, and electricity obtained from photovoltaic panels, also used to power the heat pump. A sensitivity analysis is carried out, examining the impact of several key parameters relevant for the profitability of such investments, such as average annual increase in the purchasing or selling prices of electricity, purchasing prices of natural gas, and inflation rate. The conclusions concern the possible consequences of introducing a new support scheme for photovoltaics in Poland. The highest profitability of all considered solutions is for the current scenario for heat pump and pv installation with the capacity to meet the demand in the last year of operation. The introduction of changes in the new RES law (2021) in Poland will reduce the profitability of investments in pv panels, leading to a slowdown in the investments in the pv installations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Sihem BOURI ◽  
Tariq BOUDAOUD ◽  

In order to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic panels it is necessary to introduce the technique of Maximum Power Point (the technique of the MPPT). In the literature, several strategies are mentioned, among which the perturbation and observation (P&O) algorithm. The aim of this work is to a simulation study in MATLAB of a photovoltaic panel connected to the network using DC-DC and DC-AC converters. DC Boost converter is checked by the MPPT command to adjust the output voltage of the photovoltaic panel and maximize the power produced by the photovoltaic panel. The PI controller is used to control the inverter three-phase to make the connection of the photovoltaic panel to a three-phase electrical network.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Akane Uemichi ◽  
Ryo Oikawa ◽  
Yudai Yamasaki ◽  
Shigehiko Kaneko

Abstract In hospitals, the energy supply is the key to ensuring modern medical care even during power outages due to a disaster. This study qualitatively examined whether the supply-demand balance can be stabilized by the private generator prepared by the hospital building during stand-alone operations under disaster conditions. In the nanogrid of the hospital building, the power quality was examined based on the AC frequency, which characterizes the supply-demand balance. Gas engine generators, emergency diesel generators, photovoltaic panels, and storage batteries were presumed to be the private generators in the hospital building. The output reference values for the emergency diesel and gas engine generators were set using droop control, and the C/D controller enabled synchronized operation. In addition, to keep the AC frequency fluctuation minor, the photovoltaic panels were designed to suppress the output fluctuation using storage batteries. As a result of case studies, the simulator predicts that the frequency fluctuation varies greatly depending on the weather conditions and the fluctuation suppression parameters, even for the same configuration with the same power generation capacity. Therefore, it is preferable to increase the moving average time of the output and reduce the feedback gain of the storage battery to suppress the output fluctuation from the photovoltaics. However, there is a tradeoff between suppressing the output fluctuation and the minimum required storage capacity. Furthermore, since the photovoltaics' output varies with the weather, other private generators' capacity and control parameters significantly impact power quality. The simulator proposed in this study makes it possible to study each hospital's desirable private generator configuration.

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