tenure structure
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2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 361-377
Andrzej Muczyński ◽  
Sebastian Goraj

Council (public) housing privatization, as the basic instrument for transforming housing systems, has significantly affected the tenure structure and created millions of new owners across Europe. In Poland, the concept of the dispersed privatization was adopted and implemented in the long term primarily through preferential sales of council dwellings from the municipal housing stock to sitting tenants. The aim of the study was to analyze the effects of the dispersed privatization of municipal dwellings in the spatial and ownership structure of the municipal housing stock of the city of Olsztyn in Poland. The results showed that poorly controlled processes of the dispersed privatization of municipal housing caused unfavorable structural effects in the surveyed housing stock. The stock has shrunk significantly, losing buildings in better locations and conditions and the undesired fragmentation of municipal ownership and its mixing with private ownership has increased. The results and proposals are important to other cities and countries facing the challenge of slow privatization of public housing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 198
Muh Fajrin Kasdi

Rubber production in Bulukumba Regency continues to increase the amount of production every year, to be precise in Bulukumpa District, Batulohe Village. But in fact, the life of rubber farmers is still very far from prosperous. The novelty of this research is to try to capture the livelihoods of rubber farmers from sociological and economic aspects. The purpose of this study was to determine the structure of land tenure, wage levels, education levels, access to information, and trade value chains in Batulohe Village, Bulukumpa District. This research was conducted in Batulohe Village, Bulukumpa District, Bulukumba Regency. This type of research is qualitative ethnographic in nature, this model seeks to study cultural events, which present the subject's view of life as an object of study. The data source of this research comes from direct interviews with rubber farmers. Data processing and data validation techniques used were source triangulation techniques to test the validity of the information obtained from informants. The results showed that there was no imbalance in land tenure structure because in fact the community already owned land. The level of wages given to farm laborers is not proportional because it does not follow the prevailing rubber price trend. The education level of farmers is still relatively low. Meanwhile, existing access to information is not transparent and unequal because it is monopolized by traders at both the village and city levels. Finally, the trade chain that occurs involves several actors, starting from farmers, village traders, urban traders to the processing industry, which tends not to benefit farmers. A big push intervention policy from the government is needed so that there will be a redistribution of fiscal allocations to the poor and an improvement in livelihoods and income. Keywords: Rubber Farmers, Social Economic; Welfare.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-71 ◽  
Hana M. Broulíková ◽  
Josef Montag

AbstractWe provide an overview of housing privatization policies and outcomes in transition economies. Our primary aim is to collect and systematize key information concerning the institutional features of housing privatization in individual countries: we identify the initial conditions, the timeframe of housing privatization and its culmination, the extent of housing privatization, who decided about its terms and conditions, who was entitled to privatize the housing, and at what price. Furthermore, using micro-data covering all transition countries, we present new estimates of the extent of housing privatization, its dynamics during the second half of the 2000s, and the resulting housing tenure structure.

2019 ◽  
pp. 143-174
Karla Díaz Parra

La estructura de tenencia de la tierra en el Caquetá se caracteriza por una marcada diferencia entre grandes y pequeños propietarios y una alta informalidad en la tenencia. El conflicto armado en el departamento, particularmente a partir de la retoma militar del Caguán (2002-2010), ha reforzado estas características. Sobre este mismo territorio, desde el año 2006, se inicia el proceso de adjudicación de bloques petroleros. Este artículo se pregunta por la incidencia de la adjudicación de bloques petroleros y las posibilidades de retorno de las víctimas de desplazamiento que, al salir de sus predios, no contaban con títulos de propiedad. Sostengo que la industria petrolera se ha servido de la informalidad en la tenencia y el desplazamiento para recrear la ficción de un territorio vacío en donde desarrollar sus actividades extractivas. Este análisis recoge los aportes teóricos de David Harvey (2004) sobre acumulación por desposesión, el estudio del mercado de tierra de Karl Polanyi (2007) y Saskia Sassen (2010) sobre el nuevo orden institucional privado. Abstract: The land tenure structure in Caquetá is characterized by a marked difference between large and small landowners and a high informality in tenure. The armed conflict in the Department, particularly since the military takeover of Caguán (2002-2010), has reinforced these characteristics. On the same territory since 2006 the process of awarding oil blocks. This article asks about the incidence of the allocation of oil blocks and the prospect to return for victims of displacement who, when they leave their land, didn´t had land deeds. I argue that the oil industry has used informality in tenure and displacement to create the fiction of an empty territory in which to develop its extractive activities. This analysis includes the theoretical contributions of David Harvey (2004) on accumulation by dispossession, the study of the land market by Karl Polanyi (2007) and Saskia Sassen (2010) about the new private institutional order. Keywords: emptying, accumulation, land tenure, oil, displacement.

T. B. Nahirniak ◽  
B. M. Kalyn

Preservation of genetic, species and ecosystem biodiversity is one of the most important tasks of the world community for achieving balanced development. The features of regional development and basic problems of the naturally-protected fund of the Lviv area are considered in the article. It is substantiated that the problem of optimization of the natural environment, and in particular the lands of the nature reserve fund, is extremely relevant and needs to be solved. The functionally-spatial features of land-tenure (structure of lands) and distribution of the protected objects and territories within the limits of Lviv region testify to subzero part of the protected territories of the multifunctional setting, a few of large area of the protected territories, absolute majority from that belong to forest, and presence of plenty of the shallow point protected objects that can’t to a full degree provide maintenance of genetic and landscape variety. Such a situation necessitates the activation of the creation of new territories and objects of the natural reserve fund in the region, taking into account its natural geographic zoning, territorial features of vegetation, flora, fauna and landscapes, as well as prospects for the development of the ecological network as a holistic system of natural and semi-natural territories. It is determined that the share of objects of the reserve fund from the total area of the region, the diversity of natural landscapes and plant communities, the territorial structure of the protected areas is not fully in line with international standards. For the effective functioning and development of the reserve fund of the region, a complex of optimization measures was proposed, in particular, the network expansion and the enhancement of the representativeness of protected areas, including multifunctional purposes, optimization of land use, implementation of renaturalization, and raising the ecological and educational level of the population.

2017 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 246-262 ◽  
Teemu Kemppainen ◽  
Timo M Kauppinen ◽  
Mats Stjernberg ◽  
Reijo Sund

Studies on post-World War II housing estates have largely focused on problematic neighbourhoods, and there is a scarcity of literature on housing estates across their entire social scale. Moreover, there is insufficient evidence on the extent to which tenure structure differentiates estates from each other in terms of social disorder. Using a large cluster sample of Finnish estates representing a wide variety of estate neighbourhoods, we examined the implications of tenure structure in terms of social disadvantage and perceived social disorder. We also studied how social interaction and normative regulation mediate the impact of structural estate characteristics. We found that rental domination is associated with social disadvantage, which exposes residents to social disorder, in line with social disorganisation theory. Differences in normative regulation partly explain this association. In contrast, social interaction in the neighbourhood is not associated with the level of perceived social disorder. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.

2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 65-96 ◽  
Rodrigo De Jesús García Estrada

 Este artículo es una aproximación histórica a la evolución en la tenencia de la tierra en Hatoviejo (Bello, Antioquia, Colombia) durante los siglos XVII y XVIII. En él se estudia el proceso de fragmentación de la merced de tierras entregada por el cabildo de la ciudad de Antioquia al conquistador Gaspar de Rodas en el siglo XVI, quien lo cedió a sus hijos. Brevemente se muestra como aquellas inmensas propiedades se subdividieron hasta conformar varios hatos y estancias donde se producían muchos de los alimentos que se consumían en la provincia. A partir de los protocolos notariales se reconstruye el proceso subsiguiente de fragmentación de aquellas haciendas hasta la aparición de pequeñas y medianas propiedades en manos de mestizos, indígenas y pardos libres, para concluir con el análisis de la estructura tenencial de la tierra al final del periodo estudiado.Palabras clave: Hatoviejo, tenencia de la tierra, poblamiento, haciendas, mediana y pequeña propiedad. “More cattle that fruits”. The land tenure evolution in Hatoviejo (Bello), Antioquia, from 17th to 18th centuries AbstractThis article is an historical approach to the land tenure evolution in Hatoviejo, (Bello, Antioquia, Colombia) during the 17th and 18th centuries. In this article it is studied the mercy fragmentation process of lands that were given by the city of Antioquia town council to the conqueror Gaspar de Rodas in the 16th century, who later ceded them to his sons. In a brief it is shown how those large properties were subdivided to become several cattle farms and farms where most of the food consumed in the province was produced. From notarial registers it is reconstructed the subsequent fragmentation of those farms until the birth of small and medium properties belonging to mestizo people, native people and mulatto people, and having as a conclusion the analysis of the land tenure structure from this studied period.Keywords: Hatoviejo, Land Tenure, Settlement, Farms, Medium and Small Property.

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