limnodrilus hoffmeisteri
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Toxics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 347
Soo-Yeon Kim ◽  
Seong-Hwan Park ◽  
Dae-Wook Kim ◽  
Won Noh ◽  
Sang-Jun Lee ◽  

In this study, an artificial stream mesocosm consisting of a head tank, faster-flowing riffle section, gravel section, pool section, lower-run section, and tail tank was installed to simulate a chemical spill in a river. The responses of freshwater periphyton algae, crustacea (Moina macrocopa), freshwater worm (Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri), benthic midge (Glyptotendipes tokunagai), and fish (Zacco platypus and Aphyocypris chinensis) were observed after exposure to benzyl chloride (classified as an accident preparedness substance, APS) at concentrations of 1, 2, and 4 µL/L for 22.5 h. Higher concentrations increased the inhibition (photosynthetic efficiency decrease) of periphyton algae and the mortality of M. macrocopa, whereas the reproduction of the female cladoceran decreased in the 4 µL/L treatment. Mortality of fish did not occur or was lower (≤20%) at all concentrations; however, toxic symptoms were observed for some time after chemical exposure termination and later, symptoms receded. G. tokunagai mortality increased at all concentrations except the control after seven days, and no significant toxic effects were observed in L. hoffmeisteri. The hazardous concentration of benzyl chloride was calculated as 94 µg/L. This study showed the different sensitivities of each species to benzyl chloride. The findings can assist in environmental risk assessment of APSs after chemical spills to protect Korean aquatic species.

Tat'yana S. Krayneva ◽  
Nikolaj N. Pan'kov ◽  

There are 70 species and forms in the composition of zoobenthos of the river Ural and in water bodies of its floodplain have been identified. Mayflies and chironomids are represented in various ways (13 and 12 species and forms, respectively). Caddisflies (10) and stone flies (7) are rich in species. Among other invertebrates, bivalves (6) and gastropods (5), small-bristled worms (5), non-chironomid dipterans (4), leeches, crustaceans and dragonflies, bugs and beetles were recorded. On sandy-gravel-pebble soils is formed a zoobenthocenosis, dominated by the mayflies Ephoron virgo. They are accompanied by Chironomidae larvae. The biomass of the community varies between of 29.32–31.68 g/m2 with an abundance of 18.1–32.44 thousand ind./m2. In the coastal of the channel is formed a pelophilic zoobenthocenosis, the basis of it abundance and biomass are constituted by the small-bristle worms Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri. They are accompanied by mollusks Stagnicola palustris and mysids P. lacustris. The biomass of the pelophilic community is 13.68 g/m2 with a population of 15.45 thousand ind./m2. In floodplain water bodies are formed pelophilic zoobenthocenoses, the biomass of which varies in the range of 19.2–34.24 g/m2 with an abundance of 5.64–30.04 thousand ind./m2. Chironomid larvae constitute the base of the population. The biomass is composed by dragonflies Libellula sp., Chironomids, and mollusks Bithynia tentaculata.

2020 ◽  
pp. 015
Alberto Rodrigues Capítulo ◽  
Bianca Cortese ◽  
Laura Armendáriz ◽  
Augusto Siri ◽  
Paula Altieri ◽  

En este estudio se caracteriza el ensamble de macroinvertebrados en bañados de desborde fluvial de cuatro arroyos pampeanos bonaerenses con diferentes actividades en el uso del suelo (intensa horticultura y ganadería extensiva) desde un punto de vista estructural y funcional. Se aplicaron índices bióticos, ecológicos, análisis multivariados y se analizaron los ensambles de oligoquetos y quironómidos. Los mayores valores diversidad y riqueza taxonómica de macroinvertebrados correspondieron al bañado de Chubichaminí (H ́= 1,9; S=19,25). Este arroyo presentó aguas ligeramente poluídas, siendo aceptable en términos de calidad del agua. El análisis multivariado ordenó a los sitios de los bañados Del Gato y Carnaval con la mayor carga de nutrientes vinculados a los taxa más tolerantes como los dípteros Stratiomyidae, Ephydridae y nematodes, oligoquetos y gasterópodos Physidae. La mayor diversidad y riqueza de oligoquetos se registró en los bañados del Cajaravillas y Chubichaminí en los meses cálidos y las diferencias encontradas se debieron principalmente a Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparède, 1862. El ensamble de quironómidos estuvo conformado por 24 taxones pertenecientes a Chironominae, Orthocladiinae y Tanypodinae. El género Chironomus Meigen fue más abundante en el A° Del Gato, correspondiendo principalmente a C. calligraphus Goeldi, asociado a ambientes con evidente impacto antrópico. Los sitios estudiados mostraron diferentes patrones en la proporción de grupos funcionales alimentarios sin una clara relación con el uso del suelo. Los índices aplicados en el ensamble de macroinvertebrados resultaron efectivos para evaluar el estado ecológico de los bañados analizados.

Zoosymposia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-120

Observations on the life cycles of aquatic oligochaetes were made in the period 1962–2017 at the Võrtsjärv Limnological Station (Estonia) using small aquaria with sieved profundal mud covered with unaerated water. The aquaria were mostly inseminated with 10 juvenile worms and checked four times a year, changing the mud and eliminating the progeny, until the natural death of the original worms. Besides, mass cultures were kept in bigger aquaria. Many individuals of Tubifex tubifex, T. newaensis, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, L. udekemianus, Ilyodrilus templetoni, Psammoryctides barbatus, Spirosperma ferox, Potamothrix moldaviensis, P. vejdovskyi, P. bavaricus, Stylodrilus heringianus and Rhynchelmis tetratheca survived for several years, reproduced repeatedly, and died out one by one during the observation period. In some cases, the most longevous individuals reached an age of up to 8 years (I. templetoni), 10–12 years (T. tubifex), 15–17 years (L. hoffmeisteri, P. barbatus, S. heringianus), or even more than 20 years (L. udekemianus, S. ferox, T. newaensis). Criodrilus lacuum did not reproduce in aquaria, although the oldest individual spent 46 years there. Potamothrix hammoniensis, Lophochaeta ignota, Lamprodrilus isoporus, most naidines and some others did not thrive in aquaria and usually died without reproducing. In a cellar, where temperature conditions imitated seasonal fluctuations in lakes, or when the aquaria were maintained at continuously low temperature, the lifetime of worms was often longer than at room temperature. At elevated temperatures (+25° to +35°C) T. tubifex and L. hoffmeisteri formed cocoons mostly with only 1–2 eggs while their life span was then shorter. Architomic clones of Potamothrix bedoti, Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum, Aulodrilus pluriseta and A. japonicus survived and propagated for years. The architomic Lumbriculus variegatus was thriving only when fed, e.g., with yeast. Uniparental reproduction by parthenogenesis was observed in T. tubifex, L. hoffmeisteri and S. heringianus kept or reared single. Two special races(?) were noted both within T. tubifex and L. udekemianus.

Zoosymposia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-52

A survey of aquatic Oligochaeta was conducted at Thiruvallur, Chennai, Kanchipuram, Villupuram and Nilgiris districts of Tamil Nadu from October 2015 to June 2016. Eleven taxa were recorded from a total of 922 specimens examined, eight of them were identified to species level. Five naidids identified during the present study: Branchiodrilus semperi, Dero dorsalis, Dero digitata, Dero indica and Dero zeylanica, and six tubificid taxa Branchiura sowerbyi, Tubificidae sp. 1, Tubificidae sp. 2, Tubificidae sp. 3, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and L. udekemianus. Dero dorsalis constitute the first report for Kanchipuram district. A DNA barcode sequence (GenBank accession no. MF125273) of the commercially important Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, commonly known as ‘Tubifex worms’ in Chennai, was obtained and compared with other published COI sequences from that morphospecies from around the world.

2019 ◽  
Vol 687 ◽  
pp. 1098-1106 ◽  
Hongxing Chen ◽  
Liang Yan ◽  
Jianliang Zhao ◽  
Bin Yang ◽  
Guoyong Huang ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 245 ◽  
pp. 151-159 ◽  
Dandong Cheng ◽  
Jinxi Song ◽  
Xiaotian Zhao ◽  
Shaoqing Wang ◽  
Qidong Lin ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Thanh Giao Nguyen

The aquatic environment and zoobenthos are closely related in a water body. In recent years, the use of zoobenthos to evaluate water quality is getting more attention as this approach is less polluting and less costly. This study was conducted to assess the diversity of zoobenthos in the canals affected by leachate and agricultural activities. Five sediment samples were collected in two campaigns, one in April and one in October 2018. Water samples were also collected at the same time for zoobenthos to assess the water quality and serve as a reference for assessing the effectiveness of using zoobenthos as water quality indication. In total, 17 species of zoobenthos belonging to six families and four classes were identified, of which Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and Tendipes species being present regularly at sampling sites through the surveys. The calculations of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H'), rapid bioassessment protocol (RBP III), and associated average score per taxon (ASPT) indices based on species composition indicated that the water environment surrounding the landfill was moderately to severely polluted. However, the water quality index (WQI) calculated based on the physical and chemical properties shows that the level of water pollution in canals was less than that evaluated using zoobenthos. This can be explained by the fact that zoobenthos also affected the properties of sediments which depend on the water column. The findings in this study showed that the aquatic environment around the landfill is heavily contaminated as result of waste disposal and agricultural activities. The use of both zoobenthos combined with physical and chemical indicators could be useful in assessing the canals’ water status. Môi trường nước và động vật đáy có liên quan mật thiết với nhau trong một thủy vực. Trong những năm gần đây, việc sử dụng động vật đáy để đánh giá chất lượng môi trường nước mặt được quan tâm vì phương pháp này ít gây ô nhiễm môi trường và ít tốn kém chi phí. Nghiên cứu được tiến hành để đánh giá sự phân bố của động vật đáy trong hệ thống kênh rạch chịu tác động từ nước rỉ rác và các hoạt động sản xuất nông nghiệp. Năm mẫu động vật đáy được thu hai đợt, đợt 1 vào tháng 4 và đợt 2 vào tháng 10 năm 2018. Mẫu nước cũng được thu để đánh giá chất lượng nước và làm cơ sở đánh giá hiệu quả của việc sử dụng động vật đáy làm chỉ thị chất lượng môi trường nước. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy thành phần động vật đáy phát hiện 17 loài thuộc 6 họ và 4 lớp, trong đó các loài Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri và loài Tendipes hiện diện thường xuyên ở tất cả các điểm thu mẫu qua hai đợt khảo sát. Dựa vào thành phần loài tính toán các chỉ số Shannon-Wiener (H’), chỉ số đánh giá nhanh sinh học (RBP III), và chỉ số tính điểm trung bình bình theo họ (ASPT) cho thấy môi trường ô nhiễm rất nặng trong khi đó chỉ số WQI được tính toán dựa vào các chỉ tiêu lý hóa cho thấy mức độ ô nhiễm nước ở kênh xung quanh bãi rác chỉ ở mức nhẹ hơn. Như vậy, việc sử dụng động vật đáy cho kết quả đánh giá chất lượng nước với mức độ ô nhiễm cao hơn. Điều này có thể giải thích là do động vật đáy chịu ảnh hưởng bởi đặc tính nền đáy và cột nước bên trên nền đáy. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy môi trường nước xung quanh bãi rác bị ô nhiễm nặng do xả thải và hoạt động sản xuất nông nghiệp. Việc sử dụng động vật đáy kết hợp với các chỉ tiêu lý, hóa có thể hữu ích hơn trong việc đánh giá hiện trạng nước kênh.

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