observation period
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2022 ◽  
Vol 162 ◽  
pp. 170-181
Ariane Steindl ◽  
Tabea J. Brunner ◽  
Kira Heimbach ◽  
Katharina Schweighart ◽  
Georg M. Moser ◽  

Fares M. Howari ◽  
Manish Sharma ◽  
Cijo M. Xavier ◽  
Yousef Nazzal ◽  
Fatima Alaydaroos

Recurring slope lineae (RSL) are small, dark, seasonal albedo features lengthening down “warm” Martian steep slopes. Their origin has been attributed to both liquid and dry processes, hence representing one of the major open science questions on present day Mars. In the present study, we report a catalog of previous literature and newly added RSL sites making a total of 940 sites globally on Mars along with the detailed geological and compositional investigation of the Hale and Asimov craters with their RSL features. We also estimate temperature and atmospheric water abundances in the study area, which are two of the main factors to explain the origin and formation of RSL. The study found that the Asimov crater’s local temperatures are high enough to allow either the melting of brines or deliquescence of calcium perchlorate and other salts during the HiRISE observation period and found the water vapor column to be nearly five times higher than those measured “before RSL appearance.” This supports the theory of deliquescence as one of the mechanisms for the regolith-atmosphere interaction and RSL formation in the studied crater, which suggests that minerals absorb moisture from the environment until the minerals dissolve in the absorbed water and yield a solution. We also used compact reconnaissance imaging spectrometer for Mars–derived browse products for a compositional study associated with RSL features hosting craters and surface characteristics of Mars.

А.Ж. Фурсова ◽  
А.С. Дербенева ◽  
М.С. Тарасов ◽  
И.Ф. Никулич ◽  
В.А. Девяткин ◽  

Возрастная макулярная дегенерация (ВМД) становится основной причиной потери зрения людьми старше 60 лет. Неоваскулярная форма ВМД характеризуется хориоидальной неоваскуляризацией, основным триггером которой является фактор роста эндотелия сосудов (VEGF), ингибирование которого - современный стандарт лечения. Значительная вариабельность ответа на анти-VEGF-терапию определяет актуальность поиска биологических маркеров - прогностических критериев ответа на лечение. Проведен анализ зависимости ответа 110 пациентов с нВМД на анти-VEGF-терапию от функциональных и анатомических параметров сетчатки (по данным оптической когерентной томографии) и длины теломер лейкоцитов (ДТЛ, оценивали методом количественной ПЦР). В 100 % глаз наблюдали положительную динамику максимально корригированной остроты зрения (МКОЗ). Центральная толщина сетчатки (ЦТС) снизилась после третьей инъекции до 265 [234-306] мкм, к концу периода наблюдения - до 211 [190-262] мкм. Сохранение активности субретинальной неоваскулярной мембраны (СНМ) в конце периода наблюдения коррелировало с более низкими показателями исходной МКОЗ и высокими значениями исходной ЦТС. Выявлена ассоциация ДТЛ с ответом на лечение: у пациентов с большей ДТЛ чаще наблюдали переход активной формы СНМ в неактивную уже после трех инъекций, в то время как при меньшей ДТЛ чаще сохранялась активность СНМ, что определяло потребность в большем числе интравитреальных инъекций. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is becoming the leading cause of vision loss in people over 60 years of age. The neovascular form of AMD (nVMD) is characterized by choroidal neovascularization (CNV), the main trigger of which is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), the inhibition of which is the current standard of treatment. Significant variability of response to anti-VEGF therapy determines the relevance of the search for biological markers - prognostic criteria of treatment response. We analyzed the response of 110 nVMD patients to anti-VEGF therapy depending on the functional and anatomical parameters of the retina (according to optical coherence tomography, OCT) and leukocyte telomere length (LTL, was assessed by quantitative PCR). Positive dynamics of best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was observed in 100 % of eyes. The central retinal thickness (CRT) decreased after the 3rd injection to 265 [234-306] µm, by the end of the observation period - to 211 [190-262] µm. The retention of activity of the subretinal neovascular membrane (SNM) at the end of the observation period correlated with lower values of the initial BCVA and high values of the initial CRT. An association of LTL with response to treatment was revealed: in patients with higher LTL the active form of SNM was more often switched to inactive after three injections, while with lower LTL, the activity of SNM was more often preserved, which determined the need for more intravitreal injections.

2022 ◽  
Vol 127 ◽  
Per Andersson ◽  
Pontus Karling

Background: Corticosteroids, immunomodulators (IM) and tumour necrosis factor antagonists (anti-TNF) are commonly used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) but they also supress the defence against infectious disease. The aim of this study was to analyse the incidence of infectious events in patients with IBD and the association to concomitant medical therapy. Methods: We performed a retrospective medical chart review of patients with IBD aged 18–65 years included in the Swedish Registry of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the catchment area of Umeå University Hospital, Sweden. Data were collected from the period 01 January 2006, to 31 January 2019. An infectious event was defined as an outpatient prescription of antimicrobials or a positive diagnostic test for infection. Results: During a period of 5,120 observation-years, we observed 1,394 events in 593 patients. The mean number of infectious events per 100 person-years was 27.2 (standard deviation [SD]: 0.46). There were no differences in mean incidence rates between patients treated with no immunosuppression (23.0 events per 100 person-years, SD: 50.4), patients treated with IM monotherapy (27.6 events per 100 person-years, SD: 49.9), patients treated with anti-TNF monotherapy (34.3 events per 100 person-years, SD: 50.1) and patients on combination therapy (22.5 events per 100-person-years, SD: 44.2). In a multivariate logistic regression, female gender (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 2.24; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.49–3.37) and combination therapy (AOR: 3.46; 95% CI: 1.52–7.85) were associated with higher risks of infection (>32 events per 100 person years). Also, patients treated with any immunosuppression treatment for 25–75% (AOR: 2.29; 95% CI: 1.21–4.34) and for >75% (AOR: 1.93; 95% CI: 1.19–3.12) of the observation period were at higher risks compared to patients treated with immunosuppression <25% of the observation period. Conclusion: We observed no significant difference in risk for infections between patients on monotherapy with IM or anti-TNF and patients with low use of immunosuppression, but there was a significant risk for combination therapy.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 118
Andrey Kalugin

The main goal of this study was to obtain the attribution results of a physical assessment of the modern hydrological consequences of separately natural and anthropogenic components of climate change, based on the synthesis of detailed process-based models of river runoff formation and an ensemble of Earth system models (ESMs) within the large river basins in Eastern Siberia. This approach allows calculating the river flow using ESM-based data over the observation period under two scenarios, considering: (1) the anthropogenic impact of increasing greenhouse gas emissions and (2) only internal fluctuations of the climate system and natural external forcing. According to the results of the numerical experiments, the attributions of anthropogenic components of climate change in the dynamics of the Lena runoff are weak, i.e., during the observation period, the Lena River flow statistically significantly increases, but it occurs mainly due to natural climate variability. The changes in the Selenga runoff are intensely influenced by the anthropogenic component of climate change. Since the 1970s, the Selenga runoff increased under natural climatic conditions, but since the mid-1980s, it decreased under anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, due to reduced summer precipitation. This was the main reason for the last low-water period of 1996–2017 in the Selenga basin.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Benedetta Chiodini ◽  
Nathalie Tram ◽  
Brigitte Adams ◽  
Elise Hennaut ◽  
Ksenija Lolin ◽  

Background: Primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1) is a rare genetic disease caused by hepatic overproduction of oxalate, ultimately responsible for kidney stones, kidney failure and systemic oxalosis. Lumasiran, is a liver-directed RNA interference therapeutic agent. It has been shown to reduce hepatic oxalate production by targeting glycolate oxidase, and to dramatically reduce oxalate excretion.Care Report: We present the case of a teenager patient affected by PH1, who entered in the lumasiran compassionate use program. The patient had a rapid and sustained decrease in urinary oxalate/creatinine ratio, with a mean reduction after lumasiran administration of about 70%. During the 18 months long follow-up, urinary oxalate remained low, reaching nearly normal values. Plasma oxalate also decreased dramatically. Normal levels were reached immediately after the first dose and remained consistently low thereafter. During the same follow-up period, eGFR remained stable at about 60 ml/min/1.73 m2, but no new kidney stones were observed. Existing kidney stones did not increase in size. The patient did not suffer renal colic events and did not require further urological interventions.Conclusion: In our severely affected PH1 patient, lumasiran proved to be very effective in rapidly and consistently reducing plasma oxalate and urinary excretion to normal and near-normal levels, respectively. In the 18 months long follow-up post-lumasiran, the eGFR remained stable and the patient showed clinical improvements. As far as we know, this report covers the longest observation period after initiation of this novel RNAi therapy.

Cells ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 143
Kazutaka Takehara ◽  
Yasuhiko Koga ◽  
Yoshimasa Hachisu ◽  
Mitsuyoshi Utsugi ◽  
Yuri Sawada ◽  

Antifibrotic agents have been widely used in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Long-term continuation of antifibrotic therapy is required for IPF treatment to prevent disease progression. However, antifibrotic treatment has considerable adverse events, and the continuation of treatment is uncertain in many cases. Therefore, we examined and compared the continuity of treatment between pirfenidone and nintedanib in patients with IPF. We retrospectively enrolled 261 consecutive IPF patients who received antifibrotic treatment from six core facilities in Gunma Prefecture from 2009 to 2018. Among them, 77 patients were excluded if the antifibrotic agent was switched or if the observation period was less than a year. In this study, 134 patients treated with pirfenidone and 50 treated with nintedanib were analyzed. There was no significant difference in patient background, discontinuation rate of antifibrotic treatment over time, and survival rate between the two groups. However, the discontinuation rate due to adverse events within one year of antifibrotic treatment was significantly higher in the nintedanib group than in the pirfenidone group (76% vs. 37%, p < 0.001). Furthermore, the discontinuation rate due to adverse events in nintedanib was higher than that of pirfenidone treatment throughout the observation period (70.6% vs. 31.2%, p = 0.016). The pirfenidone group tended to be discontinued due to acute exacerbation or transfer to another facility. The results of this study suggest that better management of adverse events with nintedanib leads to more continuous treatment that prevents disease progression and acute exacerbations, thus improving prognosis in patients with IPF.

2022 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 257-262
T. N. JHA ◽  

 ABSTRACT. MONTBLEX-90 data for an Intensive Observational Period (IOP) was extracted to investigate the thunderstorm and its impacts on surface layer at Varanasi on 27 July 1990. Sensible heat flux has been computed by profile, aerodynamic and eddy correlation methods. In addition to that. momentum and moisture fluxes have been computed for comparative diagnosis of situations before, at the time and after thunderstorm, Monin-Obukhov similarity theory has been used for quantification of the fluxes. Findings indicate that surface is more buoyant at the time of thunderstorm. Under this influence, maxima of moisture and momentum fluxes occur at the tin1e of thunderstorm. However, heat flux was found to be maximum before the thunderstorm, The results provide an understanding of surface layer turbulent transfer during stable and unstable conditions.    

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Pascal C. Baumgartner ◽  
Bernard Vrijens ◽  
Samuel Allemann ◽  
Kurt E. Hersberger ◽  
Isabelle Arnet

Introduction: Calculating patients’ medication availability from dispensing or refill data is a common method to estimate adherence. The most often used measures, such as the medication possession ratio (MPR), average medication supplies over an arbitrary period. Averaging masks the variability of refill behavior over time. Goal: To derive a new absolute adherence estimate from dispensing data. Method: Dispensing histories of patients with 19 refills of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2017 were extracted from 39 community pharmacies in Switzerland. The difference between the calculated and effective refill day (ΔT) was determined for each refill event. We graphed ΔT and its dichotomized version (dΔT) against the MPR, calculated mean ΔT and mean dΔT per refill, and applied cluster analysis. Results: We characterized 2204 refill events from 116 DOAC patients. MPR was high (0.975 ± 0.129) and showed a positive correlation with mean ΔT. Refills occurred on average 17.8 ± 27.9 days “too early”, with a mean of 75.8 ± 20.2 refills being “on time”. Four refill behavior patterns were identified including constant gaps within or at the end of the observation period, which were critical. Conclusion: We introduce a new absolute adherence estimate ΔT that characterizes every refill event and shows that the refill behavior of DOAC patients is dynamic.

2022 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 105711
Junxia Yan ◽  
Ya Feng ◽  
Junjian Li ◽  
Hongjian Li ◽  
Guangwei Ding

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