objective test
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Henglei Zhang ◽  
Yu He ◽  
Ying Chen ◽  
Jianfeng Liu ◽  
Qi Jin ◽  

Background: The mandibular sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) is a routine operation performed to correct mandibular deformity including mandibular retrusion, protrusion, deficiency, and asymmetry. The SSRO remains a challenging procedure for junior surgeons due to a lack of adequate morphological knowledge necessary for success in clinical practice. Virtual reality (VR) and three-dimensional printed (3DP) models have been widely applied in anatomy education. The present randomized, controlled study was performed to evaluate the effect of traditional educational instruments, VR models, and 3DP models on junior surgeons learning the morphological information required to perform SSRO.Methods: Eighty-one participants were randomly assigned to three learning groups: Control, VR, and 3DP. Objective and subjective tests were used to evaluate the learning effectiveness of each learning instrument. In the objective test, participants were asked to identify 10 anatomical landmarks on normal and deformed models, draw the osteotomy line, and determine the description of SSRO. In the subjective test, participants were asked to provide feedback regarding their subjective feelings about the learning instrument used in their group.Results: The objective test results showed that the VR and 3DP groups achieved better accuracy in drawing the osteotomy line (p = 0.027) and determining the description of SSRO (p = 0.023) than the Control group. However, there was no significant difference among the three groups regarding the identification of anatomical landmarks. The VR and 3DP groups gave satisfactory subjective feedback about the usefulness in learning, good presentation, and enjoyment. The Control and 3DP groups reported positive feelings about ease of use.Conclusion: The current findings suggest that VR and 3DP models were effective instruments that assisted in the morphological understanding of SSRO-related anatomical structures. Furthermore, 3DP models may be a promising supplementary instrument to bridge the gap between conventional learning and clinical practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-91
Iwan Kurniawan ◽  
Anggi Yogi Saputri ◽  
Rahmiati Isnaini

In this research, the researcher focused on the correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their translation ability. The objective of the research was to know whether there was a correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their translation ability at the first semester of eleventh grade of MAN 2 Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2017/2018. There were two variables in this research, the independent variable, vocabulary mastery (X) and dependent variable, Translation ability (Y). This is correlational research, it is used to know the correlation between vocabulary mastery and translation ability. In taking the sample of the research, the cluster random sampling was applied. The population of the research was taken from the students of eleventh grade of MAN 2 Bandar Lampung in the academic year of 2017/2018. The sample of the research was taken 39 students from 197 populations. In collecting the data of the research, the researcher used objective test that were multiple choices consisted 20 items and one text for translation test. In this research, SPSS was used to compute Pearson Product Moment’s formula.After doing the hypothetical testing, the result demonstrated that there was positive correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their translation ability. Based on the data analysis computed by SPSS, it was obtained that Sig (P Value) = 0.000 and α=0.05. It means that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected because Sig (P Value) =0.000 α=0.05. Based on this research, it was suggested that to have a good ability in translating, the students should have a good mastery of vocabulary

2021 ◽  
Sho Kanzaki ◽  

Abstract Background: No simple objective test is available so far for diagnosing tinnitus. Thus, diagnosis is typically based on the patients’ medical history. Herein, we propose the usefulness of a simple one-channel electroencephalography (EEG) with a newly developed analysis technique to objectively detect tinnitus.Methods: We developed a portable EEG device to measure frontal Fp1 activities. The recorded data of 31 patients with chronic tinnitus and 29 healthy controls were analyzed with a support vector machine.Results: We identified tinnitus by analyzing the frequency obtained by frontal Fp EEG. We discovered that 9- and 13-Hz changes were critical for identifying tinnitus.Conclusions: One-channel Fp1 measurement reliably detected tinnitus (sensitivity, 72%; specificity, 96%). EEG measurement may also be related with tinnitus-related distress in patients. Further EEG studies are warranted to determine more accurately the pathophysiology of tinnitus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (S6) ◽  
Ko Woon Kim ◽  
Jong Doo Choi ◽  
Juhee Chin ◽  
Byung Hwa Lee ◽  
Jee Hyun Choi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2136 (1) ◽  
pp. 012046
Jianhong Hao ◽  
Haoyun Zhang ◽  
Guangjun Fan

Abstract In this paper, the method of vehicle switch-like tactile interaction measurement is explored by using high-degree-of-freedom robot objective test equipment. Besides, this paper also presents a complete set of vehicles switch-like tactile interaction subjective and objective comprehensive test evaluation method. This paper uses this method to evaluate many kinds of vehicles in the market. The results show that the tactile interaction evaluation method, which combines subjective evaluation with robot objective test, can effectively evaluate the vehicle’s tactile interaction performance and provide important theoretical support for quality control of vehicles’ interactive parts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Patorn Piromchai ◽  
Jakkrit Netnoi ◽  
Supaporn Srirompotong ◽  
Panida Thanawirattananit

AbstractWe proposed that nose-blowing without pinching was safer and able to get rid of mucus and maintain nasal patency as effective as the pinch and blow method. The objective of this study was to evaluate the nasal patency after nose-blowing by pinching the nose versus no pinching. The patients who have nasal discharge such as allergic rhinitis or common cold were recruited. The patients were randomized to perform pinching or no pinching nose-blowing. Fifty patients were enrolled in this study. The objective evaluation using acoustic rhinometry found no difference in nasal patency between the two groups (p > 0.05). The subjective patency score was significantly higher in the pinch one nostril shut group (mean difference 0.88, 95% CI 0.20–1.55). The patency of the two methods were comparable according to the objective test. However, the patients felt that their nose was clearer when pinching and blowing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Sri Andreani ◽  
Siti Muniroh ◽  
Suharyadi Suharyadi ◽  
Utari Praba Astuti ◽  
Yulizar Yulizar

Previous studies revealed that genre awareness and reading habits partially correlate with reading comprehension. This article reported the results of a study aiming to find out the contribution of genre awareness and reading habits towards the development of students’ comprehension of reading English texts. The participants of this study were 68 students of the Department of English of a state-owned university in East Java, Indonesia, in the 2020/2021 academic year. These students took the three reading courses (Intensive Course, Basic, and Intermediate Reading courses) and were assumed to have been familiar with genres and have developed some reading habits. This research employed a correlational design, involving two predicting variables (genre awareness and reading habits), and one response variable (comprehension). The data were gathered using three instruments: an objective test to measure students’ genre awareness, an online questionnaire to identify students’ reading habits, and an objective test to measure students’ reading comprehension. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis aided by SPSS/PASW Program. The results showed that the data are normally distributed so that conclusions can be drawn accurately that genre awareness and reading habits partially and significantly contribute to reading comprehension. The results also indicated that genre awareness and reading habits simultaneously and significantly contribute to reading comprehension, as shown by the results of the analysis that genre awareness and reading habits contributed 0.203 or 20.3% to reading comprehension. The rest (79.7%) was attributed to other variables outside the variables under study. This study concludes that good genre awareness and good reading habits help students develop good reading comprehension. The results provided in this paper can be used by English teachers as an alternative to help their students improve their genre awareness and cultivate good reading habits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-54
Isaac Ofem Ubi ◽  
Esther Chinenye Udemba

The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of age differentials on item difficulty and discrimination indices of West African School Certificate (WAEC) English Language Objective test for May/June 2014 taken by students in Nigeria. The study area was the southern Education Zone of Cross River State. The design used for the study was ex-post facto, justified by the fact that the variable of the study had occurred before being studied and that no manipulation of subjects of study was involved. The 2014 May/June English objective test items were used as they were. The instrument (made up of all the fifty items of the test) was administered to a sample of 100 students selected through accidental sampling procedure. Results of the study indicate that item response to the test depended, among other things, on the age brackets of the students. The older students seem to respond more correctly to items than their younger counterparts. The study recommends more proactive steps in admission of age compliant candidates for terminal examinations in Secondary Schools.

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