mutual evaluation
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Salwa Zolkaflil ◽  
Sharifah Nazatul Faiza Syed Mustapha Nazri ◽  
Normah Omar

Purpose This study aims to understand the member countries’ current asset recovery mechanism based on two elements, namely, confiscation policy and asset recovery management framework. Design/methodology/approach Content analysis was performed on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Mutual Evaluation Report (MER) of eight countries. Findings The result showed that only a few countries established a centralised asset recovery centre or special task force to manage recovered assets. Research limitations/implications This study is limited to information mentioned in the FATF MER. Practical implications This study highlights the need to have a centralised asset recovery management centre as an initiative to improve the outcome of money laundering investigations. The study findings will benefit regulators to understand further the practical challenges of the asset recovery mechanism for future improvement. Originality/value FATF recommends that each country establish a centralised asset recovery centre and work closely with the investigating officers and prosecutors in deciding on assets confiscation. However, the implementation is contingent on their local environment and resources at the member countries’ discretion. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the member countries’ current asset recovery mechanism based on two elements, namely confiscation policy and asset recovery management framework.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Firas Murrar

Purpose This study aims to define how countries can implement a risk-based approach (RBA) for non-profit organisations (NPOs) by measuring how well certain countries have complied with the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) “Recommendation 8, criterion 1” (recommendation [8.1]). Design/methodology/approach This study combines a comparative analysis methodology with a descriptive analytical approach to compare three member countries of FATF and FATF-Style Regional Bodies (FSRBs). It uses secondary data sources, namely, FATF guidelines on the subject and FATF reports on mutual evaluation reports. Findings This study examines the variations in compliance with the FATF recommendation (8.1) among three countries recently assessed by the FATF: the UK, Bahrain and the Russian Federation. Although the UK has completely fulfilled these recommendations, Bahrain and Russia have largely fulfilled them. These variations in compliance are mainly attributed to the uneven level of preparedness in the countries’ commitment to the legislative requirements before the process of mutual evaluation. Originality/value This paper offers insight into the progress of legislation and mechanisms (technical compliance) in the three countries with respect to recommendation (8.1). This paper also discusses the evolution of implementing and adopting the RBA among NPOs. This paper concludes with suggestions to other countries in developing a plan that meets the FATF recommendations by considering key factors such as comprehensive assessment of threats to NPOs, periodic reassessment and sharing of success stories.

2021 ◽  
pp. 021849232110254
Naoko Miura ◽  
Taichi Matsubara ◽  
Shinkichi Takamori ◽  
Takaki Akamine ◽  
Naoki Haratake ◽  

Background Video-assisted surgery helps surgeons learn surgical skills efficiently. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of mutual evaluation of trainees’ surgical techniques using tabulated common evaluation criteria. Methods We created a check sheet in which a standard pulmonary lobectomy procedure was divided into six parts and the checkpoints to note listed. Both the trainees and trainers used tabulated common evaluation criteria to evaluate lobectomies performed by the trainees. Results From September 2019 to March 2020, 30 lobectomies were performed by three trainees. The trainee’s evaluations of their own procedures were relatively high at first, then decreased, then gradually increased; however, the trainers’ evaluations showed no such tendency. Conclusions Mutual evaluation of surgery using tabulated common evaluation criteria enables trainees to review their own surgery objectively and receive evaluations by trainers, thus helping them to avoid the Dunning–Kruger effect and efficiently acquire basic surgical skills.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Jia Liu ◽  
Shuwei Wang

It is impossible for agents on both sides to achieve complete rationality in the decision-making process of two-sided matching (TSM). The TODIM (an acronym in Portuguese of interactive and multi-criteria decision-making) method considering the psychological behavior of decision-makers is well applied in the multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problems. The TSM is a MCDM problem. Therefore, in this paper, a method based on TODIM technique is introduced to solve the TSM problem, in which the intuitionistic linguistic numbers are utilized to describe the mutual evaluation between candidates and hiring managers. The focus of this paper is to develop a method for the multi-criteria TSM problem under intuitionistic linguistic environment. First, the evaluation matrices of each agent with respect to each criterion are provided by agents on the opposite side, and the weight assigned to each criterion is determined according to the importance of the evaluation criterion to the matching agent. Then, the dominance measurement of each agent over another one can be calculated based on the intuitionistic linguistic TODIM method. Next, a bi-objective optimization model which aims to maximize the overall satisfaction degree of agents on both sides is constructed to attain the optimal matching pair. Furthermore, the feasibility of the solution method is verified by a case study of person-position matching (PPM), and the matching result demonstrates that the proposed method is effective in dealing with multi-criteria PPM problem. Finally, the sensitivity of parameters and some comparative studies are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-15
Andreas Ahrens ◽  
Jelena Zascerinska ◽  
Anastasija Aleksejeva

The paper aims to explore sustainability from both the external and internal perspectives underpinning the implementation of the empirical study within an English for Academic Purposes course at a Master level in the COVID-19 pandemic. The research is based on the methodology of the development of the system of the external and internal perspectives. The exploratory type of the case study was employed. The interpretive paradigm was used in the research. The observation was conducted on the 23rd August 2020. The sample was composed of the 10 international students of the Master programme “Information and Electrical Engineering” at Hochschule Wismar, Germany. The theoretical research defines the external and internal sustainability. The empirical finding is that the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the organizational aspect of the English for Academic Purposes course (timetable, classroom arrangements, group work organization). Another finding is that the implemented English for Academic Purposes course is partially sustainable and requires its dynamic equilibrium and localized robustness to be adjusted. Implications for higher education aimed at increasing both the external and internal sustainability in education imply the implementation of the combination of evaluation, namely external evaluation, mutual evaluation, and self-evaluation, jointly carried out by all the process participants.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Buno (Okenyebuno) Emmanuel Nduka ◽  
Giwa Sechap

Purpose Designated non-financial businesses and professions (DNFBPs) are important actors both in the formal and informal sectors owing to the nature of services they offer. The DNFBPs are key players in financial and economic development and thus are highly vulnerable to money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF) risks. Globally, and indeed, within the West African region, typologies studies have indicated several instances of misuse of DNFBPs for the laundering of proceeds of crime and to a lesser extent, TF. Factors that make DNFBPs vulnerable to ML and TF in the region, include limited understanding of ML/TF risk and anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) obligations, and poor implementation of AML/CFT measures by the sector. As reporting institutions, DNFBPs are required to implement appropriate measures to mitigate the ML/TF risk facing them. Mutual evaluation reports (MERs) of countries in the region noted weak implementation of AML/CFT measures by DNFBPs compares to financial institutions. These coupled with the general poor monitoring and supervision of DNFBPs for compliance, make them a weak link in member states’ AML/CFT regime. This study examined how Economic Community of West African States member states can plug the loopholes in the DNFBPs to strengthen their AML/CFT regime and thus improve their performance during mutual evaluation. This study reviewed data from the publications of Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA), Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and other credible sources. Design/methodology/approach This study is more of desk-review based on secondary data, including information obtained from GIABA, and FATF publications, and websites as well as information obtained from reliable sources on the internet. The authors reviewed the MERs of GIABA member states that have been assessed under the second round, especially that of Ghana, Senegal, Cape Verde, Mali and Burkina Faso, with particular focus on sections of the reports relating to preventive measures and supervision. In general, this paper adopts a policy approach with a view to explaining the importance and benefits of implementing AML/CFT preventive measures by reporting entities, especially the DNFBPs. Findings This study found that there is a general lack of information on the exact size of DNFBPs across member states, the risk of ML/TF associated with DNFBPs is generally identified as high across member states (albeit at different levels), the extent and level of monitoring/supervision of DNFBPs for AML/CFT compliance trails what is obtainable in financial institutions; the institutional and operational frameworks for regulating, supervising and monitoring DNFBPs are either weak or poorly defined in many member states; and the focus of AML/CFT technical assistance has been more on financial institutions than DNFBPs. Although the number of MERs reviewed for this work may be few, the findings and conclusions in the concluded MERs reflect regional peculiarities, including high informality of the economies, preponderance use of cash in transactions, diversity of DNFBPs and the general weak application of AML/CFT preventive measures by these entities, and the weak AML/CFT supervision or monitoring of DNFBPs which cut across all GIABA member states. Although efforts to address the weaknesses in the DNFBPs, including training and supervision, have commenced, in most member states, these are still at rudimentary levels. Research limitations/implications However, this study is limited by the fact that it was desk-based review without direct inputs of industry players (DNFBPs and their supervisors). Practical implications In general, this paper adopts a policy approach with a view to explaining the importance and benefits of implementing AML/CFT preventive measures by reporting entities, especially the DNFBPs. It aims to bring to the fore the weaknesses of the DNFBPs in the implementation of AML/CFT preventive measures and therefore will be useful to national authorities who are striving toward strengthening their national AML/CT regimes and to DNFBPs who wish to protect the integrity and stability of their system. Originality/value It is imperative to mention that the weak compliance by DNFBPs, and indeed other challenges inhibiting effective implementation of preventive measures, is not peculiar to West Africa. A review of MERs of 17 African countries (eight countries in the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti Money Laundering Group region, five in GIABA region and three in the Middle East and North Africa region assessed under the current round as on October 2020, show a similar pattern of weak ratings under Immediate Outcome 4.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Murrar Firas

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the evolution of anti-money laundering/combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) procedures in Palestine since 2004 in accordance with the standards issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Design/methodology/approach This study is qualitative in nature and involves studying the most important improvements made by Palestinian authorities in the state’s legislative and institutional frameworks to enhance the AML/CFT regime. Findings Palestine has established the necessary legal basis to combat money laundering and terrorist financing crimes. At the institutional level, the Financial Follow-up Unit was granted all the required powers of Financial Intelligence Units. The National Committee for Combating Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism has also played a vital role in issuing policies and plans to respond to the outcomes of the National Risk Assessment process. In contrast, a number of challenges still exist mainly with respect to the political factors and their expected consequences on the process of preparing for and conducting the mutual evaluation process for Palestine. Originality/value This study focusses on the AML/CFT efforts in Palestine owing to the nature and specificity of the Palestinian situation, as Palestine’s AML/CFT procedures have not been subject to any previous mutual evaluation process by the MENAFATF. Such efforts have rarely addressed the Palestinian case, making this study important to researchers and those interested in this field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-29
A. Belov ◽  
M. Sirlibayev ◽  
A. Baidildina ◽  

Main problem: the organization of anti-doping education of students assumes the presence of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping support" and the inclusion of anti-doping topics in classical disciplines. The formation of a number of competencies in the field of anti-doping education requires new interactive forms of organization of activities that take place in the development of both disciplines of the medical and biological cycle, as well as sports, pedagogical and social disciplines. A conscious perception of the industry problems associated with the use of doping in sports and the health of the nation provides knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, sports medicine. Purpose: study of the organization of the educational process for anti-doping support in a sports university. Methods: today, the main methodological innovations are associated with the use of interactive learning technologies. The learning process, based on the use of interactive teaching methods, is organized taking into account the inclusion of all participants in the learning process. An educational communication environment is created, which is characterized by openness, interaction of participants, equality of their arguments, accumulation of joint knowledge, and the possibility of mutual evaluation. The organization of the educational process on anti-doping support for InEU students assumes the presence in the educational program of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping Support" and the introduction of components of anti-doping education in already established disciplines. Results and their significance: the organization of the educational process on anti-doping support for InEU students assumes the presence of a specialized discipline "Fundamentals of anti-doping Support" in Educaional Program and the inclusion of components of anti-doping education in the formed disciplines.

Anne McNaughton

As economic integration continues to deepen across developed economies the barriers to further integration are revealed as those located behind rather than at the borders of integrating states. A concept that has, correspondingly, acquired increasing popularity in recent years is that of ‘mutual recognition.’ This concept is regarded by many as a way of furthering economic integration in sectors in which identified obstacles to integration are regarded as limiting productivity and economic development. Using the European Services Directive1 as a case study, this article examines the concept of mutual recognition in order to better understand its limitations as well as its potential. It is suggested that the more significant innovation in the Directive is the process of ‘mutual evaluation’ introduced by the Directive in Article 39. Once again, the EU may be leading the way in dealing with barriers to trade.

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