elementary basis
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E. N. Kolybenko

The use in the practice of design works of technological preparation of production (CCI) of parameters of design quality of the main elements of integration of the design (checkpoint) element base prevents transition of CCI to information technology of automation of a certain level of solution of problems of practice throughout its cycle. This is manifested, in particular, in the fact that during the change of technological operations of transformation along their route, as well as between the stages of CCI and checkpoint, information and logical links of knowledge are objectively interrupted. When determining a continuous, flexible algorithm in the technology of automation of solving problems of CCI practice, significant difficulties arise. Concepts of existing knowledge were often not up-to-date, which hampered automation – a fast communication system was needed. The primary basis of automation is the formalization of knowledge. Insufficient formalization of knowledge (the content is descriptive) leads to the use of inefficient dialogue technologies, the work of which is organized with reference information in the electronic form of its display. To overcome these difficulties, the structure of the CCI knowledge base in its hierarchy is proposed for seven levels of basic objects of various types, it is based on formalized approaches. Knowledge objects are focused on the consistent and continuous solution of CCI practice throughout its cycle. The structure of all knowledge objects is based on its own technological element base, which is organic for CCI. Only on such an elementary basis can the main target functions of CCI be realistically achieved in solving the problems of its practice on their possible set.

2021 ◽  
pp. 40-51
Oleksandr O. Barkalov ◽  
Larisa O. Titarenko ◽  
Oleksandr M. Golovin ◽  
Oleksandr V. Matvienko ◽  

Introduction. The control unit coordinating interaction of all other blocks of a digital system is one of the central blocks and is a sequential circuit. As a rule, when synthesizing control unit circuits, the problem arises of reducing hardware costs. Methods for solving this problem depend on features of both the architecture of the control unit and the elemental basis. Purpose. The main goal of this work is to reduce hardware costs and power consumption of control units of digital systems by taking into account features of the element base of the control unit and rational organization of addressing microinstructions. FPGA (field-programmable logic array) microcircuits, widely used for the implementation of modern digital systems, were chosen as an elementary basis. Methods. Methods of set theory, synthesis of automata, and software modeling as well as the library of standard automata and FPGA Virtex-7 from Xilinx were used for assessment the effectiveness of solving the problem. Results. The paper proposes a method for optimizing the circuit of the microinstruction addressing unit based on splitting the set of outputs of elementary linear operator circuits, which is based on the idea of double coding of states. The proposed method, under certain conditions, makes it possible to reduce the number of levels in the microinstruction addressing circuit to two. Conclusion. Studies have shown that double coding of states can increase performance, reduce hardware costs (the number of LUTs and their interconnections) and power consumption in Mealy’s circuitry. Based on these results, it can be expected that, with the number of conditions exceeding the number of LUT inputs, the proposed approach will improve the characteristics of the composition microprogram control unit in comparison with the equivalent control unit U1.

2021 ◽  
Magdalena Senderecka ◽  
Jakub M. Szewczyk

This study examined whether error-related brain responses are sensitive to the degree of error inevitability, a factor which seriously affects the attribution of moral responsibility for an error. We were especially interested in error-related negativity (ERN), which is an electrophysiological marker of subjective evaluation of error significance and its motivational value. In addition, we focused on post-error slowing, which is a post-error behavioural adjustment. We hypothesized that the more avoidable the error, and consequently the greater its significance and motivational value, the larger the ERN amplitude, the shorter the ERN latency, and the greater the post-error slowing should be. To elicit errors whose inevitability varies, we used the stop-signal task. The inevitability of errors in this task depends on whether the stop signal is presented before or after a point beyond which the completion of the movement cannot be cancelled. Consistent with our hypotheses, we found that the higher motivational value of avoidable errors was indeed reflected in larger and earlier ERNs. Moreover, avoidable errors led to greater adjustments in subsequent behaviour aimed at preventing similar failures in the future. These findings show that early performance monitoring, as reflected by ERN, involves an evaluation of error inevitability. In a broader perspective, these results indicate that the elementary basis for distinguishing between culpable (avoidable) and non-culpable (unavoidable) errors may occur in the brain several dozen milliseconds after error commission.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-36
Toni Richter

Abstract Since the financial crisis of 2008 and intensified during the corona crisis, the interdependence between the stability of the financial systems and the prevailing degree of competition (DC) has been the subject of scientific and economic policy discourse on fragmented markets and „too-big-to-fail“ banks. In theory and empiricism, two fundamentally contrary causal concepts are opposed, the elementary basis of which is the precise measurement of the DC: Competition-stability- versus Fragility-Hypothesis. Based on the recent state of research, it can be shown that alternative DC-Measurements consistently show significantly different competitive conditions and in consequence the evidence for or against a stability-enhancing competitive effect seems to be predetermined by the chosen DC-Measurement.

Rinat Galiautdinov

The chapter describes the new approach in artificial intelligence based on simulated biological neurons and created neural circuits which represent the next generation of computing systems and artificial intelligence for business applications. Unlike existing technical devices for implementing a neuron based on classical nodes oriented to binary processing, the proposed path is based on bit-parallel processing of numerical data (synapses) for obtaining result. The proposed approach of implementation a neuron can serve as a new elementary basis for the construction of neuron-based computers with a higher processing speed of biological information and good survivability. The research demonstrates the developed nervous circuit constructor and its usage in building of the nervous circuits of biological creatures and simulation of their work and how it could be used in the next generation of the computing systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Alex Abreu ◽  
Antonio Nigro

Abstract For an indifference graph G, we define a symmetric function of increasing spanning forests of G. We prove that this symmetric function satisfies certain linear relations, which are also satisfied by the chromatic quasisymmetric function and unicellular $\textrm {LLT}$ polynomials. As a consequence, we give a combinatorial interpretation of the coefficients of the $\textrm {LLT}$ polynomial in the elementary basis (up to a factor of a power of $(q-1)$ ), strengthening the description given in [4].

Dados ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
Carlos Enrique Ruiz Ferreira

ABSTRACT The article investigates Kantian cosmopolitanism, based on the philosopher’s works and his main commentators. The study chooses and highlights three central and specific themes: the evolution of the human species, the dilemma between sovereignty and cosmopolitanism, and the issue of hospitality. By casting light on these themes, the article attempts to fill in a gap in specialized literature from the fields of international relations and philosophy. Regarding the evolution of the human species, I emphasize the philosopher’s understanding of “unsociable sociability“ – a natural mechanism which provides the elementary basis for the advent of cosmopolitanism and perpetual peace. The dilemma between sovereignty and cosmopolitanism leads to the significant analysis of whether Kant has reflected upon or proposed transcending the paradigm of classical sovereignty. Finally, the discussion about hospitality becomes particularly relevant, and is scrutinized according to its juridical and ethical.

Rinat Galiautdinov ◽  
Vardan Mkrttchian

The research describes the mathematical modeling of a neuron and the possibility of its technical implementation. Unlike existing technical devices for implementing a neuron based on classical nodes oriented to binary processing, the proposed path is based on bit-parallel processing of numerical data (synapses) for obtaining result. The proposed approach of implementing a neuron can serve as a new elementary basis for the construction of neuron-based computers with a higher processing speed of biological information and good survivability. The research demonstrates the developed nervous circuit constructor and its usage in building of the nervous circuits of biological creatures and simulation of their work.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-78
Rinat Galiautdinov

The research describes the nano scale devices, their general architecture, and how they affect the synapses. Such devices, based on the new approach in artificial intelligence, will play a significant role in many spheres. The research also describes the architecture of the programming neuron built on the basis of a biological one. Unlike existing technical devices for implementing a neuron based on classical nodes oriented to binary processing, the proposed path is based on bit-parallel processing of numerical data (synapses) for obtaining result. The proposed approach of implementing a neuron can serve as a new elementary basis for the construction of neuron-based computers with a higher processing speed of biological information and good survivability.

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