heteroclinic orbits
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2022 ◽  
Vol 124 ◽  
pp. 107681
Jacek Jendrej ◽  
Panayotis Smyrnelis

Zahra Tadi Beni ◽  
Yaghoub Tadi Beni

This paper analyzes the dynamic stability of an isotropic viscoelastic Euler–Bernoulli nano-beam using piezoelectric materials. For this purpose, the size-dependent theory was used in the framework of the modified couple stress theory (MCST) for piezoelectric materials. In order to capture the geometrical nonlinearity, the von Karman strain displacement relation was applied. Hamilton’s principle was also employed to obtain the governing equations. Furthermore, the Galerkin method was used in order to convert the governing partial differential equations (PDEs) to a nonlinear second-order ordinary differential one. Dynamic stability analysis was performed and the effects of such parameters as viscoelastic coefficients, size effect, and piezoelectric coefficient were investigated. The results showed that in this system, saddle points, central points, Hopf bifurcation points, and fork bifurcation points could be created, and the phase portraits connecting these equilibrium points exhibit periodic orbits, heteroclinic orbits, and homoclinic orbits.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (24) ◽  
pp. 3193
Yanfei Du ◽  
Ben Niu ◽  
Junjie Wei

This paper deals with a diffusive predator–prey model with two delays. First, we consider the local bifurcation and global dynamical behavior of the kinetic system, which is a predator–prey model with cooperative hunting and Allee effect. For the model with weak cooperation, we prove the existence of limit cycle, and a loop of heteroclinic orbits connecting two equilibria at a threshold of conversion rate p=p#, by investigating stable and unstable manifolds of saddles. When p>p#, both species go extinct, and when p<p#, there is a separatrix. The species with initial population above the separatrix finally become extinct, and the species with initial population below it can be coexisting, oscillating sustainably, or surviving of the prey only. In the case with strong cooperation, we exhibit the complex dynamics of system, including limit cycle, loop of heteroclinic orbits among three equilibria, and homoclinic cycle with the aid of theoretical analysis or numerical simulation. There may be three stable states coexisting: extinction state, coexistence or sustained oscillation, and the survival of the prey only, and the attraction basin of each state is obtained in the phase plane. Moreover, we find diffusion may induce Turing instability and Turing–Hopf bifurcation, leaving the system with spatially inhomogeneous distribution of the species, coexistence of two different spatial-temporal oscillations. Finally, we consider Hopf and double Hopf bifurcations of the diffusive system induced by two delays: mature delay of the prey and gestation delay of the predator. Normal form analysis indicates that two spatially homogeneous periodic oscillations may coexist by increasing both delays.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Yi Zhong

This work extends the high-order Melnikov method established by FJ Chen and QD Wang to heteroclinic orbits, and it is used to prove, under a certain class of perturbations, the heteroclinic orbit in a planar vector field that remains unbroken. Perturbations which have this property together form the heteroclinic persisting space. The Van der Pol system is analysed as an application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (14) ◽  
Haijun Wang ◽  
Hongdan Fan ◽  
Jun Pan

Combining qualitative analysis and numerical technique, the present work revisits a four-dimensional circuit system in [Ma et al., 2016] and mainly reveals some of its rich dynamics not yet investigated: pitchfork bifurcation, Hopf bifurcation, singularly degenerate heteroclinic cycle, globally exponentially attractive set, invariant algebraic surface and heteroclinic orbit. The main contributions of the work are summarized as follows: Firstly, it is proved that there exists a globally exponentially attractive set with three different exponential rates by constructing a suitable Lyapunov function. Secondly, the existence of a pair of heteroclinic orbits is also proved by utilizing two different Lyapunov functions. Finally, numerical simulations not only are consistent with theoretical results, but also illustrate potential existence of hidden attractors in its Lorenz-type subsystem, singularly degenerate heteroclinic cycles with distinct geometrical structures and nearby hyperchaotic attractors in the case of small [Formula: see text], i.e. hyperchaotic attractors and nearby pseudo singularly degenerate heteroclinic cycles, i.e. a short-duration transient of singularly degenerate heteroclinic cycles approaching infinity, or the true ones consisting of normally hyperbolic saddle-foci (or saddle-nodes) and stable node-foci, giving some kind of forming mechanism of hyperchaos.

Complexity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-24
R. J. Escalante-González ◽  
Eric Campos

This work is dedicated to the study of an approach that allows the generation of hidden attractors based on a class of piecewise-linear (PWL) systems. The systems produced with the approach present the coexistence of self-excited attractors and hidden attractors such that hidden attractors surround the self-excited attractors. The first part of the approach consists of the generation of self-excited attractors based on pairs of equilibria with heteroclinic orbits. Then, additional equilibria are added to the system to obtain a bistable system with a second self-excited attractor with the same characteristics. It is conjectured that a necessary condition for the existence of the hidden attractor in this class of systems is the rupture of the trajectories that resemble heteroclinic orbits that join the two regions of space that surround the pairs of equilibria; these regions resemble equilibria when seen on a larger scale. With the appearance of a hidden attractor, the system presents a multistable behavior with hidden and self-excited attractors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 925 ◽  
Abel Faure-Beaulieu ◽  
Thomas Indlekofer ◽  
James R. Dawson ◽  
Nicolas Noiray

In jet engines and gas turbines, the annular shape of the combustion chamber allows the appearance of self-oscillating azimuthal thermoacoustic modes. We report experimental evidence of a new type of modal dynamics characterised by periodic switching of the spinning direction and develop a theoretical model that fully reproduces this phenomenon and explains the underlying mechanisms. It is shown that tiny asymmetries of the geometry, the mean temperature field, the thermoacoustic response of the flames or the acoustic impedance of the walls, present in any real systems, can induce these heteroclinic orbits. The model also explains experimental observations showing a statistically dominant spinning direction despite the absence of swirling flow, or pairs of preferred nodal line directions.

Weidong Yang ◽  
Menglong Liu ◽  
Linwei Ying ◽  
Xi Wang

This paper demonstrated the coupled surface effects of thermal Casimir force and squeeze film damping (SFD) on size-dependent electromechanical stability and bifurcation of torsion micromirror actuator. The governing equations of micromirror system are derived, and the pull-in voltage and critical tilting angle are obtained. Also, the twisting deformation of torsion nanobeam can be tuned by functionally graded carbon nanotubes reinforced composites (FG-CNTRC). A finite element analysis (FEA) model is established on the COMSOL Multiphysics platform, and the simulation of the effect of thermal Casimir force on pull-in instability is utilized to verify the present analytical model. The results indicate that the numerical results well agree with the theoretical results in this work and experimental data in the literature. Further, the influences of volume fraction and geometrical distribution of CNTs, thermal Casimir force, nonlocal parameter, and squeeze film damping on electrically actuated instability and free-standing behavior are detailedly discussed. Besides, the evolution of equilibrium states of micromirror system is investigated, and bifurcation diagrams and phase portraits including the periodic, homoclinic, and heteroclinic orbits are described as well. The results demonstrated that the amplitude of the tilting angle for FGX-CNTRC type micromirror attenuates slower than for FGO-CNTRC type, and the increment of CNTs volume ratio slows down the attenuation due to the stiffening effect. When considering squeeze film damping, the stable center point evolves into one focus point with homoclinic orbits, and the dynamic system maintains two unstable saddle points with the heteroclinic orbits due to the effect of thermal Casimir force.

2021 ◽  
Yanggeng Fu ◽  
Jibin Li

Abstract In this paper, we study the bifurcations of invariant torus and knotted periodic orbits for generalized Hopf-Langford type equations. By using bifurcation theory of dynamical systems, we obtain the exact explicit form of the heteroclinic orbits and knot periodic orbits. Moreover, under small perturbation, we prove that the perturbed planar system has two symmetric stable limit cycles created by Poincare bifurcations. Therefore, the corresponding three-dimensional perturbed system has an attractive invariant rotation torus.

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