Revija za sociologiju
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Published By Croatian Sociological Association

1846-7954, 0350-154x

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 461-493
Ivan Čipin ◽  
Petra Međimurec

Koristeći se podatcima za 29 zemalja iz devete runde Europskoga društvenog istraživanja, ovaj rad istražuje međugeneracijske promjene u tranziciji u odraslu dob u Europi. Fokus je na ključnim životnim događajima koji obilježavaju tranziciju u odraslu dob; u radu se odvojeno prema spolu analiziraju međugeneracijske promjene i razlike među europskim regijama u ulasku na tržište rada, napuštanju roditeljskog doma, prvom suživotu s partner(ic)om, sklapanju prvog braka i prvom roditeljstvu. Rezultati pokazuju da se tranzicija u odraslu dob različito odvijala za tihu generaciju (rođene između 1928. i 1945.), baby boomere (rođene između 1946. i 1964.), generaciju X (rođene između 1965. i 1980.) i milenijalce (rođene između 1981. i 1996.), a međugeneracijske promjene u tranziciji u odraslu dob odvijale su se drukčijim intenzitetom u sedam analiziranih europskih regija. Prvo roditeljstvo povezano je s drugim životnim događajima koji obilježavaju tranziciju u odraslu dob, a suživot s partner(ic)om i ulazak u brak pritom se ističu kao najjači prediktori za prvo roditeljstvo. Povezanost drugih životnih događaja u sklopu tranzicije u odraslu dob s prvim roditeljstvom varira među generacijama i među europskim regijama. Nalazi upućuju na važnost socioekonomskih, institucionalnih i normativnih čimbenika u objašnjavanju drukčijih putanja u sklopu tranzicije u odraslu dob. K tome, uključivši u analizu i bivše socijalističke zemlje koje su rijetko bile dio sličnih prijašnjih istraživanja, ovaj rad pridonosi spoznajama o validnosti primijenjenih teorijskih paradigmi o tranziciji mladih u odraslu dob u širem europskom makrokontekstu, a da istodobno ukazuje i na kompleksnost istih u svjetlu njihovih razlika među različitim europskim regijama.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 317-345
Nikola Petrvić ◽  
Marko Mrakovčić ◽  
Filip Fila

Relations between Brussels and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) worsened during and after the 2015 migration crisis. In order to see to what extent CEE citizens contributed to and/or resonated with this new state of affairs, this paper investigates public opinion before the migration crisis in seven CEE EU Member States. We inquire whether the main issues of the rift (CEE political elites’ opposition to following EU decisions and immigration and their emphasis on sovereignism, nationalism, Christian Europe and historical traumas) could also be traced to public stances towards these issues before the migration crisis. We used the ISSP National Identity module conducted in 2013 and 2014 in the Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia and Slovenia. The results show that opposition to EU supranationalism was not linked to ethnic nationalism and religious identity (except in Hungary). Contrary to political elites, who emphasised the cultural threat posed by migration, public opinion was more concerned with the economic threat. Moreover, the perception of cultural threat was not linked to opposing EU supranationalism in any of the countries. However, particularly support for sovereignism (in almost all the countries), but also pride in national history (in some countries) correlated negatively with support for EU supranationalism. The results suggest that political elites can bypass public opinion to construct an anti-EU climate, however not out of thin air. The conditions for such a process were present in Hungary with its emerging transnational cleavage, which shows the importance of cleavages in studying Euroscepticism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-459
Bruno Šimac ◽  
Tijana Trako Poljak ◽  
Vladimir Ivanović

This paper examines the care for nature in Croatia based on the European Social Survey (ESS) data from Round 4 (2008) and Round 9 (2018) over time and cross-nationally, in comparison with five other Central European (CE) countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia). We correlate the item about the care for nature with Schwartz’s Human Values Scale (HVS), as adapted for the ESS, to investigate whether values as defined by Schwartz serve as good predictors of the care for nature in selected CE countries. We also look at the correlation with respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics. Our analysis reveals that, while there are similarities regarding environmental attitudes and values among CE countries, there are also some individual differences. Croatia shows the strongest increase in the support for the care for nature over the 10-year period, and both Croatia and Slovenia score the highest on the care for nature in 2018. Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic show an overall stagnation in the results, while Hungary exhibits a significant decrease between 2008 and 2018. Our research in CE countries confirms that Schwartz’s HVS can be predictive of pro-environmentalism. However, while the findings for the higher-order value of Self-transcendence are in line with existing literature, the result suggesting that Conservatism is also a moderately good predictor of the care for nature is somewhat surprising. We posit that the reason could lie in the difference between collectivist vs. individualist value types, which provides a new dimension for the interpretation of environmental attitudes in these countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 381-407
Željka Tonković ◽  
Dražen Cepić ◽  
Ivan Puzek

The paper analyses social causes of loneliness in Europe using cross-national data from the 2017 International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) module “Social Networks and Social Resources” from 13 countries categorised as Northern Europe, Continental Europe, and Central and Eastern Europe. The paper aims to examine loneliness with regard to three specific groups of predictors, related to network, sociocultural and sociostructural aspects. The results suggest that sociability patterns and personal networks are the most important predictors of loneliness. While the frequency of contacts with family members and close friends and the overall number of contacts showed significance, loneliness was primarily related to the quality of personal relationships. Considering sociocultural factors, the obtained findings showed that social trust is consistently associated with lower levels of loneliness. Furthermore, people from Continental Europe were, in general, less lonely than North and East Europeans. Age was an important factor here as respondents from younger age groups were lonelier in Nordic countries than in the other two blocs of countries, while older respondents were lonelier in Central and East European countries. Finally, sociostructural indicators in general showed less predictive value compared to sociability patterns and sociocultural variables. However, when it came to socioeconomic exclusion, this aspect showed a stronger connection with loneliness for the individuals from the Nordic group of countries. The findings of this paper contribute to the vibrant field of contemporary scholarship on loneliness with a fresh perspective based on comparing three large blocs of European countries and an integrated approach to various predictors of loneliness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 347-380
Margareta Gregurović

National mechanisms of migrant integration into the host society and the wider social context in which migration occurs may affect the construction of public attitudes towards migrants regardless of their origin or status. By combining the data of two international studies: the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) and the European Social Survey (ESS), this paper examines national policies regarding migrant integration and the public perception of migrants in the host society in selected European countries. This analysis highlights especially the shifts in public attitudes as possible consequences of the 2015/2016 European “migration crisis”. The data from 27 European countries that participated in the last waves of both MIPEX2020 and ESS2018 were analysed according to the four-dimensional MIPEX categorisation: 1) Comprehensive integration, 2) Equality on paper, 3) Temporary integration, and 4) Immigration without integration (Integration denied). These categories of states’ migration policies were then combined with the public perceptions of immigrants examined by the ESS. Multilevel regression models demonstrated that the respondents from countries with well-developed integration policies express a more positive attitude towards immigrants and acknowledge their contribution to all areas of the host society. A higher proportion of non-EU-27 immigrants in the country correlates with a more negative perception of immigrants’ impact on the host country. Even though the MIPEX score does not reflect clearly the shift in migration policies affected by the European “migration crisis”, it could be considered a stable, though relatively weak predictor of anti-immigrant prejudice. In conclusion, this study's findings suggest that better-developed policies of political participation and immigrant inclusion foster more positive attitudes towards immigrants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 409-429
Luka Jurković

There has been a growing academic interest in explaining the well-established association between socioeconomic status and health. Among the various proposed mechanisms and pathways, social capital has been recognised as a potentially important antecedent of socioeconomic inequalities in health. However, these interrelationships remain relatively unexplored within the countries of former Yugoslavia. Therefore, this article aims to fill the gap in the literature by exploring the role of individual-level social capital in the relationship between socioeconomic status and self-rated health in four ex-Yugoslav countries. The present study is based on the data from the ninth round of the European Social Survey (2018). The author analysed the data of participants aged 25 and over from Croatia (N = 1534), Montenegro (N = 1002), Serbia (N = 1720) and Slovenia (N = 1149). In order to test the target associations, sequential multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed. The results show that occupational social class and several social capital indicators are associated with self-rated health, although independently of each other. Across all countries, unskilled and skilled manual workers and long-term unemployed individuals were more likely to report poor health compared to non-manual workers, with the exception of Montenegrin skilled manual workers and the long-term unemployed participants from Slovenia. Moreover, despite some cross-country differences in the relationship between individual levels of social capital and self-rated health, social participation was associated with self-rated health across all countries. These findings highlight the importance of encouraging social participation within these countries, which can lead to health benefits through behavioural and psychosocial mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-256
Luka Mandić ◽  
Ksenija Klasnić

It is often assumed that survey results reflect only the quality of the sample and the underlying measuring instruments used in the survey. However, various phenomena can affect the results, but these influences are often neglected when conducting surveys. This study aimed to test the influences of various method effects on survey results. We tested the influences of the following method effects: item wording, confirmatory bias, careless responding, and acquiescence bias. Using a split-ballot survey design with online questionnaires, we collected data from 791 participants. We tested if these method effects had an influence on mean values, item correlations, construct correlations, model fits, and construct measurement invariance. The instruments used to test these influences were from the domain of personality and gender inequality, and their items were adapted based on the method effect tested. All tested method effects, except careless responding, had a statistically significant effect on at least one component of the analysis. Item wording and confirmatory bias affected mean values, model fit, and measurement invariance. Controlling for acquiescence bias improved the fit of the model. This paper confirms that the tested method effects should be carefully considered when using surveys in research, and suggests some guidelines on how to do so.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-202
Pavao Parunov ◽  
Valerija Barada

Teme roda i seksualnosti u obrazovnom kontekstu zbog političke instrumentalizacije povremeno su prisutne u javnom diskursu, ali su istraživački nedovoljno zastupljene. To osobito vrijedi za izvorna i kritički usmjerena istraživanja koja bi utvrdila kako obrazovne institucije u Hrvatskoj pridonose društvenoj nejednakosti queer osoba. Ovim se člankom pokušava nadomjestiti ta podzastupljenost teorijskom raspravom o konceptualizaciji roda i seksualnosti kao međuovisnih osobnih i društvenih procesa i to prikazom rezultata istraživanja u kojem je taj pristup korišten. Kako dosadašnje spoznaje u međunarodnom kontekstu pokazuju, obrazovne institucije imaju aktivnu ulogu u procesima marginalizacije osoba nenormativne queer rodne i seksualne orijentacije, zato je nužno razumijevanje obrazovne svakodnevice kao izvora znanja o tim procesima kroz promišljanje isprepletenosti roda i seksualnosti. Ta isprepletenost u svrhu istraživanja društvene nejednakosti nastale na temelju rodne i seksualne različitosti mora teorijski i istraživački povezati sociologiju, queer teorije te kritičku i institucionalnu etnografiju. Na taj se način uspostavlja cjeloviti teorijski i metodološki pristup koji je korišten u istraživanju srednjoškolskog i visokoškolskog obrazovnog iskustva queer osoba u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da obrazovne institucije imaju posredničku ulogu u stvaranju nejednakosti na temelju rodnih i seksualnih različitosti. Obrazovne su institucije ponajprije prostor koji privilegira heteroseksualnost i heteronormativnost, dok su queer izričaji roda i seksualnosti s jedne strane predmetom javnog označavanja i stigmatiziranja, a s druge strane predmetom prisiljavanja na privatnu i skrivenu sferu. Ne/vidljivost i ne/prihvaćanje nenormativnih rodnih izričaja i seksualnosti za queer osobe u hrvatskom obrazovnom kontekstu predstavlja trajan proces pregovaranja između institucionalnih i osobnih domena djelovanja.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-282
Mateja Čehulić

Despite many doubts and criticisms, the use and popularity of the term legal culture have been growing steadily since 1969, when Lawrence Friedman first coined it. Regardless of the difficulties in conceptualising and operationalising legal culture, it is widely used in research and theoretical work. This paper investigates how researchers are overcoming conceptual issues, as well as the similarities and differences in approaches to legal culture and their effects on the comprehensibility and coherence of the concept. Through a systematic literature review of scholarly papers published in two citation bibliographic databases – Web of Science and Scopus – that contain the term legal culture in the title, this paper identifies definitions of legal culture, theoretical assumptions, research methods and specific topics depicted within the field of legal culture. The analysis indicates heterogeneous approaches to legal culture, accompanied by inconsistency in understanding and applying the concept. The notion of legal culture is related to various topics but mainly used as an intervening variable; without empirical research, authors use the term as hypothetical and self-evident, assuming its impact on law and society. Besides, the analysis identified various forms of defining and explaining the legal culture and different methodologies, amongst which a descriptive approach prevails. Based on the insight into scholarly articles on legal culture, the review concludes with suggestions for improving future research and the explanatory power of legal culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-230
Jasna Šulentić Begić ◽  
Amir Begić ◽  
Ivona Kir

Učenicima osnovne škole nude se različite glazbene aktivnosti, kako u okviru školske ustanove (izvannastavne aktivnosti), tako i izvan nje (izvanškolske aktivnosti), a uključenost osnovnoškolaca u spomenute aktivnosti ovisi o raznolikim čimbenicima. U okviru ovoga rada provedeno je istraživanje koje se odvijalo tijekom 2018. godine i koje je obuhvatilo 510 ispitanika. Istraživanje je provedeno postupkom anketiranja na prigodnom uzorku u dvjema općeobrazovnim osnovnim školama Osječko-baranjske županije, tj. anketirani su učenici od četvrtog do osmog razreda jedne prigradske i jedne gradske škole. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi u kojoj su mjeri izvannastavne i izvanškolske glazbene aktivnosti zastupljene među učenicima i utječu li lokacija škole, spol, razred učenika i (ne)bavljenje glazbom njihovih roditelja na pohađanje glazbenih aktivnosti. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako je polaženje tih aktivnosti podjednako zastupljeno kod učenika u predgrađu i gradu. Također, utvrđeno je kako spomenute aktivnosti pohađa znatno veći broj djevojčica u odnosu na dječake. Izvanškolske glazbene aktivnosti u većoj mjeri polaze učenici četvrtih, petih i šestih razreda, negoli sedmih i osmih. Ujedno, utvrđeno je kako učenici, čiji se roditelji bave glazbom, u značajnoj mjeri polaze glazbene aktivnosti. Sveukupno, rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su nedovoljnu zastupljenost izvannastavnih i izvanškolskih glazbenih aktivnosti među populacijiom učenika od čevrtog do osmog razreda osnovne škole. Brojnija ponuda glazbenih aktivnosti i snažnije animiranje učenika za uključivanje u iste nužni su jer su istraživanja pokazala brojne dobrobiti bavljenja glazbom, poput poboljšanja ponašanja, školskih postignuća, društvenih vještina, pamćenja, kreativnosti, kognitivnih vještina i cjelokupnoga osobnog razvoja.

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