AL-MISBAH (Jurnal Islamic Studies)
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Kampus 3

2656-0984, 2337-5264

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-114
Aidah Mega Kumalasari ◽  
Nurun Nisaa Baihaqi

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan fenomena Living Qur’an pada kaligrafi ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an sebagai ornamen masjid. Dalam penelitian ini adalah ornamen Masjid Jami’ Al-Muhklisin Jabung, Lamongan. Hal ini menarik untuk dikaji mengingat Al-Qur’an di masyarakat tidak hanya dipahami sebagai sebuah teks yang pasif. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penulis menggunakan pendekatan teori fenomenologi dua motif yaitu because motive dan in-order-to motive yang dikembangkan oleh Alfred Schutz. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ornamen kaligrafi ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an pada masjid tersebut memiliki dua motif. Pertama, because motive yaitu adanya inspirasi inisiator pembuat ornamen kaligrafi dari keindahan ornamen kaligrafi masjid-masjid di Turki dan adanya kekhawatiran inisiator akan kondisi keberagamaan masyarakat yang kurang antusias dengan pembelajaran Al-Qur’an. Kedua, in-order-to motive yaitu sebagai media dakwah Islam untuk menarik minat belajar masyarakat terhadap Al-Qur’an. Dengan demikian, ornamen kaligrafi ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an di suatu masjid bukan sekedar tulisan tanpa motif, melainkan memiliki motif dan sisi positif yang menggambarkan adanya dinamisasi Al-Qur’an.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-139
Tri Yaumil Falikah

Religiusitas sering dikaitkan dengan perwujudan keyakinan atau agama dari seseorang maupun kelompok baik dalam bentuk penghayatan maupun pengamalan ajaran-ajarannya. Seringkali para peneliti menggunakan aspek-aspek yang mengambil dari teori Barat (Glock & Stark) di mana dalam proses perumusannya berpijak pada teori dari agama tertentu (kristen). Seiring berjalannya waktu, adanya kekhususan pada responden dari kalangan muslim, maka teori dari Barat tersebut oleh salah seorang peneliti diadaptasi ke dalam teori religiusitas yang lebih bernuansa Islami. Namun, Hal tersebut mendapat sorotan dari peneliti lain terutama peneliti yang menginginkan adanya rumusan tersendiri terkait dengan aspek religiusitas dalam pandangan Islam bukan sekedar adaptasi dari teori Barat kemudian dicari persamaan dengan Islam akan tetapi lebih menekankan pada ciri khas daripada Islam itu sendiri untuk mengukur tingkat religiusitas para penganutnya. Religiusitas Islami yang dipakai selama ini merupakan teori yang mengadaptasi dari teori Barat. Konsep religiusitas ini digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat religiusitas umat Muslim dan sudah diujikan pada responden dengan jumlah yang banyak serta dimodifikasi dengan kajian-kajian yang lebih Islami.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-127
Usman Jimoh Muhammad

The paper dwells on the crucial role of knowledge in the life of man. Knowledge is presented as a means to realization of the purpose for which man came into the world which is “to worship God. Knowledge as classified in the paper has two branches of which are Fard ayn (knowledge which is incumbent on everyone) and Fard Kifayah (knowledge which is needed to be acquired by some and not everyone). The paper buttresses the necessity of the two categories of knowledge towards attaining the desire to worship God accordingly. Viewing the fact that after the creation of man, knowledge was the first endowment given to man and the first promise made to him on his way to the earth one is bound to believe in the necessity of knowledge towards realisation of the purpose of creation. Relying on the fact that the first revelation emphasises on the search for knowledge; the stipulation for acquisition of knowledge before exhibition of actions coupled with the relevance of professional knowledge to ease of life and worship, it is justifiable to conclude that knowledge is a means towards realization of the essence of creation. This assertion is greatly reinforced with the aid of relevant Qur’anic text and prophetic traditions. The paper recommends that parents should ensure that their children receive sound knowledge of Islam as well as any other aspects of the knowledge that is Fard kifayah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Furqan Furqan

Akal dan wahyu merupakan sebuah tema yang akan selalu hangat untuk diperbincangkan. Salah satu alasan adalah karena akal dan wahyu merupakan satu bahasan teologi Islam yang tak pernah lepas dari polemik. Penggunaan akal yang lebih dominan dari wahyu akan menghasilkan pemikiran yang cenderung liberal sedangkan pemikiran yang mengesampingkan akal akan cenderung tekstual dan tradisional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbandingan pemikiran Harun Nasution dan Quraish Shihab mengenai akal dan wahyu serta hubungan diantara keduanya. Sedangkan manfaat secara teoritis dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menambah khazanah keilmuan tentang akal dan wahyu. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah historis dan filosofis.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah adanya persamaan dan perbedaan diantara pemikiran kedua tokoh tentang akal dan wahyu. Harun Nasution dan Q. Shihab, keduanya sama-sama mempercayai bahwa kebenaran mutlak datangnya hanya dari wahyu. Akal manusia memiliki potensi yang luar biasa jika digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya, namun ia juga memiliki kecenderungan sehingga dapat membawa kepada jalan yang sesat. Selain itu, kedua tokoh sama-sama menitikberatkan kepada fungsi moral dari wahyu terhadap kehidupan manusia, wahyu membawa nilai-nilai kebaikan bagi umat manusia dalam mengarungi kehidupan. Perbedaan antara keduanya terletak pada kapasitas dalam memberikan wilayah terhadap akal dan wahyu. Harun Nasution cenderung lebih memberikan porsi yang lebih besar terhadap penggunaan akal dari pada wahyu dalam memformulasikan pendapat-pendapatnya. Quraish Shihab yang lebih dikenal sebagai sosok yang moderat, hal tersebut dikarenakan bayak pendapat-pendapat beliau mengutamakan keselarasan antara akal dan wahyu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Rubini Rubini

Pendidikan anak yang pertama dan paling utama dalam Islam adalah pendidikan dalam keluarga. untuk membentuk anak agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, serta berakhlak mulia yang mencakup etika, moral, dan budi pekerti. Dalam artikel ini penulis akan menjelaskan tentang  landasan, prinsip, dan bagaimana pola asuh serta metode pengasuhan terhadap anak dalam Quranic parenting. Hal-hal tersebut dijelaskan dengan bingkaian nilai-nilai keislaman. Dalam artikel ini metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, dengan pendekatan psikologis, data primer pada artikel ini adalah buku Quranic Parenting: Kiat Sukses Mendidik Anak ala Al-Quran. Hasil penelitian adalah landasan dalam pola asuh anak adalah Al Qur’an, Hadits , dan Ijma’ Ulama, Undang-undang Sisdiknas No. 20, Tahun 2003 pasal 7 ayat 2, dan Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. 23, Tahun 2002 pasal 26 ayat 1, sedangkan Prinsip dalam pola asuh anak adalah memelihara fitrah anak (almuhafazoh), mengembangkan potensi anak (at-tanmiyah), ada arahan yang jelas (at-taujih), bertahap (at-tadarruj). Metode pola asuh anak adalah: Keteladanan, Pembiasaan, Dengan memberikan Perhatian, dan metode Melalui Pemberian Penghargaan dan Hukuman

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Amin ◽  
Mahyudin Ritonga ◽  
Wedy Nasrul

The purpose of this research is to know the pattern of coaching the students' characters as well as supporting and inhibiting factors that are faced by the teacher of Islamic religious education in the state Elementary School 16 V Koto Timur District Padang Pariaman. In accordance with these objectives, this study uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. Research data sources include Islamic education teachers, school principals and classroom teachers, while in collecting researcher data using observations, interviews and documentation studies, data reduction data analysis techniques, data classification, data presentation and withdrawal conclusions. From the results of the research is known that first, the pattern of the character coaching students conducted by Islamic religious education teachers in elementary school 16 Koto Timur District Padang Pariaman is integrating character values in religious subjects and ethics, secondly, the supporting factors that make up character coaching through PAI are full-head support, the teacher collaboration with class teachers, the availability of school facilities, while the three inhibiting factors faced by PAI teachers are a lack of attention from parents , different learners' characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Sulistiono Shalladdin Albany

Prophetic dimension owned by KH. Ahmad Dahlan and KH. Hasyim Asy’ari is a privilege that they had. Muhammadiyah dan NU education that is a realization of the thoughts of its founding fathers should have synergy in terms of the prophetic dimensions owned by the founding fathers. Research on Muhammadiyah Education and Muhammadiyah Teaching as well as NU Education and NU Teaching by studying the thoughts of KH. Ahmad Dahlan and KH. Hasyim Asy’ari through a prophetic analysis is necessary to do because it could be a material for the evaluation and development of Islamic Education in Indonesia so as to give more benefits for umat (society).The results showed that the Prophetic Dimension owned by KH. Ahmad Dahlan in the element of humane education with Islamic modern education is the establishment of Muhammadiyah organization for theunity of people. The thought of educational element of liberation in terms of generosity to spend the wealth according to Islamic teaching, accommodative to colonizers. The thought of educational element of transcendence through purifying religion by correcting kiblat (direction in prayers), and doing more good deeds. The Prophetic Dimension of KH. Hasyim Asy’ari is in the element of humane education with Islamic traditional education is the establishment of Nahdhatul Ulama, Ukhuwah Islamiyah. The thought of educational element of liberation of the poor and orphan empowerment, resistance to colonizers. The thought of educational element of transcendence of Oneness of God and sufi, application of madzhab, pure intention for knowledge seekers. The implications of the prophetic dimensions owned by KH. Ahmad Dahlan and KH. Hasyim Asy’ari on Muhammadiyah dan NU education for the development of Islamic Education in Indonesia are found on the aspect of system development of which the realization is the development of policy regarding the content of Islamic Education Curriculum at Schools. The second aspect is improvement of learning processes, manifested in the development of Islamic Education Principles. The third aspect is improved quality of the students’ learning results, manifested in the development of approaches, methods, and competencies of the Educators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Nurrosyid Huda Setiawan

Zakiah said that religion is as the psychical need which must be required. In line with her, Ghazali asserted that the knowledge of religion is the basic of his ethical system. Attaining the healthy mind can be gained through Islamic education. This is a qualitative research with the comparative analysis method. The researcher founded that both scholars had a similar conclusion in attaining the healthy mind, one should seek for it through education with stressing on the good manners. However, they have a different way to explain about the definition of the soul and its relation to the healthy mind.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Wahyu Kholis Prihantoro ◽  
Suyadi Suyadi

Education is not only the process of transferring knowledge, then student asked to memorize, then is assessed based on the abilityto memorize that knowledge. While student at this time need to have high level thinking skills or HOTS. The launching and recommendation of the application of HOTS in the learning process is one of the strategic efforts to improve learning capacity, especially the learning of religious education in the HOTS of critical thinking. Logically the problem of higk level thinking which is person’s cognitive skills is the level of the upper front part which is called the prefrontal cortex. The brain part of this part is known as the center of ecretutive control or the student is a high level thinking. Also place of problem solving, regulation, create character and personality. Sciences strategic activities are carriedout in Islamic Education so that they can get high level ability to be enhanced with the HOTS indicator: (1) analysis level, (2) evaluation level, (3) level of integration. This research enriched scientific knowledge in other studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Wahidah Wahidah ◽  
Suriadi Samsuri

This article aims to discuss the Islamic education during the Bani Ummayyah era. The history of Islamic Education is essentially related to the religion history. The periodization of Islamic education is always on the period of the history itself. The Islamic Education in the Prophet Muhammad SAW era is the period of Islamic education development by civilizing the education in daily lives as the Al-Qur’an teaching. The education during the period of Bani Umayyah has developed of if it is seen from their learning aspect, although the system is similar to it during the era of Prophet and khulafaur rasyidin. The method utilized in this research is Study of Literature, which is done by analyzing library sources in forms of relevant books and journals. The result indicates 1) the pattern of special education development such as Arabic nuances, Islamic foundation affirmation, naqliyah knowledge and language development, foreign language teaching, and kuttab and mosque strengthening; 2) development of the most stand out education field is in the institutions; 3) non-formal curriculum is used; and 4) there are many teacher figures and scholars who are capable in the scientific field.

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